The study aims to test three variables that are estimated to have powerful performances in sustai... more The study aims to test three variables that are estimated to have powerful performances in sustainable destination management (SDM), i.e., destination management (DM), Panginyongan local culture (PLC), and sustainable tourism (ST). The perceptions of 300 respondents consisting of residents, visitors, private sector, academics, media, and government, were then analyzed with Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). As a result, DM is significant to ST; PLC is significant to ST; DM is not significant to SDM; PLC is significant for SDM; DM and PLC simultaneously with ST mediation are significant for SDM. The scope of implementation of this study's outcome is for the tourist area manager. The study's novelty is developing an SEM of SDM in the Baturraden tourist area through three variables, i.e., DM, PLC, and ST. The finding that DM is not significant to SDM, however, if applied simultaneously between DM and PLC and mediated by ST, will have a significant effect. In conclusion, some indicators that need to be improved encompass strengthening the function of the management body, the application of the CHSE protocol, the local community's sense of belonging to the local culture, zoning planning and monitoring of tourism activities, and stakeholder complicity in the management of tourist areas. The study's scientific contribution is that, if the two theories are linked, i.e., destination management and sustainable tourism, it will initiate the framework of sustainable destination management
Ecotrophic: Journal of Environmental Science, 2012
Jakarta Bay lies in the north of Jakarta and receives freshwater run off from thirteen rivers tha... more Jakarta Bay lies in the north of Jakarta and receives freshwater run off from thirteen rivers that run through the Jakarta metropolitan area, a conurbation that is home to some 20 millions people. Total discharges of organic water pollution have experienced a rapid increase from 214 tones per day in 1980 to over 537 tones per day in 1993. This is resulted to the high nutrient levels and eutrophication of coastal waters. Input pollutant in Jakarta Bay change the natural environment condition. Eutrophication has severe local impacts in the Jakarta Bay (GEF, 2008). Study of TSM in Jakarta Bay was conducted during September 2008 to June 2009. The aims of this research were to investigate the transportations of TSM in Jakarta Bay MODIS satellite data was used and the current pattern circulation in Jakarta Bay. Methods applied were MODIS satellite data analyses from 2003 to 2005 and numerical model 2-dimensional, for the in-situ data of total suspended matter secondary data from LIPI in S...
ECOTROPHIC : Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan (Journal of Environmental Science)
Environmental water quality is very influential on environmental sustainability and tourism in th... more Environmental water quality is very influential on environmental sustainability and tourism in the Nusa Penida Tourism Area. Changes in environmental water quality are influenced by human activities in utilizing environmental resources. As a developing tourism area, Nusa Penida has a source of environmental water from springs, groundwater and has marine waters with biodiversity that become underwater paradise. The method used by analyzing water quality uses a standardized quality approach based on Bali Governor's Regulation No. 16 of 2016 concerning Environmental Quality Standards and Environmental Damage Quality Criteria and to find out the water pollution index using the approach of the Decree of the Minister of Environment No. 51 of 2004, then compared with environmental water quality using environmental water quality tests that have been carried out in the Study of Analysis Regarding the Environmental Impact of the Nusa Penida Tourism Area in 1998.Tests for the quality of se...
Garbage is a problem that must be faced by the community, because garbage is a form of environmen... more Garbage is a problem that must be faced by the community, because garbage is a form of environmental pollution, where garbage can have an impact on public health, such as; odors, floods, destroy aesthetics, fire, greenhouse effect and so on. Household waste management requires active community participation so that the role of the government does not get heavier. Increase community participation in waste management in Denpasar City. In an effort to build the effectiveness of waste management in Denpasar City, it is necessary to develop a community-based waste management model in Denpasar City. The purpose of developing a waste management model is to actively involve the community in managing waste in Denpasar City. This study uses the Interpretative Structural Modeling (ISM) method approach by using elements of the affected community, elements of program objectives, elements of indicators to achieve goals, elements of the main constraints and elements of the institutions involved. In compiling the sub-elements from each element, it involves figures, experts, actors and activists in Denpasar City on community-based waste management. The results of the modeling show that the participatory role of the community is very important in reducing waste through reuse, increasing community involvement and implementing 3R activities. The main obstacle in waste management is the limited facilities and infrastructure for waste management and the unclear waste management organization. Possible changes are that law enforcement and waste regulations must be clear and the involvement of all stakeholders in community-based waste management in Denpasar City.
