Papers by Charoula Angeli
Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference, Mar 2, 2015

Springer eBooks, Oct 24, 2014
The chapter adopts the framework of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPCK) in order t... more The chapter adopts the framework of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPCK) in order to redesign the teaching of three computer science lessons about (a) three basic computer science concepts, namely, data, processing, and information, (b) the representation of data in computer language, and (c) the differences between main and secondary memory. The chapter uses the systematic guidelines of technology mapping to transform the teaching content with the use of educational technologies and in particular spreadsheets. While the framework of TPCK and the guidelines of technology mapping proved to be adequate methodological frameworks for the teaching of computer science, it is pointed out that the focus herein has been on the cognitive domain of learning, and that the frameworks have to be also tried out within the context of other subject-matter areas where the emphasis is also on the affective domain of learning.
Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference, Mar 2, 2015

Springer eBooks, 2018
There is a paucity of studies examining pre-service teachers’ self-efficacy to use robotics to te... more There is a paucity of studies examining pre-service teachers’ self-efficacy to use robotics to teach science, and especially computational thinking skills. This chapter reports on a study examining pre-service teachers’ self-efficacy to teach science and computer programming with robotics using LEGO WeDo robotics kits supported by scaffolded programming scripts. Pre-service teachers’ self-efficacy was assessed, before and after the robotics activity, with questionnaires to evaluate the extent to which the scaffolded programming intervention influenced them positively or negatively in believing that they developed the skill and confidence to teach with educational robotics. Statistical results indicate that the robotics intervention with scaffolded programming scripts was successful at increasing pre-service teachers’ computational thinking skills and self-efficacy for teaching with robotics. The study results further suggest that the scaffolded programming intervention provides a promising instructional strategy for teaching computational thinking through science design activities with robotics kits.
IGI Global eBooks, May 25, 2010
Over the last ten years, the use of technology in education has exploded. From mobile phones, to ... more Over the last ten years, the use of technology in education has exploded. From mobile phones, to MP3 devices, to social networking sites, technology is employed in varied environments in an attempt to enhance not only educational outcomes, but also the nature of instruction and learning. While technology usage for educational purposes in both formal and informal settings has been rapidly expanding, questions about its pedagogical underpinnings and quality remain. The focus of the present chapter is not on technology per se, but on technology-enhanced learning experiences.
EDULEARN proceedings, Jul 1, 2022
Springer eBooks, 2011
Science education encompasses different roles, including the learning of science, learning about ... more Science education encompasses different roles, including the learning of science, learning about science, and learning how to do science. More specifically, sci-ence education targets to help learners to construct scientific conceptual knowledge, understand issues in the ...

Campus-wide Information Systems, Jun 4, 2018
PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to address the lack of a theoretical framework for the integr... more PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to address the lack of a theoretical framework for the integration of technology in music teaching and learning, and explores, within the framework of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPCK or TPACK), the importance of affect in instructional design.Design/methodology/approachThe authors reviewed relevant literature related to the fields of music education, instructional design, and technology integration. Accordingly, they developed guidelines for designing technology-enhanced learning for the activities of music composition and listening.FindingsThe authors propose a set of design principles based on the TPCK framework through the subject matter of music focusing on the affective domain, and identify interrelations among musical content, emotions, and technology. The design guidelines were tested in an empirical investigation and the results showed statistically significant differences between the control and the experimental groups in favor of the experimental group.Research limitations/implicationsFurther investigation is necessary to test the effectiveness of the proposed design principles. Including affect in the design process is a complicated and mostly unchartered area, and, thus, further research toward this direction is fully justified.Practical implicationsThe research has practical significance, addressing a gap in the field of music education, as it provides teachers with explicit guidance about how to design music lessons with technology while incorporating affect.Originality/valueThe study extends the theoretical framework of TPCK to a design framework and proposes instructional design guidelines that address both the cognitive and the affective domains of learning, a focus that is currently missing from the existing TPCK or TPACK literature as well as the music education literature.

