Books by Peter Hanenberg
Current research in Translation Studies has expanded the perspective on Translation – and the not... more Current research in Translation Studies has expanded the perspective on Translation – and the notion of its centrality not only as a question of language but also as a crucial issue for the study of culture and the human mind. The present volume builds upon these developments, endowing a new visibility to culture, translation and cognition in their conceptual interdependence. It follows necessarily a multidimensional and thus multidisciplinary approach, dealing with topics such as the translation of historical narrative, a semio-cognitive approach to translation, translation and imagination, the epistemic status of the term translation and its conceptual identity and transversality, notes on world literature and translation, the voice of the translator, the issue of dictionaries and the question of translation in a mobile world.

Schriftsteller haben den Europa-Diskurs auf vielfältige Weise gestaltet, begleitet und kritisiert... more Schriftsteller haben den Europa-Diskurs auf vielfältige Weise gestaltet, begleitet und kritisiert. Ihre Beiträge standen manchmal im Zentrum, manchmal am Rande und oft auch jenseits der dominanten politischen und wirtschaftlichen Debatten. Der vorliegende Band analysiert Beispiele aus den letzten rund hundert Jahren von Bertha von Suttner über den zionistischen Europa-Diskurs in den ersten Jahrzehnten des 20. Jahrhunderts sowie die Polarisierungen zwischen Ost und West während und nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg bis zu Essays und Texten von Hans Magnus Enzensberger, Pascal Mercier, Karl-Markus Gauß, Cees Nooteboom, W. G. Sebald, Catalin Dorian Florescu, Robert Menasse und Hans-Joachim Schädlich. Der literarische Europa-Diskurs ist keine „identitätsstiftende" Erzählung. Doch er liefert jene Geschichten, die wir statt ihrer lesen. Paul Michael Lützeler, dem Pionier der Erforschung des literarischen Europa-Diskurses, ist der Band zum 70. Geburtstag gewidmet.
«Kulturbau - Aufräumen, Ausräumen, Einräumen» ist ein provozierender Titel: Er überblendet die Vo... more «Kulturbau - Aufräumen, Ausräumen, Einräumen» ist ein provozierender Titel: Er überblendet die Vorstellung von Kultur mit dem Aspekt des Konstruktiven und dem der radikalen Veränderung. Dieser Band versteht sich aber weniger als eine Provokation denn als eine Einladung: nachzudenken darüber, welche Fragen und Perspektiven heute in der Arbeit am «Kulturbau» in den Vordergrund zu stellen sind, welche wenig weiterhelfen und welche neu formuliert werden müssen. Das Buch hat ein doppeltes Anliegen: Es reflektiert die Möglichkeiten und Grenzen einer sich wandelnden Germanistik und erarbeitet zugleich den Nachweis einer analytischen und wissenschaftlichen Kompetenz, die weit über die klassischen Arbeitsfelder des Faches hinausreicht.

Rahmenwechsel Kulturwissenschaften ist ein Vorschlag in doppelter Hinsicht. Zum einen zielt er au... more Rahmenwechsel Kulturwissenschaften ist ein Vorschlag in doppelter Hinsicht. Zum einen zielt er auf eine verstärkte und breitere Aufmerksamkeit, die der Kultur gerade dann zukommen muss, wenn andere gesellschaftliche Systeme ihre Möglichkeiten ausgereizt haben – oder zumindest an ihre Grenzen geraten. Dies gilt gerade jetzt, wo Diskurse in Politik und Wirtschaft weniger Antworten produzieren als Fragen provozieren. Kultur ist ein entscheidender Schlüssel zu den Herausforderungen des 21. Jahrhunderts. Zum anderen entwirft Rahmenwechsel Kulturwissenschaften in fachlicher Hinsicht Antworten auf jene Irritationen, mit denen die sogenannten geisteswissenschaftlichen Fächer unter den Druck der Marginalität geraten sind. Rahmenwechsel Kulturwissenschaften will disziplinäre Anregungen bieten, mit denen die Wissenschaft zu einem neuen, durchaus auch gesellschaftlichen Selbst- und Verantwortungsbewusstsein finden kann.

