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Scots pine ( Pinus sylvestris L., Pinaceae) produces a terpenoid resin which consists of monoterpenes and resin acids that offer protection against herbivores and pathogen attacks. Methyl jasmonate (MJ) is a potential plant elicitor which... more
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      ZoologyPinus sylvestrisScots PineEcological Applications
When plants are exposed to ozone they exhibit changes in both primary and secondary metabolism, which may affect their interactions with herbivorous insects. Here we investigated the performance and preferences of the specialist herbivore... more
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      Plant EcologyMetabolomicsInsect-Plant InteractionsPlant biotechnology
Carabid data compiled from six independent studies, consisting of 97 799 individuals trapped by pitfalls from Finnish agricultural fields and identified to 111 species were analyzed. Shannon-Wiener H' diversity index was typically around... more
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      Agricultural foodSpecies RichnessGround Beetle
When plants are exposed to ozone they exhibit changes in both primary and secondary metabolism, which may affect their interactions with herbivorous insects. Here we investigated the performance and preferences of the specialist herbivore... more
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      Plant EcologyMetabolomicsInsect-Plant InteractionsPlant biotechnology
... and subsequent performance of litter-feeding soil macrofauna Anne Kasurinen Æ Petri A. Peltonen Æ Riitta Julkunen-Tiitto Æ Elina Vapaavuori Æ Visa Nuutinen Æ Toini Holopainen Æ Jarmo K. Holopainen ... (1999) reported that wood-lice... more
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      Biological SciencesEnvironmental SciencesPhenolic compoundLeaf Litter
Mycorrhizas are mostly beneficial to host plant growth and survival, e.g., due to improved water and nutrient uptake and enhanced pathogen protection, but also a significant amount of host plant carbon is allocated below-ground to support... more
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      Plant BiologyEctomycorrhizaBiochemistry and cell biology
This review summarizes the main results from a 3-year open top chamber experiment, with two silver birch (Betula pendula Roth) clones (4 and 80) where impacts of 2X ambient [CO2] (EC) and [O-3] (EO) and their combination (EC + EO) were... more
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      SoilCarbon DioxidePhotosynthesisMultidisciplinary
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      OzoneBetula PendulaOpen top chamber
Climate warming is having an impact on distribution, acclimation and defence capability of plants. We compared the emission rate and composition of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from silver birch (Betula pendula (Roth)) provenances... more
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      Plant BiologyEcologyTree PhysiologyForestry Sciences
Some insectivorous birds orient towards insect-defoliated trees even when they do not see the foliar damage or the herbivores. There are, however, only a few studies that have examined the mechanisms behind this foraging behaviour.... more
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      Animal BehaviorVolatile Organic CompoundsInsect Herbivory
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    • Plant Biology
Mohamed A. Ibrahim Department of Ecology and Environmental Science, University of Kuopio, PO Box 1627, FIN-70211 Kuopio, Finland, e-mail: [email protected] Pirjo Kainulainen MTT Agrifood Research Finland, Plant Production Research, Plant... more
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      Biological ControlEssential OilPesticidesAntimicrobial activity
1 The carrot psyllid Trioza apicalis and Lygus rugulipennis can cause serious damage to cultivated carrots, especially at the seedling stage. The essential oil composition in leaves of several carrot varieties was studied in relation to... more
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      Biological SciencesEnvironmental Sciences
Holopainen, J.K., Kainulainen, E. and H~inninen, O., 1991. Palatability of herbicide-treated maize to the Indian stick insect ( Carausius morosus). Agric. Ecosystems Environ., 36:19 I-197.
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      Environmental SciencesMaize
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      Biological SciencesPinus sylvestrisScots Pine
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      Soil faunaSex ratio
PERRY, A. S.; AGOSIN, M., 1974: The physiology of insecticide resistance by insects. In: The physiology of Insecta, vol. 111, pp. 3-121. Ed. by M. ROCKSTEIN. Academic Press. PINNIGER, D. B., 1974: The behaviour of insects in the presence... more
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      ZoologySeasonalityApplied EntomologySugar Beet
Carabid data compiled from six independent studies, consisting of 97 799 individuals trapped by pitfalls from Finnish agricultural fields and identified to 111 species were analyzed. Shannon-Wiener H' diversity index was typically around... more
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      Species RichnessGround Beetle
Lygus bugs (Heteroptera, Miridae) are important pests of several crop plants. For the development of an efficient monitoring and forecasting system for Lygus densities, low catches of bugs with yellow sticky traps have been a problem. We... more
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    • Integrated Motion Control
Natural populations of herbivorous insects fluctuate widely, reaching outbreak levels only occasionally. This makes it difficult to interpret field observations of altered insect densities on woody plants in industrial environments.... more
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    • Woody Plants