Papers by Olger Gutierrez-Aguilar
TECHNO review, Aug 10, 2023
HUMAN REVIEW. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades
La investigación formativa es un método educativo que involucra a los sujetos en su propia formac... more La investigación formativa es un método educativo que involucra a los sujetos en su propia formación en investigación. Este estudio explora el desarrollo y perspectivas de la investigación formativa en universidades peruanas a través del análisis de informes de tesis de posgrado. Utilizando la cartografía conceptual como método de análisis, se identifican conceptos clave, categorías y diferencias conceptuales, revelando el panorama de la investigación formativa y sus desafíos en la universidad peruana. Se destaca la creciente emergencia de estudios sobre este tema en diversas áreas de formación profesional y académica, enfocados en clarificar sus nociones, características y aplicaciones.
HUMAN REVIEW. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades
Existen diversos factores influyentes en la autoeficacia parental, mediada por la motivación pers... more Existen diversos factores influyentes en la autoeficacia parental, mediada por la motivación personal de los padres de familia hacia la escuela. Se utilizó el modelamiento de ecuaciones estructuradas de cuadrados mínimos parciales para el análisis. El estudio se realizó con 446 participantes, principalmente mujeres con un 81.2% y hombres con un 18% en tiempos de postpandemia. El estudio concluye que la comunicación con la escuela influye positivamente en la autoeficacia parental y la motivación personal hacia la escuela en los padres de familia y la comunicación con los hijos influye en la autoeficacia parental y la motivación hacia la escuela.
2023 18th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI)

HUMAN REVIEW. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades
La importancia que ha adquirido el ChatGPT en el mundo académico universitario en la actualidad e... more La importancia que ha adquirido el ChatGPT en el mundo académico universitario en la actualidad es muy trascendente. El estudio propone validar algunas de las variables predictoras, como la eficiencia en la adquisición de información, creatividad, competencia en la escritura, competencia lingüística, rendimiento académico y satisfacción con el propósito de generar instrumentos para la investigación con atributos de fiabilidad y validez. El estudio se realizó en Perú, con una muestra de 400 estudiantes universitarios de ambos sexos. Se utilizaron pruebas de análisis factorial exploratorio y confirmatorio. Para este estudio, se utilizaron análisis factoriales exploratorios y confirmatorios. De este modo, futuras investigaciones permitirán explorar y comprender plenamente la utilidad del ChatGPT en diversos contextos y su impacto en la educación superior.
Las enseñanzas en los contextos digitales: nuevas perspectivas y enfoques evaluativos, 2021, ISBN 978-84-1377-896-9, págs. 89-97, 2021
2022 International Conference on Inclusive Technologies and Education (CONTIE)
2022 XII International Conference on Virtual Campus (JICV)
Proceedings of the 20th LACCEI International Multi-Conference for Engineering, Education and Technology: “Education, Research and Leadership in Post-pandemic Engineering: Resilient, Inclusive and Sustainable Actions”
Revista Inclusiones, Jun 13, 2021
2022 XII International Conference on Virtual Campus (JICV)
2022 17th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI)
2022 17th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI)
2022 17th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI)

2021 4th International Conference on Inclusive Technology and Education (CONTIE)
The purpose of the research was to establish the causal relationship between attitudes towards so... more The purpose of the research was to establish the causal relationship between attitudes towards social media, the use of video games, in the attitude towards the use of cell phones, likewise, the relationship of influence of the attitude towards video games in the use of social media. The study was carried out in Peru, with students of the primary level of economic condition of extreme poverty, where the cell phone is the most recurrent device of communication and social interaction in times of pandemic due to the presence of Covid-19. The study aims to validate a relationship model between the independent and dependent variables, for this purpose the investigation was designed in two phases, the first comprises an exploratory factor analysis using the IBM-SPSS, the second, was the realization of a confirmatory analysis, for this the PLS-SEM methodology was used, which is a multivariate method called, Modeling of Structural Equations with Partial Least Squares. The model was validated with a sample of 71 students, whose ages range from 11 to 13 years, from the Moquegua region. The study would reveal causal relationships, especially between the attitude towards the use of video games and its influence on the use of social media, in the same way, the level of influence that independent variables would exert, such as the attitude towards the use of networks. social and the use of video games in the attitude towards the use of cell phones.
La evaluación de las enseñanzas en los contestos digitales: nuevas perspectivas y enfoques evaluativos.
2021 XVI Latin American Conference on Learning Technologies (LACLO), 2021
2021 XVI Latin American Conference on Learning Technologies (LACLO), 2021

2021 XVI Latin American Conference on Learning Technologies (LACLO), 2021
The current educational context is facing new educational challenges due to the worldwide prolife... more The current educational context is facing new educational challenges due to the worldwide proliferation of Covid-19. For this reason, it was necessary to generate a digital literacy oriented from a creative and innovative perspective, in this regard it was decided to apply the Maker methodological style, to high school students from the Arequipa region in Peru. Likewise, considering that education is being developed in homes under the E-learning modality, it was necessary to stimulate invisible learning, because its application offers many possibilities to develop skills, abilities, capacities, competencies that are not formally established in the curriculum and that are necessary for life; starting from learning by doing, promoting creativity and taking the context into consideration. The main objective of this study was to analyze the appropriation of the Maker methodology in the educational field to determine the impact it may have. The applied research methodology was mixed, and a survey was applied to 350 students, of both sexes, at the secondary level, whose ages are between 14 and 17 years old. This research study allowed to conclude that the Maker methodology, applied in times of pandemic, is effective to improve the learning and motivational level of students starting from learning by doing, experimenting, playing, creating, researching, and innovating, where the initiative and strengths of the students they are the driving forces for this development.
2021 XVI Latin American Conference on Learning Technologies (LACLO), 2021
Papers by Olger Gutierrez-Aguilar
universitario. Es por esa razón que desde el inicio y la planificación de este programa educativo se contempló la edición de un libro que recogiera esta experiencia. De esta forma este texto pretende convertirse en un espacio de consulta que pueda generar un debate y una reflexión sobre la investigación en el arte y la educación superior de arte.