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I trace the principle of subsidiarity (social and legal matters ought to be handled at the most local and appropriate level) to show how it has been used as a middle ground to privilege decision making and autonomy at local levels. The... more
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MUCH OF THE LITERATURE ON RECONCILIATION emphasizes the need for guilty parties to remember and acknowledge their guilt and to make amends for the wrong that was committed.' To begin the process of reconciliation, the guilty party must... more
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This essay argues that the flaws of just war theory should lead us to develop a new approach to living with others. Danielle Poe begins her argument with a description of just war theory and its failures. In the next section, Poe... more
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This essay argues that the flaws of just war theory should lead us to develop a new approach to living with others. DanieIIe Poe begins her argument with a description of just war theory and its failures. In the next section, Poe... more
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      PhilosophyPolitical ScienceHypatia
This essay argues that the flaws of just war theory should lead us to develop a new approach to living with others. DanieIIe Poe begins her argument with a description of just war theory and its failures. In the next section, Poe... more
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      PhilosophyPolitical ScienceHypatia
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    • Sociology
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      Philosophy of ScienceEcologyExplanationMechanistic Explanation
Philosophers of science have examined The Theory of Island Biogeography by Robert MacArthur and E. O. Wilson (1967) mainly due to its important contribution to modeling in ecology, but they have not examined it as a representative case of... more
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      Philosophy of ScienceEcologyPhilosophy of Ecology
Conceptions of mechanisms due to Glennan (1996; 2002), Machamer, Darden, and Craver (2000), Bechtel and Abrahamsen (2005) have developed in opposition to the nomological approach to explanation. It is less emphasized, however, that these... more
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      Philosophy of ScienceCausationExplanationCausality
Jani Raerinne (2011) and Lindley Darden (2013) argue that causal claims are not sufficiently explanatory, and causal talk should be replaced with mechanistic talk. I examine several examples from ecological research, two of which rely on... more
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      Philosophy of SciencePhilosophy of BiologyCausationTheory Of Mechanisms
New mechanistic philosophy has not examined explanations in ecology although they are based extensively on describing mechanisms responsible for phenomena under scrutiny. This chapter uses the example of research on the shrub Lonicera... more
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      Applied EthicsReligious Ethics
Behaviorism is a scientific and philosophical movement that began in the early 1900s in response to introspectionism, the predominant theoretical approach within psychology at the time. According to introspectionists, the aim of... more
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The notion of an intervening variable was first designated by behavioral theorists to refer to a variable that mediated the relationship between an environmental stimulus and a behavioral response. The consistency with which intervening... more
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View related articles View Crossmark data fear-inducing memory disorders would be a great boon for most sufferers of such conditions. This does not mean, though, that every such sufferer is a morally appropriate candidate for such... more
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      OntologyVaguenessBertrand Russell
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    • Metaphysics of Modality
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    • Philosophy