Papers by Monika Sulimowska-Formowicz
Gospodarka Narodowa
Zamykanie luki konkurencyjnej w przedsiębiorstwie Skuteczna likwidacja luki konkurencyjnej jest m... more Zamykanie luki konkurencyjnej w przedsiębiorstwie Skuteczna likwidacja luki konkurencyjnej jest możliwa jedynie wówczas, kiedy metody naprawcze usuną przyczyny jej powstania. Precyzyjna identyfikacja źródeł luki, a następnie ocena jej rozległości i znaczenia dla przedsiębiorstwa, pozwala określić treść programu mającego na celu zamknięcie luki oraz dostępny czas, w którym ma się odbyć jej likwidacja. Artykuł przedstawia zależności pomiędzy charakteremluki konkurencyjnej a treścią programów ją niwelujących oraz opisuje koncepcje teoretyczne i metody wykorzystywane przy tego rodzaju przedsięwzięciach.
Economics and Business Review, 2016
The article presents the results of empirical research on the role of trust in inter-organization... more The article presents the results of empirical research on the role of trust in inter-organizational relations (IORs) and its outcomes. We questioned 210 Polish large and medium sized companies in different industries, experienced in IORs of different kind with Polish and foreign partners. We used a set of non-parametric analyses: Spearman correlation, mediation analyses with bootstrapping and structural equations modeling with RML (Robust Maximum Likelihood). Our findings confirm the statistically relevant correlations between the interpersonal trust of individuals and teams, the trust-building competence of organization and the outcomes of the cooperative relationships of companies. Additionally, the trust-building competence of organization serves as a mediator in the relations of interpersonal trust and IORs outcomes.
The article presents the results of empirical research on the role of trust in inter-organization... more The article presents the results of empirical research on the role of trust in inter-organizational relations (IORs) and its outcomes. We questioned 210 Polish large and medium sized companies in different industries, experienced in IORs of different kind with Polish and foreign partners. We used a set of non-parametric analyses: Spearman correlation, mediation analyses with bootstrapping and structural equations modeling with RML (Robust Maximum Likelihood). Our findings confirm the statistically relevant correlations between the interpersonal trust of individuals and teams, the trust-building competence of organization and the outcomes of the cooperative relationships of companies. Additionally, the trust-building competence of organization serves as a mediator in the relations of interpersonal trust and IORs outcomes.

A B S T R A C T Objective: This study aims to analyse the relationships between relational compet... more A B S T R A C T Objective: This study aims to analyse the relationships between relational competence and its trust-building processes with individuals' traits considered as psychological antecedents of inter-organizational relationships (IORs), outcomes. We hypothesize that organizational trust-building competence, situational trust, trust propensity, and autonomous motivation of cooperating teams and their managers influence IORs outcomes through work engagement of cooperating people. Research Design & Methods: We addressed 210 managers and 982 employees responsible for inter-organizational cooperation from medium and big companies. As explanatory model we adopted the job resources-demands (JR-D) model. Correlation, regression, mediation analyses with bootstrapping, and structural equations modelling (SEM) were used. Findings: Our analyses confirmed positive role of both organizational competences and psychological states of individuals, as valuable mediators in translating the potential of personal traits of teams and managers into IORs outcomes. Implications & Recommendations: As both psychological variables of people responsible for the course of IORs and relational competences of organizations play a vital role in reaching outcomes in IORs attention should be paid simultaneously to both aspects. Our findings highlight the necessity for interdisciplinary research in the field of IORs. Contribution & Value Added: We expose the multilevel and multifactor character of relationships between the antecedents of firms success in IORs, with the use of relationships theory in organization science, and theories proposed by psychology of work and organization. Article type: research paper

The main purpose of the paper is to show intra-organizational factors building relational capabil... more The main purpose of the paper is to show intra-organizational factors building relational capability of a firm and to indicate their importance in achieving success in business cooperation. Relational capability contains abilities and routines of different type necessary at subsequent stages of partnership. Factors building the complex nature of relational capability are broadly analysed in relations management literature. Predominantly attention is put on them individually, and still less attention is given to systemic analyses of relational capability and interactions among its components and their diverse influence on efficiency and effectiveness of cooperation. The paper is based on a thesis that RC quality correlates relation success, but particular RC components affect that success in different ways, so if organizations want to successfully manage sustainability and develop effectiveness of their relationships and networks, they should properly understand the impact of their relational capability components to overall cooperation success. RC is conceptualized according to ideas proposed by relational view in strategic management, resource-based view, dynamic capabilities approach and IMP Group.

The aim of this article is to show different perceptions of the inter-organisational relations (I... more The aim of this article is to show different perceptions of the inter-organisational relations (IORs) in economic theory - their grounds and impact on the way the enterprises are managed. The review of three different economic disciplines: transaction cost theory, institutional analysis of the firm and the theory of power and resource dependency will show various traits of the compound nature of inter-organisational relations underpinnings, together with sheding some light on their theoretical achievements, drawbacks and boundaries of their managerial applicability. The inter-organisational relations can be described as ties between entities of different nature, length and strength. When using this simple, but far from accurate, definition as the starting point for our discussion, different areas may be mentioned in which inter-organisational relations differ and – in consequence – lead to different outcomes. First of all, it is vital to show how different schools of economic though...
Warunkiem koniecznym (lecz oczywiście nie wystarczającym) do wykreowania przewagi konkurencyjnej ... more Warunkiem koniecznym (lecz oczywiście nie wystarczającym) do wykreowania przewagi konkurencyjnej przedsiębiorstwa jest identyfikacja przyczyny braku konkurencyjności (występowania luki konkurencyjnej). Artykuł poświęcony jest charakterystyce rodzajów luki konkurencyjnej przedsiębiorstwa oraz analizie głównych przyczyn jej powstawania.
Papers by Monika Sulimowska-Formowicz