Ecotrophic: Journal of Environmental Science, 2007
Sekonyer river as west border of Tanjung Puting National Park, is the main flora and fauna preser... more Sekonyer river as west border of Tanjung Puting National Park, is the main flora and fauna preservation areasespecially for orangutan conservation. Part of Sekonyer river upper course around year 1990 to 2002, there was anillegal gold mining (IGM) activity, and in 2002 this IGM was forbidden to be operated because of the use of mercuryfor extracting the gold. In former IGM location, up to this research has been done, the location is still used for silikapuya (sand) mining that is extracted from the sands by using water from the river, as a result, the waste water wasinundated in the mining area and flows into Sekonyer river. The objectives of this research are first of all, to identifythe heavy metal degree of the water, such as mercury, copper, cadmium, zinc, lead, arsenic, and chrome. The secondone is to identify the source of pollution, and the last one is to identify the potential heavy metal that pollute the water.Composite method was used in collecting the water samples, i.e. ...
Bali community utilize champaca flower for offering materials and worship, besides beauty salon p... more Bali community utilize champaca flower for offering materials and worship, besides beauty salon purposes, the SPA aromatic ingredients, essential oils, perfumes, cosmetics, and drugs. Various champaca plants in Indonesia have not been studied as one of Indonesia's biodiversity that can be used as excellent genetic resources (germplasm). The objective of the study was to determine the genetic diversity of champaca in Bali. The results revealed that 12 (twelve) champaca accession morphologically was characterized. All of accessions obtained from cultivation centers champaca in Bali. Based on the characteristic was observed by morphological characters i.e.: (a) Cempaka Putih Wilis (b) Cempaka Putih Pateh, (c) Cempaka Putih Patemon, (d) Cempaka Putih Sibang, (e) Cempaka Kuning Muda Petemon, (f) Cempaka Kuning Kecil Patemon, (g) Cempaka Kuning Besar Patemon, (h) (i) Cempaka Kuning Kecil Sibang, (j) Cempaka Kuning Tua Sibang, (k) Cempaka Kuning Muda Sibang, and (l) Cempaka Kuning Puna...
Salak (Salacca zalacca) is a species of palm tree (family Arecaceae) native to Indonesia and Mala... more Salak (Salacca zalacca) is a species of palm tree (family Arecaceae) native to Indonesia and Malaysia. The fruit grow in clusters at the base of the palm, and are also known as snake fruit due to the reddish-brown scaly skin. Salak Bali (Salacca edulis) has long been favoured because this variety is moist and crunchy. It has a relatively high economic value, eaten as fresh fruit as well as utilized as an industrial raw material for the food industry. There are around 18 varieties of Salak being developed at the commercial level in Indonesia. S38 Department proposed to provide financial support and technical assistance for Salak farmers in Bali to produce Salak Bali in accordance with recommended SNI practices for Organic Food. Once this recognition is forthcoming, it is expected that Salak Bali will enjoy a wider market and can be expected to be become one of Indonesia's excellent product of certified organic fruit. This paper details the steps involved in cultivating Salak Bali to assist the fruit in attaining full organic status.
Garbage Dump (GD) of Temesi which is located at Temesi village within 6.5 km south east of Gianya... more Garbage Dump (GD) of Temesi which is located at Temesi village within 6.5 km south east of Gianyar city, which is geographically located at a point 8°33 south latitude and 115Q east longitude with an altitude ± 191 - ± 196 meters above sea level. The area of GD of Temesi about 4 ha, by limitation; North: field rice and population residences; East: field rice; South: field rice and West: field rice. GD of Temesi Gianyar has been collecting garbage about 198.52 m2 /day. GD of Temesi operates with open dumping, so that the leachate from garbage to pollute the enviorment and shallow ground water around the GD. This study ms conducted to know the direction of seepage and location of point accumulation of leachate at GD of Temesi Gainyar. This study was conducted with measuring soil layer values at GD of Temesi Gianyar, was taken eight tracks measurement. The method used in this study by using the geoelectric resistivity with Wenner configuration and Schlumberger configuration. The eight ...
Floods are natural disasters that took place almost all over the world including Indonesia. Indon... more Floods are natural disasters that took place almost all over the world including Indonesia. Indonesia is very vulnerable to disasters because has characteristic a huge amount of rainfall throughout the year. Flood disaster is one of the disasters that often occur in Indonesia. GSMaP is one kind product of satellite precipitation has one hour temporal resolution, 0.1x0.1 degree horizontal resolution, world-wide coverage and operated by JAXA. In this study were investigate the characteristic of rainfall pattern before floods occur by processing hourly GSMaP MVK at each location large flood events occur in Indonesia on 2006-2010. The large flood events data collected from Dartmouth Flood Observatory (2006-2010) and Ministry of Public Works of the Republic of Indonesia (2006-2010). Based on the processing result, generally Indonesia has two characteristic of rainfall patterns before floods occur namely: short term rainfall period and long term rainfall period. Based on the compilation a...
