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The modulation, via immobilization and engineering the reaction medium, of the enantioselectivity exhibited by the lipase from Candida antarctica B (CAL-B) in the hydrolysis of a-hydroxy-phenylacetic acid derivatives is shown. The enzyme... more
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      Organic ChemistryKineticsEnzymeTetrahedron
The properties of a new commercially available amino-epoxy support (amino-epoxy-Sepabeads) for immobilizing enzymes have been compared to those of conventional epoxy supports. The new support has a layer of epoxy groups over a layer of... more
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      EngineeringKineticsAdsorptionBiological Sciences
A successful strategy for the immobilization of rennet from Mucor miehei has been developed. The strategy is based on the immobilization of the enzyme, via their sugar chains at high ionic strength on aminated supports having primary... more
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      EngineeringBiological SciencesMilkCHEMICAL SCIENCES
A single bond covalent immobilization of aminated DNA probes on magnetic particles suitable for selective molecular hybridization of traces of DNA samples has been developed. Commercial superparamagnetic nanoparticles containing amino... more
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      Analytical ChemistryBiomedical EngineeringBiosensorsNanotechnology
It has been found that lipase from Pseudomonas fluorescens (PFL) is able to aggregate into bimolecular structures (MW around 66 kD) even at moderate enzyme concentrations. At very low enzyme concentrations and in the presence of... more
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      BiotechnologySelf AssemblyStabilityMultidisciplinary
The properties of a new and commercially available amino-epoxy support (amino-epoxy-Sepabeads) have been compared to conventional epoxy supports to immobilize enzymes, using the -galactosidase from Aspergillus oryzae as a model enzyme.... more
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      EngineeringTechnologyBiotechnologyBiological Sciences
Invertase from S. cerevisiae has been immobilized by ionic adsorption on Sepabeads fully coated with PEI. The enzyme was strongly adsorbed on the support (no desorption of the invertase was found under conditions in which all of the... more
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      EngineeringTechnologyBiotechnologyBiological Sciences
New tailor-made cationic exchange resins have been prepared by covalently binding aspartic-dextran polymers (e.g. MW 15 000-20 000) to porous supports (aminated agarose and Sepabeads). More than 80% of the proteins contained in crude... more
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The heating of protein preparations of mesophilic organism (e.g., E. coli) produces the obliteration of all soluble multimeric proteins from this organism. In this way, if a multimeric enzyme from a thermophilic microorganism is expressed... more
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      EngineeringTechnologyBiotechnologyProtein Engineering
A 3D cross-ply micromechanical model is used to analyse the thermomechanical behaviour of copper matrix composite reinforced with SiC fibres, when subjected to cyclic loadings at high temperature. The copper matrix composite is reinforced... more
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      Materials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringCivil EngineeringFinite Element Analysis
The immobilization of proteins was performed by ionic adsorption on agarose supports coated with polyethyleneimine of high molecular size (PEI) (600 kDa). The immobilization processes were carried out at different ionic strengths (5, 50,... more
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      Environmental BiotechnologyEnzymeMicrobial enzyme TechnologyIonic Strength
This paper described that glyoxyl activated supports are only able to quantitatively immobilize proteins at alkaline pH values and using highly activated supports (otherwise, immobilization is negligible). Furthermore, the immobilization... more
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      Environmental BiotechnologyGlutamateOrientationSupport
Lipase from Burkholderia cepacia (formerly Pseudomonas fluorescens) (BCL) was previously immobilized on glyoxyl-agarose and the active site was blocked after incubation with diethyl-p-nitrophenylphosphate, obtaining a new "glyoxyl-BCL * "... more
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      Environmental BiotechnologyPseudomonas FluorescensActive siteMicrobial enzyme Technology
Glyoxyl agarose is constituted by quite thick agarose fibres containing a large number of very stable aldehyde groups attached to the support by very short spacer arms. Under alkaline conditions, these activated supports immobilize... more
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      Environmental BiotechnologyEnzymeMicrobial enzyme TechnologyPhysical Properties
The interaction of two large beta-galactosidases (from Escherichia coli and from Thermus sp.) with tailor-made anion exchangers was studied. Using lowly activated supports (e.g., containing 2-3 mol of ionised groups per wet gram of... more
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      Protein PurificationEnvironmental BiotechnologyProtein StabilityEscherichia coli
Different immobilized preparations of the ␤-galactosidase from E. coli were obtained by using different supports and immobilization strategies (bearing glyoxyl, epoxy, or BrCN groups or by glutaraldehyde crosslinking on matrices... more
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      Environmental BiotechnologyEnzymeEnzyme activityMicrobial enzyme Technology
PEI coated supports are proposed in this manuscript as a matrix that may permit a new concept in chromatography. Standard supports have their active groups on a "plane" surface, and permit the interaction with an area accounting for not... more
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      Protein PurificationEnvironmental BiotechnologyThree DimensionalCrude Protein
The ␤-galactosidase from Thermus sp. T2 (Htag-BgaA) is competitively inhibited by galactose (3.1 mM) and non-competitively inhibited by glucose (49.9 mM). These inhibitions were strongly reduced by immobilization on heterofunctional epoxy... more
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      Environmental BiotechnologyBacteriaSupportEnzyme
The immobilization of the enzyme ␤-galactosidase from Thermus sp. T2 was performed via ionic adsorption onto two different supports: a new anionic exchanger resin, based on the coating of Sepabeads internal surfaces with polyethylenimine... more
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      Environmental BiotechnologyEnzymeMicrobial enzyme TechnologyPolyethylenimine
The gene of a thermostable alpha-galactosidase, aglA, from Thermus sp. strain T2 was sequenced, cloned and overexpressed in Escherichia coli (strain MC 2508. The purified enzyme proved to be quite thermostable, retaining high levels of... more
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      FoodIndustrial BiotechnologyFood ProcessingFood Biotechnology