Papers by Álvaro Fernández-González
En estos tiempos, hablar de "crisis", de "contradicciones sociales", de "... more En estos tiempos, hablar de "crisis", de "contradicciones sociales", de "democratizacion", es moneda corriente... es decir, devaluada. Sin embargo, nada mas vital, y por lo tanto, mas urgente. A quienes comparten esta urgencia, presentamos de seguido algunas reflexiones -por lo mismo- apresuradas.
espanolEl distrito de Concepcion de Tres Rios ha sufrido a partir de 1953 una transformacion prof... more espanolEl distrito de Concepcion de Tres Rios ha sufrido a partir de 1953 una transformacion profunda; de un pueblo cafetalero por excelencia ha pasado a ser un suburbio "dormitorio" de trabajadores urbanos, en su mayoria inmigrantes de otras zonas del pais. Este articulo analiza las formas de la politica comunal y la politica de partidos en ese distrito liberacionista. EnglishIn the period after 1953, the district of Concepcion de Tres Rios has undergone a deep transformation: from a typical coffee producing town to a suburb where urban workers -mostly immigrants from other parts of the country- reside. This article discusses forms of communal politics and partisan politics in this Liberacionista district.

Tecnologia En Marcha Vol 25 Num 5 Numero Especial Pag 22 36, 2015
The objective of this project is to provide theoretical and practical tools for teachers with cur... more The objective of this project is to provide theoretical and practical tools for teachers with curricular or extracurricular activities of environmental management in primary, secondary or specialized education, so they can develop and evaluate proposals in this field. It seeks to create the conditions for public schools in the south, incorporating a component that stimulates the development of skills and abilities for public participation in environmental management at local areas. The project began with the Regional Office of Education at Perez Zeledon in 2012, the project was extended to the Regional Office of Education at Grande de Terraba (which includes the districts of Buenos Aires de Puntarenas and Osa). The fundamental strategy of the project has focused on the development of a modular course Educational innovation of integrated health and the environment management (IE-GISA), under which participating teachers designed and implemented in their schools educational and extra curricular activities in this field, supported by specialists in the area.The participating teachers are called by the competent authorities of the Ministry of Education, so that they are authorized to spend time working at the course. They also receive accreditation for the Civil Service. This work is accompanied by a parallel axis of community outreach focused on incorporating parents in institutional projects, these activities and institutional networks provide a local projection. We are developing three new modules: systematic, orchards and socio-ecological monitoring and restoration (MRSE).
Revista De Ciencias Sociales, 1993
Biblioteca de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Base de datos de artículos de revistas, ...

Revista Tecnología en Marcha, 2012
The objective of this project is to provide theoretical and practical tools for teachers with cur... more The objective of this project is to provide theoretical and practical tools for teachers with curricular or extracurricular activities of environmental management in primary, secondary or specialized education, so they can develop and evaluate proposals in this field. It seeks to create the conditions for public schools in the south, incorporating a component that stimulates the development of skills and abilities for public participation in environmental management at local areas. The project began with the Regional Office of Education at Perez Zeledón in 2012, the project was extended to the Regional Office of Education at Grande de Térraba (which includes the districts of Buenos Aires de Puntarenas and Osa). The fundamental strategy of the project has focused on the development of a modular course Educational innovation of integrated health and the environment management (IE-GISA), under which participating teachers designed and implemented in their schools educational and extra curricular activities in this field, supported by specialists in the area. The participating teachers are called by the competent authorities of the Ministry of Education, so that they are authorized to spend time working at the course. They also receive accreditation for the Civil Service. This work is accompanied by a parallel axis of community outreach focused on incorporating parents in institutional projects, these activities and institutional networks provide a local projection. We are developing three new modules: systematic, orchards and socio-ecological monitoring and restoration (MRSE).
Human Security and the Environment, 2002
Human Security and the Environment, 2002
Se describe la experiencia de formación de docentes en servicio desarrollada en 2012 y 2013 con 6... more Se describe la experiencia de formación de docentes en servicio desarrollada en 2012 y 2013 con 68 docentes en 37 centros educativos de siete direcciones regionales, aplicando a lo largo del ciclo lectivo el sexto módulo del Curso “Innovación educativa en salud y ambiente”, sobre monitoreo de calidad de aguas, en el cual se probó una metodología de desarrollo de unidades didácticas integradas, con un enfoque constructivista de investigación-acción, centrado en procesos de indagación científica por parte de los estudian-tes, bajo la orientación de los docentes como facilitadores.

