Books by Geoffrey Raymond

This collection offers a multifaceted view of the life, research and impact
of Emanuel A. Schegl... more This collection offers a multifaceted view of the life, research and impact
of Emanuel A. Schegloff, the co-originator, with Harvey Sacks and Gail Jefferson, of Conversation Analysis (or CA), and its leading contemporary authority. The first section introduces Schegloff ’s life and work, and, using a series of interviews with him, provides a concise, comprehensive and accessible introduction to the field’s major aims and achievements. Next many of the world’s leading researchers from various disciplines – including Communication, Linguistics, Psycholinguistics, Linguistic Anthropology, and Sociology – build on Schegloff’s foundational research, analyzing encounters from everyday and institutional settings (conducted in English, German, Korean, Mandarin, and Russian) to explicate how conversation and other conduct in interaction are organized. The final section of the book includes reflections on Schegloff ’s contributions by some of his major interlocutors and Schegloff ’s response to them.

Humans are imperfect, and problems of speaking, hearing and understanding are pervasive in ordina... more Humans are imperfect, and problems of speaking, hearing and understanding are pervasive in ordinary interaction. This book examines the way we 'repair' and correct such problems as they arise in conversation and other forms of human interaction. The first book-length study of this topic, it brings together a team of scholars from the fields of anthropology, communication, linguistics and sociology to explore how speakers address problems in their own talk and that of others, and how the practices of repair are interwoven with non-verbal aspects of communication such as gaze and gesture, across a variety of languages. Specific chapters highlight intersections between repair and epistemics, repair and turn construction, and repair and action formation. Aimed at researchers and students in sociolinguistics, speech communication, conversation analysis and the broader human and social sciences to which they contribute - anthropology, linguistics, psychology and sociology - this book provides a state-of-the-art review of conversational repair, while charting new directions for future study.

This is a methodology text with a difference. It demonstrates the importance of talk in a variety... more This is a methodology text with a difference. It demonstrates the importance of talk in a variety of social research methodologies. Even documents, the seemingly least interactional form of social data, are shown to have important interactional dimensions. The book focuses systematically on how sociological methods are essentially conducted through forms of spoken interaction, and how these interactions shape the results that emerge in research. The book demonstrates:
" How spoken interactions shape the outcomes of core research methodologies
" The role which talk-in-interaction plays in key substantive areas of sociology notably race, crime, gender and media
" Reveals the interactional underpinnings of research methodologies
This is the first text aimed at an undergraduate and Master's audience in Sociology and Social Research, which shows the crucial part that spoken interaction plays in the conduct and products of conventional sociological methodologies.
Papers by Geoffrey Raymond

Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 2023
Research on interactions involving police officers foregrounds the importance of their communicat... more Research on interactions involving police officers foregrounds the importance of their communicative practices for fostering civilians' perceptions of police legitimacy. Building on this research, we describe a pattern of conduct that is a recurrent source of trouble in such encounters, which we call sequential standoffs. These standoffs emerge when two parties persistently pursue alternative courses of action, producing a stalemate in which neither progress in, nor exit from, either course of action appears viable. They are routinely resolved by officers (re)casting civilians' pursuit of one course of action as constituting resistance to the officers' proposed course of action, and thus as warranting officers' use of coercive violence to resolve the stalemate. In some cases, however, officers resolve standoffs cooperatively using sequentially accommodative methods. We consider how these findings advance approaches to communicative dilemmas in policing, and their broader significance for scholars of social interaction, and of the interactional organization of conflicts.
Research on Language & Social Interaction, 2004
Analysts of human conduct have long sought to describe how people build and coordinate their acti... more Analysts of human conduct have long sought to describe how people build and coordinate their actions with others (Garfinkel, 1967; Heritage 1984b). As Heritage (1984b) noted, achieving a shared understanding of events and actions in such environments entails (and is ...
Research on Language and Social Interaction

Psychology of Violence
Objectives: The objective of this report was to consider some ways in which a range of phenomena ... more Objectives: The objective of this report was to consider some ways in which a range of phenomena commonly treated as "risk factors" for violence (including social asymmetries based on factors such as gender, race and class; and drug or alcohol intoxication) become observable in violent (or potentially violent) interactions. In doing so, we contribute to a growing body of research focused on moving beyond cataloguing factors abstractly associated with risk for violent outcomes, toward specifying the ways in which these risk factors are constituted in "doing violence" itself. Methods: We employed an ethnomethodological and conversation analytic approach to examine the sequential unfolding of interactions in which violent actions are projected and/or realized, drawing on a collection of 105 videos downloaded from the video sharing site YouTube. Results: Our analysis demonstrates how participants in the interactions orient to or deploy "risk factors" as resources for the production of actions and/or for interpreting or accounting for the actions of themselves and others both prior to, during or following the production of violent actions. Conclusions: The findings demonstrate that the target phenomena, rather than simply being abstracted "risk factors" (in a distal or "upstream" sense), are constitutive features of the in situ unfolding of conflicts in which violence comes to be projected (if not always realized) as an outcome. As a result, the ontological distance between "risk" and "enactments" of violence effectively dissolves when episodes in which these phenomena appear are subjected to detailed analysis.
Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 2000
American Sociological Review, 2003
Connections between grammar and social organization are examined via one of the most pervasive pr... more Connections between grammar and social organization are examined via one of the most pervasive practices of speaking used in talk-in-interaction: yes/no type inter-rogatives and the turns speakers build in response to them. This investigation is composed of two parts. The first analyzes ...

