Papers by Angel R P Paulo G C

Para maximizar los beneficios de venta de piedra picada a diferentes distancias, desde canteras u... more Para maximizar los beneficios de venta de piedra picada a diferentes distancias, desde canteras ubicadas en los municipios Heres o Caroni del estado Bolivar hasta diferentes ciudades de Venezuela, se determinaron las variables que inciden en el problema para posteriormente, haciendo uso de la tecnica de la programacion lineal, construir el modelo matematico que permitiera lograr el objetivo general de la investigacion, posteriormente se implemento el modelo mediante Microsoft Excel®, haciendo uso de datos reales, lograndose como resultado que con el modelo propuesto y un proceso de simulacion se pueda recomendar las diversas distancias a las que es posible suministrar piedra picada asi como los precios minimos que debieran cobrarse en cada distancia para maximizar los beneficios; concluyendose la idoneidad del modelo y la factibilidad de vender piedra picada en modalidad de precio “en las instalaciones de clientes” en ciudades venezolanas ubicadas hasta alrededor de los 700 km

The objective consisted in physical and chemical characterization of sandy soils samples very abu... more The objective consisted in physical and chemical characterization of sandy soils samples very abundant in the area around Soledad, Anzoátegui State, and Ciudad Bolivar, Bolivar State, both belonging to the surface horizons of the Mesa Formation, constituting the following three mixtures: No. 1: Silt and Clay: 7%. Sand: 83% Cement P.: 9% and iron slag: 1%, No. 2: Clay and Silt: 7%, Sand: 80%, Cement P.: 9% and calcium oxide: 1%, and No. 3: Clay and Siet: 7% Sand: 80%, Cement Q: 10.5%, calcium oxide: 2,5%. Once well blended stabilizers with soil and water, test blocks were manufactured (300 of them) in a 29 cm x 14.5 cm x 20 cm mold, which were compacted by a 30 metric ton hydraulic press, applying a 10 metric ton effort, and were then tested by performing the following physical and mechanical tests: resistance to compression and bending, density, impact, erosion, moisture and chemical analysis. The results indicate that the blocks have a compressive strength of 1.78-4.90 MPa to bending 0,18-1,04 MPa; water absorption of 2,45-7,59% a density that varies for different types of blocks (mixes) of 1,68-1,81 g/cm3.
We summarize the complete exact solution of the doubly compacted Schwinger model (DCSM), defined ... more We summarize the complete exact solution of the doubly compacted Schwinger model (DCSM), defined by the condition that the domain of the electromagnetic degree of freedom c = 1 L L 0 dxA 1 is such that −c < c < +c. The results are contrasted with the standard situation, where −∞ < c < +∞, which we call the non-compact case (NCSM). Both theories are also compacted in a circle of length L for the space variable x.

Hoy en dia existe especial interes en definir y conocer lo relativo al desarrollo sostenible, el ... more Hoy en dia existe especial interes en definir y conocer lo relativo al desarrollo sostenible, el desarrollo sustentable, la sustentabilidad ambiental de los proyectos, y de otros terminos tales como los impactos ambientales, calidad de vida, gestion ambiental, agricultura sustentable, desafio global, entre otros. En este trabajo documentario, descriptivo, se presenta los antecedentes y principales conceptos de desarrollo sustentable, asi como la situacion critica mundial de los recursos naturales y el ambiente, la crisis alimentaria y los elevados indices de pobreza y hambre existente en gran parte de la poblacion del planeta, y la contaminacion general. Se hace enfasis al caso Venezuela, su modelo de desarrollo endogeno, la situacion general en los principales sectores de desarrollo: agricultura, industria petrolera y sus pasivos ambientales, turismo, y segun opiniones y documentos de expertos, el diagnostico ambiental 2008, la situacion previsible del pais para mediados del presen...

