The University Of East Anglia
Norwich Medical School
Pancreatic adenocarcinoma cell lines rarely express the CFTR gene, despite the high levels of CFFR protein that are present in primary pancreatic duct cells. We have attempted to generate a non-CF pancreatic adenocarcinoma cell line that... more
Background & Aims: Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) Cl− channels play an important role in HCO3− secretion by pancreatic duct cells (PDCs). Our aims were to characterize the CFTR conductance of guinea pig PDCs... more
1. A two-microelectrode voltage clamp was used to determine the effects of n-butanol, n-hexanol, n-octanol, n-decanol and methyl hexanoate on a transient potassium (IA) current in identified Helix aspersa neurones. Experiments were... more
1. The effects of clinical inhalation anaesthetics, such as halothane and methoxyflurane, and "model" anaesthetics, such as hydrocarbons and n-alkanols, on neuronal sodium and potassium channels are reviewed. 2. Lipid-based... more
Disruption of normal cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator- (CFTR)-mediated Cl(-) transport is associated with cystic fibrosis (CF). CFTR is also required for HCO(3)(-) transport in many tissues such as the lungs,... more
This report aims to compare the relationship between measured and self-reported physiological arousal items and three conditions (relaxation, immersion into virtual environment and mild exercising). The relationship between measures and... more
Psychologically speaking, lie is a contradictory statement which is offered by a person intentionally or spontaneously by total or partial distortion of the truth or by selective facts argumentation. Typically, a lie is a spontaneous... more
The term "intelligence" comes from the Latin "intelligere", which means to comprehend, to understand, and "interlegere "which involves establishing relationships and to organise. Even the terminology suggests that intelligence goes beyond... more
Discuss the effectiveness of cognitive behaviour therapy in treating depression CBT was defined by Colledge (2002) as a form of counseling that helps to correct erroneous thinking habits and distortions and to learn more realistic ways of... more
Some relevant discoveries suggest the fact that one personality traitextraversion -correlates with sensation seeking. In 1978 Eysenck & Zuckerman found a correlation between Extraversion and Sensation Seeking (Total) for English men and... more