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In order to theorize the phenomenon of urban shrinkage, the paper draws from resilience theories that focus on the ability of communities to react to abrupt as well as slowly occurring disturbances. Mechanisms for resilience are defined... more
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      Human GeographyPolitical SciencePolitical communicationUrban And Regional Planning
The decline of biological diversity is one of the major global concerns of our time. Despite all the efforts over the past 15 years since the Rio Summit, we have seen no improvement in the state of biodiversity; in fact, if anything, the... more
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      Institutional EconomicsPeruApplied EconomicsEcosystem Approach
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      Human GeographyHistorical Geography
The global biodiversity is in decline because modern societies are organized for that purpose. The design, implementation and enforcement of international, regional and national environmental policies have not helped to reverse the trend.... more
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    • Environmental Sustainability
The mainstream paradigm of the US-Mexico borderlands is that the undocumented migrants are posing a serious threat to the area, yet who or what is actually in danger at the border and what is the danger? This paper explores, through a... more
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