Papers by Terry A. Hedderson

Biotropica, 2020
Describing spatial variation in species richness and understanding its links to ecological mechan... more Describing spatial variation in species richness and understanding its links to ecological mechanisms are complementary approaches for explaining geographical patterns of richness. The study of elevational gradients holds enormous potential for understanding the factors underlying global diversity. This paper investigates the pattern of species richness and range-size distribution of epiphytic bryophytes along an elevational gradient in Marojejy National Park, northeast Madagascar. The main objectives are to describe bryophyte species composition and endemism in Marojejy National Park, to describe the species richness and distribution patterns of epiphytic bryophytes along an elevational gradient from 250 m to 2050 m and to evaluate the explanatory value of environmental variables for the observed patterns. Bryophyte samples were collected following a nested design with four hierarchical levels: elevational belts, plots, quadrats, and microplots. In total, 254 epiphytic bryophyte species were recorded, comprising 157 liverworts and 97 mosses. Twenty-three of these are endemic to Madagascar. Species richness exhibits a hump-shaped pattern along the elevational gradient, peaking at 1,250 m. Eighty-seven percent of the total recorded species have a range distribution lower than 1,000 m, at which point 36% are restricted to these single elevations. Our results suggest that mean temperature, relative humidity, and vapor pressure deficit play important roles in shaping the richness pattern observed in this study. While the liverwort richness pattern did not correlate to vapor pressure deficit and responded only weakly to relative humidity, the richness pattern shown by mosses correlates well with mean temperature, relative humidity, and vapor pressure deficit.
TAXON, 2007
We propose in this paper to use three regions of plastid DNA as a standard protocol for barcoding... more We propose in this paper to use three regions of plastid DNA as a standard protocol for barcoding all land plants. We review the other markers that have been proposed and discuss their advantages and disadvantages. The low levels of variation in plastid DNA make three regions necessary; there are no plastid regions, coding or non-coding, that evolve as rapidly as mitochondrial DNA generally does in animals. We outline two, three-region options, (1) rpoC1, rpoB and matK or (2) rpoC1, matK and psbA-trnH as viable markers for land plant barcoding.

Bryophytes of the island of La Reunion: diversity, endemicity and conservation
Cryptogamie Bryologie, 2010
Cet article se propose d'actualiser la liste des bryophytes presentes a La Reunion a partir d... more Cet article se propose d'actualiser la liste des bryophytes presentes a La Reunion a partir des dernieres etudes et prospections menees sur l'ile par les auteurs. Cent vingt trois nouveaux taxons ont ainsi ete ajoutes a la bryoflore reunionnaise en l'espace de 5 ans, portant ainsi le nombre total de taxons specifiques et infra specifiques a 776 pour l'ile. Ces additions sont issues (1) de prospections dans les differents habitats sur l'ile, (2) des etudes ecologiques menees sur la dynamique de colonisation des bryophytes sur les coulees de laves et le long de gradients altitudinaux, (3) des investigations au sein d'herbiers nationaux et enfin (4) de communications inedites d'inventaires effectues a La Reunion (T. Pocs). Cette forte diversite en bryophytes sur cette ile de faible superficie (2 512 km 2 ) s'explique notamment par sa position en secteur sub-tropical un fort gradient altitudinal, une pluviometrie tres elevee, et une relative proximite des...
Bryophyte diversity and distribution on the highlands of Piton des Neiges volcano

