Papers by Rosa-Linda Fregoso

Duke University Press eBooks, Mar 17, 2023
We'd chant once more, the names of the dead and bear witness again and again, deeper and deeper, ... more We'd chant once more, the names of the dead and bear witness again and again, deeper and deeper, to the anguish and suffering of that terrible place. BERNIE GLASSMAN, Bearing Witness This book began as a collection of essays on the topic of feminicide and disappearance on the Mexico-US border. Written over the course of ten years, each chapter attends to the necessity for remembering the horrors of feminicide and disappearance, and bearing witness to its devastating suffering and spirited re sis tance. At the heart of this book is a reading of witnessing that encourages both/and perspectives rather than an either/or interpretation. The force of witness is the name given to the diff er ent modalities of feminist witness discussed in these pages. Witness is not solely an individual or an autonomous subject but a constellation of multiple social locations and practices. As conceptualized here, witness is constituted by interconnections and "social relatedness. " 1 A force field of human thinking and doing, witness is multiply situated across deeply textured and heterogenous worlds. Rather than an individual act or practice undertaken by a sovereign subject, the force of witness involves a collectivity forged on the basis of ethical and engaged planetary obligations and interdepen den cy. 2 Instead of a universalist vision, witnessing emerges from pluriversal imaginaries. Each modality, endeavor, and presence of

Death Studies, 2020
This paper questions the utility the social category of "refugee" as defined by international hum... more This paper questions the utility the social category of "refugee" as defined by international human rights discourse. The notion of "racializing assemblages" supplies an analytic tool for situating the deportation machine and mass incarceration of refugees/asylum seekers as "death spaces" within modern Western humanity. Building on discussions related to "political death," "social death" and "muertas en vida" (living dead), this paper explores an alternative framing of "the refugee" that relies less on human rights and more on other forms of emancipation. The history of "African American fugitivity" offers one possibility for reclaiming another articulation of freedom from persecution and enslavement. Look at them leaving in droves, the children of the land, just look at them leaving in droves. Those with nothing are crossing borders. Those with strength are crossing borders those with ambitions are crossing borders. Those with hopes are crossing borders. Those with loss are crossing borders those in pain are crossing borders. Moving, running, emigrating, going, deserting, calking, quitting, flying, fleeing-to all over, to other countries near and far, to countries unheard of, to countries whose names they cannot pronounce. They are leaving in droves.
University of Texas Press eBooks, Dec 31, 2016
A Companion to Latina/o Studies, 2017
... movie production center, working closely with city officials and offering her studios in San R... more ... movie production center, working closely with city officials and offering her studios in San Rafael free of ... 2 As Mike Davis writes:At a New York advertising convention in the early 1930s, the ... On the Subject of Fantasy, in Feminisms in the Cinema, ed. Laura Pietropaolo and Ada ...
meXicana Encounters, 2019
Latinx Ciné in the Twenty-First Century, 2019
From Bananas to Buttocks, 2007
Chiricú Journal: Latina/o Literatures, Arts, and Cultures, 2017
This article documents the protests by mothers of the women victims of feminicide and disappearan... more This article documents the protests by mothers of the women victims of feminicide and disappearance in the border city of Juárez México.
meXicana Encounters, 2019
Desapariciones: Usos locales, circulaciones globales, 2017, ISBN 978-958-665-428-9, pág. 6, 2017
El articulo de la profesora Fregoso es un texto que invita a repensar los derechos humanos, su al... more El articulo de la profesora Fregoso es un texto que invita a repensar los derechos humanos, su alcance y extension, al tiempo que pone de manifiesto la vida social que hay debajo de ellos. De ahi la estrategia de una declaracion pluriversal, que asuma multiples registros de genero y etnicidad, espiritualidad y raza, sexualidad e indigenismo, en el proyecto de acabar con los multiples regimenes de injusticia. La decolonizacion de los derechos humanos permite una practica potencialmente liberadora, en la que estos son imaginados mas alla del marco (neo)liberal de discurso basado en procedimientos formales promulgados por los Estados, para dar cuenta de las multiples apropiaciones creativas de su doctrina en las luchas globales y locales por la justicia social.
Entre Guadalupe y Malinche, 2016
Page 1. Lourdes Portillo The Devil Never Sleeps and Other Films Edited by Rosa Linda Fregoso Page... more Page 1. Lourdes Portillo The Devil Never Sleeps and Other Films Edited by Rosa Linda Fregoso Page 2. Page 3. Lourdes Portillo: The Devil Never Sleeps and Other Films This Om NAOB-GSP-52ZY Page 4. CHICANA MATTERS ...
Papers by Rosa-Linda Fregoso