Human beings are cultural by nature. The human mind is as much the individual result of exquisite... more Human beings are cultural by nature. The human mind is as much the individual result of exquisite evolutionary engineering, as it is the outcome of an intense synergy with other minds in a densely social environment, shaped by culture. This realization encourages an interdisciplinary dialogue, in which scientists and humanists come together to discuss two challenges: studying culture in the age of cognitive science, and studying cognition with culture in mind.
Contents: Mark Turner: The embodied mind and the origins of human culture - Alexandre Castro-Caldas: The neurophysiological foundation of human cognition - Peter Hanenberg: Cognitive Culture Studies - Where science meets the humanities - Per Aage Brandt: What is culture? - A grounding question for cognitive semiotics - Ansgar Nünning: Towards a metaphorology of crises, or: The uses of cognitive metaphor theory for the study of culture - Augusto Soares da Silva: What's in a word? Mental and linguistic representations, culture(s) and the negotiation of meaning - Maria Clotilde Almeida: More on forbidden fruit blending: prying into the Portuguese mind - Ana Margarida Abrantes: Narrative - a key concept for cognition and culture - Vera Nünning: Interfaces between the cognitive sciences and the humanities.
Este volume reúne as comunicações ao Colóquio Internacional Baudelaire e as posteridades do moder... more Este volume reúne as comunicações ao Colóquio Internacional Baudelaire e as posteridades do moderno, realizado nos dias 12 e 13 de Novembro de 2007, na Faculdade de Ciências Humanas da UCP, organizado pelo seu Centro de Estudos de Comunicação e Cultura.
Integrada por membros de diferentes linhas de investigação do Centro de Estudos de Comunicação e Cultura, a comissão científica do colóquio quis imprimir-lhe, desde o início, um carácter multidisciplinar. Carácter que, de facto, acabou por se reflectir nas contribuições dos oradores, oriundos de domínios como a literatura, o teatro, as artes visuais, as ciências da comunicação, os estudos de cultura, a filosofia e a teologia.
Die vorliegenden Studien zeigen, inwiefern der so genannte performative turn ganz zu Recht zu den... more Die vorliegenden Studien zeigen, inwiefern der so genannte performative turn ganz zu Recht zu den Leitbegriffen der Kulturwissenschaft gehört. Performanz und Performativität beziehen sich auf die Analyse und Kritik kultureller Prozesse, ihrer Bedeutungen und Erfahrungen. Zentrale Gegenstände dieser Analyse und Kritik sind kulturelle Ereignisse und Praktiken, die nicht als statische Strukturen, sondern in ihrem dynamischen Prozesscharakter betrachtet werden. Themen sind unter anderem "Erinnerungskulturen", "Familien, Geschlechter und Körper" sowie "Bühnen". Der vorliegende Band ist sowohl thematisch als auch methodisch überaus vielfältig anregend und bezeugt damit auch die performative Kraft der Kulturwissenschaften.
In acht exemplarischen Studien und Essays wird hier der Versuch unternommen, ein literarisches Bi... more In acht exemplarischen Studien und Essays wird hier der Versuch unternommen, ein literarisches Bild europäischer Identität und Vielfalt nachzuzeichnen. Behandelt werden unter anderem Texte von Grimmelshausen, Schnabel, Wieland, Lessing, Kleist, Willkomm, Horváth und Enzensberger. Den Beobachtungen an der deutschen Literatur vom 17. Jahrhundert bis heute werden Ansichten aus der portugiesischen Europa-Diskussion der Gegenwart gegenübergestellt. In seiner historisch-literarischen Fundierung bietet das Buch nachhaltige Anregungen für die aktuelle politische Diskussion.
Pfaffenweiler: Centaurus, Jan 1, 1995
Wolfgang Hildesheimers künstlerisches Werk ist durch die Erfahrung mit der Geschichte geprägt. De... more Wolfgang Hildesheimers künstlerisches Werk ist durch die Erfahrung mit der Geschichte geprägt. Deshalb geht die vorliegende Studie von den literarischen Motiven aus, mit denen Hildesheimer schon in den Lieblosen Legenden den Bezug zur unmittelbaren Vergangenheit und Gegenwart herstellt. Der weitere Verlauf von Hildesheimers Werk führt über Tynset und Masante zur Flucht in die Geschichte (Mozart, Marbot) und zum Ende der Fiktionen bis zur Absage ans literarische Schreiben. In ausführlichen Einzelanalysen wird der exemplarische Weg eines Künstlers gezeigt, dessen Werk die in der Vergangenheit und Gegenwart versäumte Trauerarbeit auf sich nimmt und nach der Zukunft fragt.
Papers by Peter Hanenberg
Em 2018 assinala-se o Ano Europeu do Património Cultural, sob o lema Património: onde o passado e... more Em 2018 assinala-se o Ano Europeu do Património Cultural, sob o lema Património: onde o passado encontra o futuro. Com uma reflexão sobre Património Cultural e a Transformação Digital, este volume pretende reforçar a relação, nem sempre visível, entre cultura e desenvolvimento, inovação e empreendedorismo. Se por um lado importa manter viva a relação estreita e identitária veiculada nas diferentes vertentes do património, por outro lado, instava interrogar como se relacionam e dialogam as diversas manifestações patrimoniais com os novos suportes e linguagens digitais. Numa perspetiva interdisciplinar, os artigos debruçam-se sobre bibliotecas, museus, o património literário, musical e artístico bem como sobre novas formas de criações digitais.

