In many organizations increasing self-management is a new way of working. The case organization o... more In many organizations increasing self-management is a new way of working. The case organization of this study is a Finnish financial services organization with about 100 employees. We use qualitative interview data to explore the commonalities and contradictions in the interpretations of employees and management in an organization that is in a process of adopting a more self-managed way of working. We also examine the implementation of the basic assumptions of Self-Determination Theory in today's organizational environment. We approach the issue from both theoretical and empirical perspectives. Our analysis shows that self-management in the target organization is initiated and controlled by management, which sets strict limits but allows only a certain amount of freedom. Our case study provides both theoretical and practical insights into the discussion of the process of increasing self-management.
La revista Deusto Estudios Cooperativos es una revista de acceso abierto lo que significa que es ... more La revista Deusto Estudios Cooperativos es una revista de acceso abierto lo que significa que es de libre acceso en su integridad inmediatamente después de la publicación de cada número. Se permite su lectura, la búsqueda, descarga, distribución y reutilización legal en cualquier tipo de soporte sólo para fines no comerciales y según lo previsto por la ley; sin la previa autorización de la Editorial (Universidad de Deusto) o el autor, siempre que la obra original sea debidamente citada (número, año, páginas y DOI si procede) y cualquier cambio en el original esté claramente indicado.
illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way,... more illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way, and transmission or information storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation, computer software, or by similar or dissimilar methodology now known or hereafter developed. Regarding these commercial rights a non-exclusive license has been granted to the publisher. The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use.
Inter-organizational collaboration can be understood as a product of sets of conversations that d... more Inter-organizational collaboration can be understood as a product of sets of conversations that draw on existing discourses. This article examines one public organization going through a fundamental organizational change. We describe the process of construction of organizational identity after a merger by using a model describing identified forms of interaction: (a) formally together, (b) unidirectional interaction, (c) juxtapositions, (d) construction of commonality, and (e) the state of joint action. There is a link between the construction of a more collectively interpreted identity and the way in which people communicate, create relationships, and network. This article highlights the relevance and meaning of conscious identity work in the process: The management's ability and willingness to create forums for dialogue and social interaction creates potential for construction of a collectively interpreted organizational identity and promotes cooperation and collaboration.
EJBO : Electronic Journal of Business Ethics and Organization Studies, 2006
The concept of organizational identity has its roots in the exploration of identity in an individ... more The concept of organizational identity has its roots in the exploration of identity in an individual level. The concept of organizational identity was introduced by Albert and Whetten in 1985. They suggested that
Journal of Co-operative Organization and Management, Sep 1, 2013
This article contributes to the discussion on the dual nature, the defining and distinctive chara... more This article contributes to the discussion on the dual nature, the defining and distinctive characteristic of cooperatives. We focus our analysis on interpreting what kind of meanings are attached to cooperatives' fundamental values and their dual nature and on how the research subjects construct cooperatives' defining characteristic in relation to other forms of enterprise. The article answers the question of how the dual nature of cooperatives is interpreted in university business students' texts. According to our analysis, the understanding of cooperatives is predominantly constructed via criticism of other forms of businesses, namely the predominant limited companies, cooperatives' dual nature invokes doubts and the relationship of cooperatives to other forms of businesses is unclear. The dual nature of cooperatives was fraught with dilemma as it was deemed very important that the cooperatives' ideology is marketed, that they should be profitable but in the notion of growth a conflict was perceived with the fundamental cooperative values. The data served to shed light on the fact that the mutually supportive elements of cooperative activity should be paid more profound attention.