Influence of Mica Packaging Container Sizes on Quality and ShelfLife of Strawberry (Fragaria sp.)... more Influence of Mica Packaging Container Sizes on Quality and ShelfLife of Strawberry (Fragaria sp.). This study aimed to determine the effect of plastic mica container size with a total of 15 pieces of packaging and determined the best treatment for the shelf life of strawberries (Fragaria sp). This study useds a complete randomized design methodology (CRD) with one treatment, namely the type of plastic mica container size with various types of packaging types as follows: type 1 (K1), type 2 (K2), type 3 (K3) and number 15 fruit packs. The observed variables were weight loss, hardness level, shelf life, organoleptic test, respiration rate and vitamin C. The size of the packaging containers affected the physico-chemical changes in the strawberries. The treatment influenced the physico-chemical changes in the strawberries, such as the rate of respiration and vitamin C levels. The best packaging size was the smallest size (K1 ) K2 and K3 packaging container sizes. This is indicated by th...
Food products competition of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) is due to the products o... more Food products competition of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) is due to the products of local businesses and imported products, both legal and illegal from China, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, and Japan. This is because most of the products of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) are less attractive, innovative and creative packaging. Food products are only wrapped in transparent plastic without any label or information, thus giving the impression of being less attractive. This makes Indonesian Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) products less competitive compared to manufactured products and products from abroad. The packaging is one of the important marketing tools, not just as a wrapper. The packaging is a process related to the design and manufacture of containers or wrappers for a product. Packaging must be designed with a suitable shape and size and graphic design must be able to attract buyers. One of the graphic design elements as an attractive desi...
Perkembangan pariwisata di Nusa Penida dalam kurun waktu 4 tahun terakhir meningkat pesat. Perkem... more Perkembangan pariwisata di Nusa Penida dalam kurun waktu 4 tahun terakhir meningkat pesat. Perkembangan ini dapat dilihat dari jumlah kedatangan wisatawan yang terus meningkat dan pertumbuhan pembangunan sarana akomodasi pariwisata yang mengalami peningkatan. Tumbuhnya Kawasan Pariwisata Nusa Penida berdampak kepada meningkatnya kebutuhan air untuk keberlanjutan kehidupan masyarakat dan pariwisata. Analisis untuk mengetahui kapasitas pasokan air yang ada sangat penting untuk keberlanjutan kehidupan masyarakat dan pariwisata Nusa Penida. Sumber data menggunakan data primer yang merupakan hasil pengamatan langsung di lokasi penelitian dan sumber data dari literatur atau penelitian sebelumnya. Kebutuhan air untuk pariwisata Nusa Penida pada Tahun 2028 diperkirakan sebesar 94,542,400 m3 per tahun. Status daya dukung air dengan sumber dari curah hujan surplus sebanyak 901,002.56 m3 per tahun. Status daya dukung penggunaan air dengan sumber dari 10% sumber air yang sudah eksisting pada ta...
Nusa Penida is part of the Province of Bali which consists of three small islands, namely Nusa Pe... more Nusa Penida is part of the Province of Bali which consists of three small islands, namely Nusa Penida Island, Nusa Lembongan and Nusa Ceningan within the administrative area of Nusa Penida District, Klungkung Regency. The development of tourism in Nusa Penida has increased access to physical development and supporting facilities for the region. The leap of development of tourism facilities began to be felt starting in 2005, namely on the islands of Nusa Lembongan and Nusa Ceningan. The development of massive tourism facilities took place in 2015 until 2019 since the 2014 Nusa Penida Festival was held. Many coastal and inland areas were built with tourism accommodation, which naturally led to land conversion and land depreciation. The purpose of this study was to determine land use change from 2003 to 2019 using the overlapping analysis method of Google maps and maps derived from quick bird imagery. Transfer of land functions in the Nusa Penida Region from 2003 to 2019 reached 164.84...
The growth of tourism in the Nusa Penida Tourism Area has an impact on the socio-cultural environ... more The growth of tourism in the Nusa Penida Tourism Area has an impact on the socio-cultural environment due to the development of tourism supporting facilities and infrastructure. Socio-cultural spaces also experience pressure due to conflicts of interest in the use of sacred areas for tourism, resulting in a process of desacralization. Social interactions are declining and arrogance is increasing at some tourist attraction points. Some physical spaces have become economic spaces. Road border, roadside, coast have become economic space. The way of thinking has been hegemony by the interests to get more economic access. The construction of the mind is filled with capitalist desires. Arrogance and ego between groups began to be seen in each particular area. The narrowing of social and cultural space has increased the critical power of the community towards the use of the area, especially spaces that are related to religion. Fighting egoism and social cultural conflict to catch up with t...
