Papers by Jennifer Gallo-fox

In diesem Beitrag werden die ethischen Dilemmata untersucht, mit denen Forschende konfrontiert wu... more In diesem Beitrag werden die ethischen Dilemmata untersucht, mit denen Forschende konfrontiert wurden, die sich zwischen ihren eigenen philosophischen Perspektiven und denen ihrer Kollegen und Kollegen aus dem Feld auftaten. Ethische Probleme wurden dabei auf drei verschiedenen Ebenen sichtbar: während der Durchführung des "Coteaching", im Zusammenhang mit unseren Forschungsbemühungen zum Coteaching und im Rahmen der Diskussion unserer Ergebnisse. Statt zu einer spezifischen Schlussfolgerung zu gelangen, thematisiert dieser Artikel die Probleme und ihre jeweilige Komplexität. Unsere Absicht ist es, durch einen solchen Metalog den Dialog unter den Lehrern und Lehrerinnen voran zu treiben, die eine Einbettung des Coteaching in schon vorhandene traditionelle Programme planen. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs0604181This paper examines the ethical dilemmas that the researchers encountered between their philosophical perspectives and those of their colleagues from the field. We found th...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, Dec 1, 2019
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, Dec 1, 2019
AERA Online Paper Repository, Apr 29, 2017
Supplemental material, 750126 for The Promises and Realities of Implementing a Coteaching Model o... more Supplemental material, 750126 for The Promises and Realities of Implementing a Coteaching Model of Student Teaching by Elizabeth Soslau, Jennifer Gallo-Fox, and Kathryn Scantlebury in Journal of Teacher Education
Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 2017
In diesem Beitrag werden die ethischen Dilemmata untersucht, mit denen Forschende konfrontiert wu... more In diesem Beitrag werden die ethischen Dilemmata untersucht, mit denen Forschende konfrontiert wurden, die sich zwischen ihren eigenen philosophischen Perspektiven und denen ihrer Kollegen und Kollegen aus dem Feld auftaten. Ethische Probleme wurden dabei auf drei verschiedenen Ebenen sichtbar: wahrend der Durchfuhrung des "Coteaching", im Zusammenhang mit unseren Forschungsbemuhungen zum Coteaching und im Rahmen der Diskussion unserer Ergebnisse. Statt zu einer spezifischen Schlussfolgerung zu gelangen, thematisiert dieser Artikel die Probleme und ihre jeweilige Komplexitat. Unsere Absicht ist es, durch einen solchen Metalog den Dialog unter den Lehrern und Lehrerinnen voran zu treiben, die eine Einbettung des Coteaching in schon vorhandene traditionelle Programme planen. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs0604181
Dieser Aufsatz antwortet auf die Stellungnahme unserer Kolleginnen und Kollegen zu unserem Artike... more Dieser Aufsatz antwortet auf die Stellungnahme unserer Kolleginnen und Kollegen zu unserem Artikel (GALLO-FOX, WASSELL, SCANTLEBURY & JUCK, 2006), der ethische Dilemmata thematisierte, mit denen wir bei der Implementierung des "Coteaching" in einer weiterfuhrenden Schule konfrontiert wurden. Zum einen wurden diese Probleme in den Stellungnahmen thematisiert, daruber hinaus beschaftigten sich unsere Kolleginnen und Kollegen mit weiteren Aspekten, die sich auf ihre eigenen Erfahrungen mit der Implementierung und dem Erforschen von Coteaching beziehen. In diesem Artikel bringen wir diese Perspektiven zusammen und diskutieren Schlussfolgerungen fur das Umsetzen von Coteaching. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs0604239
Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 2018
Journal of Professional Counseling: Practice, Theory & Research, 2015
School counselors must prioritize the academic achievement of all students (ASCA, 2012; House & H... more School counselors must prioritize the academic achievement of all students (ASCA, 2012; House & Hayes, 2002). However, there is little empirical evidence that connects school counseling outcomes to the academic achievement goals of their schools (Brown & Trusty, 2005). Isaacs (2003) argued that academic achievement indicators (e.g. standardized test scores, attendance rates, school safety, graduation rates) are often difficult to trace back to the work of a specific school counselor. Furthermore, Isaacs stated a lack of understanding from administrators and teachers as to how school counselors support achievement goals exists. To articulate connections between school counseling outcomes and academic goals, school coun
The Educational Forum, 2018
Early childhood and elementary education emerged from a variety of knowledge and research bases. ... more Early childhood and elementary education emerged from a variety of knowledge and research bases. Tensions emerged as they were brought together in a unifi ed public kindergarten through 12th-grade educational system. This review describes how standards and accountability policies have exacerbated tensions between early childhood and elementary curriculum and instructional approaches and impacted the voice and role of early childhood educators. We argue that this is a critical time for understanding and addressing these issues.
