Conference Presentations by Satya Kumara

SNTI, 2016
Cost overrun in the field of project construction is still a global issue, and it is a challenge ... more Cost overrun in the field of project construction is still a global issue, and it is a challenge to seek for solution from various scientific discipline including information technology. This thesis aims to design a business intelligence application model for analyzing the cost of construction project to provide follow-up information as quickly and as early as possible to assist the executives to make valuable business decisions. This case study was prepared through literature reviews, interviews, and direct observation to obtain overview of the business processes in the construction company. The modeling of BI application which can be successfully developed using agile methods is very effective in addressing the change. This case study found that the application of business intelligence which provides information on key performance indicator (KPI) can assist the executives of the company to make decisions quickly and precisely, thus improving the performance of the project, especially in the cost control.

ICFST, 2016
Multi-fingered robot gripper has become popular in the major research topics as grasping an objec... more Multi-fingered robot gripper has become popular in the major research topics as grasping an object in robotic systems. The author considers a matter of style-based control model for a multi-fingered robot hand grasping an object with a known geometric characteristics. This paper introduces design process and analysis of contact force the five fingered gripper suitable to handle several of objects. The author applied Simulink/SimMechanics, Support package Arduino and Inventor software packages to facilatate and integrated the design of contact force gripper systems. The advance of PID control is used to control dynamics motions of the five fingered gripper systems. The multifunction finger's gripper is developed to handle the various components. Contact force between fingertips and object surface is computed using the Hooke law concept. The analysis of experiment result shows the optimum of contact forces are achieved to hold the object. The spring and damper algorithm is used to compute the interaction of force between fingertips and object surface.

The objective of this studywas to obtain atechnical and economic analysis of solar-powered lighti... more The objective of this studywas to obtain atechnical and economic analysis of solar-powered lighting (SPL) implementation at Bali above Seawater Toll-Road. The SPL was designed to operate 12Hours/day with average illumination ≥15-lux. Those requirements can be met byan SPL unit that consists of 2-pieces 87-W LED lights mounted on 10-m double arms pole with 2.37-m arm length and 15º tilt angle. Each LED light was powered by a 260-Wp solar panel, 24V-180AH battery and 10-A solar charge controller. Every SPL unit should be installed on the toll-road median with 22.5-m pole-spacing and required 361-units to illuminate throughout 8,122.5-m toll-road length. Benefits of SPL implementation wereelectricity saving 256.15MWh/yr and carbon emission reduction 217.98TonesCO2/yr. However, the SPL electrical-based costwas 3.9 times more expensive than conventionalstreet lighting. And based onthe investment feasibility analysis using NPI and PI techniques showed that the SPL implementation was not feasible.

ISCECE, 2018
The high fuel demand in Indonesia has resulted in an increase in the ratio of imported fuels and ... more The high fuel demand in Indonesia has resulted in an increase in the ratio of imported fuels and weakened domestic energy security. In response to this, biofuels (BBN) was developed, one of which was bioethanol. The raw material for making bioethanol can be from a variety of objects, but paper is the most easily obtained bioethanol raw material around us. PT Temprina Media Grafika a subsidiary of Jawa Pos Group produces waste paper every day. From the waste is processed into bioethanol and is used as a generator fuel. From 1 kg of paper waste obtained 30 ml of bioethanol with a concentration of 86%. By mixing bioethanol in gasoline, a mixture of fuels called E85, E60 and E35 is obtained. While pure RON 88 gasoline from Pertamina is called E10. Through testing on the generator set with a load of 600 watts and 900 watts, measurements of voltage, power, frequency, RPM and SOFC were obtained that all parameters decreased when using bioethanol mixed fuels.

ISCECE, 2018
Jatiluwih is one of 18 villages located in Penebel District, Tabanan Regency. Jatiluwih has exten... more Jatiluwih is one of 18 villages located in Penebel District, Tabanan Regency. Jatiluwih has extensive agricultural land and is known for its beauty and natural terraces. The lack of public facilities such as lighting lamps located along the Subak Jatiluwih road is due to the electricity network not yet entering the Subat Jatiluwih area. With the existence of Korsorsium between Toyama Government and Bali Provincial Government, Tabanan Regency Government, and Udayana University CORE, power plants were built using renewable energy, namely water. The consortium conducts research related to the construction of a micro hydro power plant (PLTMH) in the Subak channel (irrigation) which is then utilized for public facilities namely street lighting lights around the Subak area. The PLTMH Jatiluwih was built on four sites or locations, namely Site 2 which consists of Site 2-1 PLTMH type Run Off River using Archimedes turbine and Site 2-3 Run Off River PLTMH using open water turbines with a second generation capacity of 1.5 kW , Site 7 MHP type Run Off River uses an open water turbine with a generating capacity of 500 Watts, and Site 5 uses penstock with a generating capacity of 7.5 kW.

