Articles and Book Chapters by Oumelbanine Zhiri
Mediterranean Studies 23:1, 2024
Religions 15, 428, 2024
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Giovanni Leone de’ Medici / Yuhanna al-Asad / Leone Africano / al-Hasan b. Muhammad b. Ahmad al-Wazzan, Africa (Andrea Donnini ed.), Rome, Roma nel Rinascimento., 2023
Expressions Maghrébines, 2016
This article focuses on a little known movement of translation of European cultural texts into A... more This article focuses on a little known movement of translation of European cultural texts into Arabic in the late sixteenth century and early seventeenth century Maghrib. These included treatises of medicine, cosmography, and artillery, which exerted a wide influence in North Africa and beyond. The role of the Moroccan Saadi dynasty is underlined, as well as the considerable role played by exiled Moriscos in this cultural movement, especially the travel writer Ahmad al-Hajari. This study also reveals the impact of the European explorations and colonizations in Asia and America on the Arab intellectual landscape of the time.

Nonmodern Practices. Latour and Literary Studies, 2020
third-party websites referred to or in this book. All internet addresses given in this book were ... more third-party websites referred to or in this book. All internet addresses given in this book were correct at the time of going to press. The author and publisher regret any inconvenience caused if addresses have changed or sites have ceased to exist, but can accept no responsibility for any such changes. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Names: Arnould-Bloomfield, Elisabeth, editor. | Lyu, Claire Chi-ah, editor. Title: Nonmodern practices : Latour and literary studies / edited by Elisabeth Arnould-Bloomfield and Claire Chi-ah Lyu. Description: New York : Bloomsbury Academic, 2020. | Includes bibliographical references and index. | Summary: "This interdisciplinary collection explores the many ways in which Bruno Latour's relational philosophy enables us to extend and even transform radically the way we think, read, and write in the field of humanities today"-Provided by publisher.
Early Modern Écologies, ed. by Pauline Goul and Phillip John Usher, 2020

The Dialectics of Orientalism in Early Modern Europe, edited by Marcus Keller and Javier Irigoyen-García, Palgrave Macmillan 2018, 2018
In early modern Europe, the academic field of Oriental studies developed considerably as part of ... more In early modern Europe, the academic field of Oriental studies developed considerably as part of a broader interest for Antiquity and history, and, during the first half of the seventeenth century, was in the process of establishing its enduring institutional bases. A growing number of scholars were deeply engaged in the study of the cultures and languages of the East; Hebrew, Arabic, and related languages were taught in some universities; publishers were offering readers dictionaries, grammar books, and classical texts. This vast enterprise depended essentially on the ability to obtain manuscripts in the languages of the Orient. Scholars eagerly sought to collect documents from the East that would allow them to further their studies, which was not an easy task. Europeans who were interested in the Orient would attempt to create exchange networks that included travelers and missionaries in Eastern countries, as well as local scholars, to be able to acquire manuscripts. In this way, public and private collectors were working diligently to augment the Oriental holdings in European libraries. However, many manuscripts from the East found their way to Europe in a much less peaceful manner. The development of Oriental studies in early modern Europe is inseparable from the circumstances of "cold war" 1 that
This essay analyzes the travel account authored by Moroccan ambassador Muhammad al-Ghass^ an^ ı, ... more This essay analyzes the travel account authored by Moroccan ambassador Muhammad al-Ghass^ an^ ı, who visited Spain in 1690 –91. The account shows the evolution of the early modern frontier between Christian Europe and Islamic North Africa, from a militarized boundary to the development of diplomatic relations. Both an agent and witness of that history, al-Ghass^ an^ ı describes a heterogeneous space: he surveys the border, explores the foreign land of modern Spain, and reimagines the memory of al-Andalus. His important account, based on sharp observation and serious research, helps nuance the prevailing view that Arab culture had ignored Europe before the nineteenth century.
L'Esprit créateur (The Johns Hopkins University Press), Dec 2013
This article examines the representations of Muslim rulers in Histoires tragiques, an influentia... more This article examines the representations of Muslim rulers in Histoires tragiques, an influential multi-volume collection of short stories authored by Pierre Boaistuau and (mainly) François de Belleforest in the second half of the sixteenth century. It shows that the Turkish emperors are portrayed very differently from North African kings: the former are depicted as phenomenons of cruelty, while the latter are pictured in more nuanced ways. These contrasting representations reflect the fact that, while the powerful Ottoman Empire inspires dread and terror, North Africa is not seen as a major threat, and can be made into a fictional site of reflection on French and European politics.
Arborescences, Revue d'études françaises (U. of Toronto), 2012
Montréal. Il a pour mission la promotion et la valorisation de la recherche. Érudit offre des ser... more Montréal. Il a pour mission la promotion et la valorisation de la recherche. Érudit offre des services d'édition numérique de documents scientifiques depuis 1998. Pour communiquer avec les responsables d'Érudit : [email protected]
Rabelais et la question du sens, 2011
Esculape et Dyonisos, 2008

"Travel and Translation ine the Early Modern Period", ed. Carmine di Biase, Amsterdam, Rodopi, 2006
Leo Africanus's celebrated Descrittione dell'Affrica is not stricto sensu a translation; however,... more Leo Africanus's celebrated Descrittione dell'Affrica is not stricto sensu a translation; however, it is an attempt by an Arab-speaking author to describe the geography, the culture, the customs of North and West Africa, in a language, Italian, that he did not master, for readers who presumably knew next to nothing about the subject. His work is thus a linguistic, but also a cultural, translation. Its important impact on European culture shows that this translation basically succeeded. However, sometimes his text reaches the limits of the powers of translation, especially because it was written at a time when its potential Italian and other European readers had very few other books to refer to in order to complete and contextualize Leo's; nor did the Italian language always offer Leo the words he needed in order to express foreign concepts. His use of numerous Arabic and Berber (Amazigh) words is one manifestation of the difficulties he encountered.
The Politics of Translation in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, , 2001
Le Voyage des théories, 2000
Books by Oumelbanine Zhiri
University of California Press, 2023
A study of the work and career of the Morisco translator and author Ahmad ibn Qâsim al-Hajarî (c.... more A study of the work and career of the Morisco translator and author Ahmad ibn Qâsim al-Hajarî (c. 1569-after 1640). This project is situated at the intersection of travel literature, Orientalism, and science and technology studies
Articles and Book Chapters by Oumelbanine Zhiri
Books by Oumelbanine Zhiri