In order to estimate China crude steel production from 2009 to 2012 considering several scenarios... more In order to estimate China crude steel production from 2009 to 2012 considering several scenarios, it was used various reliable sources of historical information for variables that are considered relevant to the achievement of the objectives, these variables are: China crude steel production (PAB), China fixed assets investment with respect to current gross domestic product (IAF/PIBcorriente), China gross domestic product per capita (PIBpc), annual variation of China urban population (∆PU) and China intensity of consumption (IC). By means of multiple and simple linear regression analysis it was built a central model and four submodels that support the first; it was getting that model proposed explains China crude steel production by 98,91% from the independent variables: IAF/PIBcorriente, PIBpc, ∆PU and IC, all this with a confidence interval of 95%; on the other hand, the implementation of this model in several scenarios concluded that there will be no significant alterations of China crude steel production levels in 2009-2012 period.
Geominas, 2021
Aimed to do a bit to the improvement that the artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) sub-sector w... more Aimed to do a bit to the improvement that the artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) sub-sector will ever have to have, it has been decided to start from the proposals made by Quaglia & Barbetta (1991) and consider other proposals made in Venezuela and the rest of the world in the last 30 years, as well as considering the experience that the authors have had, and finally making the proposals that are exhibited in this paper, which consider a stage of transition and another one of standard performance aimed at promoting ASM evolution as a strategy so that it ceases to be a costly problem for the environment, the society and the State and becomes an engine of sustainable socio-economic.

Geominas, 2021
In order to contribute to mining industry survival, without which humanity would have to go back ... more In order to contribute to mining industry survival, without which humanity would have to go back to prehistoric times, a preliminary proposal of a model for a holistically harmonious mining has been made, which has required a very broad review of what It has been history of the mining and mining industry, as well as of all the efforts that have been made by industry to be more compatible with the environment and the countries, and that has generated important transformations in the type of business that used to be the mining industry, which has been making it an increasingly innovative business dependent on research and development, while data on requirements for global environmental achievements based on inorganic mineral resources have been reviewed that must be produced, all of which allowed the preliminary proposal presented here, which consists of five dimensions of equal importance, namely, the dimensions: social, environmental, risk-takers, government, and research, development and innovation (R&D&i), concluding in a proposal that will surely be enriched by other authors who propose modifications to what is proposed here, and that will make the model every time less complex and easier to implement.
Geominas, 2020
Agua; agua potable; água; água potável; calidad; critical situation; drinkable water; escasez; es... more Agua; agua potable; água; água potável; calidad; critical situation; drinkable water; escasez; escassez; qualidade; quality; scarcity; situación crítica; situação crítica; water.

