Papers by Dr Mohammad Kaleem Galamali
Approaches to global sustainability, markets, and governance, 2023

One of the requirements of MAUC has been to ensure smooth transition from one relay to another du... more One of the requirements of MAUC has been to ensure smooth transition from one relay to another during mobility of a node. This "smoothness" must be unnoticed by a user and hence the term "seamless mobility". Lots of research and development are being carried out to achieve this concept (5-17). To achieve seamless mobility, neighbouring relays to the closest relay that a node is connected to, must be notified proactively and minimal amount of resources be reserved to initiate communication through it as and when a node comes close to it. Reserving maximum resources at each neighbouring relay can be considerably costly. It is hence desirable to have a probabilistic approach for knowing which relays (usually least number) need to be proactively enabled, the need for activating neighbouring relay, the need by a CBR for 1 relay, 2 relays, 3 relays, etc.., the minimum and maximum relays used in particular relay densities and their probability of occurrences.

Sixth International Conference On Advances in Computing, Electronics and Electrical Technology - CEET 2016, Nov 27, 2016
Management of energy consumption of nodes in ubicomp can be assisted by location-aware transmissi... more Management of energy consumption of nodes in ubicomp can be assisted by location-aware transmission strategies in MANETs [63]. Hence researchers believe that further development in location-aware transmission in MANETs must be undertaken. It is projected that further development will involve technologies like Landbased GPS systems, improved location refresh rates and location accuracy, along with developments of better protocols optimised for transmission following distance criteria. To enable proper tuning of transmission protocols or even to select appropriate protocols, and achieve optimal MANET performance, the applicability of known trends of distance coverages by packets in a ubicomp for varying node density remain considerable. Two previous studies in this direction were made whereby two metrics were developed and their trend analyses put forward: PPD [26] and Max_CBR_Dist [27] which is derived from PPD. This paper adds a third component after the metric PPD and Max_CBR_Dist to the area of modelling for managing distance packets travel in ubicomp topography of varying node densities. Designers may use these results towards formulation of better transmission protocols for ubicomp. This piece of research is a follow-up of previous work [1-27].

Fifth International Conference on Advances in Computing, Control and Networking - ACCN 2016, Sep 26, 2016
Lots of new components to support location tracking in mobile environment are being put forward f... more Lots of new components to support location tracking in mobile environment are being put forward following widespread research [36-51]. Upon significant milestones being reached, subsequent novel functionalities are being devised and existing ones improved. However, still lacking in the field of MAUC is the software engineering approaches into metrics and models development to enable predictability bounding and governing future investments of resources for development and further research [2]. One particular sub-area within the area of energy considerations in ubicomp is modelling of overall node energy savings using location-aware MANET transmission provided in another paper [15]. The next set of investigation involves quantifying and modelling the extra overall nodes energy savings achievable against Direct node-to-node transmission, the pattern of trend for this extra saving under different sets of node densities and method of predicting the trend equations and using them for predictive probability calculations. The area of modelling in ubicomp will involve lots of work and investments and this paper does add a building block for designers to formulate better ubicomp architectures and components. This paper follows from previous work [1-16] with more emphasis from papers [2, 15].

Sixth International Conference On Advances in Computing, Electronics and Electrical Technology - CEET 2016, Nov 27, 2016
MANET transmission is one solution towards achieving routing in a ubicomp environment. If the cor... more MANET transmission is one solution towards achieving routing in a ubicomp environment. If the corresponding protocols are well designed, it can assist in energy issues in ubicomp [61]. Applying location-aware transmission strategies may enhance energy management and hence remain a serious topic of research. Some of the enhancements being expected [1] involves application of land-based GPS systems, improved location refresh rates and location accuracy along with developments of better protocols optimised for transmission according to distance criteria. To assist in the latter protocol developments, one research result that would be required is the trends of distance coverages by packets in a ubicomp topography for varying node densities. Such knowledge will definitely be useful for refining transmission protocols so that best MANET performance is achieved. In this paper, a metric PPD is put forward to assess the trend of distance coverages by packets in a ubicomp topography with varying node densities. This paper adds a result set to the area of modelling for Packets Per Distance management in ubicomp. Designers may use these results towards formulation of better transmission protocols for ubicomp. This paper is a follow-up of previous work [1-25].