Traveled today has become a lifestyle for the society, including Balinese. During the last few ye... more Traveled today has become a lifestyle for the society, including Balinese. During the last few years it was recorded that many Balinese had began a vacation, even to foreign countries. This study aimed to determine the demographic profile of the Balinese and the countries visited, push and pull factors, analyze the level of motivation of the Balinese people and analyze the differences in motivation for the Balinese, who was first to travel abroad and who have often traveled overseas travel. Motivation Theory and Maslow's hierarchy of needs are theories used in this study. Data were collected by interviews and distrubuting questionnaire. Data was analysed with descriptive analysis of qualitative and statistical Discriminant Analysis. The results showed that the motivation of the Balinese are very diverse, respondents may have more motivation than one. The most dominant push factors is the educational opportunity in addition to other motives such as relaxation and play, while the pull factor is the dominant cultural factors, followed by the natural environment, and recreation and attraction services. It was also found the differences in motivation among the people of Bali who for the first time and has frequently traveled overseas travel.
ECOTROPHIC : Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan (Journal of Environmental Science)
As a regional income barn, the Nusa Penida Tourism Area needs to be managed comprehensively by in... more As a regional income barn, the Nusa Penida Tourism Area needs to be managed comprehensively by involving all available resources, by encouraging new thinking about managing tourism that synergizes with environmental sustainability in the sustainable environment of the Nusa Penida Tourism Area. Tourism can increase economic growth but create a burden on the environment, so that Nusa Penida tourism becomes environmentally friendly tourism to support the development of green tourism. Progress in tourism impacts the environment, causes social and cultural changes in society and impacts the carrying capacity of land and water from the massive tourism development in Nusa Penida. For this reason, it is necessary to formulate a model of environmental management that is relevant and has been developed.This study uses a systems approach with the Interpretative Structural Modeling (ISM) method to formulate an environmental management model in the Nusa Penida Tourism Area. This method can be us...
International Journal of Scientific Research and Management
Environmental resources are very important in supporting tourism activities. As a developing tour... more Environmental resources are very important in supporting tourism activities. As a developing tourism area Nusa Penida needs sufficient land and water resources. Increasing population of residents and tourists triggers new activities that affect the patterns of land use and available water, which in turn has a negative impact on the availability of land and water. The carrying capacity of the environment is disrupted due to the utilization of environmental resources that exceed its capacity. This study aims to calculate the availability, needs and status of the carrying capacity of land and water in the Nusa Penida Tourism Area.The methodology of this study is to calculate the availability of land and water, calculate land and water needs for residents and tourists and calculate the carrying capacity of land and water. This study predicts the availability of land and water, land and water needs and the carrying capacity of land and water in the Nusa Penida Tourism Area until 2023.Fro...
ECOTROPHIC : Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan (Journal of Environmental Science)
Taman Budaya Nusantara is one of the tourism site that is located in Gianyar which being managed ... more Taman Budaya Nusantara is one of the tourism site that is located in Gianyar which being managed by PT. Taman Nusa. The negative impact from tourism site is an enhancement of environmental destruction. This research aims to analyze the adherence implementation of the Environmental Management Plan document (RKL), Environmental Monitoring Plan document (RPL) and the implementation of CSR Program. The methods that used were in the research are case approachment (The Case Approach), Legislation approachment (The Statue Approach), and Conceptual approachment (Analytical and ConcePT. ual Approach). The result of the research shows that PT. Taman Nusa did not comply to the terms of legislation according to the implementation of EIA document five aspects, is Permitting, Water Pollution Control, Air Pollution Control, Hazardoces Waste Management and Solid Waste Management. PT. Taman Nusa has fulfilled obligations in carrying out its social responsibility, economic and environment by actualiz...
ECOTROPHIC : Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan (Journal of Environmental Science)
The negative impact of tourism accommodation development, is environmental damage. Law of the Rep... more The negative impact of tourism accommodation development, is environmental damage. Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 10 of 2009 on Tourism Article 26, requires owner to be responsible through environmental maintenance.Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 40 of 2007 on Limited Liability Companies Article 74, requires each company to implement Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).The ministry of Environment itself summarizes the CSR on environment, such as Production Profit, Eco Office, Waste Management with 3R principle (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle), Conservation of Natural Resources and Energy, Renewable Energy, Climate Change Adaptation and Environmental Education.This research aimed to analyze the effectivity of CSR programs on environmental in fivestar hotels in Ubud Region, the factors that affect the program, and its development strategy. The research used descriptive quantitative method. The method of data collection using observation, interviews, and questionnaires. Data ob...