Esta investigación se orientó hacia la evaluación de la influencia de las obligaciones tributaria... more Esta investigación se orientó hacia la evaluación de la influencia de las obligaciones tributarias y contribuciones parafiscales (OTCP) sobre el negocio minero en Venezuela, para lo cual se empleó metodología cuantitativa, de tipo explicativa, de nivel predictivo y diseño transeccional correlacional-causal, que permitió obtener, entre diversos resultados, que la totalidad de lo que se debe pagar por concepto de las OTCP estudiadas para los proyectos originales, se incrementa a sus equivalentes que se realizarían en Venezuela entre un 82,32 % a 253,05 % y las utilidades para los accionistas de los proyectos que supuestamente se realizarían en Venezuela caerían, con respecto a los proyectos originales, entre US$ 13.990.120,77 y US$ 1.272.312.000,93; la correlación entre estas dos variables es de 88,22 %; siendo la conclusión más relevante de esta investigación que de continuar el “enfoque” que se le ha estado dando a la minería en Venezuela, no será posible captar inversiones ni extranjera ni criolla para la activación de la minería en forma seria y sostenible, por lo que cada vez será más dominante la informalidad o rapiña de recursos en detrimento de los venezolanos, tanto por los impactos ambientales, como por los impactos sociales y los económicos que caracterizan a la rapiña minera, mal llamada pequeña minería.
This research was oriented towards the evaluation of the influence of tax obligations and parafiscal contributions (OTCP, acronym in Spanish) on Venezuela mining business, for this, quantitative methodology was used of explanatory type, predictive level and correlational-causal transectional design, which allowed to obtain, among various results, that all of what must be paid for the OTCP studied for the original projects, increases to their equivalents that would be carried out in Venezuela between 82.32% to 253.05% and the profits for the shareholders of the projects that would supposedly be carried out in Venezuela would fall, with respect to the original projects, between US $ 13,990,120.77 and US $ 1,272,312,000.93; the correlation between these two variables is 88.22%; being the most relevant conclusion of this research that if the “approach” that has been given to mining in Venezuela is continued, it will not be possible to attract investments neither foreign nor Creole for the activation of mining in a serious and sustainable way, so that, the informality or rapine of resources against Venezuelans will be increasingly, because of the environmental impacts, as well as social and economic impacts that characterize the mining rapine, wrongly called small mining.
Esta pesquisa foi orientada para a avaliação da influência das obrigações fiscais e das contribuições para fiscais (OTCP) sobre o negócio de mineração na Venezuela, para o qual os quantitativos, explicativos, preditivos e preditivos e projeto transeccional correlacional-causal, que permitiu obter, entre vários resultados, que tudo o que deve ser pago para os OTCPs estudados para os projetos originais, é aumentado para seus equivalentes que seriam realizados na Venezuela entre 82,32% e 253, 5% e os lucros dos acionistas de projetos supostamente a serem realizados na Venezuela cairia, em comparação com os projetos originais, entre US$13990120.77 e US$ 1272312000.93; a correlação entre essas duas variáveis é de 88,22%; sendo a conclusão mais relevante desta pesquisa que, a partir da continuação da "abordagem" que tem sido dada à mineração na Venezuela, não será possível atrair investimentos estrangeiros ou crioulos para a ativação da mineração de forma séria e sustentável, de modo que cada vez mais, a informalidade ou uma presa de recursos será mais dominante em detrimento dos venezuelanos, tanto por causa de impactos ambientais, como também pelos impactos sociais e econômicos que caracterizam as presas mineradoras, pouco denominadas de mineração pequena.
With the propose of perform a proposal of optimization about a multimodal transportation of crus... more With the propose of perform a proposal of optimization about a multimodal transportation of crushed stone from Bolívar state toward Orinoco Oil Belt fields in Venezuela, it was used the operational research technique named linear programming in order to make three mathematical models that could make possible to optimize, by cost minimization, the transportation of crushed stone combining road and fluvial transportation; the proposal was implemented making use of the tool named Solver® of Microsoft® Excel® for resolution of a supposed case due to it is not exist a crushed stone multimodal transportation system right now; obtained results from the implemented case allowed to conclude the suitability of the optimization proposal.

In order to propose a mathematical model to estimate China crude steel production (PAB) for 2014-... more In order to propose a mathematical model to estimate China crude steel production (PAB) for 2014-2016 trienniums, it was made multiple linear regressions by successive steps method by means of SPSS software, using next variables: China urban population (PU), China final consumer expenditures annual variations (∆GCF3P), China annual variation of gross domestic saving (∆AIB), (China steel intensity of consume (IC) and the ratio total fixed assets investment to current gross domestic product (ITAF/PIBn); these variables were lagged towards past years alternatively looking for to get the best model to explain PAB until 2013; after obtaining the model proposed in this paper, which explain the PAB in 99.8 % with 95 % of confidence, it was used it to estimate PAB on 2014-2016 trienniums by the means of a couple of simulations of 10,000 iterations, each one, getting the more probable PAB’s for the triennium would be 797.75 million ton (Mt), 829.80 Mt and 877.49 Mt, respectively.
This study is to collect information regarding major metallogenic aspects of Kaolin deposits with... more This study is to collect information regarding major metallogenic aspects of Kaolin deposits with certain commercial possibilities in the northeastern part of Bolivar state. This article describes the geological, physicochemical and genesis of kaolin deposits that developed in an economically significant in geological provinces of the Guayana Shield. A portion of these Kaolin deposits have been exploited in the region of Upata and Km 88 in the 1990s for the production of refractory and ceramic products, however, there are many deposits of Kaolin with geo-economic potential that currently do not known geological reserves and commercial quality. It describes the main physicochemical characteristics of kaolin and its most striking applications.
With the purpose of making environmental considerations about extraction of sands as constructio... more With the purpose of making environmental considerations about extraction of sands as construction natural aggregates at mines around Ciudad Bolívar, Bolivar state, Venezuela, it was selected 4 mines of sand which was used in order to construction activities, these mines concluded theirs operations and they are left; it was selected too one in operation but it has areas that they was left; these sites were visited and it was taken notes and photographs about theirs actual situations, it has been obtained that exists important impacts on vegetation, soils and landscape; these evidences combined to others, lead to conclude that the exercise of control on these minerals by Bolívar state has not been positive about of environmental impacts minimization nor about a technically adapted exercise of this mining.

