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Currently mobile games for educational purposes are a rapidly developing area. In this work we focus on multiplayer mobile games and its specific aspects such as communication and collaboration between players and learners. Therefore, it... more
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      Game DesignGame DevelopmentMobile DeviceMobile games
Technologies are neither developed nor used in a sociocultural vacuum. They always embody and make use of some kind of tacit knowledge. The gulf between the knowledge that designers possess and the knowledge that users have increases when... more
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      Computer Science EducationTacit KnowledgeHigher EducationPublic Libraries
This study analyzes the possibility of involving Computer Science students in multiplayer mobile game development processes and using their knowledge to solve collaboration problems. We describe the importance of Computer Science as one... more
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In many parts of Africa the application of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in higher education institutions offers a particularly interesting research problem. This is because of the far-reaching consequences that... more
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      Cognitive ScienceDistributed ComputingHigher EducationInformation Communication Technology
Technologies are neither developed nor used in a sociocultural vacuum. They always embody and make use of some kind of tacit knowledge. The gulf between the knowledge that designers possess and the knowledge that users have increases when... more
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Digital games have traditionally been targeted at younger generations, although the proportion of older adult players is increasing. However, the design processes of digital games often do not consider the special needs of older adults.... more
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, and rest of the Hannover group for their kind hospitality during my visit in Hannover. I also want to thank my parents, Paavo and Riitta, and my sister Johanna for all the support. Finally I express my deep gratitude and admiration to... more
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Tutkielma keskittyy käsittelemään ohjelmistovirheiden luokitteluiden hyödyntämistä ohjelmistotuotantoprosessin kehittämisessä. Tutkielmassa käsitellään yleisesti kehittämisen tärkeyttä, kehittämismallia, virheluokkia ja kehittyneempää... more
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Tietojärjestelmillä on erittäin suuri rooli ja merkitys yritysten jokapäiväisessä toiminnassa. Näin ollen tietojärjestelmien häiriötön toiminta sekä tietojärjestelmäprojektien tehokas toteuttaminen ovat yrityksen toiminnan kannalta... more
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One of the difficulties in understanding and debugging spreadsheets is due to the invisibility of the data flow structure which is associated with cell formulas. In this paper, we present a spreadsheet visualization approach that is... more
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      VisualizationVisual ProgrammingData Flow Diagram
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Spreadsheets are computer programs. However, as with programs written in traditional programming languages, it is very difficult to understand a spreadsheet created by others. This is because spreadsheet users normally view the... more
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    • End-User Software Engineering
Earlier research on spreadsheet authors' mental models has shown that people possess several types of information about spreadsheets. Especially, when explaining a spreadsheet, the real-world and domain mental models are prominent and the... more
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    • Spreadsheets
This thesis tackled the problem of errors in spreadsheets by studying mental models of spreadsheet authors performing various spreadsheet activities. Using a constructive research approach, we conducted three empirical studies and... more
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      Mental Models (Psychology)Human Centred Design
In this paper, we explore the potential of introducing fundamental concepts of programming to first year students using spreadsheets. Many students find programming to be difficult to learn as the concepts are new and unfamiliar. On the... more
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      Computer ScienceSoftware EngineeringProgramming LanguagesEducation
Most errors in spreadsheets are formula-based. Referenced cells in formulas are normally presented using the traditional A1 cell referencing style. A spreadsheet user has to therefore mentally map referenced cells to their corresponding... more
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      Cognitive PsychologyHuman Computer InteractionHuman-Centered Design
In this thesis, we tackled the problem of errors in spreadsheets by studying spreadsheet authors' mental models. It is a common assertion that humans have mental models of the systems they interact with, and it is difficult to explain... more
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      Computer ScienceMental Models (Psychology)Human Centred Design
To address the problem of errors in spreadsheets, we have investigated spreadsheet authors' mental models in a hope of finding cognition-based principles for spreadsheet visualization and debugging tools. To this end, we have conducted... more
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      Computer ScienceVisualizationNarrativeHuman Factors in Computing Systems
The increasing volume of customs declarations presents a significant challenge for customs administrations in many countries, including Sub-Saharan African countries. Manual inspection of customs declarations is particularly difficult due... more
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      Machine LearningFraud Detection And PreventionSupport Vector MachinesRandom Forest
The increasing volume of customs declarations presents a significant challenge for customs administrations in many countries, including Sub-Saharan African countries. Manual inspection of customs declarations is particularly difficult due... more
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      Machine LearningFraud Detection And PreventionSupport Vector MachinesRandom Forest