Papers by Jacinto Páez Bonifaci
Anales del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía, 2024
Este artículo estudia la interpretación del comienzo de la filosofía en términos de una
correlaci... more Este artículo estudia la interpretación del comienzo de la filosofía en términos de una
correlación entre sujeto y objeto, desarrollada por el filósofo neokantiano Heinrich Rickert. En primer lugar,
se reconstruyen el contexto problemático que conduce a Rickert al problema del comienzo de la filosofía y
su distinción entre tres acepciones diferentes del concepto de ‘comienzo’. En segundo lugar, se ofrece una
interpretación del comienzo correlacional de la filosofía como una respuesta a la paradoja formulada por
Hegel en las primeras páginas de la Ciencia de la Lógica. Finalmente, se evalúa la propuesta de un comienzo
correlacional en función del proyecto general de una filosofía transcendental.

This paper examines the distinctive features characterizing the Neo-Kantian defense of the critic... more This paper examines the distinctive features characterizing the Neo-Kantian defense of the critical method. Neo-Kantianism is distinguished by its unique interpretation of the philosophical method as a regressive procedure. Hermann Cohen and Wilhelm Windelband, prominent figures within this philosophical tradition, articulate the structure of transcendental reasoning as a movement that starts from a specific Faktum of cultural life and proceeds towards elucidating its conditions of possibility. Despite a broad consensus on this overarching framework, these philosophers diverge in their choice of the primary Faktum for analysis. Cohen focuses on the physico-mathematical sciences, while Windelband directs his attention to the foundations of history. Considering this disparity, this paper argues that the determination of the methodological Faktum in philosophy is not arbitrary; rather, it is informed by two distinct interpretations of the relationship between thinking and being. Furthermore, it contends that elucidating this overlooked aspect of the theory of method enables a more nuanced evaluation of the Neo-Kantian regressive methodology and its relationship with metaphysics.
RESUMEN El presente artículo ofrece una reconstrucción de los argumentos centrales de "Sobre la c... more RESUMEN El presente artículo ofrece una reconstrucción de los argumentos centrales de "Sobre la certeza", texto publicado en 1873 por el filósofo neokantiano Wilhelm Windelband. La literatura especializada afirma que esta obra es representativa de una fase temprana del neokantismo, caracterizada por una tendencia psicologista. Por nuestra parte, mostraremos que Windelband ya presenta en este texto una interpretación de la lógica entendida como lógica transcendental y como ciencia de las leyes normativas del pensar. A través de esta reconstrucción buscamos ofrecer las bases para una narrativa de la transformación del neokantismo entre 1870 y 1880 alternativa a aquella ofrecida por Klaus Christian Köhnke.
The journal Cogency is pleased to announce its call for research articles for its 15th issue to b... more The journal Cogency is pleased to announce its call for research articles for its 15th issue to be published in December 2023. The deadline for the reception or research articles is the 15th of July. Cogency is an international journal dedicated to the academic work on reasoning and argumentation. Since 2023, the journal belongs to the Institute of Philosophy of the Universidad Diego Portales and seeks to become a reference in the area of contemporary theories of rationality, that is, the study of problems related to conceptions of rationality, its varieties, applications and uses. On the other hand, the journal also seeks to position itself as a field of interdisciplinary discussion that brings together contributions originating not only from philosophical reflection but also from formal and informal logic, rhetoric, linguistics, psychology and educational sciences.

Philosophy and Society, 2022
The present paper investigates the essential tenets of the Southwestern Neo-Kantians' take on the... more The present paper investigates the essential tenets of the Southwestern Neo-Kantians' take on the philosophy of religion. Specifically, I concentrate on two diverse aspects of Windelband and Rickert's approaches to religion. In the first place, I look at the way in which they determine religious values. In the second place, I focus on the manner in which they confront religion with the systematic structure of culture. As a result of the analysis of the texts of both authors, we see that it is possible to detect at least three possible roads to elaborate a philosophy of religion. In spite of this plurality of paths, I argue that they exhibit a similar underlying problem, namely, the problematic relationship between transcendental philosophy and metaphysics. It is for this reason that the philosophy of religion takes the form of a reflection on the limits of knowledge, and with it, on the limits of transcendental philosophy.
Artigo está licenciado sob forma de uma licença Creative Commons Atribuição 4.0 Internacional. RE... more Artigo está licenciado sob forma de uma licença Creative Commons Atribuição 4.0 Internacional. RESUMEN El movimiento de 'retorno a Kant' del siglo XIX se constituye en sus orígenes a través del rechazo a la filosofía especulativa de Hegel. Por diversos motivos que no han sido debidamente clarificados aún, este movimiento filosófico culmina su derrotero a principios del siglo XX afirmando la necesidad de una renovación del hegelianismo. El objetivo del presente estudio es explicar los motivos y las consecuencias de la transformación progresiva del neokantismo de Baden en una variante de neohegelianismo.