The study aims to test three variables that are estimated to have powerful performances in sustai... more The study aims to test three variables that are estimated to have powerful performances in sustainable destination management (SDM), i.e., destination management (DM), Panginyongan local culture (PLC), and sustainable tourism (ST). The perceptions of 300 respondents consisting of residents, visitors, private sector, academics, media, and government, were then analyzed with Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). As a result, DM is significant to ST; PLC is significant to ST; DM is not significant to SDM; PLC is significant for SDM; DM and PLC simultaneously with ST mediation are significant for SDM. The scope of implementation of this study's outcome is for the tourist area manager. The study's novelty is developing an SEM of SDM in the Baturraden tourist area through three variables, i.e., DM, PLC, and ST. The finding that DM is not significant to SDM, however, if applied simultaneously between DM and PLC and mediated by ST, will have a significant effect. In conclusion, some indicators that need to be improved encompass strengthening the function of the management body, the application of the CHSE protocol, the local community's sense of belonging to the local culture, zoning planning and monitoring of tourism activities, and stakeholder complicity in the management of tourist areas. The study's scientific contribution is that, if the two theories are linked, i.e., destination management and sustainable tourism, it will initiate the framework of sustainable destination management
Ecotrophic: Journal of Environmental Science, 2012
Jakarta Bay lies in the north of Jakarta and receives freshwater run off from thirteen rivers tha... more Jakarta Bay lies in the north of Jakarta and receives freshwater run off from thirteen rivers that run through the Jakarta metropolitan area, a conurbation that is home to some 20 millions people. Total discharges of organic water pollution have experienced a rapid increase from 214 tones per day in 1980 to over 537 tones per day in 1993. This is resulted to the high nutrient levels and eutrophication of coastal waters. Input pollutant in Jakarta Bay change the natural environment condition. Eutrophication has severe local impacts in the Jakarta Bay (GEF, 2008). Study of TSM in Jakarta Bay was conducted during September 2008 to June 2009. The aims of this research were to investigate the transportations of TSM in Jakarta Bay MODIS satellite data was used and the current pattern circulation in Jakarta Bay. Methods applied were MODIS satellite data analyses from 2003 to 2005 and numerical model 2-dimensional, for the in-situ data of total suspended matter secondary data from LIPI in S...
ECOTROPHIC : Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan (Journal of Environmental Science)
Environmental water quality is very influential on environmental sustainability and tourism in th... more Environmental water quality is very influential on environmental sustainability and tourism in the Nusa Penida Tourism Area. Changes in environmental water quality are influenced by human activities in utilizing environmental resources. As a developing tourism area, Nusa Penida has a source of environmental water from springs, groundwater and has marine waters with biodiversity that become underwater paradise. The method used by analyzing water quality uses a standardized quality approach based on Bali Governor's Regulation No. 16 of 2016 concerning Environmental Quality Standards and Environmental Damage Quality Criteria and to find out the water pollution index using the approach of the Decree of the Minister of Environment No. 51 of 2004, then compared with environmental water quality using environmental water quality tests that have been carried out in the Study of Analysis Regarding the Environmental Impact of the Nusa Penida Tourism Area in 1998.Tests for the quality of se...
Garbage is a problem that must be faced by the community, because garbage is a form of environmen... more Garbage is a problem that must be faced by the community, because garbage is a form of environmental pollution, where garbage can have an impact on public health, such as; odors, floods, destroy aesthetics, fire, greenhouse effect and so on. Household waste management requires active community participation so that the role of the government does not get heavier. Increase community participation in waste management in Denpasar City. In an effort to build the effectiveness of waste management in Denpasar City, it is necessary to develop a community-based waste management model in Denpasar City. The purpose of developing a waste management model is to actively involve the community in managing waste in Denpasar City. This study uses the Interpretative Structural Modeling (ISM) method approach by using elements of the affected community, elements of program objectives, elements of indicators to achieve goals, elements of the main constraints and elements of the institutions involved. In compiling the sub-elements from each element, it involves figures, experts, actors and activists in Denpasar City on community-based waste management. The results of the modeling show that the participatory role of the community is very important in reducing waste through reuse, increasing community involvement and implementing 3R activities. The main obstacle in waste management is the limited facilities and infrastructure for waste management and the unclear waste management organization. Possible changes are that law enforcement and waste regulations must be clear and the involvement of all stakeholders in community-based waste management in Denpasar City.
