Papers by Jonathan Weaver

This paper aims to investigate the mechanical properties of spec- imens printed by 3D open-source... more This paper aims to investigate the mechanical properties of spec- imens printed by 3D open-source printers. It discusses the effect of five fac- tors (part/print orientation, layer height, extrusion width, nozzle diameter, and filament temperature) on the ultimate tensile strength and the impact toughness of the 3D-printed samples. A 2 6-1 resolution V fractional factorial experiment was run with the 16 samples printed on a Prusa I3 MK3S in PLA. Tensile strength and impact toughness were tested using Instron 3367 and Tinius Olsen 66 testers, respectively. In analyzing the data, a normal proba- bility plot complimented with ANOVA (Analysis Of Variance) revealed that only part/print orientation was statistically significant at p = 0.05. Regression equations were used to predict the ultimate tensile strength and the impact toughness as a function of the part/print orientation. Both the toughness re- sponse and the tensile strength response are maximized with horizontal part orientation...

Through five years of previous NSF-sponsored research working with engineering education programs... more Through five years of previous NSF-sponsored research working with engineering education programs and major U.S. Corporations, we have identified the most important characteristics of engineering innovators (across and in each phase of the innovation process) and validated a new instrument (ABAKAS = Assessment of Behaviors, Attitudes, Knowledge, Attributes, and Skills) to assess them. In our context, an innovation is a product, process, or concept that has been discovered, developed, and implemented in a sustainable manner in a community. The innovation process is therefore defined to have a beginning (discovery), a middle (development) and a completion phase (implementation). Claims on how to create innovations or be more innovative are as popular as diet plans, but these claims are not connected by evidence to engineering student learning experiences and outcomes. Courses with titles like ‘Innovation and Creativity for Engineers’ have not provided assessment evidence that these co...
IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 2002
... Sliding mode neural network inference fuzzy logic control foractive suspension systems Al-Hol... more ... Sliding mode neural network inference fuzzy logic control foractive suspension systems Al-Holou, N. Lahdhiri, T. Dae Sung Joo Weaver, J. Al-Abbas, F. Dept. ...

The discipline of systems engineering is receiving more attention from both the academic and prac... more The discipline of systems engineering is receiving more attention from both the academic and practicing engineering communities. Many high-profile engineering failures (including several recent NASA missions and a variety of product recalls) have all been traced to breakdowns in systems engineering. However, the architecture of an engineering system has an even greater impact on its performance, robustness, and properties. Outstanding systems engineering and detail design cannot salvage an architecture that is fundamentally flawed. Despite architecture’s importance, many organizations do not explicitly explore alternatives and “jump” directly to systems-level design. This prematurely collapses the design space and squanders the opportunity to explore alternatives at the least costly phase in the design process. Therefore, it is important to educate engineering managers about the key role that both systems architecture and systems engineering play in the success or failure of an engi...