Revista de Estudios Kantianos, 2021
Entrevista de Jacinto Páez a Christian Krijnen. Esta entrevista es la continuación de una confere... more Entrevista de Jacinto Páez a Christian Krijnen. Esta entrevista es la continuación de una conferencia realizada en abril de 2021 y organizada por el Instituto de Filosofía (Universidad Diego Portales) - The Era of Neo-Kantianism.
This paper examines the transformation of Windelband's Neo-Kan-tian program into a variety of Neo... more This paper examines the transformation of Windelband's Neo-Kan-tian program into a variety of Neo-Hegelianism. The paper shows that, for Win-delband, the rehabilitation of philosophy in terms of a theory of knowledge is insufficient in the face of the pervasive crisis-consciousness of 19th-century philosophy. By Windelband's account, the overcoming of this crisis requires the appropriation of distinctive Hegelian themes and a new understanding of the role of history in philosophical reflection. Based on this exposition, the final section of the paper advances an interpretation on the meaning and conditions for the renewal of a philosophy.
Idealistic Studies
In recent years, the Neo-Kantian movement has received wide acknowledgment as the hidden origin o... more In recent years, the Neo-Kantian movement has received wide acknowledgment as the hidden origin of several contemporary philosophical discussions. This paper focuses on one specific Neo-Kantian topic; namely, the idea of history put forward by Wilhelm Windelband (1848-1915). Even though this topic could be seen as one of the better-known Neo-Kantianism themes, there are certain unnoticed elements in Windelband’s treatment of history that merit further discussion. While the texts in which Windelband deals with the logical problems of the historical sciences have been studied at length, other texts, those in which history is studied in connection with the problem of the philosophical method, have not. This paper argues that, for Windelband, history is not merely an object of epistemological reflection but rather a key component of transcendental philosophy.
Anales del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía, 2020
Resumen. El presente trabajo intenta clarificar la relación entre el pensamiento sistemático y la... more Resumen. El presente trabajo intenta clarificar la relación entre el pensamiento sistemático y la obra historiográfica del filósofo neokantiano Wilhelm Windelband (1848-1915). Según el juicio de sus sucesores, la obra de Windelband se caracteriza por un déficit sistemático motivado por un énfasis historiográfico. La intención de este estudio, por el contrario, es mostrar cómo la historia de la filosofía se transforma en un verdadero impulso sistemático en el pensamiento de Windelband a través de un análisis de su método para una historia de problemas. En última instancia, se intenta mostrar cómo la obra de Windelband realiza aportes para la elaboración de un concepto de filosofía histórica, es decir, para llevar a cabo la historización del pensamiento filosófico.

Studia z Historii Filozofii, 2019
The nineteenth century has been regarded as the "classical epoch" of the history of philosophy. H... more The nineteenth century has been regarded as the "classical epoch" of the history of philosophy. However, the Neo-Kantian discussion on the nature of this discipline and its relationship with systematical thinking has been poorly addressed in the literature concerning this topic. For this reason, this paper offers a brief outline of this discussion. It establishes three different moments in the Neo-Kantian discussion of the history of philosophy and shows how the understanding of the relation between system and history evolved from the mere formulation of the problem around the mid of the nineteenth century towards a complete articulated answer in the late works of Heinrich Rickert. Following this evolution, the paper attempts at explaining how the famous conception of a history of philosophical problems became a history of philosophical systems. Link to full article:
Book Reviews by Jacinto Páez Bonifaci
Uno de estos libros bifrontes, medio siglo XIX, medio siglo XX". Con estas palabras Ortega y Gass... more Uno de estos libros bifrontes, medio siglo XIX, medio siglo XX". Con estas palabras Ortega y Gasset presenta al público hispano la primera traducción de una obra del filósofo alemán Heinrich Rickert (1863-1936), la figura dominante de la
Aoristo, 2021
La recepción del pensamiento de Dilthey en español no ha ido a la par de las investigaciones más ... more La recepción del pensamiento de Dilthey en español no ha ido a la par de las investigaciones más recientes en lengua alemana o inglesa. A pesar de la relevancia que Ortega y Gasset otorgó a la obra de Dilthey y del notable trabajo de traducción realizado por Eugenio Imaz, todavía no se ha sentido el impacto de la edición definitiva de las obras del filósofo alemán (terminada en el año 2006 con la publicación del tomo xxv, sobre un total de 26). El reciente libro Interpreting Dilthey: Critical Essays reúne ensayos sobre los múltiples temas abordados en los escritos de Dilthey, los cuales sirven de puntapié inicial para preguntar si acaso no debería realizarse un esfuerzo de apropiación análogo de su filosofía en nuestra lengua.
