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Simulation: what is and what will be. Embark on a stimulating journey into this fascinating topic. Discover when simulation was born and how it has been changing the world surrounding us. Aerospatial industry, higher education, clinical... more
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      NursingSimulationNursing EducationClinical simulation
Since its creation in 1978 the Italian health care system has been delivering a wide range of services and interventions and it is considered one of the most advanced health organizations among the industrialized countries. In accordance... more
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    • Health Care Management
Il TRIAGE è un procedimento decisionale volto a stabilire le priorità assistenziali secondo protocolli condivisi fra personale medico ed infermieristico addestrato, basato sull'attribuzione di un codice di gravità. Altra finalità è... more
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      Critical Care NusingEmergency Department Critical CareTriage
BACKGROUND: Simulation is a teaching method largely used to facilitate learning of BlsD (Basic Life Support) techniques. This study investigates real life experiences of undergraduate nursing students related to sudden cardiac death... more
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      NursingSimulationNursing EducationClinical simulation
Triage is the process of deciding which patients should be treated first based on how sick or seriously injured they are. Specifically developed to meet the needs of the military medicine it has become a daily management tool within... more
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      Pediatric TriageTriageCritical Care NursingVital Signs Monitoring
Simulation is a teaching method used to facilitate learning of Basic life support and Defibrillation (BlsD) techniques. This study explored the potential of two ways of teaching BlsD techniques in order to understand which one could be... more
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      NursingSimulationNursing EducationCritical Care Nursing
Background and Purpose Medical errors can be defined as the failure of a planned action to be completed as intended or the use of a wrong plan to achieve an aim. Sir Liam Donaldson, Chief Medical Officer of England, stated ‘that when a... more
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      EducationPatient SafetyQuality of Healthcare ServicesSimulation
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    • Child Abduction
The aim of the regional cardiac networks is to offer to those patients affected by Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI) the quickest and the most efficient treatment in relation to patients' characteristics and to the place where the event... more
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      Cardiovascular diseaseAcute Myocardial InfarctionPrehospital Care EMS Emergency Medical Services
Medical errors can be defined as the failure of a planned action to be completed as intended or the use of a wrong plan to achieve an aim".
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      Medical errorsMiddle EastSimulation
One of the most important challenges facing nursing today is providing proper pain management for patients suffering from chronic pain (1). According to recent surveys 100 million US adults suffer from chronic pain (2) and one in five... more
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      Chronic PainVirtual RealityNursing EducationMindfulness Meditation
Aim: to investigate factors which influenced pain management in cognitively impaired geriatric patients assessed through the PAI- NAD scale. Materials and methods: a retrospective observational study was conducted in 2014 and 2015 on the... more
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      Chronic PainPain ManagementNursing CareAcute Pain
This paper describes the methods to be used in the ongoing literature review on the effectiveness and usability of wearable devices in the prevention of hospital readmission in patients with chronic conditions.
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      ElderlyQuality and patient safetyHospital AdmissionsWearable Technology
To briefly discuss the results of our literature review aiming to clarify whether wearable devices can help in preventing hospital readmission in chronic patients, to illustrate the types of wearable devices currently available for this... more
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      NursingWearable ComputingQuality of lifeWearable Technologies
This poster briefly explores the evidence obtained through a literature review, which aims to clarify whether wearable devices can help in preventing hospital readmission in chronic patients, to illustrate the types of wearable devices... more
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      Wearable ComputingWearable TechnologiesSafetyChronic Disease
INTRODUCTION: According to the World Health Organisation (WHO) chronic diseases are the leading cause of mortality in the world, representing 60% of all deaths. Strategies employed to tackle chronic diseases aim to act on risk factors... more
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      Quality of lifeWearable TechnologiesSafetyWearables
Background and aim of the study: Nursing students are at high risk of injury while on clinical placement. The incidence of injury is three times higher in comparison to other healthcare workers, with a prevalence ranging from 25% up to... more
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      Occupational Health & SafetySimulationNursing StudentsBiological risk
Background and aim of the study: Nursing has not yet received full social recognition and in general the public opinion does not have a completely positive perception of it, which regards it as an auxiliary profession to the medical... more
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      NursingOrientationHigh School StudentsProfessionals Perception
INTRODUCTION: According to the World Health Organisation chronic diseases are the leading cause of mortality in the world, representing 60% of all deaths. Strategies employed to tackle chronic diseases aim to act on risk factors through... more
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      Wearable ComputingQuality of lifeWearable TechnologiesSafety
Background and aim of the study: Working in the emergency medical service often exposes nurses to highly stressful situations and can impact their quality of life. Among the strategies aimed at mitigating the effects of this phenomenon,... more
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      Coping StrategiesResilienceCritical Care NusingNurse