Papers by Joana Carneiro Pinto

Frontiers in psychology, Apr 2, 2024
This study investigates the antecedents and consequences of strategic career management behaviour... more This study investigates the antecedents and consequences of strategic career management behaviours in a sample. Methods: A total of 739 employees (Male = 442, 59.8%) with a mean age of 27.64 years (SD = 8.48; Range = [18, 70]), working mostly full-time (n = 398, 53.9%) and with 46.35% of their work being done hybrid-like participated in this study. The study tested perceived self-efficacy, desire for career control and perceived organizational support as predictors of strategic career behaviours. And tested strategic career behaviours as predictors of perceived career control, objective and subjective career success, and career satisfaction. Results: Results indicate objective career success was not related to the antecedent variables of strategic career behaviours and hence was removed from the model. Regression and mediation analyses demonstrated that perceived self-efficacy and desire for career control are good predictors of the use of strategic career behaviours, but perceived organizational support is not; strategic career behaviours are reasonable predictors of perceived control, and very strong predictors of subjective career success and career satisfaction. Discussion: Strategic Career Behaviours were found to play only a partial mediating role in the present model suggesting that further analysis is required to determine whether they play a central role in the relationships between the antecedents and consequences in the present model, or whether they should be considered a contributing but merely parallel factor. These results will support career management programs, accounting for idiosyncrasies of hybrid work.

Endereço para correspondência RESUMO O presente artigo visa à apresentação de cinco estudos de ca... more Endereço para correspondência RESUMO O presente artigo visa à apresentação de cinco estudos de caso clínicos, relativos à aplicação de um programa de intervenção psicológica, destinado a apoiar bolseiros de investigação a planear os próximos objectivos de carreira e a lidar com questões de transição para o mercado de trabalho. Apresentam-se e discutem-se os resultados referentes à avaliação do processo de aconselhamento, por meio da Grelha para a Avaliação das Sessões (GAS, adapt. por TAVEIRA, 2003) (HILL; SPIEGEL; TICHENOR, 1988), bem como os resultados da avaliação dos efeitos da intervenção no processo de exploração e de definição de objectivos valorizados de carreira, pelos participantes, pelo uso da Escala de Exploração Vocacional (EEV, adapt. por TAVEIRA, 1997) (STUMPF; COLARELLI; HARTMAN, 1983;) e do Inventário de Preocupações da Carreira (IPC, adapt. por DUARTE, 1997) (SUPER; THOMPSON; LINDEMAN, 1985;), respectivamente. Retiram-se implicações para futuras investigações no âmbito da avaliação do processo e dos resultados da consulta psicológica vocacional. Palavras-chave: Intervenção psicológica; Carreira; Bolseiros de investigação; Estudo de casos clínicos.