International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction, Mar 1, 2022
Abstract Workers in the areas of science, technology, engineering and mathematics play a signific... more Abstract Workers in the areas of science, technology, engineering and mathematics play a significant role in the sustained growth and stability of the global economy, and, thus constitute a critical component in helping all countries worldwide to prosper. In this context, computational thinking constitutes an important skill to have as it enables workers to develop creative solutions to complex problems. Nonetheless, across all economies worldwide, there is a need to have more workers who are able to think through problems, challenges, and solutions in computational terms. It is thus of utmost importance to integrate the teaching of computational thinking in K-12 education in order to reduce the skills gap between education and the workplace. A pertinent and crucial question that arises is whether teachers have the knowledge and skills to teach students how to think computationally. Existing research shows that teacher education departments do not currently have the knowledge to promote computational thinking in their programs. The present study focuses on teaching aspects of computational thinking, such as, algorithmic thinking and debugging skills with the use of scaffolded programming scripts in an educational technology undergraduate course. The results show statistically significant learning gains in pre-service teachers’ algorithmic thinking and debugging skills in the context of robotic programming activities with LEGO WeDo. Limitations and future research directions are discussed.

Computers in Human Behavior, Apr 1, 2020
The study examined the effects of learning with the Bee-Bot on young boys' and girls' computation... more The study examined the effects of learning with the Bee-Bot on young boys' and girls' computational thinking within the context of two scaffolding techniques. The study reports statistically significant learning gains between the initial and final assessment of children's computational thinking skills. Also, according to the findings, while both boys and girls benefited from the scaffolding techniques, a statistically significant interaction effect was detected between gender and scaffolding strategy showing that boys benefited more from the individualistic, kinesthetic, spatially-oriented, and manipulative-based activity with the cards, while girls benefited more from the collaborative writing activity. In regards to the children's problem-solving strategies during debugging, the results showed that the majority of them used decomposition as a strategy to deal with the complexity of the task. These results are important, because they show that children at this very young age are able to cope with the complexity of a learning task by decomposing it into a number of subtasks that are easier for them to tackle. The research contributes to the body of knowledge about the teaching of computational thinking. In addition, the study has practical significance for curriculum developers, instructional leaders, and classroom teachers, as they can use the results of this study to design curricula and classroom activities with a focus on the broader set of computational thinking skills, and not only coding.
Proceedings of the 2019 AERA Annual Meeting, 2019
Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference, Mar 26, 2018
EDULEARN proceedings, Jul 1, 2021

' ' l~~~~~~4, p169] referring toanalysis o aysaltclsfwr parallel structure. Although this... more ' ' l~~~~~~4, p169] referring toanalysis o aysaltclsfwr parallel structure. Although this might besensible whenapplied tothe 4 lowest replaceable units (LRUs)ina hardware structure, itis reliability models,said"Thesecomparative studies conunreasonable toapply ittocomponents further upinthehierarchy, orto firmthatinmanyinstances software reliabililty estimates software. Thus, redundancy isnotclearly defined forsoftware. Ifthere is basedonfailure datahaveprovedtobeunacceptably inacanerror inthecode,placing identical programs inparallel doesnot curate. " eliminate thaterror. Theseries-parallel logic structure allows onlyfor eachcomponent tobeupordown,with nogradation. Incontrast, the Te DM measures thedegree offailure ofacomponent orsystem, inaddition consider theoccurrence of faults asa time-stationary totheprobability andmethod offailure that canbedetermined fromMarkovprocess, sothatthetransition rates areconstant. classical models. Although thisisoften areasonable approximation for Theelementary structure andflexibility oftheDM yield additional hardware failures, itsapplicability tosoftware isextremely benefits. Theon-line analyst neednotunderstand theinner workings of .. . ~~~~~doubtful. We believe that, because ofalearning process, themodel; thuspeople with veryspecialized knowledge ofdifferent parts ofthesystem being modeled caneasily contribute their expertise tothe software effectiveness oftenimproves asfaults arecordevelopment ofanMOEforthat system. TheDM canaccommodate rected, although software errorsaresometimes created numerous data structures, andoften thesamedata (weights, forexample) simultaneously withthecorrection ofothersoftware erapply toseveral distinct measures. Trade-off analysis issimplified con-rors. Therefore, webelieve thatthebasicassumption of siderably bytheDM.Thesimplicity oftheDM hasallowed thedevelop- renewal theory, namely that therandomoperational times mentofa microcomputer programwhichcalculates thesystem-level r MOE;gives theranking oftheboxes inthelowest level according totheir(timesbetweenbreakdowns) of a unithavethesame contribution toMOEdegradation; provides theeffectiveness ofanyin-distribution, isoften invalid. Theequivalent statement apdividual box, module, orrowinthemodel; andaccomplishes these tasksplies torandomrepair times. "Thusanaiveapproach to inreal time ifdesired.
Papers by Charoula Angeli