Ten years ago, Alain Touraine famously defined culture as the new paradigm for understanding toda... more Ten years ago, Alain Touraine famously defined culture as the new paradigm for understanding today's world. Five years before, Lawrence E. Harrison and Samuel P. Huntington had edited their volume under the heading "Culture Matters: How Values Shape Human Progress". Arguably, in the 21 st century the study of culture represents an emerging and expanding field, dealing with the central challenges of contemporary society. Because the abstract paradigm of culture seems to be the motor of social change, the study of culture has been increasingly showing its multidimensional relevance at the interface of smart development and critical inquiry. Old, new and renewed cultural practices ask for innovative theories and for advanced research methods. In addition, new approaches such as arts based research, connectivism or the examination of big data challenge the hereto overwhelmingly interpretative humanist scholarly practice. For many academics, trained in the traditional humanities disciplines (from art history to literature or philosophy), the study of culture, perhaps a paradigm that is none, continues to bring added complexity and anxiety. How does culture matter in today's world? How does culture relate to globalization? How does cultural change shape our mind? Which possible worlds does contemporary culture allow for? In which ways do culture, conflict, citizenship and sovereignty correlate? And, finally, how does the study of culture challenge the critical scholarly endeavor of the humanities? The CECC conference "Matters of Culture" discussed the state of the art of this debate and has acted as a gateway to future research.

The most famous definition of tacit knowledge is not exactly a definition, but a paradoxical phra... more The most famous definition of tacit knowledge is not exactly a definition, but a paradoxical phrase coined by Michael Polanyi: "We know more than we can tell". Tacit knowledge is therefore something that is neither told nor spoken, something that is not "at hand" or explicit. Tacit knowledge arises in our consciousness in our awareness, but we do not understand very well why this happens. It refers to something that we know, without our being aware of that knowledge. However, we depend on it in order to be able to act. Let me give you two examples. The first is the famous picture: "Which chocolate does Charlie want?" (Gigerenzer: p. 46). Almost all of us will agree with the assumption that Charlie wants the "Milky Way" chocolate bar, but why do we agree with this? We cannot be sure, because the picture doesn't tell us, but it seems to us that it is Charlie's eyes that tell us what he wants. But eyes don't speak-we are the ones that make them talk. In this case, what is automatically processed when we are asked about Charlie's intention is a kind of "mind reading", which is already, in itself, a very complex type of tacit knowledge. From childhood on, we are permanently involved in mind reading, trying to
Cognitive Semiotics, 2010
The following short paper will develop three ideas. Firstly it will explore whether a general the... more The following short paper will develop three ideas. Firstly it will explore whether a general theory of genre could make sense, following a cognitive approach. Secondly it will consider the cognitive value of the discussion about genre-thus attempting at a functional description of why it actually does make sense to think about genre. This part will include a critical reflection of the current state of the art-and an invitation to reconsider the need for genre awareness in the same sense as we discuss (or reject) the value and need for a canon. Finally we will propose a "strange loop" as a metaphor for genre, which allows both a systematic approach to genre and a historical openness for its development, thus combining identity and difference in a new dynamic concept

Zusammenfassung Neuere Ergebnisse in der Evolutionsforschung (Merlin Donald, Michael Tomasello), ... more Zusammenfassung Neuere Ergebnisse in der Evolutionsforschung (Merlin Donald, Michael Tomasello), in den Kognitionswissenschaften (Leonard Talmy), aber auch in einer sogenannten "biologischen Kultur-und Literaturtheorie" (Karl Eibl) bzw. in einer Geographie des Denkens (Richard E. Nisbett) legen es nahe, den Begriff der Kultur als einen Schlüssel für die Herausforderungen der Gegenwart zu erkennen. Die Bedeutung kultureller Prägung für soziale Prozesse und insbesondere für das Lernen zwischen den Kulturen verlangt nach tieferen Einsichten in das Wirken impliziten Wissens (Michael Polanyi) und in die Effizienz sogenannter Bauchentscheidungen (Gerd Gigerenzer). Die Verkürzung des Lernens auf "skills" und die Reduktion der Aufmerksamkeit auf Fragen des ökonomischen Fortschritts sind eine bis in sie selbst hinein sich auswirkende Gefahr. Das, was in den Sozial-und Wirtschaftswissenschaften als "Software of the Mind" (Geert Hofstede) beschrieben wird, ist eine Größe die gerade für das interkulturelle Lernen bewusst und fruchtbar gemacht werden muss. Gerade in der Krise zeigt sich, wie fatal es sich auswirkt, wenn ein politisches Gemeinwesen keiner Idee folgt, was es eigentlich sein will.
REVER - Revista de Estudos da Religião
Thomas Morus' Utopia, Luís de Camões' The Lusiads or Gotthold Ephraim Lessing's Natha... more Thomas Morus' Utopia, Luís de Camões' The Lusiads or Gotthold Ephraim Lessing's Nathan the Wise belong to the European canon – but are mostly read within their national linguistic contexts. It is necessary to recognize how much they have built a common European identity referring to concepts like critical thinking, the relation with extra-European cultures or tolerance. The module will suggest transnational readings of the literary heritage in its function as agent of promoting and translating European humanism.