Sixth International Conference On Advances in Computing, Electronics and Electrical Technology - CEET 2016, Nov 27, 2016
Managing energy consumption in ubicomp is a serious topic of research. MANET transmission may hel... more Managing energy consumption in ubicomp is a serious topic of research. MANET transmission may help in energy containment in ubicomp [57]. Location-aware transmission can enhance this method for energy containment. It is assumed that in a MANET for ubicomp, nodes present will work in an automated collective fashion to achieve transmission, thereby sharing the workload. It is a conception that for sharing of workload is achieved equitably among all nodes present and hence energy consumption is reduced for each contributing node with increasing node density. In situations of cooperation, it remains important for each cooperating node to gauge what is the degree of effort it is providing, in forms of metric and trends achievable, presented in previous research [19-21] which is referenced against sender node's effort. Another set of metrics for gauging Fairness compared to an assumed equitable energy amount reached if the total energy consumed for a CBR transmission is divided equally among all nodes present in a topography, is also possible. A first metric in this direction, presented in this paper, is ECFP, along with its corresponding trends over varying node densities. This paper adds up to the area of modelling in ubicomp for designers to better provision for resources and architecture needs. This paper is a follow-up of previous research [1-21].

Seventh International Conference on Advances in Computing, Control and Networking - ACCN 2017, Sep 23, 2017
For engineering fields to evolve, the concept of reliability must be brought in and fine-tuned to... more For engineering fields to evolve, the concept of reliability must be brought in and fine-tuned towards excellent implemented achievements. Different engineering fields will be having different reliability notions but one common trend of progress among these fields is the need to devise metrics for quantifiable measurement and producing the knowledge of the theoretical trends for these metrics. Ubicomp also faces the need for dependability [1] and quite some work in producing metrics and their theoretical trends have been carried out [14-65]. In former papers [66, 67], it was mentioned that the methodology used for developing the results concerning the sixteen metrics has also been novel and involved implementing components not available formerly. This methodology was split into five steps. In this paper, the third step concerning methodology for processing MANET Routes for each transmission packet of a CBR in ubicomp MANETs, along with its design and implementation particularities are reported. Here also, no concern for nodes being supplied as infrastructure or not, nor misbehaviour in MANETs nodes are catered for. The results of this study may serve towards better formulation of processing for MANET Routes for each transmission packet of CBRs in other ubicomp topographies or using this methodology for preparing many off-the-shelf such components over different movement and communication scenarios. Such availability of off-the-shelf components will facilitate further empirical research activities. This paper is a retrospective delivery of the third of five parts of the methodology designed over which previous work [14-65] was built over. It also follows the delivery of the first 2 parts of the methodology [66, 67].

Seventh International Conference on Advances in Computing, Control and Networking - ACCN 2017, Sep 23, 2017
The future of ubicomp will undoubtedly proliferate with features of reliability and adaptability ... more The future of ubicomp will undoubtedly proliferate with features of reliability and adaptability well addressed [1]. Ubicomp technology will succeed in business and day-today functionalities based on suitably designed metrics and known trends of these metrics, at least from the starting point of simulator. Such work are being forwarded [14-65]. What remains to be put forward to the research community is the methodology that was devised so that the prior work [14-65] could be undertaken. The methodology itself has been novel and required designing and implementing components not formerly produced, nor are available off-the-shelf. The methodology is split into five steps. In this paper, the fifth step concerning methodology of automated extraction of data from files for generating final results and reporting the particularities involved. This work is undertaken in TCL over results generated form NS2. The results of this study will serve in guiding other researchers towards better organising the sequential steps of their research when they reach such a point and use this methodology towards identifying what has to be extracted for analysis. This paper is a retrospective delivery of the fifth of five parts of the methodology developed over which previous work [14-65] was done.

Seventh International Conference on Advances in Computing, Control and Networking - ACCN 2017, 2017
The field of location-tracking in mobile environments is of utmost necessity and justifies the re... more The field of location-tracking in mobile environments is of utmost necessity and justifies the research investments put in it [1-10] with correspondingly commendable output. With progresses in ubicomp happening, several questions will crop up and whose answers depend on components not yet developed and hence empirical supports to answer these questions may serve as welcome starting points. A previous such study was undertaken to find trends of energy savings achievable by applying location-aware direct Node-To-Node (NTN) transmission strategies [2]. Another study was conducted to model the trends of sender energy savings (SES) achievable in location-aware MANET transmission [14] from the perspective of user nodes being freed from routing tasks of other user's transmissions, i.e. MANET nodes are supplied as infrastructure. Following these two studies [2, 14], the next level of research is laid as: "By what extra amount can the sender nodes' battery availability be extended in location-aware ubicomp MANET transmission compared to direct Node-To-Node transmission? How does this extra amount vary over varying node numbers in a ubicomp topography? The results of this study can serve towards better architecture formulations and alleviation of maintenance procedures required for ubicomp. This study follows from previous ones [1-63]