A global second record of Anacamptodon marginatus (Dixon) W.R.Buck from Kenyan coastal forests, disjunct from the southern African type locality
Journal of Bryology, 2020
A global second record of Anacamptodon marginatus (Dixon) W.R.Buck from Kenyan coastal forests, d... more A global second record of Anacamptodon marginatus (Dixon) W.R.Buck from Kenyan coastal forests, disjunct from the southern African type locality Terry A. Hedderson, Itambo Malombe and Nicholas Wilding Bolus Herbarium, University of Cape Town, Private Bag, 7701, Rondebosch, South Africa; East African Herbarium, National Museums of Kenya, P.O. Box 40658 00100, Nairobi, Kenya; Missouri Botanical Garden, Africa and Madagascar Program, St. Louis, MO 63110, USA; Institut de Systématique, Évolution, et Biodiversité (ISYEB), Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Sorbonne Université, École Pratique des Hautes Études, Université des Antilles, C.P. 39, 57 rue Cuvier, 75005 Paris, France
Boletín de la Sociedad Argentina de Botánica, 2017
A species of mountainous regions of Latin America, Leptodontium stellatifolium, is reported from ... more A species of mountainous regions of Latin America, Leptodontium stellatifolium, is reported from La Réunion Island in the Indian Ocean. This is a major geographic range disjunction. The species is illustrated and described from La Réunion material, and its considerable variation across its range and within La Réunion is discussed. Explanations of its distribution are suggested in terms of both ancient sky and ocean island spore dispersal, and recent, human-mediated introduction. We provide a key for species of Leptodontium occurring on La Réunion.
Journal of Hydrology, 2017
The role of epiphytic bryophytes in interception, storage, and the regulated release of atmospher... more The role of epiphytic bryophytes in interception, storage, and the regulated release of atmospheric moisture in a tropical montane cloud forest

Re-evaluation of Hymenostylium xanthocarpum (Hook.) Brid., and Ardeuma R.H.Zander Hedd., a new name for all other species of Hymenostylium (Pottiaceae, Bryophyta)
Journal of Bryology, 2016
The Old World Hymenostylium xanthocarpum, the generitype of Hymenostylium, was found to be unrela... more The Old World Hymenostylium xanthocarpum, the generitype of Hymenostylium, was found to be unrelated to the widespread H. recurvirostrum and other species currently placed in the genus. Major distinguishing traits of H. xanthocarpum are the presence of a stem central strand, leaves broadest about midleaf and constricted just above the base, distal laminal cells usually ventrally bulging and massively unipapillose, and basal cells differentiated only in the lower 1/5–1/7 of the leaf. A new genus name, Ardeuma, is proposed for the remaining species of Hymenostylium, and combinations are made for those that are commonly recognized. A key to Tuerckheimia species in the New World that may be confused with H. xanthocarpum is provided.

Taxon, 2015
Índice de tabelas e gráficos Lista de abreviaturas e siglas Introdução Capítulo 1-Contexto Educat... more Índice de tabelas e gráficos Lista de abreviaturas e siglas Introdução Capítulo 1-Contexto Educativo 1.1. Caracterização da Escola 1.2 Caracterização das turmas e demarcação da área de investigação 1.2.1. Turma 8º X 1.2.2 Turma 11º Y 1.2.3 Conclusões do ciclo zero das duas turmas Capítulo 2.-Da leitura à escrita: a leitura de textos fantásticos como elemento motivador para a escrita criativa 2.1 A leitura dos textos fantásticos como recurso motivador 2.2 A Escrita e a Avaliação: Análise das Novas Metas curriculares, do Programa Nacional e no Quadro Europeu Comum de Referência para as Línguas 2.2.1 A Escrita e a Avaliação dos textos criativos dos alunos Na língua inglesa Na língua espanhola 2.3 A leitura nas Novas Metas curriculares, no Programa Nacional e no Quadro Europeu Comum de Referência para as Línguas 2.3.1. Na língua inglesa 2.3.2. Na língua espanhola Capítulo 3.-O conceito de Criatividade e a Escrita Criativa 3.1 O conceito de Criatividade 3.2 O que significa escrita criativa? 3.3. Como motivar os alunos à redação escrita livre e criativa? Capítulo 4.-Metodologia da Investigação-ação 4.1 Descrição dos ciclos de investigação 4.2 O primeiro ciclo da língua inglesa 4.2.1 Descrição da atividade 4.2.2. Apresentação e interpretação dos resultados 4.3 O primeiro ciclo da língua espanhola 4.3.1 Descrição da atividade 4.3.2 Apresentação e interpretação dos resultados 4.4 O Segundo ciclo da língua inglesa 4.4.1 Descrição da atividade 4.4.2 Apresentação e interpretação dos resultados 4.5 O segundo ciclo da língua espanhola 4.5.1 Descrição da atividade 4.5.2 Apresentação e interpretação dos resultados 4.6 Conclusões finais da Metodologia de Investigação Considerações finais Limitações: Sugestões para futuras investigações Referências bibliográficas Anexos Anexo 1 Primeiros textos do grupo de inglês: ciclo zero (Aluno A, B e C) Anexo 2 Primeiros Textos do grupo de espanhol: ciclo zero (Alunos X, Y e Z) Anexo 3 Segundos textos do grupo de inglês: ciclo zero (Alunos A, B e C) Anexo 4 Segundos textos do grupo de espanhol: ciclo zero (Alunos X, Y e Z) Anexo 5 Questionário inicial (Questionário 1) Anexo 6 Resultados do Questionário 1 Anexo 7 Questionário de confirmação dos conhecimentos e preferências textuais dos alunos (Questionário 2) Anexo 8 Resultados do Questionário 2 Anexo 9 Texto "Once Upon a time nothing happened" e textos criativos do grupo de inglêsprimeiro ciclo (Alunos A, B e C) Anexo 10 Texto "El Ramo Azul" de Octavio Paz e textos criativos do grupo de espanholprimeiro ciclo (Alunos X, Y e Z) Anexo 11 Texto "The Pedestrian" de Ray Bradbury e textos criativos do grupo de inglêsprimeiro ciclo (Alunos A, B e C) Anexo 12 Texto "El Escuerzo" de Leopoldo Lugones e textos criativos do grupo de espanholprimeiro ciclo (Alunos X, Y e Z) Anexo 13 Texto final do grupo de inglês-segundo ciclo (Alunos A, B e C) Anexo 14 Texto final do grupo de espanhol-segundo ciclo (Alunos X, Y e Z) Anexo 15 Questionário final (Questionário 3) Anexo 16 Resultados do Questionário 3 Anexo Teste de avaliação do 8º X

Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 2004
Phylogenetic analyses of Polytrichales were conducted using morphology and sequence data from the... more Phylogenetic analyses of Polytrichales were conducted using morphology and sequence data from the chloroplast genes rbcL and rps4 plus the trnL-F gene region, part of the mitochondrial nad5 and the nuclear-encoded 18S rDNA. Our analyses included 46 species representing all genera of Polytrichales. Phylogenetic trees were constructed with simultaneous parsimony analyses of all sequences plus morphology and separate combinations of sequence data only. Results lend support for recognition of Polytrichales as a monophyletic entity. Oedipodium griffithianum appears as a sister taxon to Polytrichales or as a sister taxon of all mosses excluding Sphagnales and Andreaeles. Within Polytrichales, Alophosia and Atrichopsis, species without the adaxial lamellae (in Atrichopsis present but poorly developed on male gametophyte) otherwise typical of the group are sister to the remaining species followed by a clade including Bartramiopsis and Lyellia, species with adaxial lamellae covering only the central portion of the leaves. Six taxa with an exclusively Southern Hemisphere distribution form a grade between the basal lineages and a clade including genera that are mostly confined to the Northern Hemisphere.
Journal of Bryology, 2014
Journal of Bryology, 2011
Journal of Bryology, 2008
We describe Vrolijkheidia circumscissa as a new genus and species of Pottiaceae currently known o... more We describe Vrolijkheidia circumscissa as a new genus and species of Pottiaceae currently known only from the Worcester-Robertson centre in the succulent karoo biome of the Cape Floristic Region. The gametophyte of the new genus is distinguished by the combination of small plants with strap-shaped, bordered leaves red in KOH in which the costa has a single round to semicircular stereid band, the hydroid strand absent, and the adaxial epidermis differentiated. The cleistocarpic capsules with exothecial cells in only one layer and arranged in palisade bands, with circumscisile dehiscence along one or more lines, and no stomates are also unique.

