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    • Civil Engineering
The 5850-7075MHz band is profoundly utilized for the fixed service such as Terrestrial Systems (TS) and microwave access (WiMAX) in various parts of the world. Nowadays, the High Altitude Platform System (HAPS) became a recognized system... more
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The development of sharing spectrum between High Altitude Platform System (HAPS) and Terrestrial System (TS) in the 5.8 GHz band is the paper main aim. This paper focuses on Automatic Transmitting Power Control (ATPC) as an interference... more
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The High Altitude Platform System (HAPS) which will provide a worldwide connectivity in wireless networks operates in 5850-7075 MHz spectrum endorsing the safety of primary services such as terrestrial systems (TS). The suppleness and... more
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A new compact omnidirectional circularly polarized (CP) cylindrical dielectric resonator antenna (DRA) with a top-loaded modified Alford loop is investigated. Fed by an axial probe, the DRA is excited in its-mode, which radiates like a... more
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      PhysicsDielectric Resonator AntennaElectrical And Electronic Engineering
A wideband and compact circularly polarized (CP) C-shaped dielectric resonator antenna (DRA) is presented and investigated. The proposed C-shaped DR is excited by a simple stripe line connected to a coplanar waveguide (CPW) feeding line.... more
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      Materials ScienceMicrostrip AntennasDielectrics
This paper sheds the light on coexistence and sharing between high altitude platform system (HAPS) and Fixed Services (FS) as a recently critical issue due to the spectrum shortage. International Telecommunications Union... more
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      Computer ScienceSEMAciCCI
The theoretical base behind the spectrum management of High Altitude Platform System (HAPS) as an innovative promising technology is classified under the worst case (WC) prediction model to indemnify the fortification of the existing... more
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      Environmental ScienceLife Science
The statistical analysis of the RMS delay spread is achieved based on the results obtained from an outdoor time-varying ultra-wideband (UWB) channel measurement. The paper reports on the RMS delay spread values, the cumulative... more
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      Electronic EngineeringMechanical EngineeringMathematicsApplied Mathematics
The next generation of wireless communication is going to meet human demands beyond today's trend. This study sets the frame on the future of wireless communication that requires real time responses which pushes this technology towards... more
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Multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) scheme is an important tool to achieve a high data rate communication and higher signal to noise ratio (SNR). In order to facilitate the communication system design, understanding and modeling the... more
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Adjacent channel interference makes a severe degradation in the Fixed Services (FS) when High Altitude platform System (HAPS) deployed in the congested band of 5.8 GHz. Hence this paper introduces the combination of tow typical techniques... more
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Aerodynamic torque of wind turbine is adjusted by controlling the pitch angle of the blades of the turbine when the wind speed is higher than rated wind speed. So that, in the recent research in this field, the pitch angle controller... more
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      MathematicsWind PowerTurbineRotational speed
Wireless technology is greatly influenced by the advanced technological development of the antenna. With the rapid expansion of Internet of Things (IoT) application in the modern communication system, the demand for micro antennas is... more
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      Computer ScienceInternet of ThingsMicrostrip Antenna
The rapid development of information and wireless communication technologies together with the large increase in the number of end-users have made the radio spectrum more crowded than ever. Besides, providing a stable and reliable service... more
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      Computer ScienceWireless
In this paper, a depth analysis of a drone performance based on the signal to noise ratio (SNR), has been provided. The MATLAB software is used to simulate the effect of frequency, power and distance on the performance of drones. The SNR... more
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      Computer ScienceDrone
A wideband and compact circularly polarized (CP) C-shaped dielectric resonator antenna (DRA) is presented and investigated. The proposed C-shaped DR is excited by a simple stripe line connected to a coplanar waveguide (CPW) feeding line.... more
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      PhysicsDielectric Resonator AntennaWidebandCircular polarization
This paper established three deep residual neural network models with different architectures for traffic sign detection. Also, a new systematic analytic hierarchy process method for model performance evaluation has been proposed, which... more
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      Computer ScienceArtificial IntelligenceArtificial Neural NetworkResidual
The need for networking, communication, and data sharing capabilities among users of wearable terminal devices has increased, and this has made the new wearable antenna one of the most active research areas. This work presents a wearable... more
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    • Wearable Computer
There are many dangerous threats in a coal mining industry such as gas explosion, and temperature and humidity variation which can be difficult to be monitored and controlled. In this paper, we proposed and designed a method to utilize... more
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      CoalCoal Mining