ISCECE, 2017
Indonesia has enormous water resources potential up to 75,000 MW and currently uses as a national... more Indonesia has enormous water resources potential up to 75,000 MW and currently uses as a national power plant that reached 11.56% of the total potential, or equal to 8,671 MW. Indonesia's electrification ratio in 2017 reached 88.5%, which means there are 11.5% of households in Indonesia who have not had access to electricity. Micro Hydro Power Plant (MHPP) is one alternative solution that can produce electricity and has been widely used, particularly in rural areas in Indonesia. The magnitude of the role of electricity in people’s lives has encourage the authors to study of Kali Maron MHPP community based that currently still operates and can determine the impact of electricity
from MHPP for people's lives. This research used a qualitative method with descriptive analysis. The data collected by observation and interview. Observations were made on Kali Maron MHPP and the life of the community users of Kali Maron MHPP. While the interviews were conducted with 20 household electric users of Kali Maron MHPP, each respondent is a husband or a wife and also manager of Kali Maron MHPP. Kali Maron MHPP was established in 1994 that still operating until now and utilizing the Maron river potential with debit 0.3 m3/
sec and head 14 m to generate power of 25 kW. Kali Maron MHPP deliver power supply to 66 users and the rest of the power is sold to PLN. Kali Maron MHPP is MHPP community based operated power plants that stil operating properly under the manages of Paguyuban Kali Maron (PKM). Paguyuban Kali Maron (PKM) manages the Kali Maron MHPP that consisting of advisory, management board and daily executive. The daily executive consists of a chairman, a secretary, a treasurer, and two operators. The use of the MHPP has implications for the economic and social life of the community. The economic aspects increase in income and the increase in people's living. While the social aspects seen from the rise of education, information facilities, and religion.

MITE, 2012
Abstrak Nusa Penida merupakan sebuah pulau di tenggara pulau Bali dengan jumlah penduduk 47.448 j... more Abstrak Nusa Penida merupakan sebuah pulau di tenggara pulau Bali dengan jumlah penduduk 47.448 jiwa. Ketersediaan daya pembangkit PLN di pulau Nusa Penida adalah sebesar 3200 kW. Dengan beban puncak sebesar 2530 kW maka cadangan listrik saat ini hanya sebesar 670 kW. Hal itu menyebabkan krisis listrik sangat terasa bagi masyarakat di daerah terpencil seperti di Pulau Nusa Penida. Saat ini salah satu solusi yang memungkinkan adalah mengembangkan sumber energi terbarukan. Di Pulau Nusa Penida sudah dikembangkan PLTS. Bahkan PLTS di Pulau Nusa Penida dikembangkan juga pada sistem penerangan jalan umum. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan analisa teknis dan biaya untuk mengetahui kelayakan Sistem PJU-TS tersebut. Pada analisa teknis dilakukan pengukuran output tegangan dan arus dari PV Panel ke Charger Controller, dari Charger Controller ke baterai dan ke beban. Analisa teknis menghasilkan bahwa penyebab kerusakan baterai karena kapasitas pembangkitan tidak sebanding dengan kebutuhan kapasitas beban PJU-TS. Dengan kapasitas baterai yang terus kecil akan menyebabkan kerusakan pada baterai. Selain itu karena usia baterai yang sudah lama. Analisa biaya dilakukan dengan 3 skenario dengan tingkat IRR yang ingin dicapai sebesar 10, 11, dan 12 %. Dihasilkan harga jual yang pantas untuk energi listrik PJU-TS Nusa Penida berkisar antara Rp.29.194,00 s/d Rp.31.585,00 per kWh.

