Papers by Maria Ypsilanti
Hermes, 2003
... Zu den Kryptogrammen der Ilias Latina, in: WuJbb 23, 1999, 137-141. ... The hound of Erigone,... more ... Zu den Kryptogrammen der Ilias Latina, in: WuJbb 23, 1999, 137-141. ... The hound of Erigone, according to the Attic legend, that was turned into a star together with her mistress, Erigone, and Erigone's father, Icarius; Erigone became Virgo, Icarius Arcturus or Bootes, and Maera ...
Epigrammatic topoi, Christian ideas and real events in selected epigrams of Gregory of Nazianzus for Nonna, Caesarius and Basil the Great, 2018
This co-authored book investigates the various paraphrastic techniques employed by Nonnus of Pano... more This co-authored book investigates the various paraphrastic techniques employed by Nonnus of Panopolis (5th century AD) for his poetic version of the Gospel of John. The authors look at Nonnus’ Paraphrase, the only extant poetic Greek paraphrase of the New Testament, in the light of ancient rhetorical theory while also exploring its multi-faceted relationship with poetic tradition and the theological debates of its era. The study shows how interpretation, cardinal both in ancient literary criticism and in theology, is exploited in a poem that is exegetical both from a philological and a Christian point of view and adheres, at the same time, to the literary principles of Hellenistic times and late antiquity.

The Classical Journal, 2019
After some initial remarks on the paratactic-catalogic structure of Triphiodorus “Ἰλίου “Ἅλωσις, ... more After some initial remarks on the paratactic-catalogic structure of Triphiodorus “Ἰλίου “Ἅλωσις, the present paper discusses elements of the structure and content of the catalogues of lines 152–83 and 17–39 of Triphiodorus' poem. It is argued that, within the general Homeric background of Triphiodorus’ catalogues, echoes of Apollonius' catalogue of the Argonauts (1.23–228) can be traced in Triphiodorus’ lines. It is further demonstrated that for the presentation of Neoptolemus in lines 53–4 and in the catalogue of the Achaeans of the Horse, Triphiodorus is influenced by the description of another young warrior, Meleager, son of Oeleus, in A. R. 3.518–20. Triphiodorus does not merely imitate Apollonius, as he also does not copy Homer: the partial combination of elements taken from his two epic predecessors helps him create a novel style while he catalogues his heroes, adjusted to the specific narrative circumstances that he establishes.
Nonnus of Panopolis in Context II: Poetry, Religion, and Society
Nonnus of Panopolis has an outstanding position in ancient literature being at the same time a pa... more Nonnus of Panopolis has an outstanding position in ancient literature being at the same time a pagan and a Christian author. The book covers literary and cultural aspects of Nonnus’ poetry, the Dionysiaca and the Paraphrasis of the Gospel of St. John.
A series of epigrams on the topos of the abandonment of Delos shows the influence of Callimachus&... more A series of epigrams on the topos of the abandonment of Delos shows the influence of Callimachus' Hymn to Delos , even while the writers dispute his praise of the island in light of its decline after 166 B.C.
Quaderni Urbinati Di Cultura Classica, 2009
Rheinisches Museum Fur Philologie, 2006
Maia Rivista Di Letterature Classiche, 2006

Classical Journal, 2019
After some initial remarks on the paratactic-catalogic structure of Triphiodorus’ Ἰλίου Ἅλωσις, t... more After some initial remarks on the paratactic-catalogic structure of Triphiodorus’ Ἰλίου Ἅλωσις, the present paper discusses elements of the structure and content of the catalogues of lines 152–83 and 17–39 of Triphiodorus’ poem. It is argued that, within the general Homeric background of Triphiodorus’ catalogues, echoes of Apollonius’ catalogue of the Argonauts (1.23–228) can be traced in Triphiodorus’ lines. It is further demonstrated that for the presentation of Neoptolemus in lines 53–4 and in the catalogue of the Achaeans of the Horse, Triphiodorus is influenced by the description of another young warrior, Meleager, son of Oeleus, in A. R. 3.518–20. Triphiodorus does not merely imitate Apollonius, as he also does not copy Homer: the partial combination of elements taken from his two epic predecessors helps him create a novel style while he catalogues his heroes, adjusted to the specific narrative circumstances that he establishes.