Housing construction using earthy clay materials in the world, since immemorial time, has been a ... more Housing construction using earthy clay materials in the world, since immemorial time, has been a valid alternative, inexpensive and environmentally displaying numerous advantages. The mud and adobe are its most typical. Today the soil cement, ceramic brick, thermo-clay, BioBlock, thermite, the sudorite, compacted earth block with or without cement and other stabilizers, are common and extensive use. FUNDA-GEOMINAS, as a line of research on these unconventional materials characterization has been researching its manufacturing and laboratory tests, particularly as regards raw solid blocks, compressed, of clay materials that occur in the Mesa Formation, with sand and stabilizers of ecological interest, such as: low Portland cement (5-8%), hydrated lime (2-4%), smelting slag (3-4%), ground glass (2-4%), in which manufacturing cycle energy input is relatively low, which also generates less environmental impact, but with acceptable geomechanics resistance compared to concrete block and other blocks. The resistors obtained direct compression (3 to 7.83 MPa), flexural (0.35 to 0.79 MPa) and its relatively low water absorption values (5.5 to 7.6%), high impact strength (1.0 to 5.67 m), among others, give interesting properties for use in construction and walls in areas of abundant reserves of sand and clay materials, mainly. The BTC block, now in the spotlight worldwide, is the main goal as a structural material and alternative bio-climatic and ornamental. The industrial manufacture of hollow blocks cooked (55,296 units/ day) in the plant under construction (ALFABOLIVAR) is an important project with local raw material in order to supply the country and export possibilities.

