Papers by Christian Kiewitz
Journal of Vocational Behavior, Jun 1, 2022

London School of Economics and Political Science, Jun 28, 2016
Too many firms ignore their abusive boss problem /businessreview/2016/06/28/too-m... more Too many firms ignore their abusive boss problem /businessreview/2016/06/28/too-many-firms-ignore-their-abusive-boss-problem/ Not many employees expect that fearing their boss may be part of their work experience. Yet that expectation might have better prepared scores of Atlanta school principals to work under Beverly L. Hall, the superintendent who "ruled by fear: Principals were told that if state test scores did not go up enough, they would be fired-and 90 percent of them were removed in the decade of Dr. Hall's reign". It might also have better prepared an unnamed resident at a University of California hospital who noticed a problem with a fetal monitoring strip on a woman in labor. The resident feared contacting "the attending physician, who was notorious for yelling and ridiculing the residents". The baby later died.

We describe two short-form versions of the selfreport aggression questionnaire initially develope... more We describe two short-form versions of the selfreport aggression questionnaire initially developed by Buss and Perry (1992). Often referred to as the Buss-Perry aggression questionnaire (BPAQ), the original inventory consists of 29 items that measure four aspects of trait aggressiveness-anger, hostility, verbal-and physical-aggression-that are typically used both individually and/or combined to create an overall aggressiveness index. The BPAQ is the successor of the Buss-Durkee hostility inventory (Buss & Durkee, 1957). Perhaps more appropriate for Internet-based research are the AQ-12 and AQ-15 short forms derived from two different efforts to refine the BPAQ. One effort resulted in the AQ-12 (Bryant & Smith, 2001, p. 150), which uses 12 of the original 29 AQ items. The other effort yielded the AQ-15 by drawing from a 34-item AQ revision by the same authors (Buss & Warren, 2000, pp. 13, 65), and also from the AQ-12. Comparing the AQ-12 and AQ-15 reveals almost identical items for the anger, hostility, verbal-and physical-aggression subscales. The
Academy of Management Proceedings, 2021

Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 2002
This study addressed 2 rclativcly unexplored issues in the current job stress literature. First, ... more This study addressed 2 rclativcly unexplored issues in the current job stress literature. First, a significant body of research has substantiated a curvilinear relationship between job tension and performance without examining the potential impact of work stress on other important outcomes. Second past research has failed to control for the influence of role stressors and other important variables that might alter the job-tension/work-outcomes relationship. We hypothesized that experienced job tension would predict turnover intent, value attainment, and job satisfaction, and that this relationship would he nonlinear. Data gathered from 270 hotel managers confirrncd our hypotheses. Notably, tension predicted turnover intent (U shape), value attainment (inverted-U shape), and job satisfaction (inverted-U shape) in the expcctcd manner, while explaining additional variance beyond that contributed by demographic factors, role stressors, and linear tension terms. Implications of these findings for theory and practice, as well as avenues for future research are provided.
Academy of Management Proceedings
Academy of Management Proceedings