Revista de estudios kantianos, 2020
La influencia de Pierre Bayle en la construcción de la segunda antinomia de la razón pura Daniel ... more La influencia de Pierre Bayle en la construcción de la segunda antinomia de la razón pura Daniel Perrone 331 La actualidad de la distinción entre fenómeno y cosa en si para la fenomenología -Los diferentes significados de la cosa en si en Kant y Husserl Irene Breuer
Talks by Jacinto Páez Bonifaci

Das Problem der Bestimmung der richtigen philosophischen Methode liegt im Zentrum der sogenannten... more Das Problem der Bestimmung der richtigen philosophischen Methode liegt im Zentrum der sogenannten "Identitätskrise der Philosophie" (Schnädelbach 1984, S.17; Beiser 2014, S.15). Synthetisch erklärt, manifestierte sich diese Krise darin, dass der Philosophie ein geeigneter Untersuchungsgegenstand und ein distinktives Forschungsverfahren fehlte. Das Fehlen eines distinktiven Gegenstandes war die Folge der kontinuierlichen Fortschritten der empirischen Wissenschaften. Entgegen dem langjährigen Anspruch der Metaphysik, eine vollständige Erkenntnis des Ganzen zu erreichen, rieten die Errungenschaften der empirischen Wissenschaften zu einer Fragmentierung und Kompartmentalisierung des Wissens. Wie zu erwarten, lag für Hermann Cohen (1842-1918) und Wilhelm Windelband (1848-1915), die Gründerväter der Hauptschulen des Neukantianismus, der Schlüssel zur Lösung der "Identitätskrise" der Philosophie in Kants Umwandlung der traditionellen Metaphysik in eine Metaphysik des Wissens verborgen (Windelband 1915a, S.19). Diese Philosophen behaupteten, dass die dritte, nicht berücksichtigte Alternative zur empirischen und dialektischen Methode die kritische oder transzendentale Methode sei, die in den Schriften von Immanuel Kant entfaltet wurde. Man kann sagen, dass die "Krisen"-Diagnose und die Bewertung der Vorzüge und Nachteile von Kants kritischer Methode gemeinsame Annahmen der Programme von Hermann Cohen und Wilhelm Windelband sind. Diese Neukantianern versuchten explizit, Kants philosophische Methode neu zu interpretieren, indem sie die Beziehung zwischen Philosophie und Erfahrung neu formulierten. Diese Autoren verwandelten die kritische Methode in eine Suche nach den Tiefen der Erfahrung, das heißt, sie verteidigten eine Interpretation der kritischen Methode im Sinne eines regressiven Vorgehens vom Bedingten zu seinen Bedingungen der Möglichkeit. Diese Gemeinsamkeiten können jedoch nicht darüber hinwegtäuschen, dass sie in der konkreten Ausgestaltung ihrer philosophischen Agenden nicht nur unterschiedliche, sondern auch gegensätzliche Interpretationen eben dieser Methode entwickeln (Falkenburg 2020, S.2). Ihre Ansichten divergieren drastisch in dem Moment, in dem es darum geht, den richtigen Ausgangspunkt für die philosophische Analyse zu bestimmen. Mit anderen Worten, sie unterscheiden sich in dem Moment, in dem sie methodologisch bestimmen, was Erfahrung ist und wie sie behandelt werden sollte. Für Cohen wird Erfahrung primär mit den physikalischmathematischen Wissenschaften identifiziert; für Windelband ist Erfahrung in die Geschichte eingebettet (Cassirer 1957, S.11). Ich argumentiere, dass dieser Unterschied nicht auf subjektiven
Thesis Chapters by Jacinto Páez Bonifaci
Talks and Conferences by Jacinto Páez Bonifaci
5 de junio del 2024, Universidad Católica Silva Henríquez
The Study Group of Critical Idealism (Diego Portales University) and the Kantian Studies Group (U... more The Study Group of Critical Idealism (Diego Portales University) and the Kantian Studies Group (University of Buenos Aires) organize a virtual conference on the philosophy of Paul Natorp, which will take place between December 4th and 6th.
We invite scholars, researchers, and students to submit proposals for papers addressing various aspects of Natorp’s thought and its relevance in the contemporary philosophical landscape. Participants are invited to submit abstracts of up to 300 words by August 1st, 2024. Proposals will be evaluated by an academic committee, and selected authors will be notified by August 15th, 2024. For further information and to submit proposals, please contact: Dr. Jacinto Páez Bonifaci ([email protected]) or Dr. Laura Pelegrín ([email protected]).