Ecotrophic: Journal of Environmental Science, 2007
Sekonyer river as west border of Tanjung Puting National Park, is the main flora and fauna preser... more Sekonyer river as west border of Tanjung Puting National Park, is the main flora and fauna preservation areasespecially for orangutan conservation. Part of Sekonyer river upper course around year 1990 to 2002, there was anillegal gold mining (IGM) activity, and in 2002 this IGM was forbidden to be operated because of the use of mercuryfor extracting the gold. In former IGM location, up to this research has been done, the location is still used for silikapuya (sand) mining that is extracted from the sands by using water from the river, as a result, the waste water wasinundated in the mining area and flows into Sekonyer river. The objectives of this research are first of all, to identifythe heavy metal degree of the water, such as mercury, copper, cadmium, zinc, lead, arsenic, and chrome. The secondone is to identify the source of pollution, and the last one is to identify the potential heavy metal that pollute the water.Composite method was used in collecting the water samples, i.e. ...
Bali community utilize champaca flower for offering materials and worship, besides beauty salon p... more Bali community utilize champaca flower for offering materials and worship, besides beauty salon purposes, the SPA aromatic ingredients, essential oils, perfumes, cosmetics, and drugs. Various champaca plants in Indonesia have not been studied as one of Indonesia's biodiversity that can be used as excellent genetic resources (germplasm). The objective of the study was to determine the genetic diversity of champaca in Bali. The results revealed that 12 (twelve) champaca accession morphologically was characterized. All of accessions obtained from cultivation centers champaca in Bali. Based on the characteristic was observed by morphological characters i.e.: (a) Cempaka Putih Wilis (b) Cempaka Putih Pateh, (c) Cempaka Putih Patemon, (d) Cempaka Putih Sibang, (e) Cempaka Kuning Muda Petemon, (f) Cempaka Kuning Kecil Patemon, (g) Cempaka Kuning Besar Patemon, (h) (i) Cempaka Kuning Kecil Sibang, (j) Cempaka Kuning Tua Sibang, (k) Cempaka Kuning Muda Sibang, and (l) Cempaka Kuning Puna...
Salak (Salacca zalacca) is a species of palm tree (family Arecaceae) native to Indonesia and Mala... more Salak (Salacca zalacca) is a species of palm tree (family Arecaceae) native to Indonesia and Malaysia. The fruit grow in clusters at the base of the palm, and are also known as snake fruit due to the reddish-brown scaly skin. Salak Bali (Salacca edulis) has long been favoured because this variety is moist and crunchy. It has a relatively high economic value, eaten as fresh fruit as well as utilized as an industrial raw material for the food industry. There are around 18 varieties of Salak being developed at the commercial level in Indonesia. S38 Department proposed to provide financial support and technical assistance for Salak farmers in Bali to produce Salak Bali in accordance with recommended SNI practices for Organic Food. Once this recognition is forthcoming, it is expected that Salak Bali will enjoy a wider market and can be expected to be become one of Indonesia's excellent product of certified organic fruit. This paper details the steps involved in cultivating Salak Bali to assist the fruit in attaining full organic status.
Garbage Dump (GD) of Temesi which is located at Temesi village within 6.5 km south east of Gianya... more Garbage Dump (GD) of Temesi which is located at Temesi village within 6.5 km south east of Gianyar city, which is geographically located at a point 8°33 south latitude and 115Q east longitude with an altitude ± 191 - ± 196 meters above sea level. The area of GD of Temesi about 4 ha, by limitation; North: field rice and population residences; East: field rice; South: field rice and West: field rice. GD of Temesi Gianyar has been collecting garbage about 198.52 m2 /day. GD of Temesi operates with open dumping, so that the leachate from garbage to pollute the enviorment and shallow ground water around the GD. This study ms conducted to know the direction of seepage and location of point accumulation of leachate at GD of Temesi Gainyar. This study was conducted with measuring soil layer values at GD of Temesi Gianyar, was taken eight tracks measurement. The method used in this study by using the geoelectric resistivity with Wenner configuration and Schlumberger configuration. The eight ...
Floods are natural disasters that took place almost all over the world including Indonesia. Indon... more Floods are natural disasters that took place almost all over the world including Indonesia. Indonesia is very vulnerable to disasters because has characteristic a huge amount of rainfall throughout the year. Flood disaster is one of the disasters that often occur in Indonesia. GSMaP is one kind product of satellite precipitation has one hour temporal resolution, 0.1x0.1 degree horizontal resolution, world-wide coverage and operated by JAXA. In this study were investigate the characteristic of rainfall pattern before floods occur by processing hourly GSMaP MVK at each location large flood events occur in Indonesia on 2006-2010. The large flood events data collected from Dartmouth Flood Observatory (2006-2010) and Ministry of Public Works of the Republic of Indonesia (2006-2010). Based on the processing result, generally Indonesia has two characteristic of rainfall patterns before floods occur namely: short term rainfall period and long term rainfall period. Based on the compilation a...