Sixth International Conference On Advances in Computing, Electronics and Electrical Technology - CEET 2016, 2016
Managing energy consumption in ubicomp remains a serious topic of research since MANET transmissi... more Managing energy consumption in ubicomp remains a serious topic of research since MANET transmission may help in energy containment in ubicomp [58], enhance by location-aware transmission strategies. It is assumed that in a MANET for ubicomp, nodes present will transmit in an automated collective fashion, thereby sharing the workload. It can hence be assumed that nodes present in a topography are themselves the infrastructure. If it is also assumed that every node must be providing equitable assistance, then it can also be concluded that this situation will be rarely reached. A research area remains "By how much Fairness reached in a ubicomp deviates from the latter situation reached?" as such questions remain consequent in situations of cooperative functionality. A previous study in this direction was made [22] whereby 2 metrics were defined: BFEA and ECFP. ECFP was a first metric for gauging Fairness proportion reached in ubicomp. In this paper, a second metric Min_FP, derived from ECFP is defined and its corresponding trends over varying node densities are presented. This paper builds further the area of modelling in ubicomp for designers to assess Fairness criteria and subsequently better shape future ubicomp components. This paper is a follow-up of previous research [1-22].

Third International Conference on Advances in Computing, Electronics and Electrical Technology - CEET 2015, 2015
E-commerce is a business model that allows companies to optimize the processes of buying, selling... more E-commerce is a business model that allows companies to optimize the processes of buying, selling, transferring goods and exchanging services through computer networks or the Internet. In Peru, the electronic commerce is used infrequently. This situation is due, in part to the fact that there is no model that allows companies to implement an e-commerce solution, which means that most SMEs do not have adequate knowledge to adapt to electronic commerce. In this work, a reference model is proposed for the implementation of an e-commerce solution in Peruvian SMEs in the retail sector. It consists of five phases: Business Analysis, Business Modeling, Implementation, Post Implementation and Results. The present model was validated in a SME of the Peruvian retail sector through the implementation of an electronic commerce platform, through which the company increased its sales through the delivery channel by 10% in the first month of deployment. This result showed that the model is easy to implement, is economical and agile. In addition, it allowed the company to increase its business offer, adapt to e-commerce and improve customer loyalty.

Management of energy consumption of nodes in ubicomp can be assisted by location-aware transmissi... more Management of energy consumption of nodes in ubicomp can be assisted by location-aware transmission strategies in MANETs [63]. Hence researchers believe that further development in location-aware transmission in MANETs must be undertaken. It is projected that further development will involve technologies like Landbased GPS systems, improved location refresh rates and location accuracy, along with developments of better protocols optimised for transmission following distance criteria. To enable proper tuning of transmission protocols or even to select appropriate protocols, and achieve optimal MANET performance, the applicability of known trends of distance coverages by packets in a ubicomp for varying node density remain considerable. Two previous studies in this direction were made whereby two metrics were developed and their trend analyses put forward: PPD [26] and Max_CBR_Dist [27] which is derived from PPD. This paper adds a third component after the metric PPD and Max_CBR_Dist to the area of modelling for managing distance packets travel in ubicomp topography of varying node densities. Designers may use these results towards formulation of better transmission protocols for ubicomp. This piece of research is a follow-up of previous work [1-27].