"Recent educational policy in Costa Rica —as elsewhere— has opened the door to an integrated ecoh... more "Recent educational policy in Costa Rica —as elsewhere— has opened the door to an integrated ecohealth approach, and the University of Costa Rica is leading a nation-wide program in this subject for in-service training of primary and secondary teachers with all four public universities. This includes at the regional level trainers from the ministries of education, health, environment, agriculture, and public works. The program is well into its fifth year, striving to articulate micro, meso and macro scale personal networks within nested polycentric institutional arrangements. Although this network of networks has survived its first four-year national government administration cycle and is beginning its second, it is now confronted with strong fiscal cuts originating in the ongoing global recession. Public universities are engaging these cuts with concerted yet not uniform strategies, while potent undercurrents begin to surface in all constituencies of this complex political process.
In this context, my case study approaches two related issues of theoretical and practical interest in the field of social network analysis (SNA): how does such a network of networks deal with fiscal and institutional conflicts arising in turbulent new times, particularly in terms of its resiliency; that is, how capable is it to sustain its mission notwithstanding increasingly destabilizing circumstances.
The theoretical and analytical focus of the study is Mark Granovetter’s classic argument about the strength of weak ties (Granovetter 1973, 1983). Does resiliency of Costa Rican ecohealth educational networks rest squarely on low or high density qualities? Or is there in fact something more complex sustaining these networks, having to do both with low and high density, in proportions and operational dynamics to be observed with concepts and tools available to SNA? (In addition to connectivity and density: centrality, betweenness, closeness...)
To illustrate these issues and begin to tackle the finer methodological imprint of the argument, a baseline, current scenario of the selected network is presented, as well as a profile of its previous evolution to this point (in retrospect). This is accompanied by the research design for a longitudinal monitoring process of the network as it responds to evolving challenges within the new national government administrative cycle begun in 2010."
2 Derechos de propiedad intelectual © 2006 Ministerio de Vivienda y Asentamientos Humanos (MIVAH)... more 2 Derechos de propiedad intelectual © 2006 Ministerio de Vivienda y Asentamientos Humanos (MIVAH) / Ministerio del Ambiente y Energía (MINAE) / Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente (PNUMA)
En el debate internacional sobre el desarrollo "sostenible" y sobre otros enfoques alternativos p... more En el debate internacional sobre el desarrollo "sostenible" y sobre otros enfoques alternativos para el impulso de procesos de desarrollo, se ha hecho cada vez más evidente la importancia crítica de lo institucional para el logro de objetivos de productividad, equidad, estabilidad y resiliencia socioambiental. Este ensayo busca contribuir al avance de esta indagación, elaborando un enfoque sistemático para el análisis de la cuestión institucional, así como una aplicación inicial para el caso de Costa Rica. 1
sl;, Mayo 2004, 30 p. Ilus, Tab, Jan 1, 2004

Descubrir, descifrar, articular, poner en marcha: viejos oficios de libertadores y mártires, que ... more Descubrir, descifrar, articular, poner en marcha: viejos oficios de libertadores y mártires, que ahora son nuestras obligaciones y que andan por allí, contándonos los pasos, del desayuno al sueño, de sigilo en sigilo, de acción en acción, de vida en vida". (Vida, oficios, Roque Dalton, El Salvador, 1935-1975 1. Walter Benjamin, ángel de la historia. 1 Durante su largo exilio en París (tras el ascenso de Hitler al poder en 1933), los escritos antifascistas de Benjamin hicieron que la policía política nazi (la GESTAPO) solicitara su expatriación al gobierno francés en febrero de 1939, que fue denegada. En agosto de ese año, Stalin firmó con Hitler un pacto de no agresión, ganando tiempo para la defensa soviética (que habría de ser decisiva en el curso de la guerra). En setiembre, Hitler invadió Polonia; en respuesta, Inglaterra y Francia le declararon la guerra. Al igual que todo habitante en Francia entre los 17 y 50 años, de origen germánico (alemanes, austriacos, checos, eslovacos y húngaros), Benjamin fue trasladado a un campo de trabajo en territorio francés, del que fue liberado dos meses después, en noviembre, tras una movilización de sus amigos escritores en este país.
Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente (PNUMA) Está autorizada la reproducción to... more Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente (PNUMA) Está autorizada la reproducción total o parcial y de cualquier otra forma de esta publicación para fines educativos o sin fines de lucro, sin ningún otro permiso especial del titular de los derechos, bajo la condición de que se indique la fuente de la que proviene. PNUMA agradecerá que se le remita un ejemplar de cualquier texto cuya fuente haya sido la presente publicación.
Papers by Álvaro Fernández-González
In this context, my case study approaches two related issues of theoretical and practical interest in the field of social network analysis (SNA): how does such a network of networks deal with fiscal and institutional conflicts arising in turbulent new times, particularly in terms of its resiliency; that is, how capable is it to sustain its mission notwithstanding increasingly destabilizing circumstances.
The theoretical and analytical focus of the study is Mark Granovetter’s classic argument about the strength of weak ties (Granovetter 1973, 1983). Does resiliency of Costa Rican ecohealth educational networks rest squarely on low or high density qualities? Or is there in fact something more complex sustaining these networks, having to do both with low and high density, in proportions and operational dynamics to be observed with concepts and tools available to SNA? (In addition to connectivity and density: centrality, betweenness, closeness...)
To illustrate these issues and begin to tackle the finer methodological imprint of the argument, a baseline, current scenario of the selected network is presented, as well as a profile of its previous evolution to this point (in retrospect). This is accompanied by the research design for a longitudinal monitoring process of the network as it responds to evolving challenges within the new national government administrative cycle begun in 2010."
In this context, my case study approaches two related issues of theoretical and practical interest in the field of social network analysis (SNA): how does such a network of networks deal with fiscal and institutional conflicts arising in turbulent new times, particularly in terms of its resiliency; that is, how capable is it to sustain its mission notwithstanding increasingly destabilizing circumstances.
The theoretical and analytical focus of the study is Mark Granovetter’s classic argument about the strength of weak ties (Granovetter 1973, 1983). Does resiliency of Costa Rican ecohealth educational networks rest squarely on low or high density qualities? Or is there in fact something more complex sustaining these networks, having to do both with low and high density, in proportions and operational dynamics to be observed with concepts and tools available to SNA? (In addition to connectivity and density: centrality, betweenness, closeness...)
To illustrate these issues and begin to tackle the finer methodological imprint of the argument, a baseline, current scenario of the selected network is presented, as well as a profile of its previous evolution to this point (in retrospect). This is accompanied by the research design for a longitudinal monitoring process of the network as it responds to evolving challenges within the new national government administrative cycle begun in 2010."