This research explores self-employment in a worker cooperative context. The empirical case study ... more This research explores self-employment in a worker cooperative context. The empirical case study was conducted using qualitative methods, with a focus on interpreting the motivations for choosing a cooperative as a business form for self-employment. We examine the relationship between cooperative practice and theory with regards to its established principles and dual nature in a framework of entrepreneurship literature. This article answers the following question: How are the characteristics of a cooperative business form interpreted and do they reflect the traditional, well-established core ideas of cooperatives? Based on the analysis, we identified 6 motivational factors that describe a cooperative as a business form in the context of self-employment. Three of these reflect the universal autonomy needs identified in self-employment literature: empowerment, self-management and freedom. We propose that the other three, security, diversity and communality, are unique features of cooperatives that stem from the established cooperative principles. In addition to the basic autonomy needs of self-employment, we conclude that cooperative structure offers various additional benefits for the self-employed. The latter features make a cooperative community a distinctive and unique forum for self-employment and serve as the essential drivers for choosing this particular business form. However, we found that, once combined with the autonomy features, they might result in problems finding a balance between individual and community needs. We therefore claim that, although cooperatives have an ability to lower the barrier to entrepreneurship, the needs of self-employed people are not unquestionably compatible with the features or needs of a cooperative company. Based on our research, we suggest that individuality and communality are the rival forces that form the most inherent contradiction in worker cooperative operations. Therefore, we propose that the striving for balance between individual needs and those of the community reflects a 'new dual role' of cooperatives .
Journal of Co-operative Organization and Management, Jun 1, 2021
Abstract The article contributes to the co-op theory by exploring a current understanding of the ... more Abstract The article contributes to the co-op theory by exploring a current understanding of the dual nature at the core of co-op ideology that summarises its original purpose. The literature review examines this dual nature, highlighting its importance in the context of democratic governance. The empirical study focuses on exploring the significance that members of the governing bodies attach to the dual nature, and the effect the two roles have on putting the duality of a co-op into practice today. Based on the research, we argue that co-ops’ business role determines their operation along with the financial benefits to their members. In particular, the social objectives associated with the member association role are subordinate to the co-op’s business role, and this creates conflicting expectations and practices in co-ops’ management. The article highlights how business plays a dominant role and undermines co-ops’ democracy and social goals. We suggest that finding a balance between the member association and the business roles reflects a new co-op ideology, in which business dominates. We also argue that the governing body members’ deep understanding of the dual nature reinforces the fulfilment of the co-ops’ member association role, and thus its ultimate and original purpose.
Member-owned cooperatives differ from other organizational forms by their unique purpose and the ... more Member-owned cooperatives differ from other organizational forms by their unique purpose and the nature of member engagement (Mazzarol et al., 2011; Puusa et al., 2013; also see Novkovic & McMahon, Chapter 2 in this volume). The ultimate idea of the cooperative is that its members should be actively involved in the decision-making and play a key role in the direction of the company, making sure that the operations and the business areas serve the needs of the membership. In order
Journal of Co-operative Organization and Management, Jun 1, 2016
As people, values and times change, cooperatives also restructure themselves making the reapprais... more As people, values and times change, cooperatives also restructure themselves making the reappraisal of cooperative theory topical. This article contributes to the cooperative theory by exploring the very core of cooperative ideology, the dual nature. The literature review contributes to the theoretical basis regarding the most distinctive characteristic of a cooperative form of business by reasserting the concept of dual role. Secondly, the empirical case study explores the interpreted meanings and manifestation of dual role in a worker cooperative context. Based on the research, we suggest that considering the duality of co-operatives' goals, social and financial goals are not the ones defining and guiding the operations. Instead, individuality and communality are two rival forces that form an inherent contradiction in worker cooperative operations. The article highlights how individuality gains dominance in a cooperative due to its extreme democracy and flexible structure, and how this deteriorates communality, the bearing force of the community. Thus, we suggest that finding a balance between the conflicting needs and expectations of an individual member and the cooperative reflects the 'new dual nature' of cooperatives. We also argue that when properly balanced, both shared and individual goals will provide an ideal work community for modern entrepreneurs. 1
