Papers by Demetrios Michaelides
in ancient times, cyprus played an important role in the science of Medicine. this was largely du... more in ancient times, cyprus played an important role in the science of Medicine. this was largely due to its rich mineral deposits and its varied vegetation, both of which were primary sources for the preparation of medicaments. these attracted a number of well-known physicians who studied and, in the case of Galen in the second century ad, visited the island. the paper will present the results of a recently concluded, two-year research project that assembled all available information on the eponymous doctors of ancient cyprus and the medicaments associated with the island. it also deals with all other evidence related to medicine and cure, such as ancient surgical instruments, the occurrence of healing deities, the use of ex-votos, the use of sympathetic/prophylactic magic, and other.

Une lampe en forme de bateau, à becs multiples, a été mise au jour il y une vingtaine d'années da... more Une lampe en forme de bateau, à becs multiples, a été mise au jour il y une vingtaine d'années dans la Maison d'Orphée à Paphos. Cette découverte a été brièvement mentionnée et illustrée à l'époque de sa découverte, mais l'importance iconographique et symbolique de l'objet n'avait pas encore été mise en évidence. L'article présente un commentaire de la lampe et de son décor qui comporte plusieurs images divines, dominées par celle de Sérapis trônant (mentionné dans une inscription sur le fond). Il examine et analyse également les autres exemples de l'iconographie de ces divinités à Chypre, dans le contexte plus large des décors de lampes, spécialement celles en forme de bateau. On constate ainsi que les divinités représentées étaient toutes protectrices des voyages et de la navigation, ce qui, associé à la forme des lampes, donne une indication sur la fonction et l'usage de ces objets exceptionnels. Boat-shaped poluv lucna were unknown in Cyprus until 1986, when the fine example (Figs. 1-3) forming the subject of this paper came to light during the excavation of the area known as the House of Orpheus in Nea Paphos. 1 The lamp is decorated with deities of the Egyptian pantheon, and is one of several Egyptian or Egyptianising objects brought to light in this building complex. 2 The lamp was found in numerous fragments in a deep fill of a general 2 nd /3 rd cent. AD date, a little above the beaten earth floor of a small room near the SE limit of the excavation. The reconstructed lamp is 37.7cm long, 10.5cm wide and 13.8cm high (at the deck). The clay is of light brown colour with small grey and some larger white inclusions. The outside is covered with a thin orange/red slip that occasionally turns to brown. The

Production technology of Early Christian (5th–7th centuries AD) wall mosaics, in the eastern Medi... more Production technology of Early Christian (5th–7th centuries AD) wall mosaics, in the eastern Mediterranean and particularly in Cyprus has only recently attracted scholarly attention. Despite the numerous fragments and detached tesserae found in many sites in Cyprus with churches dated to the Early Christian period, it was only now that a more holistic technological study of the materials used for the production of these wall mosaics was initiated. Five sites were chosen for this first study: the seaside basilica of Kourion, the basilica on the acropolis of Amathous, the basilica of area EF2 at Polis-Chrysochous, the basilica of Yeroskipou — Ayioi Pente, and the two basilicas of areas II and V of Kalavasos-Kopetra. Both the glass tesserae and the plasters of the preparatory layers are discussed in this article in order to get a first insight into the technology of Early Christian Cypriot wall mosaics. XRD, DTA-TGA and mercury intrusion porosimetry were employed for the technological and compositional study of the plaster fragments. They were found to be of different compositions depending on the sites of their recovery, and may be made from local materials. Glass tesserae were compositionally characterised with the use of SEM-EDS, Raman spectroscopy, and UV–vis spectrometry. They were found to be made from different raw glass compositions compatible with the early Byzantine period, and opacified with lead stannates and tin oxide. Furthermore, some blue tesserae were found to have been opacified with calcium phosphate, probably coming from bone ash, in accordance with other, recent studies on other early Byzantine glass tesserae. The existence of colour-specific secondary workshops, hypothesised by other studies, seems to be confirmed by the results of this study.
The Biblical Archaeologist, 1989
Bulletin de …, Jan 1, 2001
Situé à 25 km au Sud-Est de Nicosie (fig. 1), Potamia est un village dont le nom reste étroitemen... more Situé à 25 km au Sud-Est de Nicosie (fig. 1), Potamia est un village dont le nom reste étroitement associé au manoir que les Lusignan ont édifié à proximité de l'habitat. Les chroniques médiévales mentionnent son existence durant le dernier tiers du XIVe siècle, ...
Bulletin De Correspondance Hellenique, 2001
Situé à 25 km au Sud-Est de Nicosie (fig. 1), Potamia est un village dont le nom reste étroitemen... more Situé à 25 km au Sud-Est de Nicosie (fig. 1), Potamia est un village dont le nom reste étroitement associé au manoir que les Lusignan ont édifié à proximité de l'habitat. Les chroniques médiévales mentionnent son existence durant le dernier tiers du XIVe siècle, ...
A multidisciplinary research on the materials used in the production of mosaics from Early Christ... more A multidisciplinary research on the materials used in the production of mosaics from Early Christian Cypriot basilicas is under way at the University of Cyprus, as part of the NARNIA project ( For this study, fragments of mortar as well as detached tesserae from different sites around Cyprus are studied and compared with similar sites from the Eastern Mediterranean. The results provide an insight into the technology of tessera-making during the 4th-7th centuries AD. The paper presents an overview of the results of the analysis of samples from the site of Ayioi Pente at Yeroskipou on the South-Western coast of Cyprus.
Hardcover Edition: ISBN 978-1-78297-235-8 Digital Edition: ISBN 978-1-78297-236-5
Bulletin De Correspondance Hellenique, 2002
Situé à 25 km au Sud-Est de Nicosie (fig. 1), Potamia est un village dont le nom reste étroitemen... more Situé à 25 km au Sud-Est de Nicosie (fig. 1), Potamia est un village dont le nom reste étroitement associé au manoir que les Lusignan ont édifié à proximité de l'habitat. Les chroniques médiévales mentionnent son existence durant le dernier tiers du XIVe siècle, ...
Bulletin De Correspondance Hellenique, 2001
Situé à 25 km au Sud-Est de Nicosie (fig. 1), Potamia est un village dont le nom reste étroitemen... more Situé à 25 km au Sud-Est de Nicosie (fig. 1), Potamia est un village dont le nom reste étroitement associé au manoir que les Lusignan ont édifié à proximité de l'habitat. Les chroniques médiévales mentionnent son existence durant le dernier tiers du XIVe siècle, ...
Conference Presentations by Demetrios Michaelides
Papers by Demetrios Michaelides
Conference Presentations by Demetrios Michaelides