Career Development International
PurposeDrawing upon cognitive control theory, we examine the effects of self-regulation failure (... more PurposeDrawing upon cognitive control theory, we examine the effects of self-regulation failure (SRF) on the relationships between perceptions of organizational politics (POPs) and tension, exhaustion, satisfaction, work effort, perceived resource availability and performance/contribution.Design/methodology/approachWe test hypotheses across three unique studies (Study 1: 310 employees from various occupations; Study 2: 124 administrative/support employees; Study 3: 271 Chinese hotel managers) using hierarchical moderated regression analyses.FindingsAcross studies, results suggest that POPs had a minimal impact on work attitudes, behaviors and health-related outcomes when SRF was low. However, employees experiencing high SRF reported adverse consequences in high POPS settings.Research limitations/implicationsThese studies relied on self-report data. However, we implemented design features to mitigate potential concerns and analytic techniques to determine method effects. This paper c...
Journal of Business Ethics
Http Dx Doi Org 10 1080 08824099709388647, Jun 6, 2009
ABSTRACT To what extent are our apprehensions about communicating with others intertwined with ou... more ABSTRACT To what extent are our apprehensions about communicating with others intertwined with our self-perceptions about listening? To address this question correlations between communication apprehension in four settings (public, small group, meeting, and interpersonal) and four listening style preferences (people-, action-, content-, and time-oriented) were examined using a large sample of young adults (males, n = 318; females, n = 253). The data reveal weak, negative associations between both the people and content listening style preferences and communication apprehension in group, meeting, and interpersonal settings. No other significant coefficients emerged.
Do perceptions of the uses and gratifications derived from the videocassette recorder (VCR) and r... more Do perceptions of the uses and gratifications derived from the videocassette recorder (VCR) and remote control device (RCD) differ across cultures? In order to address this question, this study compared the influence of the TV landscapes in three Western countries (Germany, Israel, and the USA) on attitudes and beliefs about these “television-extending” technologies. The findings highlight substantial cultural differences in perceptions of the VCR and RCD. Specifically, the data at hand revealed substantial differences in perceptions of the VCR as a vehicle of social interaction and a means to provide freedom of choice. Moreover, significant differences also emerged in perceptions of the RCD as a tool for controlling the viewing of others.

Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, 2014
This article provides a review of the literature addressing the impact of coworkers’ deviant, dys... more This article provides a review of the literature addressing the impact of coworkers’ deviant, dysfunctional, or counterproductive behaviors upon individual employees. We provide a framework for the collection of findings on this issue, revealing that coworker deviant behavior negatively impacts individual employees’ attitudes, affect, and actions through three routes: (a) direct impact, whereby an employee is the target of coworkers’ deviant behaviors; (b) vicarious impact, whereby an employee is impacted by witnessing or learning of coworkers’ deviant behaviors; and (c) ambient impact, whereby an employee is impacted by working in an environment characterized by collective coworker deviant behavior. In our discussion of these routes of influence, we outline the relevant empirical findings for and theoretical perspectives of each, as well as the moderators of these effects. We conclude our review by identifying recommended future research directions based upon our critical assessmen...
International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2015

Handbook of Research on Electronic Surveys and Measurements, 2007
We describe a newly developed 12-item short form version of the self-report Eysenck personality q... more We describe a newly developed 12-item short form version of the self-report Eysenck personality questionnaire (EPQ), originally developed by Eysenck and Eysenck (1975) and most recently revised by Eysenck, Eysenck, and Barrett (EPQ-R; 1985). The original EPQ consists of 90 items, while the EPQ-R involves 36 items. Both instruments were designed to assess three dimensions of personality: extraversion, neuroticism, psychoticism. An understanding of the hierarchical model for personality envisaged by Eysenck (1947) facilitates our explication of these personality dimensions. Eysenck's system involved four levels. At the lowest level of this system are singly occurring acts or cognitions. Habitual acts or cognitions are at the second level. The third level is composed of traits, defined in terms of significant intercorrelations between different habitual behaviors. The final level is that of personality types or dimensions, defined in terms of substantial intercorrelations between traits.

Handbook of Research on Electronic Surveys and Measurements, 2007
We describe two short form versions of the self-report Aggression Questionnaire initially develop... more We describe two short form versions of the self-report Aggression Questionnaire initially developed by Buss and Perry (1992). Often referred to as the Buss-Perry Aggression Questionnaire (BPAQ) the original inventory consists of 29 items that measure four aspects of trait aggressiveness – anger, hostility, verbal- and physical-aggression – that are typically used both individually and/or combined to create an overall aggressiveness index. The BPAQ is the successor of the Buss-Durkee Hostility Inventory (BDHI; Buss & Durkee, 1957). Perhaps more appropriate for Internet-based research are the AQ-12 and AQ-15 short forms derived from two different efforts to refine the BPAQ. One effort resulted in the AQ-12 (Bryant & Smith, 2001, p. 150), which uses 12 of the original 29 AQ items. The other effort yielded the AQ-15 by drawing from a 34-item AQ revision by the same authors (Buss & Warren, 2000, pp. 13, 65) and also from the AQ-12. Comparing the AQ-12 and AQ-15 reveals almost identical i...
Papers by Christian Kiewitz