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The paper (in Finnish only) studies the background for our research on compact cassette culture in Finland. C-cassettes were a success in 1970s Finnish music listening, since they answered important needs of music consumers. We look at... more
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      Music TechnologyCompact Cassettes
Before the widespread diffusion of C-cassette technology, consumers of recorded music had been viewed as a somewhat passive audience. In the early 1970s, however, listeners saw and seized the opportunity to express themselves while... more
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      History Of PropagandaWar PropagandaHistory of FinlandMusic and Propaganda
This edited collection of essays is the first book-length study of music history and cosmopolitanism, and is informed by arguments that culture and identity do not have to be viewed as primarily located in the context of nationalist... more
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      Music HistoryCosmopolitanism
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      Compact CassettesMusic ConsumptionMusic and Memory
Perehdyn artikkelissa äänellisten elementtien käyttöön työväenliikkeen audiovisuaalisten viestien rakentamisessa. Kiinnostukseni kohdistuu audiovisuaaliseen viestintään etupäässä niissä tapauksissa, joissa elokuvakerronnalta ei odoteta... more
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      Film Sound and MusicLabour MovementMusic and PropagandaPolitical Film
Artikkelissa tarkastellaan c-kasettien käyttöä analysoimalla vuonna 2010 järjestetyn muistitietokyselyn aineistoa. Kyselyvastausten avulla perehdytään kuluttajuuden kehittymiseen suomalaisten muistelemana. Aineistosta seulotaan esiin... more
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      PhysicsMusic TechnologyCompact Cassettes
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*Well-being in background music experiences: views of service sector employees on working with music* English abstract: Salespeople, waiters, security guards, and hotel workers hear an average of eight hours of music... more
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      Soundscape StudiesSound studiesMusic, Health and WellbeingService Sector
Well-being in background music experiences: views of service sector employees on working with music  Salespeople, waiters, security guards, and hotel workers hear an average of eight hours of music during their workday. In most cases,... more
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In the 1970s, compact cassettes ("C-cassettes") were rapidly changing music listening practices. This paper studies the introduction and marketing of compact cassettes to Finns. C-cassettes answered important needs of music consumers:... more
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    • Peer Review
Kilpiön tutkimuskiinnostukset liittyvät musiikin käyttöön arjessa, painottaen musiikinkuuntelijoiden päivittäiskäytäntöjä sekä äänellisten elementtien hyödyntämistä audiovisuaalisissa viesteissä ja kaupallisissa äänimaisemissa.
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  Artikkelin kansikuva: EVK 2022 toimittajat zoom-kokouksessa (kuvakaappaus).
    • by Resumo: Este artigo tem como objetivo iluminar, através da observação etnográfica dos praticantes da capoeira angola na Bahia, aspectos dos processos socioculturais e... more
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      CAPOEIRASalvador - BahiaCapoeira AngolaBahia
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Afro-Brazilian capoeira exemplifies how communal practices connect multilocally. This article investigates how the fight-game-art forms a translocal culture, uniting practitioners in diverse localities, and connects them to a... more
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      Globalisation and cultural changeTransnationalismBlack/African DiasporaLuso-Afro-Brazilian Studies