Tämä tutkimus on avaus työyhteisötaitojen ja ammatillisen vuorovaikutusosaamisen yhteyden kartoit... more Tämä tutkimus on avaus työyhteisötaitojen ja ammatillisen vuorovaikutusosaamisen yhteyden kartoittamiselle, ja sen tarkoituksena on lisätä ymmärrystä työyhteisön vuorovaikutuksesta ja työyhteisötaitojen ilmenemisestä asiantuntijatyössä. Tutkimuksessa kysymme, millainen vuorovaikutusosaaminen korostuu asiantuntijatyössä ja millaiset asiantuntijatyön vuorovaikutuksen piirteet koetaan toimiviksi ja työyhteisötaitojen käyttöä edistäviksi. Aineisto koostuu tieto-ja viestintätekniikan alan (ICT-alan) asiantuntijaorganisaatioille tehdyistä kyselyistä, joiden vastaukset koodattiin ja analysoitiin temaattisella sisällönanalyysilla. Tuloksia suhteutettiin sekä relationaalisen viestinnän että työyhteisötaitojen viitekehyksiin. Tutkimus osoittaa, että monipuolinen ammatillinen vuorovaikutusosaaminen on avain työyhteisötaitojen ilmentämiseen, sillä asiantuntijoiden vuorovaikutusosaaminen keskittyy yhteistyöhalukkuuteen ja palautteeseen. Toimivien työyhteisövuorovaikutuspiirteiden analyysi nostaa esiin kolme vuorovaikutuksen tasoa, joiden toimivuus edistää asiantuntijoiden halukkuutta käyttää työyhteisötaitojaan. Vakiintuneista malleista poiketen vuorovaikutuksen merkitys ja rakentava kriittisyys, analyyttisyys ja kyseenalaistamisen taidot nousevat keskeisiksi osiksi työyhteisön hyvää viestintäkäyttäytymistä. Ne ovat vuorovaikutuksellisia työyhteisötaitoja, joiden tutkimuksessamme katsottiin olevan koko yrityksen kehittymisen lähtökohta ja ilmentävän ymmärrystä sekä organisaation jäsenten taidosta ottaa vastuuta omasta työstään ja koko organisaation toiminnasta, että siitä, kuinka jokainen organisaation jäsen osallistuu organisaation aineettomaan arvonluontiin.
In many organizations increasing self-management is a new way of working. The case organization o... more In many organizations increasing self-management is a new way of working. The case organization of this study is a Finnish financial services organization with about 100 employees. We use qualitative interview data to explore the commonalities and contradictions in the interpretations of employees and management in an organization that is in a process of adopting a more self-managed way of working. We also examine the implementation of the basic assumptions of Self-Determination Theory in today's organizational environment. We approach the issue from both theoretical and empirical perspectives. Our analysis shows that self-management in the target organization is initiated and controlled by management, which sets strict limits but allows only a certain amount of freedom. Our case study provides both theoretical and practical insights into the discussion of the process of increasing self-management.
La revista Deusto Estudios Cooperativos es una revista de acceso abierto lo que significa que es ... more La revista Deusto Estudios Cooperativos es una revista de acceso abierto lo que significa que es de libre acceso en su integridad inmediatamente después de la publicación de cada número. Se permite su lectura, la búsqueda, descarga, distribución y reutilización legal en cualquier tipo de soporte sólo para fines no comerciales y según lo previsto por la ley; sin la previa autorización de la Editorial (Universidad de Deusto) o el autor, siempre que la obra original sea debidamente citada (número, año, páginas y DOI si procede) y cualquier cambio en el original esté claramente indicado.
illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way,... more illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way, and transmission or information storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation, computer software, or by similar or dissimilar methodology now known or hereafter developed. Regarding these commercial rights a non-exclusive license has been granted to the publisher. The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use.
Inter-organizational collaboration can be understood as a product of sets of conversations that d... more Inter-organizational collaboration can be understood as a product of sets of conversations that draw on existing discourses. This article examines one public organization going through a fundamental organizational change. We describe the process of construction of organizational identity after a merger by using a model describing identified forms of interaction: (a) formally together, (b) unidirectional interaction, (c) juxtapositions, (d) construction of commonality, and (e) the state of joint action. There is a link between the construction of a more collectively interpreted identity and the way in which people communicate, create relationships, and network. This article highlights the relevance and meaning of conscious identity work in the process: The management's ability and willingness to create forums for dialogue and social interaction creates potential for construction of a collectively interpreted organizational identity and promotes cooperation and collaboration.
