Papers by Ibrahim Majura
ADR can be understood as a range of procedures that serve as alternatives to litigation the court... more ADR can be understood as a range of procedures that serve as alternatives to litigation the courts for resolution of disputes, generally involving the intersection and assistance of neutral and impartial third party. However, it is paramount importance to note that ADR only serves to supplement and not supplant the traditional court system.

International law provides a variety of methods for settling disputes peacefully, none of which ... more International law provides a variety of methods for settling disputes peacefully, none of which takes precedence over any other. Nonbinding mechanisms include direct negotiations between the parties and the involvement of third parties through good offices, mediation, inquiry, and conciliation. The involvement of regional and global international organizations has increased dramatically since the end of World War II, as many of their charters contain specific peaceful-settlement mechanisms applicable to disputes between member states. Article 33 and 2 (3) of The UN Charter provides for dispute settlement mechanism. Dispute settlement may be diplomatic methods or judicial methods. Diplomatic methods include: (a) Negotiation : discussion between parties aimed at resolving the dispute. (b) Inquiry: third party provides objective clarification of fact of law. (c) Good offices: third party uses own neutrality and persuasion to bring parties to the table. (d) Mediation: third party facilitates negotiation, advances own solutions as well as interpreting and transmitting parties solutions.
Legislation being the principles and rules in which any society are governed is not one night tas... more Legislation being the principles and rules in which any society are governed is not one night task but it is process.Legislation to become law and enforceable it passes through various stages. The stages may include, policy making stage, Bill stage, Preliminary debate, Committee stage, Parliamentary debate and approval, Consent by the President and Publication.
Jurisprudence is the study of science of law. The knowledge of law as far as jurisprudence is con... more Jurisprudence is the study of science of law. The knowledge of law as far as jurisprudence is concerned includes the origin of law, the essence of law, the fundamental of the law, the freedom of the law and the purposes of law
MAJURA, 2018
A parliament can make laws on anything, here the legislature has unlimited authority to enact, am... more A parliament can make laws on anything, here the legislature has unlimited authority to enact, amend and repeal laws concerning any matter within the territory of the said parliament.
MAJURA, 2018
The history of Administrative law in Tanzania dated back in pre- independence arena. The developm... more The history of Administrative law in Tanzania dated back in pre- independence arena. The development improved day to day. Today the King can do wrong. In Tanzania the government and its agencies can be sued in the courts of law for their actions when affect an individual contrary to the previous environment.
MAJURA, 2018
It is important to realize that the concept of ‘constitutionalism’ is more than the term ‘constit... more It is important to realize that the concept of ‘constitutionalism’ is more than the term ‘constitution’ loaded with material contents. Constitutionalism does not refer simply to having a constitution, but to having a particular kind of constitution, however difficult it may be to specify its contents’. Constitutionalism asks for a good or legitimate constitution.
MAJURA, 2018
One of the broadly accepted definitions of sources of international law includes Article 38 of th... more One of the broadly accepted definitions of sources of international law includes Article 38 of the Statute of International Court of Justice, such as treaties or conventions, international customs, general principles of law recognized by civilized nations and judicial decisions.
ONLINE, 2019
Jurisdiction of the court is the extent to which or the limits within which the court can lawfull... more Jurisdiction of the court is the extent to which or the limits within which the court can lawfully exercise its powers and what powers.
This handout covers various matters relating to Philosophy and Religion. Due to the fact that, Go... more This handout covers various matters relating to Philosophy and Religion. Due to the fact that, God is first, this handout begins by discussing religion and then Philosophy. This handout discusses the meaning, aspects, types, importance of religion to the society as well as religion tolerance. The second part discusses the meaning, branches, importance of philosophy to man and various philosophical ideas.
LL.B (Hons) University of Dodoma, Tanzania 2 1.0.Introduction
LL.B (Hons) University of Dodoma, Tanzania 2 1.0.Introduction
In the modern world people need not to walk with bags of money to make payment for the needs. The... more In the modern world people need not to walk with bags of money to make payment for the needs. There are various instruments which easing the same. The negotiable instruments are used to cure the same.
The doctrine of popular sovereignty requires that the ultimate power and final authority must res... more The doctrine of popular sovereignty requires that the ultimate power and final authority must rest to the people or all citizens. Tanzania is in the process of making the new constitution. There are people who argue that the principle was not followed in the ongoing process but others argue that the principle was adhered. This paper makes the critical analysis on the process on whether the doctrine was followed or not.
This literally means choice of the person and indicates the right one has to choose or select h... more This literally means choice of the person and indicates the right one has to choose or select his partners.

Mk1), 2 wawili walishitakiwa kwa makosa matano.1. Kujaribu kupindua serikali ya Mungu k/k cha Kut... more Mk1), 2 wawili walishitakiwa kwa makosa matano.1. Kujaribu kupindua serikali ya Mungu k/k cha Kutoka 20(1), (2)na (3) cha Amri kumi za Mungu 2. kusema uongo k/k cha Kutoka 20(16) 3. kukiuka Agizo la Mtawala wa Mbingu na nchi k/k cha Mwanzo 2(16)na (17) 4. Kula njama kupindua serikali ya Mungu 5. kula njama kufanya uasi . Mshitakiwa 1 na wenzeke wote kwa pamoja wanatuhumiwa kwa makosa tajwa hapo awali. Mshitakiwa 1 na malaika waovu siku na tarehe ambayo haijulikani walijaribu kupindua serikali ya Mungu mbinguni. Mshitakiwa nyoka anatuhumiwa kusema uongo bustanini Edeni. Hawa na Adamu wanatuhumiwa kuvunja sheria za Mungu bustanini Edeni katika siku na tarehe ambayo haikutajwa. Yaliyojiri katika kesi ni kwamba, Mshitakiwa namba 1, Shetani, miaka mingi iliyopita isiyojulikana alikuwa Malaika mkuu mbinguni, kiumbe wa kupendeza na aliyekuwa na mamlaka juu ya malaika wote mbinguni na mwimbaji wa pekee aliyekuwa akiimba sauti kumi na mbili kwa pamoja. Alikuwa akiishi mbinguni pamoja na MUNGU MUUMBAJI wa mbingu na nchi pamoja na viumbe wengine wote ambao hawatambuliki kwa uelewa wa wanadamu. Siku moja ambayo haikutajwa, wazo ovu lilionekana moyoni mwake la kutaka kufanana na Mungu. Aliwaza moyoni mwake kutokana na uzuri na uwezo aliokuwa amepewa na kutaka kufanana na Mungu. Alipanga kunyanyanyua kiti chake kuliko nyota za mbinguni na hatimaye alipanga mipango ya kupindua serikali ya Mungu. Shahidi YOHANA wa UFUNUO alishuhudia kuwa kutokana na jaribio hilo la kutaka kupindua serikali ya Mbinguni kulisababisha vita ambao ilipiganwa huko kati ya Mikael
Best interests or best interests of the child is the doctrine used by most courts to determine a ... more Best interests or best interests of the child is the doctrine used by most courts to determine a wide range of issues relating to the well-being of children.
Thesis Chapters by Ibrahim Majura
The principle of constitutionalism requires the government to adhere to the existing constitution... more The principle of constitutionalism requires the government to adhere to the existing constitution and the said constitution must uphold justice. When violation occurs the court vested power to protect the constitution for hearing the allegations made by the victims or any interested party. The court in doing so led to the development of Constitutionalism.
Conference Presentations by Ibrahim Majura
Papers by Ibrahim Majura
Thesis Chapters by Ibrahim Majura
Conference Presentations by Ibrahim Majura