Sixth International Conference On Advances in Computing, Electronics and Electrical Technology - CEET 2016, 2016
MANET transmission is one solution towards achieving routing in a ubicomp environment and if well... more MANET transmission is one solution towards achieving routing in a ubicomp environment and if well designed, it can help in energy containment in ubicomp [60]. Application of location-aware transmission strategies may enhance energy management and conservation and hence remain a serious topic of research. MANET nodes adopt an automated collective load sharing transmission strategy. Hence MANET nodes are themselves the infrastructure nodes. Situations of completely equitable transmission (Fairness) load sharing will be very rarely reached. However, one criteria which can serve for a sender to decide to start a transmission or not will be: "How much Fairness is being reached by other senders in the ubicomp?" This feature will require either recording of previous sender's Fairness Proportion or an empirical predictability model (or both). Such questions remain determining factors of success of transmission in cooperative functionality. Previous studies in this direction were made [22] whereby the metrics BFEA and ECFP were devised. Development of two derived metrics followed: Min_FP [23] and Max_FP [24]. In this paper, another metric S_FP, derived from ECFP, is defined and its corresponding trends over varying node densities are presented. This paper consolidates further the area of modelling for energy management in ubicomp for designers to assess Fairness characteristics and subsequently better shape future ubicomp technology. This paper is a follow-up of previous research [1-24].

Fifth International Conference on Advances in Computing, Control and Networking - ACCN 2016, 2016
Research on efficient, low-cost and reliable location tracking in mobile environment remains ongo... more Research on efficient, low-cost and reliable location tracking in mobile environment remains ongoing [34-49]. As and when significant progresses are being achieved, new functionality/applications are being put on the market and ways of doing existing activities are improved. One key area affecting this sequence of development in MANET communication whereby a missing component is the Software Engineering approaches into metric development and forecast trend modelling techniques which may better gear future investments into further research [2]. The particular area of concern here is energy considerations in ubicomp. How much energy savings can be achieved by overall nodes participating in a transmission using location-aware MANET transmission? Is there any pattern of trend that the overall energy savings achieved follow under different sets of node densities? How to gather probabilities of saving below (or above) a particular percent of energy? Need for formulating applicable models remain considerable as it involves lots of work from many researchers and results put forward will help designers formulate better architectures of ubicomp components. This paper is a follow-up of previous papers [1-14].

Seventh International Conference on Advances in Computing, Control and Networking - ACCN 2017, 2017
Reliability is among the key features that must be addressed in all pieces of technology in order... more Reliability is among the key features that must be addressed in all pieces of technology in order to undertake wide deployment and integration of the technology in everyday life [1]. This also affects ubicomp whereby knowledge of trends of metrics formulated will serve towards constructing reliability frameworks. Quite some work has been conducted based on simulator in this direction [14-65] and new metrics for ubicomp have been laid forward. In former papers [66-68], it was mentioned that the methodology devised for producing the results concerning the sixteen metrics was also novel and necessitated implementing components not existent so far. The methodology was split into five steps. In this paper, the fourth step concerning methodology for generating MANET results for ubicomp MANETs, along with its design and implementation particularities is elaborated. The MANET nodes are assumed as behaving properly and no concern for nodes being supplied as infrastructure or not is taken. The results of this study may serve towards more refined methodology formulation for generating MANET results for "Energy Consumption" and "Packet Distance" considerations in ubicomp MANETs. This approach may also be adopted for generating many off-the-shelf such components, which would in turn facilitate further empirical research activities. This paper is a retrospective delivery of the fourth of five parts of the methodology designed, over which previous work [14-65] was built over. It also follows the delivery of the first three parts of the methodology [66-68].

Fourth International Conference On Advances in Computing, Electronics and Electrical Technology - CEET 2015, 2015
Ubiquitous computing is a fairly recent but fast developing field. One sub-component of research ... more Ubiquitous computing is a fairly recent but fast developing field. One sub-component of research and development is the application of relays for enhancing a ubicomp topography. In a previous paper [12], an empirical analysis of suitability of relays for extending nodes' Battery Availability was proposed using a metric MBAEF. Placement of relays is of very big impact. Positioning relays or adding new relays at wrong positions may not give significant returns. Judicious methodical placement of relays has to be supported by appropriate metrics and obtained through good procedures. The question put forward in previous paper [12] is extended here "By how much can nodes' batteries availability be extended with use of optimally placed relays?". The same method described previously [10] is used here over results presented in section 5 of previous paper [4], concerning optimised number of relays. This paper is also a follow-up of several previous papers [2,3,10,11,12]. The objective of this paper is to present the MBAEF of batteries for varying numbers of optimally placed relays in a ubicomp topography. This information will reinforce reliability concepts in ubicomp architectures.