EJBO : Electronic Journal of Business Ethics and Organization Studies, 2006
The concept of organizational identity has its roots in the exploration of identity in an individ... more The concept of organizational identity has its roots in the exploration of identity in an individual level. The concept of organizational identity was introduced by Albert and Whetten in 1985. They suggested that
Journal of Co-operative Organization and Management, Sep 1, 2013
This article contributes to the discussion on the dual nature, the defining and distinctive chara... more This article contributes to the discussion on the dual nature, the defining and distinctive characteristic of cooperatives. We focus our analysis on interpreting what kind of meanings are attached to cooperatives' fundamental values and their dual nature and on how the research subjects construct cooperatives' defining characteristic in relation to other forms of enterprise. The article answers the question of how the dual nature of cooperatives is interpreted in university business students' texts. According to our analysis, the understanding of cooperatives is predominantly constructed via criticism of other forms of businesses, namely the predominant limited companies, cooperatives' dual nature invokes doubts and the relationship of cooperatives to other forms of businesses is unclear. The dual nature of cooperatives was fraught with dilemma as it was deemed very important that the cooperatives' ideology is marketed, that they should be profitable but in the notion of growth a conflict was perceived with the fundamental cooperative values. The data served to shed light on the fact that the mutually supportive elements of cooperative activity should be paid more profound attention.
This research explores self-employment in a worker cooperative context. The empirical case study ... more This research explores self-employment in a worker cooperative context. The empirical case study was conducted using qualitative methods, with a focus on interpreting the motivations for choosing a cooperative as a business form for self-employment. We examine the relationship between cooperative practice and theory with regards to its established principles and dual nature in a framework of entrepreneurship literature. This article answers the following question: How are the characteristics of a cooperative business form interpreted and do they reflect the traditional, well-established core ideas of cooperatives? Based on the analysis, we identified 6 motivational factors that describe a cooperative as a business form in the context of self-employment. Three of these reflect the universal autonomy needs identified in self-employment literature: empowerment, self-management and freedom. We propose that the other three, security, diversity and communality, are unique features of cooperatives that stem from the established cooperative principles. In addition to the basic autonomy needs of self-employment, we conclude that cooperative structure offers various additional benefits for the self-employed. The latter features make a cooperative community a distinctive and unique forum for self-employment and serve as the essential drivers for choosing this particular business form. However, we found that, once combined with the autonomy features, they might result in problems finding a balance between individual and community needs. We therefore claim that, although cooperatives have an ability to lower the barrier to entrepreneurship, the needs of self-employed people are not unquestionably compatible with the features or needs of a cooperative company. Based on our research, we suggest that individuality and communality are the rival forces that form the most inherent contradiction in worker cooperative operations. Therefore, we propose that the striving for balance between individual needs and those of the community reflects a 'new dual role' of cooperatives .
Journal of Co-operative Organization and Management, Jun 1, 2021
Abstract The article contributes to the co-op theory by exploring a current understanding of the ... more Abstract The article contributes to the co-op theory by exploring a current understanding of the dual nature at the core of co-op ideology that summarises its original purpose. The literature review examines this dual nature, highlighting its importance in the context of democratic governance. The empirical study focuses on exploring the significance that members of the governing bodies attach to the dual nature, and the effect the two roles have on putting the duality of a co-op into practice today. Based on the research, we argue that co-ops’ business role determines their operation along with the financial benefits to their members. In particular, the social objectives associated with the member association role are subordinate to the co-op’s business role, and this creates conflicting expectations and practices in co-ops’ management. The article highlights how business plays a dominant role and undermines co-ops’ democracy and social goals. We suggest that finding a balance between the member association and the business roles reflects a new co-op ideology, in which business dominates. We also argue that the governing body members’ deep understanding of the dual nature reinforces the fulfilment of the co-ops’ member association role, and thus its ultimate and original purpose.