Issues in Applied Linguistics, Dec 30, 1997
tion and culture as embodied phenomena (Schegloff, Ochs, & Thompson, 1996). While these various a... more tion and culture as embodied phenomena (Schegloff, Ochs, & Thompson, 1996). While these various approaches share many elements, we believe one is central: language, interaction, and culture can be most fruitfully investigated via the detailed examination of courses of conduct unfolding in real time. Celebrating the core, as well as the broadest, elements of this convergence, UCLA's 1997 Conference on Language, Interaction, and Culture chose 'Embodiment in Discourse' as its theme. The fruits of this endeavor are collected in this volume. Contributing in the first place to their own disciplines of Anthropology, Applied Linguistics, Education, Germanic Languages, and Sociology, the following seven papers participate in the above described 'core' by relying on transcripts and video stills drawn from audio and video recorded data. Beyond this shared element, however, these papers are most striking for their range of focus. Briefly

Issues in Applied Linguistics, Dec 30, 1997
tion and culture as embodied phenomena (Schegloff, Ochs, & Thompson, 1996). While these various a... more tion and culture as embodied phenomena (Schegloff, Ochs, & Thompson, 1996). While these various approaches share many elements, we believe one is central: language, interaction, and culture can be most fruitfully investigated via the detailed examination of courses of conduct unfolding in real time. Celebrating the core, as well as the broadest, elements of this convergence, UCLA's 1997 Conference on Language, Interaction, and Culture chose 'Embodiment in Discourse' as its theme. The fruits of this endeavor are collected in this volume. Contributing in the first place to their own disciplines of Anthropology, Applied Linguistics, Education, Germanic Languages, and Sociology, the following seven papers participate in the above described 'core' by relying on transcripts and video stills drawn from audio and video recorded data. Beyond this shared element, however, these papers are most striking for their range of focus. Briefly

Research on Language and Social Interaction, 2021
This report examines interactional troubles that find their source, not in talk, but in manual ac... more This report examines interactional troubles that find their source, not in talk, but in manual action. First, we introduce the intertwined character of two fundamental features of most, if not all emergent human conduct: The ongoing structural projection of an action-in-progress along with its continuing progressive realization. We then identify two sources of body- behavioral trouble that interfere with the action implication of emerging manual action, and result in remedial action by its recipient. Manual actors sometimes 1) foreshorten the “preparation phase” of emerging manual action, or 2) interrupt manual action before it comes to completion. Additionally, we demonstrate how misconstruing the action implication of emerging manual action can also result in body trouble that leads to recipient remediation, even when there is no reduction of its structural project- ability or interruption of its progressive realization. For each circumstance, we describe the adjusting actions that remediate such body troubles. [Occasionally, English is spoken.]

Social Science & Medicine, 2011
This paper examines how orthopaedic surgeons skilfully design treatment recommendations to displa... more This paper examines how orthopaedic surgeons skilfully design treatment recommendations to display awareness of what individual patients are anticipating or seeking, and suggests limits to those efforts. It adds leverage to our parallel work by demonstrating that even when surgeons incorporate considerations of recipient design to 'fit' recommendations to patients' displayed orientations, an asymmetry between recommendations for vs. not for surgery remains: recommendations for surgery are generally proposed early, in relatively simple and unmitigated form, and as stand-alone options. In contrast, recommendations not for surgery tend to be significantly more complex: they are likely to be delayed, conveyed indirectly, mitigated and justified, and include other possible treatment options. These findings suggest a tension between surgeons' efforts to design recommendations for specific recipients and an overarching institutional bias favoring surgery. Surgeons' efforts to anticipate and respond to resistance to recommendations demonstrate a similar pattern: the methods used to counter patient resistance, and the sequential placement of those efforts, depends on whether the recommendation is for surgery or another treatment option. This work contributes to an understanding of treatment recommendations generally by showing how patients are co-implicated in their accomplishment: because surgeons incorporate considerations of recipient design in response to information provided explicitly or tacitly by patients, patients influence the rendering of recommendations from the beginning.
Research on Language and Social Interaction , 2019
A recurrent feature of Garfinkel's famous breaching experiments in which student confederates wer... more A recurrent feature of Garfinkel's famous breaching experiments in which student confederates were instructed to engage an unsuspecting subject in conversation and subsequently insist that they "clarify the sense of (their) commonplace remarks" is the student experimenter's use, in attempting to realize such "insistence," of a turn composed of "what do you mean" plus a repetition of some part of the prior talk. Garfinkel suggested that such utterances tended to provoke moral outrage. The analysis presented here aims to explicate just how such utterances work, how they intersect with assumptions about the distribution of knowledge between participants to interaction, and why they might elicit such strong reactions from those to whom they are directed. Data are in American and Canadian English.

