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This paper is a study in the size and the nature of the categorially uniform constituents making up mixed projections. Broadly speaking, mixed projections combine properties typically associated with two distinct grammatical... more
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      DutchNominalizationGerundMixed Projection
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    • Linguistic Analysis
This dissertation concentrates on movement dependencies under minimalist assumptions and suggests that the opposite of moving too far (standard locality) exists also, namely moving too closely: anti-locality. A theory of anti-locality... more
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Multiple interrogatives in German involve highly thematic Wh-elements. This is captured by the notion of "Discourse-Restricted Quantification" (DRQ): discourse restrictions in German (and possibly other languages, though not English)... more
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    • Syntax
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    • Syntax
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German has two types of left dislocation (LD), commonly referred to as Contrastive Left Dislocation (CLD) and Hanging Topic Left Dislocation (HTLD). 1 Independent of a syntactic framework, the following should show conclusively that the... more
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Prosodically reduced pronouns come in two forms, "weak" and "clitic," both differing from non-reduced "strong" pronouns. Both of these also occur in Westgermanic dialects and exhibit different properties which cannot always be... more
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      Cognitive ScienceLinguisticsTheoretical Linguistics
Locality effects are typically understood to ensue when a dependency between two positions is too long, that is, as an upper bound on the distance an element may move (Standard Locality). This article explores some consequences of asking... more
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      Cognitive ScienceSyntaxLinguistics
Investigating Root Infinitive constructions (RIs) in the adult grammar, we concentrate on a comparative view between English and Spanish. Through a careful study of the syntactic and semantic properties of RIs, and their cross-linguistic... more
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Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today (LA) provides a platform for original monograph studies into synchronic and diachronic linguistics. Studies in LA confront empirical and theoretical problems as these are currently discussed in syntax,... more
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This squib sets its task to be an investigation into conditions on movement. In particular, recent work within the Minimalist Program will be adopted and combined with some proposals regarding word order phenomena in German in order to... more
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Left dislocation constructions seem to come in very different shapes with very different properties across languages. We concentrate on the shapes occurring in Germanic and argue for a unified movement analysis which distinguishes... more
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CITATIONS 40 READS 166 2 authors, including:
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      Cognitive ScienceSyntaxLinguistics
Greek which involves the expression embu 'is-that' and is at first glance suspiciously similar to the est-ce que 'is-it that' type of wh-questions in French (and a similar phenomenon in Northern Italian dialects). Our main goals are to... more
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We will see how it is reasonable to speak of a minimum distance that an element must cross in order to enter into a well-formed movement dependency. In the course of the discussion of this notion of "anti-locality," a theoretical... more
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      Cognitive ScienceLinguisticsTheoretical Linguistics
This paper provides supporting evidence for a number of hypotheses made in recent models of derivational syntax. The phenomenon under study is shm-reduplication in English, a particular instance of the more general, cross-linguistic... more
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