ICSTD, 2012
Bali has seen relatively rapid infrastructure development to support its status as the main touri... more Bali has seen relatively rapid infrastructure development to support its status as the main tourist destination in Indonesia. This has transformed the island into a province that enjoys good economy thus achieves relatively good living standard for most of its population. However, some villages in Bali are still without access to electricity due to reasons associated with topography of the villages in which they are mostly located in high mountainous area or deep in the valleys. Such topographical characteristic has hindered the expansion of utility’s grid due to high initial cost and less attractive energy sales in the village. Meanwhile, world has recognized that electricity is a necessary support for achieving many of the millennium development goals that set to improve the quality of human life. Moreover, our constitutional mandates stipulate that earth, water and any resources thereof should be utilized to benefit our citizen irrespective of geographical and topographical condition of their location. The research reported here is the result of investigation on the current status of un-electrified sub-villages around Bali. Based on our research, the amount of power required to electrify those areas is less than two megawatt. Solutions to provide electricity to the affected area are discussed. Discussion includes the availability of local resources such as natural, social and human resources available in those areas in view of developing locally managed energy plants. Renewable generation technology such as solar photovoltaic, microhydro and wind turbine is discussed in order to provide a green and sustainable electrical energy supply for basic use in the affected area around Bali.

SEMINAR NASIONAL 2012 ”Teknik Elektro Dan Informatika Dalam Pengembangan Teknologi Berkelanjutan”
Abstrak Penelitian ini menerapkan dan mendemonstrasikan sistem pengenalan dengan ekstraksi wavele... more Abstrak Penelitian ini menerapkan dan mendemonstrasikan sistem pengenalan dengan ekstraksi wavelet dan k-NN bertujuan menghasilkan sistem perangkat lunak untuk mengukur kualitas induk gurame. Sistem ini dikembangkan karena pemilihan induk jantan dan betina yang unggul oleh petugas masih menggunakan visual mata seorang pakar. Kesalahan pengidentifikasian bisa mempengaruhi kualitas produksi telur dan benih ikan gurame. Sistem pengenalan kualitas induk gurame merupakan proses pencocokan induk gurame yang diuji den-gan suatu induk gurame yang diklaim sebagai induk " unggul" atau "tidak unggul". Sistem ini dibuat dan diuji menggunakan citra ikan gurame yang masih hidup sebanyak 56 citra yang dimiliki oleh BBI Kota Mataram. Hasil sementara pengujian menunjukkan system ini mampu menunjukkan tingkat keakuratannya sekitar 95% tepat mengenali induk ikan gurame termasuk "unggul" atau "tidak unggul". Kata kunci: ekstraksi wavelet, PCA, system pengenalan ,K-NN.
Abstrak-Pemanfaatan energi surya sebagai sumber energi listrik di Desa Ban, bekerja secara stand ... more Abstrak-Pemanfaatan energi surya sebagai sumber energi listrik di Desa Ban, bekerja secara stand alone dalam bentuk Solar Home System (SHS), dimana 65,83% SHS tidak dapat beroperasi sehingga berpengaruh terhadap kehidupan ekonomi dan sosial masyarakat.

CITEE 2013, 2013
A simple approach for determination of maintenance priority of medium voltage transformers is dis... more A simple approach for determination of maintenance priority of medium voltage transformers is discussed in this paper. The approach adopts simple weighting and scoring methods based on the DGA and oil breakdown voltage test results. The transformer peak load and operating temperature are also considered as decision parameters. The approach was applied in maintenance management of 29 transformers of a medium voltage distribution network supplying an international airport. Results of the study showed that the approach has been very useful for technician and engineer in determining the maintenance priority of the transformers. Abstract-Sebuah pendekatan sederhana untuk menentukan prioritas pemeliharaan transformator dibahas dalam paper ini. Pendekatan yang digunakan mengadopsi metode pemberian bobot dan skor sederhana dengan melihat hasil analisis gas terlarut dan hasil uji tegangan tembus. Selain itu, pembebanan dan suhu operasi transformator juga digunakan sebagai parameter untuk penentuan prioritas perawatan. Metode ini telah diaplikasikan dalam manajemen perawatan 29 buah tranformator tegangan menengah yang menyuplai sebuah bandara internasional. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pendekatan sederhana ini sangat berguna dalam membantu para teknisi untuk menentukan jadwal pemeliharaan transformator-transformator tersebut. Kata kunci-transformator tegangan menengah; uji DGA; jadwal pemeliharaan.

