Darah merupakan sampel yang paling baik untuk identifikasi senyawa obat atau zat aktif lainnya baik untuk tujuan kualitatif ataupun kuantitatif. Sampel darah harus diambil oleh petugas yang terampil untuk memastikan kebenaran sampel... more
Kompartemen dua IV Pada model kompartemen-dua dianggap bahwa obat terdistribusi ke dalam dua kompartemen. Kompartemen kesatu dikenal sebagai kompartemen sentral, yaitu: darah, cairan ekstra-selular, dan jaringan-jaringan dengan perfusi... more
- by Mita Widhi
NSAID menjadi salah satu pilihan terapi untuk menghilangkan rasa nyeri.Namun, penggunaanya dalam jangka panjang dapat memicu efek samping yaitu pendarahan gastrointestinal. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan analgesik alternatif yang memiliki... more
The purposes of this study were to evaluate the influences of oleic acid, propylene glycol and iontophoretic on the transport of propranolol HCl and to know optimum formula. Eight conditions were prepared according to 2 3 factorial design... more
Agung Dewantara. (S601002001). 2016. Pengaruh Pemberian Zink Selama 5 Hari Terhadap Kadar Tumor Necrosis Factor-α dan Perbaikan Klinis Penderita Pneumonia. Tesis. Supervisor I: Dr. Reviono, dr., Sp.P(K). II: Prof. Dr. Suradi, dr.,... more
Extract of mangosteen rind (Garcinia mangostana L.), have been studied have anti-burn activity. Designing a cold cream formulation containing the extract was expected to facilitate the application. This study was aimed to determine the... more
Pada edisi ini, Jurnal Media Farmasi menyajikan artikel yang semuanya merupakan hasil penelitian. Sembilan artikel dari luar Fakultas Farmasi UAD membahas, (1) Studi pengguna spektrofometri inframerah dan kemometrika (2) Optimasi formula... more
Dendeng is a culinary icon of Indonesia. Therefore, D’Cuby is tried to start being a business that is engaged in the culinary field with the concept of processing green plants into healthy and nutritious snacks at West Sumatra in the... more
Tomato (Solanum Lycopersicum) is a horticultural product that has the potential, health and has promising market prospects. Tomato contain a carotenoid compound called lycopene. tomato red. This carotenoid compound is well known as a... more
Obesity is a condition in which fat is abnormally accumulated in fat tissue due to unhealthy lifestyles such as high carbohydrates and high fats diets. Lemon (Citrus limon) is one of the nutritious medicinal plants that have not been... more
Background: The process of procurement of supplies is a very important in manufacturing company, without supplies, the company will face a difficult continuity of the production process. Aim: This research is to compare the amount of raw... more