The title of my article might remind some readers of the famous John Coltrane whose LP with the s... more The title of my article might remind some readers of the famous John Coltrane whose LP with the same title was one of the great Jazz events in the early sixties. Maybe others will remember instead the musical "The Sound of Music" composed by Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein from the late fifties, maybe even in its Portuguese adaptation on stage some few years ago. Or some others might even remember both music title-or should I say the unit that Coltrane built upon the Rodgers-Hammerstein original. And if one remembers any adaptation of the melody, one might even hear it, somehow like being in an inner ear. When I chose the title for this short reflection, I tried to link attention to it with some other experience that I supposed might be familiar to the reader. And now by remembering some moments of the underlying musical experience, I tried to reinforce this linking-even for those who even might not have thought on it before. Actually I was trying to support the arguments that I am going to develop by a previous aesthetic experience-and of course my intention is to transfer some of the good musical mood to what I am going to develop. Even before I started arguing, I already occupied the reader's brain by the repetition or by the revocation of a former auditory experience, that-as I said-some might even have heard inside their mind. "My favourite things" is one of those music pieces that we all recognize as something experienced before and thatonce in our inner earis hard to forget. One might be "hearing" "My favourite things" even when this paper is finished, rethinking the title or some of its arguments, for instance, or even just by chance, at night, when the reader is preparing to go to bed. Tomorrow, "My favourite
Books by Peter Hanenberg
Contents: Mark Turner: The embodied mind and the origins of human culture - Alexandre Castro-Caldas: The neurophysiological foundation of human cognition - Peter Hanenberg: Cognitive Culture Studies - Where science meets the humanities - Per Aage Brandt: What is culture? - A grounding question for cognitive semiotics - Ansgar Nünning: Towards a metaphorology of crises, or: The uses of cognitive metaphor theory for the study of culture - Augusto Soares da Silva: What's in a word? Mental and linguistic representations, culture(s) and the negotiation of meaning - Maria Clotilde Almeida: More on forbidden fruit blending: prying into the Portuguese mind - Ana Margarida Abrantes: Narrative - a key concept for cognition and culture - Vera Nünning: Interfaces between the cognitive sciences and the humanities.
Integrada por membros de diferentes linhas de investigação do Centro de Estudos de Comunicação e Cultura, a comissão científica do colóquio quis imprimir-lhe, desde o início, um carácter multidisciplinar. Carácter que, de facto, acabou por se reflectir nas contribuições dos oradores, oriundos de domínios como a literatura, o teatro, as artes visuais, as ciências da comunicação, os estudos de cultura, a filosofia e a teologia.
Papers by Peter Hanenberg
Contents: Mark Turner: The embodied mind and the origins of human culture - Alexandre Castro-Caldas: The neurophysiological foundation of human cognition - Peter Hanenberg: Cognitive Culture Studies - Where science meets the humanities - Per Aage Brandt: What is culture? - A grounding question for cognitive semiotics - Ansgar Nünning: Towards a metaphorology of crises, or: The uses of cognitive metaphor theory for the study of culture - Augusto Soares da Silva: What's in a word? Mental and linguistic representations, culture(s) and the negotiation of meaning - Maria Clotilde Almeida: More on forbidden fruit blending: prying into the Portuguese mind - Ana Margarida Abrantes: Narrative - a key concept for cognition and culture - Vera Nünning: Interfaces between the cognitive sciences and the humanities.
Integrada por membros de diferentes linhas de investigação do Centro de Estudos de Comunicação e Cultura, a comissão científica do colóquio quis imprimir-lhe, desde o início, um carácter multidisciplinar. Carácter que, de facto, acabou por se reflectir nas contribuições dos oradores, oriundos de domínios como a literatura, o teatro, as artes visuais, as ciências da comunicação, os estudos de cultura, a filosofia e a teologia.