Tanaman sawi merupakan komoditas yang memiliki nilai komersial dan digemari masyarakat Indonesia,... more Tanaman sawi merupakan komoditas yang memiliki nilai komersial dan digemari masyarakat Indonesia, selain memiliki masa panen yang singkat, tanaman ini dapat dibudidayakan secara hidroponik maupun non hidroponik.Seiring perkembangan teknologi dalam bidang pertanian khususnya greenhouse, membuat sistem monitoring, analisis nutrisi tanaman dan fertigasi dapat dilakukan dengan sistem terintegrasi komputer. Sistem ini memberikan kemudahan dan meminimalkan kesalahan atau error karena dipengaruhi oleh subyektivitas dan tingkat kelelahan visual manusia. Sistem terintegrasi komputer yang dapat digunakan untuk monitoring dan analisis nutrisi tanaman sawi dalam greenhouse adalah machine vision. Dalam aplikasi machine vision pertanian, tahapan segmentasi citra merupakan hal penting sebelum citra dapat diproses lebih lanjut. Untuk memisahkan tanaman dari background seperti tanah dan residu. Hasil segmentasi citra dapat diproses lebih lanjut untuk ekstraksi fitur baik ekstraksi fitur warna, tekstur maupun bentuk, hasil dari ekstraksi fitur-fitur tersebut nantinya dapat digunakan untuk identifikasi nutrisi tanaman atau klasifikasi tanaman.Penelitian inimenggunakan metode pengembangan kelebihan hijau (excesss green), thresholding Otsu, morphologi Opening, labeling RLE, bounding box dan transformasi geometri, sehingga menghasilkan perangkat lunak segmentasi citra yang mampu memisahkan daun tanaman sawi dari latar belakang (background) dengan akurasi 99,16%. Kata Kunci— Segmentasi citra,daun tanaman sawi, excess green, bounding box.

Pemanfaatan energi surya sebagai sumber energilistrik diDesa Ban,bekerja secara stand alone dalam... more Pemanfaatan energi surya sebagai sumber energilistrik diDesa Ban,bekerja secara stand alone dalam bentuk Solar Home System (SHS) , dimana 65,83% SHS tidak dapat beroperasi sehingga berpengaruh terhadap kehidupan ekonomi dan sosial masyarakat. Kelanjutan dari itu, maka dilakukan penelitian dengan mengambil sampel sebanyak 62 responden, yang dipilih secara purposive sampling. 62 responden terdiri dari 31 responden dengan SHS berfungsi, dan 31 responden dengan SHS tidak berfungsi untuk menjawab kuesioner. Data hasil kuesioner yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan uji beda nonparametrik dengan uji Mann-Whitney. Hasil analisis dengan uji Mann-Whitney, menunjukan perbedaan yang bermakna antara responden dengan SHS masih berfungsi dengan responden dengan SHS tidak berfungsi dalam kehidupan ekonomi dan sosial, dengan nilai probabilitas kurang dari 0,05. Berdasarkan hasil analisis tersebut, penggunaan PLTS sebagai listrik pedesaan berdampak terhadap kehidupan masyarakat, dengan adanya peningkatan kehidupan ekonomi dansosial masyarakat Desa Ban, Kubu, Karangasem.

Vegetables cultivation using hydroponic is becoming popular now days because of its irrigation an... more Vegetables cultivation using hydroponic is becoming popular now days because of its irrigation and fertilizer efficiency. One type of vegetable which can be cultivated using hydroponic is green mustard (Brassica juncea L.) tosakan variety. This vegetable is harvested in the vegetative phase, approximately aged of 30 days after planting. In addition, during the vegetative phase, this plant requires more nitrogen for growth of vegetative organs. The lack of nitrogen will lead to slow growth and the leaves turn yellow. In this study, non-destructive technology was developed to identify nitrogen status through the image of green mustard leaf by using digital image processing and artificial neural network. The image processing method used was the color moment for color feature extraction, gray level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM) for texture feature extraction and back propagation neural network to identify nitrogen status from the image of leaf. The input image data resulted from acquisition process was RGB color image which was converted to HSV. Prior to the color and texture feature extraction and texture, acquisition image was segmented and cropped to get the leaf image only. Next Step was to conduct training using back propagation neural network with two hidden layer combinations, 20,000 iteration epoch. Accuracy of the test results using those methods was 97.82%. The result indicates those three methods is reliable to identify nitrogen status in the leaf of green mustard.
Papers by Satya Kumara

