University of Eastern Finland
Department of Environmenal and Biological Science
The performance of three filtering facepiece respirators (two models of N99 and one N95) challenged with an inert aerosol (NaCl) and three virus aerosols (enterobacteriophages MS2 and T4 and Bacillus subtilis phage)-all with significant... more
Thermophilic aeration of cattle slurry and food industrial by-products was studied with the aim to improve hygienic qualities of the slurry so that it could be used as a safe fertiliser for berries to be eaten raw. We also wanted to study... more
In this work alternative media for detection and enumeration of E. coli and coliform bacteria were compared to the reference method ISO 9308-1 (LTTC) using non-disinfected water samples with background flora. The alternative media... more
The study deals with the effect of common, annually-used pesticides on soil microorganisms, pesticide residues in soil, and carrot (Daucus carota) yields in Central Finland. Linuron residues in carrot roots were also analysed.... more
The occurrence and condition of Scots pine mycorrhizas were studied at different distances from a pulp mill in Central Finland. The chemical analyses of the soil humus layer in the vicinity of the mill revealed increased levels of... more
The fertilizer value of human urine was compared with mineral fertilizer in pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima) cultivation at a dose of 113 kg N ha -1 with no-fertilization used as control. The growth of the vine was better in urine fertilized... more
Human urine obtained from separating toilets was tested as a fertiliser for cultivation of outdoor cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) in a Nordic climate. The urine used contained high amounts of nitrogen with some phosphorus and potassium,... more
Increased stabling of horses near to cities has led to interest in the environmental effects of paddocks. In this study, the contamination of horse paddocks was examined by determining the nutrient and micro-organism contents in the... more
A comparative, numerical, taxonomic analysis was carried out on 24 selected strains of Clostridium spp. isolated from cattle slurries and fresh forage grasses fertilized with slurries, as well as on 10 culture-collection Clostridium... more
The review discusses the aerobic treatments for farm slurry and food wastes and concentrates in particular on the thermophilic aerobic treatments. Methods are discussed under the heading of chemical, physical and other treatments. From... more
This study is based on a visual inspection and a questionnaire survey about sanitation in central Nepal. A total of 201 people from different groups were asked about their knowledge about eco-toilets, the fertilizer value of human urine... more