An geologic-environmental and socio-economic evaluation of Azabache deposit in eight sectors of S... more An geologic-environmental and socio-economic evaluation of Azabache deposit in eight sectors of Sucre municipality and four sectors of Cedeño municipality, of Bolivar state, was made; chemical and petrographical analysis was made on samples from major production sites. Socio-economic aspects was known by surveys, interviews, workshop meeting and visits to each site where have operated seven production cooperative organizations and three of the ore processing. By chemical analysis it was determined the constituent elements of Azabache, aditionaly, using a petrographic microscope it was demonstrated the presence of vitrinita trace which is main mineral of representative samples studied. The characteristics of exploration, mining and ore processing activities were watched. The environmental assessment indicates the need for security measures to divers involved in operations, the need to improve techniques and quality related to manufacture of azabache. Finally it is proposing the exploration of new areas and the organizing of centers/collection-warehouses under responsability of current cooperative organizations, in order to increase incomes and socio-economic conditions, because this activity is the main livelihood for more than 100 direct jobs together to scarce agricultural and fisheries task practiced by communities in areas subject to this investigation.
Papers by Angel R P Paulo G C
This research was oriented towards the evaluation of the influence of tax obligations and parafiscal contributions (OTCP, acronym in Spanish) on Venezuela mining business, for this, quantitative methodology was used of explanatory type, predictive level and correlational-causal transectional design, which allowed to obtain, among various results, that all of what must be paid for the OTCP studied for the original projects, increases to their equivalents that would be carried out in Venezuela between 82.32% to 253.05% and the profits for the shareholders of the projects that would supposedly be carried out in Venezuela would fall, with respect to the original projects, between US $ 13,990,120.77 and US $ 1,272,312,000.93; the correlation between these two variables is 88.22%; being the most relevant conclusion of this research that if the “approach” that has been given to mining in Venezuela is continued, it will not be possible to attract investments neither foreign nor Creole for the activation of mining in a serious and sustainable way, so that, the informality or rapine of resources against Venezuelans will be increasingly, because of the environmental impacts, as well as social and economic impacts that characterize the mining rapine, wrongly called small mining.
Esta pesquisa foi orientada para a avaliação da influência das obrigações fiscais e das contribuições para fiscais (OTCP) sobre o negócio de mineração na Venezuela, para o qual os quantitativos, explicativos, preditivos e preditivos e projeto transeccional correlacional-causal, que permitiu obter, entre vários resultados, que tudo o que deve ser pago para os OTCPs estudados para os projetos originais, é aumentado para seus equivalentes que seriam realizados na Venezuela entre 82,32% e 253, 5% e os lucros dos acionistas de projetos supostamente a serem realizados na Venezuela cairia, em comparação com os projetos originais, entre US$13990120.77 e US$ 1272312000.93; a correlação entre essas duas variáveis é de 88,22%; sendo a conclusão mais relevante desta pesquisa que, a partir da continuação da "abordagem" que tem sido dada à mineração na Venezuela, não será possível atrair investimentos estrangeiros ou crioulos para a ativação da mineração de forma séria e sustentável, de modo que cada vez mais, a informalidade ou uma presa de recursos será mais dominante em detrimento dos venezuelanos, tanto por causa de impactos ambientais, como também pelos impactos sociais e econômicos que caracterizam as presas mineradoras, pouco denominadas de mineração pequena.
This research was oriented towards the evaluation of the influence of tax obligations and parafiscal contributions (OTCP, acronym in Spanish) on Venezuela mining business, for this, quantitative methodology was used of explanatory type, predictive level and correlational-causal transectional design, which allowed to obtain, among various results, that all of what must be paid for the OTCP studied for the original projects, increases to their equivalents that would be carried out in Venezuela between 82.32% to 253.05% and the profits for the shareholders of the projects that would supposedly be carried out in Venezuela would fall, with respect to the original projects, between US $ 13,990,120.77 and US $ 1,272,312,000.93; the correlation between these two variables is 88.22%; being the most relevant conclusion of this research that if the “approach” that has been given to mining in Venezuela is continued, it will not be possible to attract investments neither foreign nor Creole for the activation of mining in a serious and sustainable way, so that, the informality or rapine of resources against Venezuelans will be increasingly, because of the environmental impacts, as well as social and economic impacts that characterize the mining rapine, wrongly called small mining.
Esta pesquisa foi orientada para a avaliação da influência das obrigações fiscais e das contribuições para fiscais (OTCP) sobre o negócio de mineração na Venezuela, para o qual os quantitativos, explicativos, preditivos e preditivos e projeto transeccional correlacional-causal, que permitiu obter, entre vários resultados, que tudo o que deve ser pago para os OTCPs estudados para os projetos originais, é aumentado para seus equivalentes que seriam realizados na Venezuela entre 82,32% e 253, 5% e os lucros dos acionistas de projetos supostamente a serem realizados na Venezuela cairia, em comparação com os projetos originais, entre US$13990120.77 e US$ 1272312000.93; a correlação entre essas duas variáveis é de 88,22%; sendo a conclusão mais relevante desta pesquisa que, a partir da continuação da "abordagem" que tem sido dada à mineração na Venezuela, não será possível atrair investimentos estrangeiros ou crioulos para a ativação da mineração de forma séria e sustentável, de modo que cada vez mais, a informalidade ou uma presa de recursos será mais dominante em detrimento dos venezuelanos, tanto por causa de impactos ambientais, como também pelos impactos sociais e econômicos que caracterizam as presas mineradoras, pouco denominadas de mineração pequena.