Frontiers in Education
IntroductionService-Learning (SL) is an innovative teaching-learning proposal with an increasingl... more IntroductionService-Learning (SL) is an innovative teaching-learning proposal with an increasingly wide application in higher education. Previous studies show its potential to generate positive personal, academic, social and citizenship outcomes among students who participate in it. But studies that help understand in depth its real impact, particularly in comparison with more traditional teaching-learning contexts, are still scarce. MethodThis study explores the effects of Service-Learning on 122 university students, who were attending Psychology (n = 80), Social Work (SW; n = 19) and Applied Foreign Languages (AFL; n = 23) degree courses. These participants were organized into service-learning and traditional teaching-learning groups and assessed on expectations and impact of the service-experience, development of social and civic skills, and life goals.ResultsResults show significant differences between pre- and post-tests in life goals, namely an increase in hedonistic and wellb...
International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance
We analyse a career self-management model for remote workers by exploring the nature, causes and ... more We analyse a career self-management model for remote workers by exploring the nature, causes and consequences of strategic career behaviours. Perceived self-efficacy and desire for career control are predictors of strategic career behaviours, and these behaviours determine career satisfaction, but not perceived career control nor objective or subjective career success. Also, perceived organizational support predicts perceived self-efficacy and career satisfaction, and self-efficacy predicts subjective career success which, in turn, is associated with career satisfaction. Workplace renovation is needed to accommodate the new forms of remote working and to develop new career management strategies to reinforce the motivation of remote employees.
Estudos de Psicologia (Campinas)
Objective: This study presents the results of an internal validation of a successful transition a... more Objective: This study presents the results of an internal validation of a successful transition and adaptation preparation for a post-career career program for senior adults. Method: A total of 10 judges, with in-depth knowledge in the field of vocational guidance and career development, were asked to decide about the congruence between a set of activities and the dimensions and the development tasks that constitute the rationale of the program. Results: Out of the total of 11 activities that make up the core of the program, eight were unanimously considered to be adequate for the intervention’s objectives, that is, in direct relation to the theoretical rationale, namely the dimensions and relevant development tasks. Conclusion: The results obtained demonstrate a good acceptance of the program by the judges to whom it was presented.
Frontiers in Psychology
IntroductionIn the current worldwide labor context, where a disruption took place and employees e... more IntroductionIn the current worldwide labor context, where a disruption took place and employees experience.MethodsParticipated in this study 739 European hybrid workers who fulfilled an online assessment protocol.ResultsResults indicate that higher ages, higher educational levels, being married, having children, working.DiscussionThis study makes a unique contribution to the extant research on hybrid workers’ careers, specifically.
Young people today are facing a very different world than their teachers and parents faced as ado... more Young people today are facing a very different world than their teachers and parents faced as adolescents. Technology is doubling every two years. The top 10 jobs in demand in 2010 did not exist in 2004. We are preparing students for jobs that don't yet exist, using technologies that have not yet been invented, in order to solve problems that we don't even know are problems yet. To succeed at this task, schools (and parents) need to address the whole-person needs of students and not restrict themselves to only focusing on academic learning. This is best accomplished when career guidance and personal development are infused into all school subjects, and when guidance practitioners and counsellors are able to demonstrate the added value that a whole-person approach can offer.
Estudos de Psicologia (Campinas)
Resumo Objetivo: Este estudo apresenta os resultados da validação interna de um programa de prepa... more Resumo Objetivo: Este estudo apresenta os resultados da validação interna de um programa de preparação de transição e adaptação bem-sucedidas para um período de carreira pós-carreira de idosos. Método: Um grupo de 10 valiadores, especialistas orientação vocacional e desenvolvimento de carreira, foram inquiridos acerca da concordância com a associação entre cada atividade e as dimensões e tarefas de desenvolvimento do racional do programa. Resultados: Do total de 11 atividades que constituem o núcleo do programa, 8 foram unanimemente consideradas adequadas aos objetivos da intervenção; isto é, com relação direta ao racional teórico, nomeadamente às dimensões e respectivas tarefas desenvolvimentais. Conclusão: Os resultados obtidos demonstram uma boa aceitação do programa por parte dos avaliadores a quem ele foi apresentado.

Acta Colombiana de Psicología, 2015
que está diseñada para evaluar el uso de esquemas cognitivos de autosilenciamiento en las relacio... more que está diseñada para evaluar el uso de esquemas cognitivos de autosilenciamiento en las relaciones íntimas. En este estudio participaron 371 mujeres, con una edad media de 22,36 años (DP = 2,69, mín. = 18, máx. = 31), que en esa época estaban involucradas en relaciones afectivas con una duración promedio de 39,65 meses. (DP = 33,93, mín. = 0,10; máx. = 192). Un análisis factorial exploratorio posterior sugiere una solución de tres factores, donde el primer factor incluye los ítems de la subescala de silenciamiento del self y del self dividido; el segundo incluye los ítems de la subescala de Provisión de cuidados como el autosacrificio, y el tercero incluye los ítems de la subescala de autopercepción externalizada. Los resultados del análisis factorial confirmatorio muestran índices generales de adecuación fiables, lo que confirma la calidad del ajuste del modelo a los datos empíricos (X 2 /df = 1964, CFI = .862, GFI = 0,894, RMSEA = 0,051) en comparación con la prueba original. Se analizan las implicaciones para un estudio más profundo de la validez de constructo de la escala.
Psicologia, saúde & doenças, Sep 1, 2015
11,46), who were administered the DASS-21, a self-report instrument consisting of 21 items that f... more 11,46), who were administered the DASS-21, a self-report instrument consisting of 21 items that focus on the identification of emotional symptoms experienced in last week. The reliability analysis indicated internal consistency values of 0,831 for anxiety, 0,886 for depression, and 0,859 for stress. The model fit was assessed by a confirmatory factor analysis, and proven its quality in fit to the empirical data (X 2 /df = 1.853, CFI = 0,942, GFI = 0,896, RMSEA = 0,055). There were statistically significant differences in levels of anxiety, depression and stress by sex, age, academic background, and life satisfaction. Implications are drawn to the development of this research line.