Member-owned cooperatives differ from other organizational forms by their unique purpose and the ... more Member-owned cooperatives differ from other organizational forms by their unique purpose and the nature of member engagement (Mazzarol et al., 2011; Puusa et al., 2013; also see Novkovic & McMahon, Chapter 2 in this volume). The ultimate idea of the cooperative is that its members should be actively involved in the decision-making and play a key role in the direction of the company, making sure that the operations and the business areas serve the needs of the membership. In order
Journal of Co-operative Organization and Management, Jun 1, 2016
As people, values and times change, cooperatives also restructure themselves making the reapprais... more As people, values and times change, cooperatives also restructure themselves making the reappraisal of cooperative theory topical. This article contributes to the cooperative theory by exploring the very core of cooperative ideology, the dual nature. The literature review contributes to the theoretical basis regarding the most distinctive characteristic of a cooperative form of business by reasserting the concept of dual role. Secondly, the empirical case study explores the interpreted meanings and manifestation of dual role in a worker cooperative context. Based on the research, we suggest that considering the duality of co-operatives' goals, social and financial goals are not the ones defining and guiding the operations. Instead, individuality and communality are two rival forces that form an inherent contradiction in worker cooperative operations. The article highlights how individuality gains dominance in a cooperative due to its extreme democracy and flexible structure, and how this deteriorates communality, the bearing force of the community. Thus, we suggest that finding a balance between the conflicting needs and expectations of an individual member and the cooperative reflects the 'new dual nature' of cooperatives. We also argue that when properly balanced, both shared and individual goals will provide an ideal work community for modern entrepreneurs. 1
Tämä tutkimus on avaus työyhteisötaitojen ja ammatillisen vuorovaikutusosaamisen yhteyden kartoit... more Tämä tutkimus on avaus työyhteisötaitojen ja ammatillisen vuorovaikutusosaamisen yhteyden kartoittamiselle, ja sen tarkoituksena on lisätä ymmärrystä työyhteisön vuorovaikutuksesta ja työyhteisötaitojen ilmenemisestä asiantuntijatyössä. Tutkimuksessa kysymme, millainen vuorovaikutusosaaminen korostuu asiantuntijatyössä ja millaiset asiantuntijatyön vuorovaikutuksen piirteet koetaan toimiviksi ja työyhteisötaitojen käyttöä edistäviksi. Aineisto koostuu tieto-ja viestintätekniikan alan (ICT-alan) asiantuntijaorganisaatioille tehdyistä kyselyistä, joiden vastaukset koodattiin ja analysoitiin temaattisella sisällönanalyysilla. Tuloksia suhteutettiin sekä relationaalisen viestinnän että työyhteisötaitojen viitekehyksiin. Tutkimus osoittaa, että monipuolinen ammatillinen vuorovaikutusosaaminen on avain työyhteisötaitojen ilmentämiseen, sillä asiantuntijoiden vuorovaikutusosaaminen keskittyy yhteistyöhalukkuuteen ja palautteeseen. Toimivien työyhteisövuorovaikutuspiirteiden analyysi nostaa esiin kolme vuorovaikutuksen tasoa, joiden toimivuus edistää asiantuntijoiden halukkuutta käyttää työyhteisötaitojaan. Vakiintuneista malleista poiketen vuorovaikutuksen merkitys ja rakentava kriittisyys, analyyttisyys ja kyseenalaistamisen taidot nousevat keskeisiksi osiksi työyhteisön hyvää viestintäkäyttäytymistä. Ne ovat vuorovaikutuksellisia työyhteisötaitoja, joiden tutkimuksessamme katsottiin olevan koko yrityksen kehittymisen lähtökohta ja ilmentävän ymmärrystä sekä organisaation jäsenten taidosta ottaa vastuuta omasta työstään ja koko organisaation toiminnasta, että siitä, kuinka jokainen organisaation jäsen osallistuu organisaation aineettomaan arvonluontiin.
Papers by Anu Puusa