Influence of Mica Packaging Container Sizes on Quality and ShelfLife of Strawberry (Fragaria sp.)... more Influence of Mica Packaging Container Sizes on Quality and ShelfLife of Strawberry (Fragaria sp.). This study aimed to determine the effect of plastic mica container size with a total of 15 pieces of packaging and determined the best treatment for the shelf life of strawberries (Fragaria sp). This study useds a complete randomized design methodology (CRD) with one treatment, namely the type of plastic mica container size with various types of packaging types as follows: type 1 (K1), type 2 (K2), type 3 (K3) and number 15 fruit packs. The observed variables were weight loss, hardness level, shelf life, organoleptic test, respiration rate and vitamin C. The size of the packaging containers affected the physico-chemical changes in the strawberries. The treatment influenced the physico-chemical changes in the strawberries, such as the rate of respiration and vitamin C levels. The best packaging size was the smallest size (K1 ) K2 and K3 packaging container sizes. This is indicated by th...
Food products competition of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) is due to the products o... more Food products competition of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) is due to the products of local businesses and imported products, both legal and illegal from China, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, and Japan. This is because most of the products of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) are less attractive, innovative and creative packaging. Food products are only wrapped in transparent plastic without any label or information, thus giving the impression of being less attractive. This makes Indonesian Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) products less competitive compared to manufactured products and products from abroad. The packaging is one of the important marketing tools, not just as a wrapper. The packaging is a process related to the design and manufacture of containers or wrappers for a product. Packaging must be designed with a suitable shape and size and graphic design must be able to attract buyers. One of the graphic design elements as an attractive desi...
Perkembangan pariwisata di Nusa Penida dalam kurun waktu 4 tahun terakhir meningkat pesat. Perkem... more Perkembangan pariwisata di Nusa Penida dalam kurun waktu 4 tahun terakhir meningkat pesat. Perkembangan ini dapat dilihat dari jumlah kedatangan wisatawan yang terus meningkat dan pertumbuhan pembangunan sarana akomodasi pariwisata yang mengalami peningkatan. Tumbuhnya Kawasan Pariwisata Nusa Penida berdampak kepada meningkatnya kebutuhan air untuk keberlanjutan kehidupan masyarakat dan pariwisata. Analisis untuk mengetahui kapasitas pasokan air yang ada sangat penting untuk keberlanjutan kehidupan masyarakat dan pariwisata Nusa Penida. Sumber data menggunakan data primer yang merupakan hasil pengamatan langsung di lokasi penelitian dan sumber data dari literatur atau penelitian sebelumnya. Kebutuhan air untuk pariwisata Nusa Penida pada Tahun 2028 diperkirakan sebesar 94,542,400 m3 per tahun. Status daya dukung air dengan sumber dari curah hujan surplus sebanyak 901,002.56 m3 per tahun. Status daya dukung penggunaan air dengan sumber dari 10% sumber air yang sudah eksisting pada ta...
Nusa Penida is part of the Province of Bali which consists of three small islands, namely Nusa Pe... more Nusa Penida is part of the Province of Bali which consists of three small islands, namely Nusa Penida Island, Nusa Lembongan and Nusa Ceningan within the administrative area of Nusa Penida District, Klungkung Regency. The development of tourism in Nusa Penida has increased access to physical development and supporting facilities for the region. The leap of development of tourism facilities began to be felt starting in 2005, namely on the islands of Nusa Lembongan and Nusa Ceningan. The development of massive tourism facilities took place in 2015 until 2019 since the 2014 Nusa Penida Festival was held. Many coastal and inland areas were built with tourism accommodation, which naturally led to land conversion and land depreciation. The purpose of this study was to determine land use change from 2003 to 2019 using the overlapping analysis method of Google maps and maps derived from quick bird imagery. Transfer of land functions in the Nusa Penida Region from 2003 to 2019 reached 164.84...
The growth of tourism in the Nusa Penida Tourism Area has an impact on the socio-cultural environ... more The growth of tourism in the Nusa Penida Tourism Area has an impact on the socio-cultural environment due to the development of tourism supporting facilities and infrastructure. Socio-cultural spaces also experience pressure due to conflicts of interest in the use of sacred areas for tourism, resulting in a process of desacralization. Social interactions are declining and arrogance is increasing at some tourist attraction points. Some physical spaces have become economic spaces. Road border, roadside, coast have become economic space. The way of thinking has been hegemony by the interests to get more economic access. The construction of the mind is filled with capitalist desires. Arrogance and ego between groups began to be seen in each particular area. The narrowing of social and cultural space has increased the critical power of the community towards the use of the area, especially spaces that are related to religion. Fighting egoism and social cultural conflict to catch up with t...