Energi listrik dapat digunakan sebagai pengganti bahan bakar minyak. Salah satu upaya untuk menga... more Energi listrik dapat digunakan sebagai pengganti bahan bakar minyak. Salah satu upaya untuk mengatasi polusi udara adalah melalui kontes mobil hemat energi (KMHE) yang mengedepankan efisiensi kendaraan. Dalam penelitian ini, sistem pengemudian elektrik pada mobil listrik WEIMANA yang terfokus pada pemilihan motor listrik, melakukan pengujian motor BLDC untuk mengetahui daya yang perlukan oleh motor BLDC. Pada pemilihan motor listrik dilakukan perhitungan tahanan gelinding, tahanan aerodinamika mobil, daya, dan torsi yang dibutuhkan. Berdasarkan hasil pembahasan, motor yang dipilih adalah merk qs-motor kapasitas 800 W, 500 RPM, torsi 80 Nm, tegangan operasi 48-70 VDC. Besar tahanan gelinding, tahanan aerodinamika mobil, daya, dan torsi yaitu 16,67 N, 7,83 N, 864,7 W dan 59,22 Nm. Motor yang dipilih telah dapat menggerakkan mobil WEIMANA dengan pembebanan berat driver 45 kg, 55 kg dan 65 kg pada kecepatan 20 km/h dan 30 km/h. Efisiensi daya ratarata kontroller tertinggi pada berat badan driver 55 kg sebesar 90,31%. Efisiensi daya ratarata kontroller tertinggi sebesar 88,03% pada kecepatan 20 km/h.

Jurnal Spektrum, Jan 8, 2022
Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya (PLTS) merupakan energi terbarukan yang merubah sinar matahari me... more Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya (PLTS) merupakan energi terbarukan yang merubah sinar matahari menjadi listrik. Namun pembangunan PLTS memerlukan lahan yang luas sehingga untuk daerah perkotaan tidak mudah mendapatkan lahan yang dibutuhkan. Salah satu solusi adalah memanfaatkan atap bangunan parkir sebagai PLTS atap. Energi yang dihasilkan PLTS atap gedung parkir dapat diekspor ke jaringan karena umumnya kebutuhan energi bangunan parkir tidak banyak. Paper ini membahas PLTS atap gedung parkir yang sudah dibangun di seluruh dunia. Didapat sebanyak 40 PLTS atap gedung parkir yang mulai dibangun dari tahun 2010 hingga 2022 dengan total kapasitas 207,49 MW. PLTS fasilitas parkir ini dibangun berupa PLTS atap gedung parkir, carport, dan kanopi parkir. Lembaga yang telah membangun PLTS di atas fasilitas parkirnya antara lain airport, bank, mall, pemerintah, perusahaan air, perusahaan daur ulang, perusahaan farmasi, perusahaan keuangan, perusahaan mobil, rumah sakit, sekolah, stadion dan universitas. Kata kunci : Energi terbarukan, PLTS, PLTS atap, gedung parkir, carport, car park
Majalah Ilmiah Teknologi Elektro, Jul 8, 2012

DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Jun 1, 2013
Customizable information management system is an analytical tool for manage electricity of electr... more Customizable information management system is an analytical tool for manage electricity of electrical energy data at PT. Indovillas Bali. Customizable system is a system can be able to be adapted in each situation villas. The flow of the system is dynamically created to be adapted to the circumstances. In the system there are subsystems based on the user's system with a separate database with privileges in accordance with the authority given system. The expected output of the report management system is composed of electrical energy consumption usage. Including the amount of electrical energy consumption per day, occupancy rates and limits energy use as an indicator of the electricity energy consumption per day each month. The system is also expected to give the result of potential electrical energy savings consumption. The results of the system output is expected to be the main reference for the energy manager or engineer to determine the appropriate steps in the use of electrical energy efficiently and effectively. For top management, the report is expected to be a material consideration in determining the price of villa rentals, and providing more detailed information about the cost of the energy consumption in a liability to the owner of the villa.

