Papers by Dr. Md. Akther Uddin
The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development

Studies in Economics and Finance
Purpose Even though Bitcoin has been often labelled as a safe haven asset class in the literature... more Purpose Even though Bitcoin has been often labelled as a safe haven asset class in the literature, the influence of economic policy uncertainty (EPU) on the diversifying opportunities offered by Bitcoin in relation to other assets needs to be investigated. This paper aims to investigate how the EPU affects diversification of commodity, conventional, Islamic and sustainable equity returns in relation to its impact on Bitcoin returns. Design/methodology/approach The authors use advanced time-series econometrics, namely, multivariate generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedastic-dynamic conditional correlation and continuous wavelet transformation, for the analysis of the daily returns for the aforementioned assets between 01 August 2011 and 01 September 2019. Findings First, the authors found a strong evidence of Bitcoin’s mean reverting trend in the long run while its volatility has decreased significantly since 2013. After separating the EPU into two regimes (high and low),...

MPRA Paper, Dec 18, 2014
This paper discusses Islamic monetary policy which could potentially be a sustainable alternative... more This paper discusses Islamic monetary policy which could potentially be a sustainable alternative to the conventional. Islamic banks and financial institutions have to set their benchmark based on London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) which raises doubt and controversy of the uniqueness of Islamic finance. By analyzing current literature on Islamic monetary policy models it is proposed in this study that GDP growth rate adjusted for interest income and inflation can be set as a benchmark for money market instrument and reference rate for financial and capital market to set the cost of capital or rate of return. In order to test the two proposed models, one year data from 99 countries have been collected. The study uses the OLS regression and the result shows that real interest rate is not a viable instrument for monetary policy framework as no significant relationship has been found with key factors such as inflation and unemployment. On the other hand, GDP growth rate has a statistically significant relationship with inflation and unemployment, GDP growth rate is higher for OIC countries, however, unemployment rate is higher.

Общество: социология, психология, педагогика, 2018
Апросимов Василий Анатольевич спортивный психолог Школы высшего спортивного мастерства, г. Якутск... more Апросимов Василий Анатольевич спортивный психолог Школы высшего спортивного мастерства, г. Якутск Находкин Василий Васильевич кандидат педагогических наук, заведующий кафедрой возрастной и педагогической психологии Северо-Восточного федерального университета им. М.К. Аммосова Прокопьев Виктор Евгеньевич спортивный психолог Школы высшего спортивного мастерства, г. Якутск СРАВНИТЕЛЬНЫЙ АНАЛИЗ ЛИЧНОСТНЫХ ОСОБЕННОСТЕЙ СПОРТСМЕНОВ ВЫСОКОГО КЛАССА Аннотация: Актуальность данного исследования определяется тем, что на данный момент в системе психологической подготовки спортсменов уделяется недостаточно внимания составлению модели личности успешного атлета. В действительности в практической деятельности спортивного психолога систематизация и оптимизация работы имеют большое значение. В зависимости от вида спорта, квалификации спортсмена, стажа занятий спортом психологу необходимо подбирать соответствующие инструментарий и подход к своей профессиональной деятельности. На основе достоверных данных о личностных особенностях спортсменов и их трудностях в психологической подготовке спортивный психолог имеет возможность лучше планировать и анализировать работу. Также указанная информация может быть использована в целях мониторинга эффективности деятельности психолога и оценки количественных и качественных показателей его деятельности. Цель статьи заключается в попытке выявить главные сложности в психологической подготовке атлетов для последующей оптимизации их психологического сопровождения. Ведущим методом изучения стало сплошное групповое анкетирование. Также применяли анализ и сравнение. Итоги исследования подтверждают многие предыдущие публикации, позволяющие сделать вывод, что основные проблемы в психологической подготовке спортсменов имеют широкую гамму и взаимосвязь с квалификацией атлета. Заслуженные мастера спорта, мастера спорта международного класса и мастера спорта в отличие от кандидатов в мастера спорта и разрядников больше концентрируют внимание на осмыслении собственных действий. Результаты также согласуются с предположением, что трудности спортивной психологической подготовки обладают определенной спецификой и зависят не только от вида спорта, но и от квалификации атлета. Теоретическая и практическая значимость статьи обусловлена системной направленностью работы и ориентированностью на улучшение практического психологического сопровождения спортсменов.
Higher education has experienced significant developments for the last few decades, especially di... more Higher education has experienced significant developments for the last few decades, especially distance higher education. This rapid growth is based on the use of modern information and communication technologies (ICTs). There are a good number of studies on psychological and educational aspects of the development and use of ICTs in higher education. Moreover, there are other studies on psychological and pedagogical aspects of the educational process at the university through the use of distance learning technologies. This article is focused on the analysis of relationship between distance education technologies and the necessity of students’ subjective learning process. A research has been conducted, and some personality traits of students are discussed on the background of distance education.