This paper explores the portrayal of Aphrodite, Athena, Helen and other women as realized through... more This paper explores the portrayal of Aphrodite, Athena, Helen and other women as realized through the comments made by Aphrodite and Paris on femininity and the lack of it in Colluthus' Rape of Helen. It is argued that in making Paris state that Helen's female "Argive" entourage lacks womanly features, Colluthus is making reference to Theocritus' Encomion of Helen and to Callimachus' Bath of Pallas, in which Spartan women and Athena respectively are endowed with masculine characteristics. Colluthus is further conversing with the Homeric image of Aphrodite in the passage in which the goddess is defeated by Athena and Diomedes and is mocked for her feebleness. In Colluthus, it is Aphrodite's turn to exult over her Homeric opponents (namely Athena) and to show that beauty, which shines in her victory in Paris' judgment, is the real female power which masculine women lack and thus to proclaim the superiority of love to war.

The work of the fifth century AD poet Nonnus of Panopolis in Egypt entitled Paraphrase or Metabol... more The work of the fifth century AD poet Nonnus of Panopolis in Egypt entitled Paraphrase or Metabole of the Gospelo fS t. John is ap oem in hexameters,which versifies the prose narration of the Fourth Gospel. It is the onlye xtant Greek poem paraphrasing atext of the New Testament,although in Latin there are several surviving samples.¹ In fact,a si sa ttested mainlyb yc hurchh istorians,t he fourth and,p rincipally, the fifth-century Christian paraphrases flourished. These are rewritings either of Biblical texts or of Acts of Saints, probablywritten in various poetic metres.² The paraphrase expandsupon the original, employing the rhetorical process of amplificatio to do so. This is achieved mainlyt hrough embellishment of the original text with verbal abundance( copiav erborum), tropes and figures (ornatus)a nd variation (variatio)o ft he original vocabulary and phrases, as Roberts pointsout,drawing on Quintilian'saccount of the paraphrase as ag enre.³ The dactylic verse employed by Nonnus in his paraphrase naturallyi nvites the use of epic diction in this process of expandingB iblical prose. The poem is in fact full of Homeric vocabulary and formulas in variation. However,t he poet does not merelye mploye pic poems as his sourcet exts. He
Wiener Studien Zeitschrift Fur Klassische Philologie Und Patristik, 2007
Harvard Studies in Classical Philology, 2010

L'antiquité classique, 2005
In: L'antiquité classique, Tome 74, 2005. pp. 83-110. Abstract Maria Ypsilanti (Nicosie), Literar... more In: L'antiquité classique, Tome 74, 2005. pp. 83-110. Abstract Maria Ypsilanti (Nicosie), Literary Loves as Cycles : From Meleager to Ovid. The importance of Meleager for later Greek and Roman erotic poetry is well known. The present paper offers observations on the cyclical approach by Meleager in his poems on girls and boys and, within this, his pair-of-epigrams technique. A comparison with similar techniques in later Greek epigrams and Roman erotic poetry of the first century B.C. allows a greater appreciation of Meleager's importance and influence on later poets and reveals the manner and the extent to which his poetic works have inspired and constituted a guide for Latin love poetry. Résumé Les amours littéraires en cycles. De Méléagre à Ovide. L'importance de Méléagre pour la poésie érotique grecque et latine est bien connue. Cet article livre des observations sur le traitement cyclique de Méléagre dans ses poèmes sur des filles et des garçons, et sur sa des couples de poèmes. La comparaison avec des techniques semblables dans des épi-grammes grecques plus tardives et dans la poésie romaine de l'âge d'or permet de mieux l'influence de Méléagre sur les poètes des siècles ultérieurs et montre comment et dans quelle mesure la poésie érotique de Rome a puisé à son programme poétique.
Antike und Abendland, 2011
Rivista Di Cultura Classica E Medioevale, 2008
Papers by Maria Ypsilanti
Ἐπιλογὴ ποιημάτων τοῦ Φρανσουὰ Βιγιόν (1431 – μετὰ τὸ 1463) καὶ τοῦ Καρόλου, Δούκα τῆς Ὀρλεάνης (1394-1465). Εἰσαγωγή, Ἔμμετρη Μετάφραση, Σχόλια, Βιβλιογραφία. 328 σελίδες.