Manuel E Bravo
research of University of Cuenca
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Papers by Manuel E Bravo
Methods: The clinical examination included extra-oral and intra-oral photographs, panoramic radiographic, lateral cephalometric, stone casts, and upper and lower arch analysis obtained from ClinCheck 3.0.The treatment planning was resolved the crowding in both upper and lower arches and the severe rotation of 33 tooth (46°) using Invisalign system as well as the canine and molar relationship, dental verticalization, adequate over jet, overbite and dental midline using the same system. The duration of the treatment was approximately eight months.
Results: In Post-treatment extra oralphotographs, no significant changes were observed at the end of the treatment. Intraoral photographs showed an important and notable improved aesthetics. The canine relationship improved slightly and molar Class Irelationship was maintained. An increase in transverse diameter was observed at the level of first premolars, second premolars and first molars. The overbite was improved. The crowding and the severe canine rotation were corrected. No obvious root resorption was radiographically evident and slight cephalometric changes.
Conclusion: The treatment with the Invisalign system resolved the complaint of our patient so this system could be considered as an option that offered good results in the treatment of upper and lower crowding of arches involving severe canine rotation.
the treatment of facial asymmetry caused by condylar hyperplasia and compare
the results obtained in both aesthetic and functional aspects. A search for articles
published from 2002 to 2017 in the PubMed and Lilacs databases was realized.
A total of 42 articles were selected according to the inclusion criteria, of which
32 were used for the study. The selection of the most appropriate treatment for
condylar hyperplasia depends on factors such as the age of the patient, degree of
deformity, osteoblastic activity of the condyle, etiology and functional limitations.
The procedure of first choice when confirming active growth of the condyle
will be condylectomy in combination with orthognathic surgery. Condylectomy
is essential in the presence of joint problems and tumors. The treatment with
condylectomy as well as orthodontic camouflage through the use of mini-implants
can be considered in cases of mild asymmetry.
presenting a class II skeletal, convex profile, mesofacial biotype, upper dental
midline deviated 1 mm to the left, Class I bilateral molar, canine distoclusion of
½ right unit and left canine relationship non-determinable because piece 23 is in
ectopic position, proinclination and inferior protrusion. The treatment plan was to
distalize the maxillary molars and create enough space to incorporate pieces 13,
23 in the dental arch, a pendulum appliance supported with two orthodontic mini
implants were used. The active treatment lasted 18 months and at the end of it, all
the objectives were fulfilled, resulting in facial balance. The pendulum appliance
is a good alternative for a Class II dental correction, it produces distalization of the
maxillary molars in an optimal treatment time
Books by Manuel E Bravo
Methods: The clinical examination included extra-oral and intra-oral photographs, panoramic radiographic, lateral cephalometric, stone casts, and upper and lower arch analysis obtained from ClinCheck 3.0.The treatment planning was resolved the crowding in both upper and lower arches and the severe rotation of 33 tooth (46°) using Invisalign system as well as the canine and molar relationship, dental verticalization, adequate over jet, overbite and dental midline using the same system. The duration of the treatment was approximately eight months.
Results: In Post-treatment extra oralphotographs, no significant changes were observed at the end of the treatment. Intraoral photographs showed an important and notable improved aesthetics. The canine relationship improved slightly and molar Class Irelationship was maintained. An increase in transverse diameter was observed at the level of first premolars, second premolars and first molars. The overbite was improved. The crowding and the severe canine rotation were corrected. No obvious root resorption was radiographically evident and slight cephalometric changes.
Conclusion: The treatment with the Invisalign system resolved the complaint of our patient so this system could be considered as an option that offered good results in the treatment of upper and lower crowding of arches involving severe canine rotation.
the treatment of facial asymmetry caused by condylar hyperplasia and compare
the results obtained in both aesthetic and functional aspects. A search for articles
published from 2002 to 2017 in the PubMed and Lilacs databases was realized.
A total of 42 articles were selected according to the inclusion criteria, of which
32 were used for the study. The selection of the most appropriate treatment for
condylar hyperplasia depends on factors such as the age of the patient, degree of
deformity, osteoblastic activity of the condyle, etiology and functional limitations.
The procedure of first choice when confirming active growth of the condyle
will be condylectomy in combination with orthognathic surgery. Condylectomy
is essential in the presence of joint problems and tumors. The treatment with
condylectomy as well as orthodontic camouflage through the use of mini-implants
can be considered in cases of mild asymmetry.
presenting a class II skeletal, convex profile, mesofacial biotype, upper dental
midline deviated 1 mm to the left, Class I bilateral molar, canine distoclusion of
½ right unit and left canine relationship non-determinable because piece 23 is in
ectopic position, proinclination and inferior protrusion. The treatment plan was to
distalize the maxillary molars and create enough space to incorporate pieces 13,
23 in the dental arch, a pendulum appliance supported with two orthodontic mini
implants were used. The active treatment lasted 18 months and at the end of it, all
the objectives were fulfilled, resulting in facial balance. The pendulum appliance
is a good alternative for a Class II dental correction, it produces distalization of the
maxillary molars in an optimal treatment time