Universidad de Antioquia
Facultad de Ingeniería
This article describes smart grids basically concepts, an introduction to current problems involving traditional distribution problems. With the advances in smart grids, there will be environmental actions, reducing the environment... more
Este artigo contextualiza a computação ubíqua, um novo paradigma de computação com características de pró-atividade, onipresença, imperceptibilidade e naturalidade. Apresentam-se conceitos básicos, características do modelo, tecnologias... more
A patient with recent myocardial infarction underwent elective direct current countershock because of atria1 tibrillation. After several shocks, the ST segments were strikingly raised throughout the precordial leads, which disappeared... more
RESUMEN Se presenta un sistema software que permite simular y controlar robots móviles, parametrizar características hardware, visualizar el estado de sensores y accionar actuadores (simulados o reales). K++ utiliza un lenguaje de... more
Categoría (1). El labio y/o paladar hendido (LPH) es una malformación de tipo multifactorial, que tiene orígenes principalmente genéticos y ambientales. En Colombia, 6 de cada 10.000 niños nacen con esta malformación, mientras en el resto... more
Autonomous systems can assist humans in the important task of safe driving. Such systems can warn people about possible risks, take actions to avoid accidents or guide the vehicle without human supervision. In railway scenarios a camera... more
Personalized message emission in a mobile application for supporting therapeutic adherence
We propose a broadband all optical wavelength conversion scheme based on a dual driven Mach-Zendher modulator along the entire C band.