Teaching and Teacher Education, 2016
h i g h l i g h t s Cooperating teachers experience professional development through coteaching. ... more h i g h l i g h t s Cooperating teachers experience professional development through coteaching. Coteaching cooperating teachers experience renewed energy toward their practice. Coteaching cooperating teachers expand classroom curriculum and practice. Reflection on practice as a cooperating coteacher promotes personal growth. Coteaching cooperating teachers develop as teacher educators and leaders.

As a result of the standards and accountability reforms of the past two decades, heightened atten... more As a result of the standards and accountability reforms of the past two decades, heightened attention has been focused upon student learning in the K-12 classrooms, classroom teacher practice, and teacher preparation. This has led to the acknowledgement-iv-TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1: THE DILEMMAS OF LEARNING TO TEACH WITHIN FULL PRACTICUM EXPERIENCES……………………………………………….… Traditional Full Practicum Experiences: Problems and Possibilities……... State University's Cohort Coteaching Model ……………………………... Definition of terms…………………………...……………………………..15 Overview of the organization of the dissertation…………………………. CHAPTER 2: THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK AND REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE………………………………………………………….……….. Sociocultural theoretical framework……………………………………... Communities of practice………………………………………….. Learning to teach secondary science…………………………....………… Learning to teach secondary science within student teaching experiences……………………………………… Coteaching as a model for learning to teach science……………… Historical background and coteaching theories……….….. Coteaching as a model for learning to teach……………… Research literature on coteaching as an approach for learning to teach science in secondary settings…………………… Coteaching: Preservice teachers in early field experiences... Coteaching: Teaching interns and cooperating teachers in full practicum placements………………………………. Coteaching: Beginning teachers…………………………… Chapter Conclusion………………………………………………………. CHAPTER 3: RESEARCH DESIGN…………………………………………. Methodology……………………………………………………………..... Overview of data collection procedures and data sources……………….. Fieldwork: Phase I……………………………………………….. Fieldwork: Phase II………………………………………………. Data sources………………………………………………………. Interviews…………………………………………………. Field observations…………………………………………. Recordings of meetings…………………………………… Documents…………………………………………………. Methods of data analysis………………….…………………………….. Rogoff's framework for sociocultural analysis of development: Studying planes of development…………………………………... Analysis of development on the community/institutional plane…………………………-v-Analysis of development on the interpersonal plane………. Analysis of development on the personal plane…………… Logic-of-inquiry analyses…………………………………………. General qualitative and ethnographic approaches………………. Cross-case analysis……………………………………………… Blended discourse analysis and ethnographic methods………….. Line-by-Line Analysis of Episodes………………………. State University undergraduate secondary science education program…… 79 Coteaching assignments: Non-traditional full practicum placements.83 Research participants…………………………………………………….. Biden High Science Department: A community of practice………. Researcher access………………………………………………………… Researcher reflexivity……………………………………………………. Trustworthiness and study limitations…………………………………..... Limitations of the study………………………………………… CHAPTER 4: A DAY IN THE LIFE: COTEACHING AT BIDEN HIGH…. Participating in Biden High's coteaching community of practice…………. Coplanning………………………………………………………… Bright and early: Carpools, morning prep and breakfast with coteachers……….....… Coteaching………………………………………………………… Solos……………………………………………………………….. Between the bells…………………………………………………. Coteaching as a recursive process: Coteachers' experience informs future members' instruction….… Preps……………………………………………………………….. Lunch…………………….…….…………………………………. Debriefing………………………………………………………….. On-site seminar meetings………………………………………….. Wrapping up the day………………………………………………..147 Carpool rides back to campus…………………………………….. Work, work, work: School comes home………………………….. Participating in the coteaching community of practice…………………… CHAPTER 5: THE COTEACHING COMMUNITY OF PRACTICE: A COMPOSITE OF MICRO-COMMUNITIES AND WHOLE COMMUNITY NETWORKS…………………………………………………………………….. Working within and between micro-communities: A cross-case analysis of micro-community experiences………………….. 9 th Grade Academy: Block scheduling, division of labor, teacher as individual…………-vi-Biology/Forensics: Traditional approaches and hierarchical power structures………… Environmental Science: A strong sense of mutuality and cohesiveness, "We've got each other's back"………………….182 Comparing the micro-communities: A cross-case analysis………...
Science and Children, 2018
But we must be wise enough to measure. See, we must incorporate accountability, and then be quick... more But we must be wise enough to measure. See, we must incorporate accountability, and then be quick enough to change when we find failure."
Papers by Jennifer Gallo-fox