The modularity of robotic subsystems is a big opportunity for robotics to compel recognition on the market as a viable and efficient alternative, thanks to the development of standardized modulus, especially, but also because of the... more
Dynamic equations and the control law for a class of robots with elastic underactuated MIMO system of legs, athlete Robot, are discussed in this paper. The dynamic equations are determined by Euler-Lagrange method. A new method based on... more
This paper presents a new conception and analyzes a hyperredundant continuous robot (continuous style manipulator), drive system, and control strategy. The robot includes ten flexible segments and can be extended to several components as... more
In this paper is presented an experimental test stand of rheological stop-valves. Rheological stop-valve structures are robust, simple in terms of constructive and easy to control. However, due to non-Newtonian fluid flow rheological, are... more
The modularity of robotic subsystems is a big opportunity for robotics to compel recognition on the market as a viable and efficient alternative, thanks to the development of standardized modulus, especially, but also because of the... more
A heating and climatizer system based on selective absorption of solar energy by a selective collector. The experimental study shows that the performance of this system depends on several variables: the nature of the colporteur fluid, the... more
The paper aims to study the applicability and limitations of the solution resulting from a design process for an intelligent system supporting people with special needs who are not physically able to control a wheelchair using classical... more
In this paper is presented an experimental test stand of rheological stop-valves. Rheological stop-valve structures are robust, simple in terms of constructive and easy to control. However, due to non-Newtonian fluid flow rheological, are... more