Good systems architecture and systems engineering processes are key enablers for the development ... more Good systems architecture and systems engineering processes are key enablers for the development of innovative, robust engineering systems. Many product failures can be traced directly to breakdowns in the architectural or systems engineering practices of the design team. Despite the increased emphasis on systems engineering, most systems engineering textbooks tend to focus on specific tools (such as requirements or interface management systems) or describe the systems engineering and systems architecting process in a rather generic discussion. Case studies are typically brief and relatively sparse. A typical teaching approach is to introduce a tool, illustrate how the tool can be applied, introduce another tool, etc. However, cultivating expertise in specific tools that may not be in use by a student’s employer adds little value – particularly if the student misses the holistic understanding of the topic because he is focusing on details of the tool. The authors believe that it is ...
different courses at the undergraduate and graduate level, has over 25 technical publications, is... more different courses at the undergraduate and graduate level, has over 25 technical publications, is co-author of one book, and has done consulting for industry in Mexico and the US. He can be reached at
Circuits and Systems, 1996., …, 1996
Abstract: We have developed an adaptive fuzzy logic controller (AFLC) for an active suspension sy... more Abstract: We have developed an adaptive fuzzy logic controller (AFLC) for an active suspension system. The main controller network integrates inference into a feed-forward network. We: describe the controller design and discuss simulation results. This paper demonstrate the ...
… , 1999. Proceedings of …, 1999
This paper presents the design of a sliding mode fuzzy logic-based controller for an active vehic... more This paper presents the design of a sliding mode fuzzy logic-based controller for an active vehicle suspension system. The controller design is based on a Macpherson strut model and combines sliding mode techniques with fuzzy logic methodologies. This control ...
This paper deals with the path tracking and stability of motion of automated guided vehicle syste... more This paper deals with the path tracking and stability of motion of automated guided vehicle systems and wheeled mobile robots. A two degree-of-freedom dynamic model is developed to represent the plane motion of the vehicle. This model along with the instantaneous posture errors (position and orientation errors) of the vehicle are used to formulate their path-tracking problem in state space format. Implementation of stability criterion and application of the actual physical limits of the pertinent parameters of the system are the strategies used to design the controller. It is shown that implementation of a control strategy based on the vehicles' position and orientation errors gives satisfactory results in vehicles' path tracking. The feasibility of the approach and the performance of the controlled system are demonstrated by using a prototype vehicle.
FIE'99 Frontiers in Education. 29th Annual Frontiers in Education Conference. Designing the Future of Science and Engineering Education. Conference Proceedings (IEEE Cat. No.99CH37011
The undergraduate mechanical engineering program at the University of Detroit Mercy(UDM) includes... more The undergraduate mechanical engineering program at the University of Detroit Mercy(UDM) includes a required laboratory course in Mechanical Measurements. A recent NSF ILI grant made it possible to modernize ME361 by procuring four personal computers, data acquisition cards, Labview software, and many transducers and other needed items. All of the ME361 lab experiences were modernized as described in this paper.

CATIA V5 Tutorials Mechanism Design and Animation Releases 20 is composed of several tutorial sty... more CATIA V5 Tutorials Mechanism Design and Animation Releases 20 is composed of several tutorial style lessons. This book is intended to be used as a training guide for those who have a basic familiarity with part and assembly modeling in CATIA V5 Release 20 wishing to create and simulate the motion of mechanisms within CATIA Digital Mock Up (DMU). The tutorials are written so as to provide a hands-on look at the process of creating an assembly, developing the assembly into a mechanism, and simulating the motion of the mechanism in accordance with some time based inputs. The processes of generating movie files and plots of the kinematic results are covered. The majority of the common joint types are covered. Students majoring in engineering/technology, designers using CATIA V5 in industry, and practicing engineers can easily follow the book and develop a sound yet practical understanding of simulating mechanisms in DMU. The chapters of CATIA V5 Tutorials Mechanism Design and Animation ...

A method for autonomously planning collision free paths for two cooperating robots in a static en... more A method for autonomously planning collision free paths for two cooperating robots in a static environment was developed at the Center for Intelligent Robotic Systems for Space Exploration (CIRSSE). The method utilizes a divide-and-conquer type of heuristic and involves non-exhaustive mapping of configuration space. While there is no guarantee of finding a solution, the planner was successfully applied to a variety of problems including two cooperating 9 degrees of freedom (dof) robots. Although developed primarily for cooperating robots the method is also applicable to single robot path planning problems. A single 6 dof version of the planner was implemented for the truss assembly east, at NASA Langley's Automated Structural Assembly Lab (ASAL). The results indicate that the planner could be very useful in addressing the ASAL path planning problem and that further work along these lines is warranted.

Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) has been a dominant methodology for defining and developin... more Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) has been a dominant methodology for defining and developing complex systems; however, it has not yet been paired with cutting-edge digital engineering transformation. MBSE is constrained to represent a whole system, but lacks other capabilities, such as dynamic simulation and optimization, as well as integration of hardware and software functions. This paper provides the key elements for developing a Smart MBSE (SMBSE) modeling approach that integrates Systems Engineering (SE) functionality with the full suite of other development tools utilized to create today’s complex products. SMBSE connects hardware and software with a set of customer needs, design requirements, program targets, simulations and optimization functionalities. The SMBSE modeling approach is still under development, with significant challenges for building bridges between conventional Systems Engineering methodology, with additional capabilities to reuse, automate, simulate an...
SAE Technical Paper Series

Engineering is a meticulous and methodical neat freak, frowning on anything short of success. To ... more Engineering is a meticulous and methodical neat freak, frowning on anything short of success. To Engineering, failure is not an option. Engineering was not always like that, but the decade long relationship with Quality Improvement left him in knots. Entrepreneurship is a compulsive gambler who thrives on trying new and untested things. To Entrepreneurship, failure is mark of progress. Engineering lived happily in a crowded but fastidiously kept curriculum. That all changed when Entrepreneurship moved in and started unpacking. This is the story of how the two have gotten along and how they are able to share the same space. This paper gives a map of a prototypical mechanical engineering curriculum and overlays it with various entrepreneurship educational elements. This paper includes a basic review of some of the various tools and techniques used to weave in the entrepreneurial engineering elements including one such technique developed at the University of Detroit Mercy: The technic...

Good systems architecture and systems engineering processes are key enablers for the development ... more Good systems architecture and systems engineering processes are key enablers for the development of innovative, robust engineering systems. Many product failures can be traced directly to breakdowns in the architectural or systems engineering practices of the design team. Despite the increased emphasis on systems engineering, most systems engineering textbooks tend to focus on specific tools (such as requirements or interface management systems) or describe the systems engineering and systems architecting process in a rather generic discussion. Case studies are typically brief and relatively sparse. A typical teaching approach is to introduce a tool, illustrate how the tool can be applied, introduce another tool, etc. However, cultivating expertise in specific tools that may not be in use by a student’s employer adds little value – particularly if the student misses the holistic understanding of the topic because he is focusing on details of the tool. The authors believe that it is ...

Two very important steps in the product development process are identifying customer needs and es... more Two very important steps in the product development process are identifying customer needs and establishing functional requirements and target specifications for the product. Unfortunately, it is quite common in academic design projects to begin a project by giving to the students most of the functional requirements and target specifications for the product that they have to develop. Under that framework, the students are not actively involved in two key aspects of “real world” product development, namely identifying the needs of the customers and translating those needs into functional requirements and target specifications. If the customer requirements are not fully understood and adequately translated into required functions and quantifiable metrics and their corresponding target values, it is very unlikely that a successful product design will result from the development effort. Setting target specifications is a challenging process and even experienced engineers sometimes have ...

The discipline of systems engineering is receiving more attention from both the academic and prac... more The discipline of systems engineering is receiving more attention from both the academic and practicing engineering communities. Many high-profile engineering failures (including several recent NASA missions and a variety of product recalls) have all been traced to breakdowns in systems engineering. However, the architecture of an engineering system has an even greater impact on its performance, robustness, and properties. Outstanding systems engineering and detail design cannot salvage an architecture that is fundamentally flawed. Despite architecture’s importance, many organizations do not explicitly explore alternatives and “jump” directly to systems-level design. This prematurely collapses the design space and squanders the opportunity to explore alternatives at the least costly phase in the design process. Therefore, it is important to educate engineering managers about the key role that both systems architecture and systems engineering play in the success or failure of an engi...
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition Proceedings
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition Proceedings
The discipline of systems engineering is receiving more attention from both the academic and prac... more The discipline of systems engineering is receiving more attention from both the academic and practicing engineering communities. Many high-profile engineering failures (including several recent NASA missions and a variety of product recalls) have all been traced to breakdowns in systems engineering.
Papers by Jonathan Weaver