Journal of Bryology, 2007
We describe Triquetrella mxinwana, a new species presently known only from the winter rainfall ar... more We describe Triquetrella mxinwana, a new species presently known only from the winter rainfall area of South Africa. Within this region it is common in karroo and renosterveld, but it also occurs in fynbos. It differs from other Triquetrella species in the several low, bifid, papillae on each laminal cell, but is similar to the Australian Leptodontium paradoxum, differing in size and anatomical details. Although sporophytes of L. paradoxum are unknown, those of T. mxinwana have the peristome of Triquetrella rather than Leptodontium. Phylogenetic analysis of data from three chloroplast (rps4, trnL-F and psbA-trnH) and one nuclear (ITS1) loci confirms that T. mxinwana and L. paradoxum are sister taxa and together are sister to the rest of Triquetrella. This placement also better reflects gametophyte morphology, which, though intermediate between Triquetrella and Leptodontium, better fits the former. Divergence levels among species of Triquetrella are very low and molecular clock approaches indicate that all divergences are of Pliocene-Pleistocene age. The estimated time of the split between T. mxinwana and its nearest relative is concordant with independent paleoclimatic estimates of the time of onset of winter rainfall conditions in the Cape. The disjunctive distribution of the genus in areas of Mediterranean climate is attributed to dispersal rather than ancient vicariance.
Journal of Bryology, 2008
We describe Algaria nataliei, a new genus and species from the Worcester-Robertson Karoo region, ... more We describe Algaria nataliei, a new genus and species from the Worcester-Robertson Karoo region, Western Cape Province, South Africa. Particularly distinctive features of the new genus are the strongly dimorphic leaves with the upper toothed to laciniate-margined, apically notched on one side, and long-awned and the lower entire, weakly but distinctly cucullate and with the costa ending in the apex, the laminal cells bulging ventrally and smooth to weakly papillose but flattened dorsally and strongly papillose, the immersed macrostomous eperistomate capsules with flat to umbonate opercula and flattened or indented bases, and long-conic to mitrate, prorate-papillose calyptrae.

Journal of Bryology, 2007
We describe Ludorugbya springbokorum, a new genus and species of Pottiaceae from the Cape Florist... more We describe Ludorugbya springbokorum, a new genus and species of Pottiaceae from the Cape Floristic Region of South Africa. It is gametophytically distinct in the small plants with ovate-lanceolate to spathulate, redawned, plane-margined leaves that are red in KOH, usually bistratose in 1-2(24) transverse rows at the insertion, with a differentiated border, and a costa section with a semicircular dorsal stereid band, a dorsal epidermis and a differentiated pad of cells on the ventral surface. The immersed, cupulate to short-cylindric capsules with a very long-conic operculum, very poorly developed peristome, and an evertable annulus are also highly distinctive. Spore dispersal is controlled by the annulus, which when dried is rolled inwards, almost closing the capsule mouth, but everts rapidly on wetting, expanding the rim of the capsule mouth. Spore size is distinctly bimodal within individual capsules and highly variable between capsules. At present L. springbokorum is known only from remnant renosterveld patches in the Swartland region of South Africa, and within this highly transformed landscape the species appears to be rare and under considerable threat.
Nine moss species new for South Africa with additional records for 14 rare or poorly known species
Journal of Bryology
Encalypta affinis subsp. macounii and E. brevipes New to Eastern North America from the Torngat, Northern Labrador, Canada
Bryologist, 1992
Bryophyte Diversity and Evolution, 2004
New records are presented based on a collection of Campylopus specimens made by the second author... more New records are presented based on a collection of Campylopus specimens made by the second author in the Western Cape Province of South Africa. . The austral species Campylopus clavatus (R. Brown) Wils. in Hook. and Campylopus vesticaulis Mitt. are reported for the first time for Africa, and Campylopus acuminatus Mitt. var. kirkii (Mitt.) J.-P. Frahm is recorded for the second time for Africa. Campylopus arctocarpus (Hornsch.) Mitt. ssp. madegassus (Besch.) J.-P. Frahm is reported for the first time for the Republic of South Africa, and this is the southernmost record of this species. Campylopus simii Schelpe is not synonymous with C. julaceus Jaeg. ssp. arbogastii (Ren. & Card.) J.-P. Frahm but combined here as new as a variety of C. pilifer Brid.
A contribution to the bryoflora of Mozambique from the ‘Google Forest’, Mabu Mountain, Zambezia Province
Journal of Bryology, 2014
Papers by Terry A. Hedderson