University of Eastern Finland
History and Geography
The aim of this study was to estimate the development of fertility and the impact of HIV on this development in North-Central Namibia from 1980 to 2004. The main sources of data consisted of parish registers for eight Evangelical Lutheran... more
In agrarian economies arable land is the most important form of property and productive resource, so that access to land defines the political and social status of a member of society. This paper examines changes in property and... more
The Shebeen Culture: 900 drinking places around capital alone", declared Namibia's leading newspaper The Namibian in its special issue dealing with alcohol abuse at the end of 1992 (The Namibian 18 December 1992). Sale and serving of... more
In agrarian economies arable land is the most important form of property and productive resource, so that access to land defines the political and social status of a member of society. This paper examines changes in property and... more
List of Acronyms ACHPR African Charter on Human and People's Rights ACGD African Centre for Gender and Development ADB African Development Bank AGDI African Gender and Development Index AIDS acquired immune deficiency syndrome ALT/AST... more
Kirjoittaja on Joensuun yliopiston yleisen historian professori. Artikkeli perustuu Tieteen päivillä 8.1.2009 pidettyyn esitelmään.
Kirjoittaja on Joensuun yliopiston yleisen historian professori. Artikkeli perustuu Tieteen päivillä 8.1.2009 pidettyyn esitelmään.
The main aim of this study was to analyse fertility change in Ovamboland (North-Central Namibia) (1927–2010) and the Kavango region (North-East Namibia) (1935–1979) in Northern Namibia. According to the results, the fertility change was... more
YK:n ilmastoneuvotteluiden (UNCCC) viimeisin osapuolikokous (COP18) pidettiin joulukuussa 2012 Qatarin Dohassa. Kehitysmaiden metsakato ja siihen liittyvat kysymykset (REDD+), kuten markkinalahtoinen metsahiilikauppa ovat olleet... more
Saharan etelapuolinen Afrikka on nayttaytynyt viimeisten vuosikymmenten aikana monien vaarallisten tartuntatautien, kuten tappavaa verenvuotokuumetta aiheuttavan ebola-viruksen, synnyinsijana. Hiljattain edesmennyt trooppisten tautien... more
This study examines fertility decline in North-Central Namibia in the period 1960-2000. A Scandinavian-type parish-register system, established in the beginning of 20th Century and still in use, provided register-based data for fertility... more
Few long-term statistical series exist that can document the mortality transition in Africa. This paper uses data from the parish registers of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Namibia to study mortality in Ovamboland between 1930 and... more
Objectives: HIV spread rapidly in Namibia in the 1990s. As in most of Africa, however, few data exist to document the impact on mortality of AIDS. Such data can contribute to knowledge of the epidemiology of HIV infection and inform the... more
Early European travellers were impressed by the trees and forests of the Owambo region, north Namibia. As they became better acquainted with the Owambo way of life, Europeans began to warn of deforestation in the region. This article... more
Early European travellers were impressed by the trees and forests of the Owambo region, north Namibia. As they became better acquainted with the Owambo way of life, Europeans began to warn of deforestation in the region. This article... more
The forest sector has played a crucial role in Finland's national economy. The objective of this paper is to discuss the adaptation of the ideas of scientific forest management practices to Finnish private forestry and the reactions of... more
On the worldwide scale Africa is the least-known continent demographically. Until the mid-twentieth century not even the size of the population was precisely known in many areas of sub-Saharan Africa. The major problems in African... more
NAMIBIALLE "900 salakapakkaa yksin pääkaupungin ympäristössä", otsikoi Namibian johtava sanomalehti The Namibian maan alkoholiongelmia kasitelleet teemasivunsa joulukuussa 1992 (LB.lz.). Alkoholin anniskelu ja myynti Namibiassa ei rajoitu... more