European Conference on Knowledge Management
This study presents the preliminary results of a European project (EURECA) being carried out in I... more This study presents the preliminary results of a European project (EURECA) being carried out in Italy and Portugal. One of its aims is to understand the role of remote work arising from the recent pandemic. The question that drove this research was: What is the role of remote work resulting from the emergent changes of the 2019 pandemic scenario in Portuguese and Italian organisations?. Case studies were used as the methodological approach, and the qualitative and inductive work directed the research, guided by the assumptions of practice-based theory. Thus, interviews were conducted with human resource managers and/or directors of companies/public institutions. So far, the sample comprises 16 organisations. The results show that before the crisis, which lasted about two years, most organisations did not engage in remote work. Afterwards, human resources practices had to adapt to this new reality, and hybrid work (a combination of remote and face-to-face work) is currently present i...

Psicologia USP, 2021
Resumo Este artigo apresenta o estudo da validade de conteúdo da Escala (Re)Career: Estilos de Co... more Resumo Este artigo apresenta o estudo da validade de conteúdo da Escala (Re)Career: Estilos de Coping, constituída por 36 questões acerca do modo como diferentes pessoas, com 55 anos ou mais, pensam e sentem as transições de carreira. A escala foi avaliada por especialistas reconhecidos em orientação vocacional (n = 6) e por um grupo de participantes (n = 4) pertencentes ao grupo-alvo a que o instrumento se destina. Avaliou-se a validade de conteúdo da escala, por meio da análise da relevância e clareza dos itens e da relação entre cada item e sua respectiva dimensão. Os resultados indicam qualidades satisfatórias concernentes à relevância (IVC =.991; Kappa =.488), associação entre item e fator (% acordo = 95%) e validade aparente, tendo sido sugeridas melhorias quanto à clareza de alguns itens (IVC =.944; Kappa =.379). Estes resultados justificam o investimento em estudos futuros de validação empírica, nomeadamente através de análises fatoriais.

According to official data (GPEARI, 2008), the major proportion of unemployed graduates in Portug... more According to official data (GPEARI, 2008), the major proportion of unemployed graduates in Portugal, are female (70.9%) and live in the depressed north region of the country (41.3%). The same report shows an increase of 54% in the attendance of college courses, over the last ten years. This is especially true, for master and PhD courses and for women. In this context, this study aims to evaluate the effects of two forms of a Personal Career Management Seminar (PCMS, forms A and B; Taveira et al., 2006) designed to help graduates and PhD students' career exploration during the intermediate years of their programs. Treatment and comparison subgroups of graduation and PhD programs, from a northwestern university, were administered a pre-and a post-test measure (CES, Stumpf, Colarelli & Hartman, 1983). Analyses of covariance of the difference between post-and pre-test measures were performed to test differences between those groups and gender, having as covariate the pre-test results.
Resumo Este estudo visa analisar as competências de exploração de carreira em adultos reclusos, e... more Resumo Este estudo visa analisar as competências de exploração de carreira em adultos reclusos, em função de variáveis sociodemográficas. Nesse sentido, apresenta-se uma investigação com 58 reclusos, de um estabelecimento prisional de Portugal. Os resultados indicam que os reclusos se encontram numa situação, em geral, favorável à exploração vocacional. Verificam-se ainda diferenças estatisticamente significativas no Stresse em função do estado civil, e na Certeza de Resultados e na Exploração do Meio profissional, em função do nível de escolaridade. Conclui-se que o grande desafio para profissionais de aconselhamento vocacional é facilitar o bem-estar psicológico dos reclusos, ajudando-os a compreender a realidade e a enfrentar os desafios de viver e trabalhar em sociedade, após a reclusão.