Transmisi: Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Elektro, 2008
Electric vehicle is the one of important solution to reduce pollution result from fuel vehicle ga... more Electric vehicle is the one of important solution to reduce pollution result from fuel vehicle gas emission. By means of electrical motor the electric vehicle have the power that convert from electrical energy to mechanical energy to turn its wheels. Many fields in electrical engineering support the electric vehicle development including electrical motor technology, power converter, digital processor based control system, and also battery technology for saving the electric energy. Now the limited fosil based energy, the demanding of environment friendly of electric vehicle, and also technology support could motivate almost of the auto mobile producers to give the attention in electrical vehicle. This paper will try to explain the historical development of electric vehicle until now with the various of electric vehicles that have been produced for instance hybrid, plug-in hybrid, and null emission electric vehicle will be presented.

DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), May 1, 2009
Teknologi semikonduktor daya sudah dan sedang berkembang dengan sangat pesat. Perkembangan terseb... more Teknologi semikonduktor daya sudah dan sedang berkembang dengan sangat pesat. Perkembangan tersebut mencakup peningkatan densitas dan rating arus, tegangan kerja, daya keluaran dan efisiensi, frekwensi switching, bentuk dan ukuran fisik, dan penurunan rugi-rugi. Dalam pabrikasinya, hampir semua komponen semikonduktor daya dikemas sebagai perangkat tunggal (discrete device) atau dalam bentuk paket rangkaian yang disebut modul daya dasar (power module) sampai modul daya yang canggih (intelligent power module). Dalam perencanaan konverter daya untuk pengemudian elektrik khususnya yang dipakai dalam penelitian laboratorium dan tugas akhir mahasiswa, dapat dilakukan melalui dua pedekatan. Yang pertama adalah pendekatan perangkat tunggal dimana konverter daya dibuat dengan menggunakan komponen tunggal. Yang kedua adalah mendesain konverter dengan menggunakan modul daya. Kedua pendekatan ini memiliki berbagai keuntungan dan juga kekurangan. Tulisan ini mencoba mendiskusikan faktor-faktor yang berperan dalam perencanaan konverter daya untuk pengemudian listrik khususnya dalam pemilihan saklar statis atau komponen switching. Dalam tulisan ini juga akan direview berbagai power module yang tersedia di pasaran yang bisa digunakan dalam perencanaan konverter daya untuk pengemudian elektrik berdaya rendah.
Conference Presentations by Satya Kumara
from MHPP for people's lives. This research used a qualitative method with descriptive analysis. The data collected by observation and interview. Observations were made on Kali Maron MHPP and the life of the community users of Kali Maron MHPP. While the interviews were conducted with 20 household electric users of Kali Maron MHPP, each respondent is a husband or a wife and also manager of Kali Maron MHPP. Kali Maron MHPP was established in 1994 that still operating until now and utilizing the Maron river potential with debit 0.3 m3/
sec and head 14 m to generate power of 25 kW. Kali Maron MHPP deliver power supply to 66 users and the rest of the power is sold to PLN. Kali Maron MHPP is MHPP community based operated power plants that stil operating properly under the manages of Paguyuban Kali Maron (PKM). Paguyuban Kali Maron (PKM) manages the Kali Maron MHPP that consisting of advisory, management board and daily executive. The daily executive consists of a chairman, a secretary, a treasurer, and two operators. The use of the MHPP has implications for the economic and social life of the community. The economic aspects increase in income and the increase in people's living. While the social aspects seen from the rise of education, information facilities, and religion.
Papers by Satya Kumara
from MHPP for people's lives. This research used a qualitative method with descriptive analysis. The data collected by observation and interview. Observations were made on Kali Maron MHPP and the life of the community users of Kali Maron MHPP. While the interviews were conducted with 20 household electric users of Kali Maron MHPP, each respondent is a husband or a wife and also manager of Kali Maron MHPP. Kali Maron MHPP was established in 1994 that still operating until now and utilizing the Maron river potential with debit 0.3 m3/
sec and head 14 m to generate power of 25 kW. Kali Maron MHPP deliver power supply to 66 users and the rest of the power is sold to PLN. Kali Maron MHPP is MHPP community based operated power plants that stil operating properly under the manages of Paguyuban Kali Maron (PKM). Paguyuban Kali Maron (PKM) manages the Kali Maron MHPP that consisting of advisory, management board and daily executive. The daily executive consists of a chairman, a secretary, a treasurer, and two operators. The use of the MHPP has implications for the economic and social life of the community. The economic aspects increase in income and the increase in people's living. While the social aspects seen from the rise of education, information facilities, and religion.