Third International Conference on Advances in Computing, Electronics and Electrical Technology - CEET 2015, 2015
There is no doubt that relays in aubicomp topography bring commendable support for communication ... more There is no doubt that relays in aubicomp topography bring commendable support for communication and efficient reduction in energy consumption by transmitting nodes [4]. However, all these benefits are for transmitting nodes only. Less information is available as advantages or cost-effective sequence of steps for the development of the ubicomp architecture and topography. Investing into a network of relay will come with its costs and may not be achievable at one go. There is need for a phased method of investment starting from lesser number of relays but with more optimal returns including energy savings perspectives. To achieve this, a way to model and predict amount/proportion of energy saved and metrics concerned is required, from a software engineering perspective, when applying relays in aubicomp topography. This paper is a follow-up of 7 papers [1-7] with more focus from paper [4] and areas of investigation identified in paper [7]. This paper is aimed at producing models of energy savings achievable in various scenarios of optimised relays put forward in previous paper [7]. The results of experiments run are displayed graphically and relevant conclusions and equations derived are also put forward. These results will certainly help build more reliable architectures for future ubicomp.

Fifth International Conference on Advances in Computing, Control and Networking - ACCN 2016, 2016
It is claimed that MANET transmission helps to save energy in ubicomp [55]. This strategy may be ... more It is claimed that MANET transmission helps to save energy in ubicomp [55]. This strategy may be complemented by applying location-aware transmission in MANET, resulting in a situation of automatic cooperation between all nodes present in the topography. In situations of cooperation, a desirable transparent information remains Fairness of load distribution, taking into consideration all underlying features like hardware peculiarities, battery availability and especially of concern here, ratio of energy being required by the MANET node compared with the sender node itself, together with known corresponding trends. Such a study is provided in another paper [18], whereby a future work identified was "how to gauge Fairness features being reached", as concerns the proportion of nodes spending more or less energy than the sender node. A first set of answers to this issue was provided in another paper [19]. In this paper, a second set of answers is provided with a metric Max_R with its corresponding model of trend over varying node densities. This paper adds up to the area of modelling in ubicomp for designers to better provision for resources and architecture needs for ubicomp. This paper is a follow-up of previous research [1-19].

Seventh International Conference on Advances in Computing, Control and Networking - ACCN 2017, 2017
In all engineering fields, as development proceeds, the notion of reliability start creeping in m... more In all engineering fields, as development proceeds, the notion of reliability start creeping in mostly with the aim of satisfying dependability and day-today running of the technology. Ubicomp is not spared from this need for reliability [1]. Quite some research has been done in this direction [14-65] whereby a total of sixteen new metrics have been studied with the aim of formulating reliability predictability features for MANETs in Ubicomp. In a prior paper [66], it was mentioned that the methodology used for developing results over the sixteen metrics, was also novel and involved implementing components not previously available. The methodology is split into five steps. In this paper, the second step concerning methodology for "MANET Route Formulation" and "Tracking Nodes Energy Expenditure" together with its design and implementation particularities are put forward. It is pointed out that this work is carried out irrespective of concerns for MANET nodes being supplied as infrastructure or not. The results of this study may serve towards better formulation of methodology for MANET Route Formulation and tracking of energy expenditure in other ubicomp topographies or using this methodology to prepare many off-the-shelf such components over different movement and communication patterns. These components would eventually be facilitators for further empirical research activities. This paper is a retrospective delivery of the second of five parts of the methodology developed over which previous work [14-65] was built over. It also follows the delivery of the first part of the methodology [66].

Seventh International Conference on Advances in Computing, Control and Networking - ACCN 2017, 2017
Significant research is on the way for locationtracking in mobile environment [62-99]. Developmen... more Significant research is on the way for locationtracking in mobile environment [62-99]. Development is expected like devising new functionalities and applications and improving ways of doing existing activities [2] in mobile and ubicomp environment. Several questions will crop up in this area and whose answers depend on components not yet developed. As and when these components will be developed, more such questions will be credulously answered. In MANETs, user nodes may be freed from routing tasks of other sender nodes' CBRs if MANET nodes are supplied as infrastructure. In such circumstance, sender nodes will be achieving considerable energy savings over varying node densities, as presented in former paper [14] whereby metric SES was illustrated. Following results presented [14], the next level of probing is laid as: "By what factor can the sender nodes' battery availability be extended? How does this factor vary over varying node numbers in ubicomp topographies?" The results of this study can serve towards better architecture formulations and alleviation of maintenance procedures required for ubicomp. The study follows from previous ones [1-61].
Papers by Dr Mohammad Kaleem Galamali