Organizing Committee:
Dr. Jacinto Páez Bonifaci
Dr. Laura Pelegrín
Prof. Dr. Hernán Pringe
Dr. (c) Fernando Turri
Papers by Jacinto Páez Bonifaci
correlación entre sujeto y objeto, desarrollada por el filósofo neokantiano Heinrich Rickert. En primer lugar,
se reconstruyen el contexto problemático que conduce a Rickert al problema del comienzo de la filosofía y
su distinción entre tres acepciones diferentes del concepto de ‘comienzo’. En segundo lugar, se ofrece una
interpretación del comienzo correlacional de la filosofía como una respuesta a la paradoja formulada por
Hegel en las primeras páginas de la Ciencia de la Lógica. Finalmente, se evalúa la propuesta de un comienzo
correlacional en función del proyecto general de una filosofía transcendental.
Book Reviews by Jacinto Páez Bonifaci
Talks by Jacinto Páez Bonifaci
Thesis Chapters by Jacinto Páez Bonifaci
Talks and Conferences by Jacinto Páez Bonifaci
We invite scholars, researchers, and students to submit proposals for papers addressing various aspects of Natorp’s thought and its relevance in the contemporary philosophical landscape. Participants are invited to submit abstracts of up to 300 words by August 1st, 2024. Proposals will be evaluated by an academic committee, and selected authors will be notified by August 15th, 2024. For further information and to submit proposals, please contact: Dr. Jacinto Páez Bonifaci ([email protected]) or Dr. Laura Pelegrín ([email protected]).
Organizing Committee:
Dr. Jacinto Páez Bonifaci
Dr. Laura Pelegrín
Prof. Dr. Hernán Pringe
Dr. (c) Fernando Turri
correlación entre sujeto y objeto, desarrollada por el filósofo neokantiano Heinrich Rickert. En primer lugar,
se reconstruyen el contexto problemático que conduce a Rickert al problema del comienzo de la filosofía y
su distinción entre tres acepciones diferentes del concepto de ‘comienzo’. En segundo lugar, se ofrece una
interpretación del comienzo correlacional de la filosofía como una respuesta a la paradoja formulada por
Hegel en las primeras páginas de la Ciencia de la Lógica. Finalmente, se evalúa la propuesta de un comienzo
correlacional en función del proyecto general de una filosofía transcendental.
We invite scholars, researchers, and students to submit proposals for papers addressing various aspects of Natorp’s thought and its relevance in the contemporary philosophical landscape. Participants are invited to submit abstracts of up to 300 words by August 1st, 2024. Proposals will be evaluated by an academic committee, and selected authors will be notified by August 15th, 2024. For further information and to submit proposals, please contact: Dr. Jacinto Páez Bonifaci ([email protected]) or Dr. Laura Pelegrín ([email protected]).
Organizing Committee:
Dr. Jacinto Páez Bonifaci
Dr. Laura Pelegrín
Prof. Dr. Hernán Pringe
Dr. (c) Fernando Turri
The event is organized as an activity of the Permanent Seminar on Idealism and Neo-Kantianism of the Kantian Studies Group (
- The scientific examination of perceptual and cognitive abilities shared by early neo-Kantian naturalists and American pragmatists. Their empirical concessions made to psychophysiological sciences go hand in hand with the hypostatization of the regulated conditions for the scientific practice (or inquiry), that is the development of investigative methods and the practical enrichment of experimental objects; the openness of the scientific procedure is thus steered by guiding principles for successful inquiry.
- The identification of historically verifiable cultural facts of science and its conditions of objective validity that make up the Marburg neo-Kantians “transcendental method”. This methodical accomplishment of the “Copernican Revolution” allows for a progressive analysis of ideal structures that gives unity and relative meaning to things as such according to formal functions or laws. The understanding of this never-exhausted content of possible experience is considered an ideal unity of knowledge that imposes an infinite and asymptotical task on the generations of scientific researchers.
- The relativization of the Kantian apriorism by the Viennese logical positivists under the influence of the Einsteinian Revolution in mathematics and physics. The trivially necessary truths by definition that feature in logico-linguistic a priori frameworks acquire meaning through their empirical verification by experience. The meaningless metaphysical pseudo-questions receive a pragmatic answer (based on f. ex. predictive efficiency, simplicity, communicability) which promotes a therapeutic solution to issues implying to choose for instance between different realist and antirealism conceptual frameworks.
For each of those (more or less homogenous) schools of thought, their explicit reference to the “Kantian Copernican Revolution” repeatedly serves to legitimize different (even incommensurable) rearrangements of the subject's relationship with the world, of the form taken by the object to be known, and of the epistemic limits that apply to subjectivity. For its 16th volume, Cogency questions the definition and the implications of this argumentative strategy.