This communication presents a specialized preventive career intervention-the Career Self-Manageme... more This communication presents a specialized preventive career intervention-the Career Self-Management Seminar (CSMS; Taveira et al., 2006-forms A and B). This intervention is designed to promote graduate students' transition to Master and PHD degrees and/or to the work-market (version A); or the transition to a new job/position of PHD students and research grant holders (version B). Both versions of the Seminar promote self-reflection and career exploration, and life-career decision-making and planning skills, in the context of group career counselling sessions. Special attention is given to the building of a solid and strong helping relationship. The focus on the quality of the counselling relationship is associated with the concern of promoting positive emotional attachment, necessary to students engagement in career exploration and change; and also, to prevent clients' drop out from the seminar (e.g.

A presente comunicação incide sobre o tema da gestão pessoal da carreira. Inicialmente, efetua-se... more A presente comunicação incide sobre o tema da gestão pessoal da carreira. Inicialmente, efetua-se uma breve revisão da literatura, salientando-se as mudanças operadas no mundo organizacional a partir de meados dos anos 50, os principais modelos de gestão pessoal da carreira vigentes, bem como, a importância e a necessidade do envolvimento dos profissionais de psicologia na avaliação de programas de intervenção no âmbito da gestão de careira. De seguida, apresenta-se um estudo empírico que teve como objetivo desenhar, implementar, e avaliar um racional de intervenção psicológica, com cariz preventivo e desenvolvimental, destinado a apoiar alunos de doutoramento e bolseiros de investigação científica. Este modelo de intervenção visa promover o autoconhecimento, a competência no desenho de objetivos de vida, a gestão do tempo e dos diferentes papéis de vida, bem como, outros aspetos que estão integrados no conceito de gestão de carreira, mantendo uma visão positiva acerca do futuro. Os...

Considerando a influência da família de origem sobre as decisões educacionais e de careira o pres... more Considerando a influência da família de origem sobre as decisões educacionais e de careira o presente estudo teve por objetivo apresentar estatísticas descritivas de uma escala que avalia a influência familiar nas decisões de carreira em relação a diferentes fatores estruturais e processuais familiares. Participaram 242 estudantes universitários, 181 mulheres (74.8%), entre os 21 e 45 anos (M = 25.17; DP = 5.07) de uma universidade do sul do Brasil. Os resultados apontam para diferenças nas médias em alguns fatores estruturais familiares, como o estatuto socioeconómico. Esses resultados devem ser avaliados em estudos posteriores à luz de técnicas estatíticas inferenciais.Considering the influence of the family of origin on the educational and career decisions, the present study aimed to present descriptive statistics of a scale that evaluates the influence of family in career decisions in relation to familiar structural and processual factors. The sample was composed of 242 universi...

This work presents the results of the validation of the Cleveland Adolescent Sleepiness Questionn... more This work presents the results of the validation of the Cleveland Adolescent Sleepiness Questionnaire (CASQ) in a cross-sectional sample of Portuguese adolescents. The psychometric properties of the Portuguese version of the CASQ, a multidimensional self-report questionnaire that assesses daytime sleepiness versus day and nighttime alertness, were studied through exploratory (EFA) and confirmatory factor analyses (CFA), in adolescents from 11 to 17 years old (EFA sample: N = 732; CFA sample: N = 726). Results of the EFA indicate an exploratory factor solution of three factors which explain 53.26% of variance, with good reliability indices in factors (alpha between .83 and .68). Also, the CFA indicated that the three-factor solution proposed in EFA had better fit indices compared with two alternative models (χ2/df = 4.79; GFI = .93; CFI = .92; RMSEA = .72; ECVI =.662; RMR = .041). The obtained results support acceptable levels of validity and reliability of the Portuguese version of ...
Papers by Joana Carneiro Pinto