Discourse Studies, 2018
In a Special Issue of Discourse Studies (2016) titled 'The Epistemics of Epistemics', contributin... more In a Special Issue of Discourse Studies (2016) titled 'The Epistemics of Epistemics', contributing authors criticize Heritage's research on participants' orientations to, and management of, the distribution of (rights to) knowledge in conversation. These authors claim (a) that the analytic framework Heritage (and I) developed for analyzing epistemic phenomena privileges the analysts' over the participants' point of view, and (b) rejects standard methods of conversation analysis (CA); (c) that (a) and (b) are adopted in developing and defending the use of abstract analytic schemata that offer little purchase on either the specific actions speakers accomplish or the understanding others display of them; and (d) that, by virtue of these deficiencies, claims about the systematic relevance of epistemic phenomena for talk-in-interaction breach long-standing norms regarding the relationship between data analysis and generalizing claims. Using a collection of excerpts bearing on the import of epistemics for action formation and action sequencing, I demonstrate that these claims are patently false and suggest that they reflect the authors' effort to recast CA as a kind of fundamentalist enterprise. I then consider excerpts from a second collection (of occasions involving the pursuit of one party's 'suspicions' about another's alleged misdeeds) to illustrate how the form of social organization described by Heritage can be used to explicate other phenomena that depend on systematic alterations to its basic features. In conclusion, I suggest that CA's success in enhancing our grasp of the organization of talk-in-interaction derives from its unique commitment to both generalization and context specificity, collections and single cases, findings plus a continual openness to the 'something more' that each particular case can provide.
Books by Geoffrey Raymond
of Emanuel A. Schegloff, the co-originator, with Harvey Sacks and Gail Jefferson, of Conversation Analysis (or CA), and its leading contemporary authority. The first section introduces Schegloff ’s life and work, and, using a series of interviews with him, provides a concise, comprehensive and accessible introduction to the field’s major aims and achievements. Next many of the world’s leading researchers from various disciplines – including Communication, Linguistics, Psycholinguistics, Linguistic Anthropology, and Sociology – build on Schegloff’s foundational research, analyzing encounters from everyday and institutional settings (conducted in English, German, Korean, Mandarin, and Russian) to explicate how conversation and other conduct in interaction are organized. The final section of the book includes reflections on Schegloff ’s contributions by some of his major interlocutors and Schegloff ’s response to them.
" How spoken interactions shape the outcomes of core research methodologies
" The role which talk-in-interaction plays in key substantive areas of sociology notably race, crime, gender and media
" Reveals the interactional underpinnings of research methodologies
This is the first text aimed at an undergraduate and Master's audience in Sociology and Social Research, which shows the crucial part that spoken interaction plays in the conduct and products of conventional sociological methodologies.
Papers by Geoffrey Raymond
of Emanuel A. Schegloff, the co-originator, with Harvey Sacks and Gail Jefferson, of Conversation Analysis (or CA), and its leading contemporary authority. The first section introduces Schegloff ’s life and work, and, using a series of interviews with him, provides a concise, comprehensive and accessible introduction to the field’s major aims and achievements. Next many of the world’s leading researchers from various disciplines – including Communication, Linguistics, Psycholinguistics, Linguistic Anthropology, and Sociology – build on Schegloff’s foundational research, analyzing encounters from everyday and institutional settings (conducted in English, German, Korean, Mandarin, and Russian) to explicate how conversation and other conduct in interaction are organized. The final section of the book includes reflections on Schegloff ’s contributions by some of his major interlocutors and Schegloff ’s response to them.
" How spoken interactions shape the outcomes of core research methodologies
" The role which talk-in-interaction plays in key substantive areas of sociology notably race, crime, gender and media
" Reveals the interactional underpinnings of research methodologies
This is the first text aimed at an undergraduate and Master's audience in Sociology and Social Research, which shows the crucial part that spoken interaction plays in the conduct and products of conventional sociological methodologies.