Traveled today has become a lifestyle for the society, including Balinese. During the last few ye... more Traveled today has become a lifestyle for the society, including Balinese. During the last few years it was recorded that many Balinese had began a vacation, even to foreign countries. This study aimed to determine the demographic profile of the Balinese and the countries visited, push and pull factors, analyze the level of motivation of the Balinese people and analyze the differences in motivation for the Balinese, who was first to travel abroad and who have often traveled overseas travel. Motivation Theory and Maslow's hierarchy of needs are theories used in this study. Data were collected by interviews and distrubuting questionnaire. Data was analysed with descriptive analysis of qualitative and statistical Discriminant Analysis. The results showed that the motivation of the Balinese are very diverse, respondents may have more motivation than one. The most dominant push factors is the educational opportunity in addition to other motives such as relaxation and play, while the pull factor is the dominant cultural factors, followed by the natural environment, and recreation and attraction services. It was also found the differences in motivation among the people of Bali who for the first time and has frequently traveled overseas travel.
ECOTROPHIC : Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan (Journal of Environmental Science)
As a regional income barn, the Nusa Penida Tourism Area needs to be managed comprehensively by in... more As a regional income barn, the Nusa Penida Tourism Area needs to be managed comprehensively by involving all available resources, by encouraging new thinking about managing tourism that synergizes with environmental sustainability in the sustainable environment of the Nusa Penida Tourism Area. Tourism can increase economic growth but create a burden on the environment, so that Nusa Penida tourism becomes environmentally friendly tourism to support the development of green tourism. Progress in tourism impacts the environment, causes social and cultural changes in society and impacts the carrying capacity of land and water from the massive tourism development in Nusa Penida. For this reason, it is necessary to formulate a model of environmental management that is relevant and has been developed.This study uses a systems approach with the Interpretative Structural Modeling (ISM) method to formulate an environmental management model in the Nusa Penida Tourism Area. This method can be us...
International Journal of Scientific Research and Management
Environmental resources are very important in supporting tourism activities. As a developing tour... more Environmental resources are very important in supporting tourism activities. As a developing tourism area Nusa Penida needs sufficient land and water resources. Increasing population of residents and tourists triggers new activities that affect the patterns of land use and available water, which in turn has a negative impact on the availability of land and water. The carrying capacity of the environment is disrupted due to the utilization of environmental resources that exceed its capacity. This study aims to calculate the availability, needs and status of the carrying capacity of land and water in the Nusa Penida Tourism Area.The methodology of this study is to calculate the availability of land and water, calculate land and water needs for residents and tourists and calculate the carrying capacity of land and water. This study predicts the availability of land and water, land and water needs and the carrying capacity of land and water in the Nusa Penida Tourism Area until 2023.Fro...
ECOTROPHIC : Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan (Journal of Environmental Science)
Taman Budaya Nusantara is one of the tourism site that is located in Gianyar which being managed ... more Taman Budaya Nusantara is one of the tourism site that is located in Gianyar which being managed by PT. Taman Nusa. The negative impact from tourism site is an enhancement of environmental destruction. This research aims to analyze the adherence implementation of the Environmental Management Plan document (RKL), Environmental Monitoring Plan document (RPL) and the implementation of CSR Program. The methods that used were in the research are case approachment (The Case Approach), Legislation approachment (The Statue Approach), and Conceptual approachment (Analytical and ConcePT. ual Approach). The result of the research shows that PT. Taman Nusa did not comply to the terms of legislation according to the implementation of EIA document five aspects, is Permitting, Water Pollution Control, Air Pollution Control, Hazardoces Waste Management and Solid Waste Management. PT. Taman Nusa has fulfilled obligations in carrying out its social responsibility, economic and environment by actualiz...
ECOTROPHIC : Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan (Journal of Environmental Science)
The negative impact of tourism accommodation development, is environmental damage. Law of the Rep... more The negative impact of tourism accommodation development, is environmental damage. Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 10 of 2009 on Tourism Article 26, requires owner to be responsible through environmental maintenance.Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 40 of 2007 on Limited Liability Companies Article 74, requires each company to implement Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).The ministry of Environment itself summarizes the CSR on environment, such as Production Profit, Eco Office, Waste Management with 3R principle (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle), Conservation of Natural Resources and Energy, Renewable Energy, Climate Change Adaptation and Environmental Education.This research aimed to analyze the effectivity of CSR programs on environmental in fivestar hotels in Ubud Region, the factors that affect the program, and its development strategy. The research used descriptive quantitative method. The method of data collection using observation, interviews, and questionnaires. Data ob...
Papers by Made Mahendra