Anne Hölck, born 1970 in Kiel / Germany, works in interdisciplinary
artistic fields as artist, curator and scenographer for spacial installations, she lives in Berlin. She studied fine arts, aesthetics and art education at Berlin University of Arts, where she also completed the postgraduate M.A. Art in Context. Her artistic and curatorial research is often set up in collaborative constellations with cultural scientists and artists and is situated in the field of Human-Animal Studies. Her focus deals with the staging of spaces that function as settings for human-animal encounters – emphasizing the agency of animals and critically exploring conventional displays like in zoos and natural history museums.
In her published essays on the design of zoo architecture, she investigates the influence of scenographic means and media on role attributions of human and non-human actors, as well as current cohabitation concepts of urban spaces.
Since 2022 she is artist fellow at the Academy of Media Arts Cologne with her artistic research project „multispecies scenographies“, that is exploring ways of narrating and experiencing animal biographies for a space installation of analog and digital media.
Address: Berlin, Berlin, Germany
artistic fields as artist, curator and scenographer for spacial installations, she lives in Berlin. She studied fine arts, aesthetics and art education at Berlin University of Arts, where she also completed the postgraduate M.A. Art in Context. Her artistic and curatorial research is often set up in collaborative constellations with cultural scientists and artists and is situated in the field of Human-Animal Studies. Her focus deals with the staging of spaces that function as settings for human-animal encounters – emphasizing the agency of animals and critically exploring conventional displays like in zoos and natural history museums.
In her published essays on the design of zoo architecture, she investigates the influence of scenographic means and media on role attributions of human and non-human actors, as well as current cohabitation concepts of urban spaces.
Since 2022 she is artist fellow at the Academy of Media Arts Cologne with her artistic research project „multispecies scenographies“, that is exploring ways of narrating and experiencing animal biographies for a space installation of analog and digital media.
Address: Berlin, Berlin, Germany
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Papers by Anne Hoelck
Zooarchitektur folgt nicht nur funktionalen Strategien, damit Tiere ex situ überleben; sie bündelt verschie-dene Wissensformen über Tiere, transformiert sie in neue Entwürfe und stellt Bezüge zwischen den Wis-sensbereichen her. Sie richtet soziale Situationen ein, in denen sich Menschen und Tiere begegnen, die von Vorstellungen über Tiere und ihre Herkunft geprägt sind. Forschungsmaterial dieser Recherche bildet meine fotografische Dokumentation der Schauanordnungen und Gestaltung von Zoogehegen. Eine ent-scheidende Beobachtung für die Auswertung ist, dass in den meisten Zoos historische und zeitgenössische Gehegetypen parallel existieren. In meinem Beitrag hebe ich bestimmte Veränderungen in der Entwicklung von Zoogehegen hervor, die Aufschluss über das spezifische Verständnis von Wildnis und dem " Wild-Sein " von Tieren geben. Vor Ort kann anhand von Beispielen aus dem Tierpark Berlin sowie den Zoos Leipzig und Gelsenkirchen die Aktualität überprüft werden: Tierbilder verschiedenster Jahrzehnte haben sich in architek-tonischen Entwürfen festgeschrieben und werden somit ständig manifestiert und reproduziert. Der Ausblick richtet sich auf Denkmodelle, die für einen Perspektivwechsel plädieren und Tiere als Co-ProduzentInnen urbaner Räume verstehen.
Zoo architecture follows not only functional strategies to ensure the survival of animals ex situ, but also combines a variety of knowledge forms on animals, transforms them into new designs and establishes links with other knowledge areas. It establishes social situations in which humans and animals can encounter each other. These are determined by our associations with animals and their origin. My photographic documentation of viewing setups and the layout of zoo enclosures was used here as research material. The fact that historical and modern enclosure types are to be found side by side in most zoos is decisive for the analysis. In my contribution I focus on certain changes in the design of zoo enclosures that inform on the specific understanding of wilderness and wildness of animals using examples from the Tierpark Berlin and the zoos in Leipzig and Gelsenkirchen in Germany. Animal images from various decades have influenced the architectural designs and are therefore continually manifested and reproduced. The outlook addresses approaches that argue for a change of perspective to understanding animals as co-producers of urban spaces.
Books by Anne Hoelck
figures, pets or beasts. Their scientific references and performative or activist approaches helped shape the curatorial concept. This catalogue published by the curator Anne Hoelck documents the selected artistic contributions to the current debate on human-animal relations. It is enriched by the essays »Deconstructing the Anthropological Machine« by Jessica Ullrich and »Animal Biographies« by Stephan Zandt.
Zooarchitektur folgt nicht nur funktionalen Strategien, damit Tiere ex situ überleben; sie bündelt verschie-dene Wissensformen über Tiere, transformiert sie in neue Entwürfe und stellt Bezüge zwischen den Wis-sensbereichen her. Sie richtet soziale Situationen ein, in denen sich Menschen und Tiere begegnen, die von Vorstellungen über Tiere und ihre Herkunft geprägt sind. Forschungsmaterial dieser Recherche bildet meine fotografische Dokumentation der Schauanordnungen und Gestaltung von Zoogehegen. Eine ent-scheidende Beobachtung für die Auswertung ist, dass in den meisten Zoos historische und zeitgenössische Gehegetypen parallel existieren. In meinem Beitrag hebe ich bestimmte Veränderungen in der Entwicklung von Zoogehegen hervor, die Aufschluss über das spezifische Verständnis von Wildnis und dem " Wild-Sein " von Tieren geben. Vor Ort kann anhand von Beispielen aus dem Tierpark Berlin sowie den Zoos Leipzig und Gelsenkirchen die Aktualität überprüft werden: Tierbilder verschiedenster Jahrzehnte haben sich in architek-tonischen Entwürfen festgeschrieben und werden somit ständig manifestiert und reproduziert. Der Ausblick richtet sich auf Denkmodelle, die für einen Perspektivwechsel plädieren und Tiere als Co-ProduzentInnen urbaner Räume verstehen.
Zoo architecture follows not only functional strategies to ensure the survival of animals ex situ, but also combines a variety of knowledge forms on animals, transforms them into new designs and establishes links with other knowledge areas. It establishes social situations in which humans and animals can encounter each other. These are determined by our associations with animals and their origin. My photographic documentation of viewing setups and the layout of zoo enclosures was used here as research material. The fact that historical and modern enclosure types are to be found side by side in most zoos is decisive for the analysis. In my contribution I focus on certain changes in the design of zoo enclosures that inform on the specific understanding of wilderness and wildness of animals using examples from the Tierpark Berlin and the zoos in Leipzig and Gelsenkirchen in Germany. Animal images from various decades have influenced the architectural designs and are therefore continually manifested and reproduced. The outlook addresses approaches that argue for a change of perspective to understanding animals as co-producers of urban spaces.
figures, pets or beasts. Their scientific references and performative or activist approaches helped shape the curatorial concept. This catalogue published by the curator Anne Hoelck documents the selected artistic contributions to the current debate on human-animal relations. It is enriched by the essays »Deconstructing the Anthropological Machine« by Jessica Ullrich and »Animal Biographies« by Stephan Zandt.