Papers by Witold Szumowski
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY

While most researchers interested in the concept of dynamic capabilities focus their attention on... more While most researchers interested in the concept of dynamic capabilities focus their attention on analyzing how companies transform their resources to compete in their environment, the process of developing dynamic capabilities is treated as a marginal issue. Although the literature suggests various approaches to developing dynamic capabilities, they are formulated in general terms, and doubts can be raised about the links between actions. There is also a lack of empirical research indicating the links between activities in the process of developing dynamic capabilities and their influence on the effectiveness of an organization. The aim of the study is to formulate a proposal for a model of the process of developing dynamic capabilities aimed at increasing the economic effectiveness of a company and to determine the links between the activities in the model. The theoretical contribution of the paper consists in presenting a model of the process of developing dynamic capabilities aimed at increasing the economic effectiveness of the company. The results presented in the paper refer to an empirical examination of the model of developing dynamic capabilities, covering five activities: searching for opportunities; knowledge management and learning; coordination; configuration and reconfiguration; and organizational adaptation. The study also includes an examination of the possible impact the components of the dynamic capabilities building process have on a company's performance. The study uses the survey method and data was obtained from top managers. The conclusion, based on data from 471 Polish companies, was made using structural equation modelling. The results of the empirical research suggest that the individual activities in the process of developing dynamic capabilities are interconnected, and through mutual interactions and couplings, they positively affect the economic effectiveness of an enterprise. The results indicate that searching for opportunities is the precursor, and the main factor influencing the other activities in the process, which suggests that managers should focus on improving activities in this area.

Sustainable Futures
The speed of global changes, which are forcing energy companies to take proactive initiatives so ... more The speed of global changes, which are forcing energy companies to take proactive initiatives so as to take advantage of market opportunities, increase the importance of organizational agility as a key strategic alignment mechanism. The second most important mechanism determining the development of companies in the energy sector is social responsibility, which by nature should be proactive and embedded in the development strategy. Drawing on research linking organizational agility to social responsibility, this article aims to explain how strategic CSR initiatives and a proactive approach to CSR affect organizational agility in energy sector companies. Data collected from 197 Central European energy firms using CAWI and CATI methods was analyzed using SEM modeling. The results confirm the direct impact of strategic CSR initiatives on organizational agility, through the mediating variablesocial dimension of proactive CSR. The study also suggests a direct impact of strategic CSR initiatives on particular types of proactive CSR.

E-Mentor, Jul 1, 2021
The authors of this article analyzed the phenomenon of the interdependence between transactional/... more The authors of this article analyzed the phenomenon of the interdependence between transactional/transformational leadership style and perceived organizational justice (and its dimensions). In the first part of the article, the necessity to conduct detailed research on aforementioned subject is presented. Next, a literature review was carried out in order to examine the possibly toothcombing links between organizational justice and transactional/transformational leadership (taking into consideration the multidimensionality of those subjects). Leadership style and perceived organizational justice are linked to many organizational aspects such as organizational citizenship behaviors, work commitment, job satisfaction, knowledge-sharing, willingness to share knowledge, and burnout. The authors of this publication attempted to present research scope as having growth potential for future studies.