In this paper, we investigate Islamic monetary policy and proposes an alternative monetary policy... more In this paper, we investigate Islamic monetary policy and proposes an alternative monetary policy instrument, namely gross domestic products (GDP) growth link instrument. The modeling techniques applied are ordinary least square (OLS) and the method is applied to a dataset of 99 countries for the year 2012 and time series data for Malaysia over the period of 1983-2013. Moreover, six months (January – June 2014) daily data on Islamic and conventional interbank rates are used for the correlational study. The results tend to show that GDP growth rate adjusted for interest income and inflation can be set as a benchmark for money market instruments and reference rate for financial and capital market to set the cost of capital or rate of return. Also, we found that real interest rate is mostly not representative across 99 countries as most of the time policy rates are either determined in the money market which is usually disintegrated with the real sector of an economy, or it is fixed by...
Journal of Modern Foreign Psychology, 2013
Izvestiya of Altai State University, 2014
Handbook of Analytical Studies in Islamic Finance and Economics, 2020

Since the end of World War II, Muslim countries have been plagued by sixteen major wars, many cou... more Since the end of World War II, Muslim countries have been plagued by sixteen major wars, many coups, political, religious and ethnic insurgency, and revolutions. While many developing countries in southeast Asia have emerged as developed economy in this time period, in spite of having sufficient natural resources, most of the Muslim countries are still fighting with higher inflation, unemployment, poverty, inequality, poor healthcare, illiteracy, and rampant corruption. This paper studies how political stability affects growth in OIC countries by using relatively advanced dynamic GMM and simultaneous quantile regression. It is found that political stability has significant positive effect on growth. The impact of political stability on economic growth is more important for lower income countries than higher income countries. Most of the low to mid income oil dependent OIC countries suffer from chronic misery, higher inflation and persistent unemployment, which has significant negati...

The purpose of this paper is to empirically examine the impact of the Islamic Bank Financing on M... more The purpose of this paper is to empirically examine the impact of the Islamic Bank Financing on Malaysia’s economic growth. Using Malaysia as a case in point, this paper employs Advance time-series ARDL bound testing technique, Vector error correction model (VECM) and variance decompositions (VDCs) to explore short-and long-run relationship and causal relationships between the development of Islamic banks and the economic growth using Islamic bank financing to the private sectors, gross domestic product as a proxy of economic growth, Gross fixed capital formation and the consumer price index variables. The paper documents significant role played by the economic growth to the development of Islamic Banks in Malaysia, supporting the growth-Islamic finance led hypothesis or the demand following view. The policy implication of this paper is to improve the efficiency of Malaysian Islamic banks as financial intermediaries that facilitate the capital accumulation and the economic growth; m...

