Books by Christian Bluemelhuber
Papers by Christian Bluemelhuber
Die Autoren – Professoren und Mitarbeiter der GWK – stellen richtige und falsche Fragen, üben mit... more Die Autoren – Professoren und Mitarbeiter der GWK – stellen richtige und falsche Fragen, üben mit uns das Liken und Faven und duellieren Times und Helvetica. Sie bewerben Wirkungsfiktionen, verknüpfen das Gesagte mit dem Gemeinten und ... lesen Sie selbst! GWK001 bereist die Landschaft der Kommunikation, verhandelt Positionen, knüpft Verbindungen – erzählt manche Geschichte und fordert Sie auch mal zum Handeln auf! So wirkt GWK als Seismograph, Übersetzer und (Mit-) Gestalter von soziokulturellen und kommunikativen Wandlungen.
Effect-symbolically activating the missing past in a current personal situation-and The Rebound E... more Effect-symbolically activating the missing past in a current personal situation-and The Rebound Effect-anticipating novelty in life. Ten case studies enlighten this agenda; their interpretation results from an iterative process leveraged on both participants and the philosophical concept of Narrative Identity.
Internationalisierung von Dienstleistungen, 2005

Handbook of Media Branding, 2015
When glamour can sell candidates and cruises, roadsters and real estate, when glamour describes s... more When glamour can sell candidates and cruises, roadsters and real estate, when glamour describes stocks (so called glam stocks vs. value stocks) and rock (glam rock vs. progressive rock) and when football seasons are full of glam transfers: why should the brands of publishing houses, social media platforms, TV series or magazines not also profit from a glam component? As the re-entry (Spencer-Brown, 1972) of magic into brand management, glamour helps media companies to break free from the classical brand engineering concept and offers an aestheticization that might add value—and allure. But it also asks for a reinterpretation of some cherished concepts as glamorous brands are defined through a punctum, an extra, a rainbow-moment—and those are difficult to plan, predict, and produce. Certainties might fade away, but in return (media) brands could stand out.
Impulse für die Markenforschung und Markenführung, 2008
Es sind die im Gedachtnis der Rezipienten verankerten Markenassoziationen, die den Erfolg einer M... more Es sind die im Gedachtnis der Rezipienten verankerten Markenassoziationen, die den Erfolg einer Marke bestimmen. Hieran ansetzend wird die Fragestellung untersucht, ob und wie sich diese Assoziationen abhangig vom Alter (bzw. der kognitiven Entwicklungsstufe des Menschen) verandern. Dabei wird zwischen Exemplern und Beliefs als den wesentlichen Dimensionen von Assoziationen unterschieden. Eine Studie mit 172 Probanden (Kinder, Jugendliche und Erwachsene), die Collagen zu einer Marke (Adidas bzw. McDonalds) erstellten, zeigt, dass mit zunehmend hoherer Entwicklungsstufe die Bedeutung der Belief-Assoziationen steigt. Begrundet werden kann dieses Ergebnis mit der in Abhangigkeit des Alters zunehmenden Fahigkeit des Menschen zur Abstraktion.

This article examines the essentially neglected impact of consumer knowledge on the brand allianc... more This article examines the essentially neglected impact of consumer knowledge on the brand alliance evaluation process. 110 participants of an empirical study were asked to indicate their attitudes towards presented brand alliances as well as to evaluate the brand and product fits within these interbrand collaborations. The results yielded several key findings: first, the importance of consu-mers' brand and product fit assessment for the outcome of their evaluations of brand alli-ances was confirmed. Second, an interaction effect between consumers' knowledge and their weighting of their product fit, as well as brand-fit judgments in their brand alliance evaluations was identified. This indicates that experts focus primarily on product-related information in brand-alliance evaluations, while novices focus on brand-related informa-tion in such evaluations. These findings were replicated in a second study (112 partici-pants) which relied on different types of brand alliances, re...
Service Engineering
Page 1. Service Engineering zur Internationalisierung von Dienstleistungen Anton Meyer Roland Kan... more Page 1. Service Engineering zur Internationalisierung von Dienstleistungen Anton Meyer Roland Kantsperger Christian Blümelhuber Institut für Marketing, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München Inhalt 1 Einführung: eine ...
SCOPUS: cp.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe
Handbook on Brand and Experience Management
Medien im Marketing
Page 1. Medienmenschen als Quellen von Botschaften 317 Christian Blümelhuber und Tobias Schnitzer... more Page 1. Medienmenschen als Quellen von Botschaften 317 Christian Blümelhuber und Tobias Schnitzer Medienmenschen als Quellen von Botschaften Relevanz, Quellenvergessen und Einstellungswirkung 1 Medienmenschen ...
Handbuch Kundenbindungsmanagement, 1999
Handbuch Markenführung, 2004
Relationship Marketing, 2000
... index point for a period of five years here produced an average 11.3% increase in return on i... more ... index point for a period of five years here produced an average 11.3% increase in return on investment (Anderson, Fornell & ... There is a wide range of possible value-added services, including repair and maintenance services, football jerseys or cookbooks, free cellular phones ...

Marketing Science, 2009
The universality of design perception and response is tested using data collected from 10 countri... more The universality of design perception and response is tested using data collected from 10 countries: Argentina, Australia, China, Germany, Great Britain, India, The Netherlands, Russia, Singapore, and the United States. A Bayesian, finite-mixture, structural equation model is developed that identifies latent logo clusters while accounting for heterogeneity in evaluations. The concomitant variable approach allows cluster probabilities to be country specific. Rather than a priori defined clusters, our procedure provides a posteriori cross-national logo clusters based on consumer response similarity. Our model reduces the 10 countries to three cross-national clusters that respond differently to logo design dimensions: the West, Asia, and Russia. The dimensions underlying design are found to be similar across countries, suggesting that elaborateness, naturalness, and harmony are universal design dimensions. Responses (affect, shared meaning, subjective familiarity, and true and false re...
Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 2010

Journal of Business Research, 2011
Drawing on 20 long interviews (McCracken, 1988) with general consumers, this research suggests th... more Drawing on 20 long interviews (McCracken, 1988) with general consumers, this research suggests that the impact of various kinds of un/ethical business practices of a given company on consumers' perceived ethicality (CPE) is asymmetrical. The resulting taxonomy identifies three distinct dimensions of varying directions and impacts on CPE, with the personal interest of the evaluating person moderating and mediating the dimensions' slopes: (1) Monovalent ethical dissatisfiers which have a negative effect; (2) Bivalent ethical dis/satisfiers that either favorably or unfavorably influence ethical perceptions, commensurate with a company's efforts; and (3) Monovalent ethical satisfiers, capable of generating a positive impact. The achievement of positive CPE appears highly challenging for a variety of reasons identified. Only one instance of perceived misconduct can be sufficient to contaminate a company/brand's CPE, despite otherwise exemplary behavioral records or altruistic engagement. The article concludes with a discussion of the implications for managers and academics.
Books by Christian Bluemelhuber
Papers by Christian Bluemelhuber