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      Environmental EngineeringChemical EngineeringCopperFactorial Design
A plate assay using the Fe (II) selective dye, ferrozine, for detecting wood-rot fungi with Fe (III) reductive abilities, was developed. The assay is fast, simple and, in most cases, more sensitive than the corresponding liquid medium... more
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      EngineeringTechnologyBiological SciencesSaccharomyces cerevisiae
An in situ arsenic removal method applicable to highly contaminated waters by using zero-valent iron, citrate and solar radiation was developed.
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      ArsenicWater PurificationPerformanceRivers
Ethanol derived from biomass has the potential to be a renewable transportation fuel that can replace gasoline. The demand for oxygenated fuels is increasing rapidly. The use of bioethanol can save non-renewable energy consumption and... more
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      Renewable EnergyBIOETHANOLEnergy ConsumptionEnvironmental Biotechnology
Pinus radiata wood chips were pretreated with the brown rot fungus Gloephyllum trabeum for 3 weeks followed by an organosolv delignification with ethanol:water mixture at pH 2. The organosolv process was assessed using biotreated material... more
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      Environmental BiotechnologyProcess ImprovementMicrobial enzyme TechnologyMass Loss
Metals can potentially play a role in the non-enzymatic processes involved in wood biodegradation. Dihydroxybenzenes reduce Cu(II)-Cu(I), which then react with H 2 O 2 driving a Fenton reaction. In this work the degradation of veratryl... more
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      Experimental DesignFree RadicalBiological SciencesCopper
Dihydroxybenzenes reduce Fe(III) to Fe(II), which react with H 2 O 2 driving a Fenton reaction. This non-enzymic mechanism operates in wood degradation by brown-rot fungi, which mainly degrade wood carbohydrates and, to a lesser extent,... more
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      Multivariate AnalysisBiological SciencesEnzyme MechanismBiodeterioration and Biodegradation
Brown rot fungi degrade wood, in initial stages, mainly through hydroxyl radicals (•OH) produced by Fenton reactions. These Fenton reactions can be promoted by dihydroxybenzenes (DHBs), which can chelate and reduce Fe(III), increasing the... more
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      Inorganic ChemistryKineticsWoodBiological
Resin-free fiberboards were manufactured using industrial fiber from Pinus radiata activated by an oxidative treatment using the Fenton reaction (H 2 O 2 / Fe(II)). A multivariate analysis was used to study the effect of fiber moisture... more
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      Chemical EngineeringResponse Surface MethodologyMultivariate AnalysisWater Absorption
Three supervised pattern recognition methods (SPRM) were evaluated to discriminate between Eucalyptus globulus and Eucalyptus nitens species applying near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy on leaves. The methods used were k-nearest neighbor... more
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      Pattern RecognitionCHEMICAL SCIENCES
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      MultidisciplinaryWater ScienceIronWater Science and Technology
Conventionally, chemical patterns of gunshot residues (GSR) can be used for identification of a suspect involved in criminal fire arm incidents. Furthermore, metals composition in GSR is well related with the ammunition brand. In Chile... more
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      Analytical ChemistryDiscriminant AnalysisDifferentiationAtomic Absorption Spectrometry
Resin-free fiberboards were manufactured using industrial fiber from Pinus radiata activated by an oxidative treatment using the Fenton reaction (H2O2/ Fe(II)). A multivariate analysis was used to study the effect of fiber moisture... more
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      Chemical EngineeringResponse Surface MethodologyMultivariate AnalysisWater Absorption
A dihydroxybenzenes(DHB)-driven Fenton reaction was found to be more efficient than a simple Fenton reaction based on Å OH radical and activated species production. The reason for this enhanced reactivity by [Fe DHB] complexes is not well... more
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      Inorganic ChemistryKinetics
This paper discusses the degradation of the antibiotic ampicillin (AMP) by Fenton and photo-Fenton reactions. The influence of the three main variables that govern the degradation kinetic (pH, H 2 O 2 and Fe(II) concentrations) was... more
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      EngineeringKineticsResponse Surface MethodologyExperimental Design
Titanium dioxide was obtained in its pure form (TiO 2 ) and in the presence of urea (u-TiO 2 ) and thiourea (t-TiO 2 ) using the sol-gel technique. The obtained powders were characterized by BET surface area analysis, Infrared... more
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      EngineeringCatalysisPhotochemistryWater Purification
b faculty of chemical Sciences, university of concepcion, concepcion, chile c Institute of analytical chemistry, tecnische universität Bergakademie freiberg, freiberg, Germany
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      Analytical ChemistryNear InfraredDamage AssessmentNear Infrared Spectroscopy
One of the most important sources of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in biological systems is the Fenton reaction. In this, the Fe 2+ or Fe 3+ reacts with H 2 O 2 to produce ROS as the hydroxyl radical (•OH), superoxide radical (O 2
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Eucalyptus globulus is an important forestry species for wood and pulp industry; however, its low cold resistance is a serious disadvantage. In this work, chemometric techniques were applied on the leaves' free amino acid content of... more
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      Discriminant AnalysisCHEMICAL SCIENCESEucalyptus Globulus