The energy sector is undergoing significant transformation induced by environmental changes and i... more The energy sector is undergoing significant transformation induced by environmental changes and increasing pressure from stakeholder groups. In order to quickly seize opportunities in the unpredictable contemporary business environment, leaders increasingly face the challenge of ensuring an appropriate level of organisational agility, achieved through workforce agility. In striving to achieve workforce agility, responsible leaders should consider the intrinsic motivation oriented towards work, how it affects a team's performance, and the level of its involvement. Based on studies that combine leadership, empowerment, and agility, we analyse whether and how responsible leadership and psychological empowerment support workforce agility in the energy sector firms. Using structural equation modelling, we analyse data gathered from a group of 187 managers and experts. The results support a hypothesised relationship between leadership focused on responsible management, psychological empowerment, and workforce agility. The survey reveals that a combination of responsible leadership and psychological empowerment affects workforce agility.
Hradec Economic Days, 2019
The aim of this article is to define the level of the adaptation of the local government units to... more The aim of this article is to define the level of the adaptation of the local government units to the concept of good governance, and when posed in this way requires earlier operationalization by proposing a maturity model for local government structures in the scope of applying 'good governance' as suggested in the first part of this article. The second, empirical part presents the results of research conducted on this subject among the units of Polish local administration.
Streszczenie: W celu zwiększenia konkurencyjności i elastyczności organizacji w zakresie pozyskiw... more Streszczenie: W celu zwiększenia konkurencyjności i elastyczności organizacji w zakresie pozyskiwania innowacji duże przedsiębiorstwa wyodrębniają podmioty odpowiedzialne za eksploatację rynku start-upowego oraz nawiązywanie współpracy między nimi. Nadrzędną zasadą takiego działania jest dobór małych i innowacyjnych podmiotów pod kątem wypracowanych technologii w głównym profilu działalności korporacji. Niniejszy artykuł jest syntetycznym przedstawieniem pojęcia korporacyjnych funduszy wysokiego ryzyka (CVC), a także zasad ich funkcjonowania. W opracowaniu podjęto próbę zdefiniowania CVC oraz porównania ich cech charakterystycznych z klasycznymi funduszami Venture Capital (VC). Przedstawiono również potencjalne korzyści współpracy przedsiębiorstw typu start-up oraz CVC. Autorzy zaprezentowali też charakterystykę działalności CVC w Polsce.
Streszczenie: W niniejszym artykule autorzy podejmują próbę identyfikacji kryteriów sukcesu proje... more Streszczenie: W niniejszym artykule autorzy podejmują próbę identyfikacji kryteriów sukcesu projektu oraz związanych z nimi czynników sukcesu na przykładzie projektu badawczo-rozwojowego branży medycznej. W pierwszej części artykułu dokonano przeglądu poglądów związanych z kryteriami oceny sukcesu projektu, druga część stanowi studium przypadku projektu "Rehabio-telerehabilitacja". Autorzy zastosowali jako podstawowe narzędzia badawcze obserwację uczestniczącą, nieustrukturyzowany wywiad z kadrą kierowniczą spółki i studium przypadku. W przeprowadzonych badaniach zwrócono również uwagę na rolę kierownika projektu w osiąganiu sukcesu projektu. We wnioskach końcowych zawarto spostrzeżenia i sugestie płynące z przeprowadzonych badań.
Przegląd Organizacji, 2019
Prezentowany artykuł porusza zagadnienie transparentności działania urzędów administracji samorzą... more Prezentowany artykuł porusza zagadnienie transparentności działania urzędów administracji samorządowej w Polsce. W artykule, bazując na przeglądzie literatury przedmiotu, omówiono istotę i rozumienie zasady transparentności. Następnie zaproponowano model dojrzałości urzędów administracji samorządowej w tym zakresie. W części empirycznej przedstawiono wyniki badań, które miały na celu określenie stopnia i zakresu transparentności urzędów administracji samorządowej szczebla gminnego.

Management Theory and Studies for Rural Business and Infrastructure Development, 2019
Public governance constitutes an answer to the limitations regarding the possibilities of reformi... more Public governance constitutes an answer to the limitations regarding the possibilities of reforming public administration in the stream of new public management. One of the detailed concepts of public governance was originally formulated by the World Bank. Its use in practice is limited to operationalization through formulating a variety of indices which are usually dedicated to countries and regions. Scientific discourse lacks studies indicating the possibility of using good governance in public administration at the level of its smaller exponents such as the units of local self-government. Equally, there are no available results of research regarding the influence of the functioning of units of public administration according to the principles of good governance on their perception on the part of citizens. This study aims at operationalizing the concept of good governance through the formulation of a model of activity of local government administration according to the principles of good governance, as well as proposes a tool for evaluating the level of maturity of management solutions based on the concept of good governance. The research results regarding the level of compatibility of these offices with the rules of good governance are compared with the results of surveys examining opinions and levels of satisfaction among inhabitants of selected boroughs. The aim of this comparison was to find the answer to the question of dependence between the activities of local administration in accordance with good governance and satisfaction on the part of local inhabitants.
Papers by Witold Szumowski