Islamic finance, a complete rule based financial system, fundamentals of which are originated fro... more Islamic finance, a complete rule based financial system, fundamentals of which are originated from revealed verses of the Holy Quran considered direct ordinance from the God and the practices of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) commonly known as ahadith. Although the concept of Islamic finance is as old as the religion itself but in the Middle Ages Muslims diverted from the original teachings of Islam, only recently Islamic finance has started to reemerge. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the fundamental rules that make Islamic finance different from its counterpart. In this paper an attempt has been made to discuss briefly fundamental principles of Islamic finance namely prohibition of Riba (interest), Gharar(uncertainty) and Maysir (gambling). It is found in the study that these principles are based on the fundamental sources and early Islamic jurists, scholars and contemporary researchers uphold them in carrying out financial transactions. In order to run financial system accordin...

Journal of South Asian Studies, 2018
Growth spillover on neighboring country has been studied recently but not enough empirical litera... more Growth spillover on neighboring country has been studied recently but not enough empirical literature to support this. More importantly, how regional power like India can affect its next-door neighbor Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan and Sri Lanka. Using Bangladesh as a case study, this study employs an error correction model derived from standard time series technique called “Auto Regressive Distributed Lag” (ARDL) proposed by Pesaran-Shin-Smith (2001). Our study has applied a time series data over the period 1975–2014. This study extends existing literature by focusing on growth spillover effect on neighboring country. By using the ARDL technique, the findings indicate that there is a long-term relationship between Indian growth and growth of Bangladesh. It can be argued that Indian growth effects on growth of Bangladesh and it is found statistically significant. A number of policy recommendations have been proposed in order to further strengthen the relationship between these ...

Research Papers in Economics, 2015
The stability and level of strength or weakness in exchange rates are prime considerations of mon... more The stability and level of strength or weakness in exchange rates are prime considerations of monetary authorities and businesses, both domestic and international. This paper thus analyses the RMB’s appreciation and depreciation against its major trading partners’ currencies namely the USD, EUR, JPY, AUD and MYR. It also includes a review of their volatilities and most importantly, the economic implications of the RMB rates on exports and foreign investment flows. The Renminbi has come a long way since its pegged days of 1994 to 2005. Most recently, head of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Christine Lagarde herself, has endorsed its inclusion into an elite basket of the fund’s reserve currencies. The Renminbi is now on a managed floating system and allegations of manipulation remain, especially with notable pauses in the currency’s rises during the global financial crisis and in the second quarter of 2015. But the upward trend is undeniable, given that the Chinese economy is n...

Negative interest rate is quite a new phenomenon and many economists are quite puzzled by this ne... more Negative interest rate is quite a new phenomenon and many economists are quite puzzled by this new development after the global financial crisis of 2008/2009 and warned about its negative consequences. Whether negative interest rate can be considered as a Riba, literally interest rate, in Islamic finance is not settled yet. According to the classical text, the logic behind prohibition of interest rate, Riba, is actually inherent injustice; it may be to borrower or lender. There is no ruling or fatwa regarding negative interest rate. However, by following the analogy of injustice in Riba, we can argue that negative interest rate should be equated wtih Riba. One of the most controversial issues in current Islamic banking practice is that the return on Mudarabah investment deposits and interest rate on savings accounts are quite identical if not the same. Three key reasons for this paradox are briefly explained and number of measures has been recommended which might help delinking inte...

Sukuk has been playing a significant role in developing Islamic finance, more specifically, Islam... more Sukuk has been playing a significant role in developing Islamic finance, more specifically, Islamic capital market. Islamic financial institutions have very limited number of liquid investments other than hard cash to hold as conventional short-term bonds, commercial papers and notes are interest based and prohibited in Shari’ah. The rapid growth in Sukuk market not only in Malaysia but also internationally indicates huge potential of this innovative financial instrument. In this paper, an attempt has been made to study accounting issues connected with Sunway treasury sukuk and we discussed in details financial performance of Sunway group, accounting disclosure needed for Sukuk issuance, model accounting treatment of Mudarabah sukuk in general and Sunway Treasury Sukuk in specific, in depth analysis of Shari’ah issues related with the Sukuk, various risks associated with it. Our analysis shows that Sunway Group is a one of the leading construction and development in company in Malay...
Papers by Dr. Md. Akther Uddin