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Finland has often been considered as the promised land of second homes and it continues to be so. Over time, second homes have not only increased in quantity, but also changed in terms of quality and the composition of their owners.... more
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      GovernanceFinlandSecond HomesSecond Home Tourism, Lifestyle Mobility
Reports of the Finnish Environment Institute 22en/2015 3 Preface Finland has often been considered as the promised land of second homes and it continues to be so. Over time, second homes have not only increased in quantity, but also... more
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      Tourism StudiesTourism Planning and PolicyGovernanceTourism Geography
[unofficial English abstract] In an interconnected world where change seems to accelerate, there is an increasing need for geographical knowledge. The problem is that decision-makers and the general public do not always know the... more
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      GeographyHuman GeographyPhysical GeographyEducation
This study examines German-speaking second home owners on Gran Canaria, Spain as an example of one of the growing groups of non-conventional tourists. International second home ownership has been increasing rapidly over the last decades... more
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The goals of this paper are twofold: first, to investigate if rural tourism could be seen as a form of wellbeing tourism by comparing motivations and second, to use motivation segmentation to find out how wellbeing segment differs from... more
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      Tourism StudiesTourism MarketingSegmentation (Marketing)
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      Rural TourismSegmentation (Marketing)Health and Wellness TourismWellbeing
Purpose -The purpose of this study is to investigate the differences and relationships of push and pull motivations in two different rural tourism destinations. Design/methodology/approach-Data was collected from tourists visiting rural... more
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      Tourism MarketingTourist BehaviorRural Tourism
Technological progress and tourism have been gone hand in hand for years. The use of mobile devices such as smart phones and tablet computers has increased at a phenomenal rate in recent years. With the increase in the number of mobile... more
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      Tourism ManagementEtourism
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      Tourism MarketingRural TourismSegmentation (Marketing)Market Segmentation
The main emphasis in this article is on seeing and feeling the cityscape of the Finnish city of Savonlinna. Four photographs are used to study the cityscape since in geographical research images produced through visual representations,... more
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      Tourism StudiesTourism MarketingUrban TourismTourism Destination Marketing
Travel motivations have been regarded as essential in understanding customer behaviour in travel and tourism. As the importance of Internet has grown in tourism marketing, it is important to understand customers' online behaviour. This... more
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      Tourism MarketingeTourism–Information Technology for Strategic Tourism Management, ICT
Abstract Segmentation can be regarded as one of the cornerstones of marketing. In online marketing importance of social media has been growing. In this study these two marketing aspects are combined by segmenting tourists according to... more
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      Social MediaSocial Media Marketing
Purpose – Information and communication technologies (ICT) have had a profound impact on tourism marketing. For several decades one of the cornerstones of marketing has been market segmentation. The purpose of this paper is to examine how... more
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      MarketingInformation TechnologyTourism StudiesSegmentation (Marketing)
This dissertation explores options for improving the success of market segmentation research by testing different market segmentation methods and effects of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in tourism research. The... more
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      MarketingInformation TechnologyTourism MarketingICT
Social media has affected the ways tourism companies do business and companies have been eager to adopt it as part of their marketing strategy. However, there still exists a large number of tourism companies that completely neglect the... more
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      MarketingInformation TechnologySocial Media
Popularity of Facebook as a social media platform is growing. Already more than 500 million people have joined Facebook. Also companies have noticed the possibility of using Facebook as a marketing channel. However, not much is known on... more
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      Tourism MarketingSocial MediaSocial Media Marketing
"Matkailu on tärkeä elinkeino Savonlinnan seudulla. Vuosittain Savonlinnassa kirjataan yli 300 000 yöpymistä ja noin 60 % koko vuoden matkailijamäärästä tulee seudulle kolmen kesäkuukauden aikana. Matkailumarkkinoinnissa on tärkeää... more
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