Papers by Robert Denemark
Routledge eBooks, Aug 11, 2022
Turkish Studies, Jun 20, 2023

Oxford Research Encyclopedia of International Studies, Mar 1, 2010
The relationship between fundamentalism and globalization and the agency of social groups in weav... more The relationship between fundamentalism and globalization and the agency of social groups in weaving this relationship has generated a significant body of work. This growing body of literature has addressed which political-economic and sociocultural processes are associated with these processes; the manner in which this connection relates to modernity and colonialism; how paradigmatic shifts such as postcolonialism and neoliberalism brought about ruptures and reinforced continuities; and what roles new social actors and political constellations play. Related literature focuses on a broad range of processes, from global socioeconomic changes and urbanization to political constellations, global geoeconomic competition, and international migration. It includes authors who approach such multifaceted processes of fundamentalism and globalization from various perspectives. Recent scholarship also considers connections between fundamentalism and globalization and the rise of authoritarian politics in early 21st century. This dynamic relationship between fundamentalism and globalization presents a series of challenges for both social actors and scholars. How do postmodern deconstruction and reconstruction of modernity affect both ruptures and continuities in this relationship? In what ways does the rise of right-wing politics in early 21st century relate to phenomena such as Christian nationalism and Islamophobia as new forms of fundamentalism? How do the rise of the middle classes and new political-economic constellations relate to similar processes in the Global South? What kind of religious discourses and practices enable the sacralization of neoliberalism? Fundamentalism and globalization should be considered as inextricably embedded in social processes and practices that are both shaped by and actively shaping existing power relations.
Lynne Rienner Publishers eBooks, Aug 1, 1997
... 3 Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, London WC2E 8LU © 1997 by Lynne Rienner Publishers, Inc. .... more ... 3 Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, London WC2E 8LU © 1997 by Lynne Rienner Publishers, Inc. ... 13 Commenting on Constituting IPE V. Spike Peterson 201 14 Constructive Criticism: Threats, Imperatives, and Opportunities of a Constitutive IPE Roger Tooze 207 Bibliography ...
Journal of Global Security Studies, Oct 22, 2018
Journal of World-Systems Research, Nov 26, 1999
The three main contradictions of our era, according to Kees van dcr Pijl's Transnational Classes ... more The three main contradictions of our era, according to Kees van dcr Pijl's Transnational Classes and International Relations, arc the disappearance of contender states in the global system, the breakdown of community, and the threat of fundamental ecological disaster. These challenges spring from the foundations of the capitalist system, and find their most potent dialectical challenge in the development of the "new middle" or "cadre" cla'lS.
Asia-Pacific journal of rural development, Dec 1, 1996
Lynne Rienner Publishers eBooks, Dec 31, 2004

Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Feb 28, 2021
Abstract Rosenberg and Boyle's ‘Understanding 2016: China, Brexit and Trump in the history of... more Abstract Rosenberg and Boyle's ‘Understanding 2016: China, Brexit and Trump in the history of uneven and combined development’ (2019) is an insightful analysis. It leverages the theory of uneven and combined development (UCD) derived from Trotsky's work on the puzzle of why the proletarian revolution emerged in underdeveloped Russia. The analysis fulfills many of the requirements for reinvigorating IPE set out by dissatisfied senior scholars who lament the narrowing of the study of IPE. But UCD is not unique in this regard. It shares many attributes with world-systems analysis (WSA). I argue that instead of searching for philosophical excuses for ignoring others, we should speak to similarities as well as differences, and seek insights from other perspectives. WSA insights on China, the west, the nature of combination and inequality, and the periphery, are then reviewed. I conclude that scholars of UCD and WSA should be considering one another’s work.
Nature and Culture, Dec 1, 2011
Copeland, Daryl. 2009. Guerrilla Diplomacy: Rethinking International Relations. Boulder, Colo.: L... more Copeland, Daryl. 2009. Guerrilla Diplomacy: Rethinking International Relations. Boulder, Colo.: Lynne Rienner Publishers.Mittelman, James. 2010. Hyperconflict: Globalization and Insecurity. Stanford: Stanford University Press.Thompson, William R., ed. 2009. Systemic Transitions: Past, Present, and Future. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Routledge eBooks, Oct 23, 2015
Journal of Globalization Studies, 2011
Changes in systemic polarity are often considered critical determinates of a range of political b... more Changes in systemic polarity are often considered critical determinates of a range of political behaviors. A major effort by David Wilkinson to map changes in systemic polairty across the entire western system from the end of the 15th century to the present will soon be concluded. ...
... Hoffmann, MJ and Denemark, R. , 2008-03-26 "Global Diplomacy in World System History: A ... more ... Hoffmann, MJ and Denemark, R. , 2008-03-26 "Global Diplomacy in World System History: A Network Analysis of the Multilateral Treaty System over 400 Years" Paper presented at the annual meeting of the ISA's 49th ANNUAL CONVENTION, BRIDGING MULTIPLE DIVIDES ...

Globalizations, Jul 12, 2021
ABSTRACT Attempts to understand global processes during and after pandemics will benefit from an ... more ABSTRACT Attempts to understand global processes during and after pandemics will benefit from an analysis of historical examples. This work offers a brief review of the impact of various pandemics from about 400 BCE to the present by focusing on (1) states and state strength, (2) class conflict, and (3) global political competition. States are unevenly affected, with capable political units growing in strength and weak units suffering retrenchment. Class conflict increases overall and evidences a multigenerational cycle as labour shortages generate wage pressures. Pandemics alter the global political system given their impact on military conflict, the rise and fall of empires, colonialism, and alterations in power across various regions. A technical note to this work considers challenges in the way we see disease and offers some quick and useful specialized information.
Papers by Robert Denemark