Sergio Luzzatto
Sergio Luzzatto is Emiliana Pasca Noether Chair in Modern Italian History at the University of Connecticut. He is the author of "Padre Pio: Miracles and Politics in a Secular Age" (Metropolitan Books, 2010), which won the Cundill Prize in History; of "The Body of Il Duce: Mussolini's Corpse and the Fortunes of Italy" (Metropolitan Books, 2005), and of "Primo Levi's Resistance. Rebels and Collaborators in Occupied Italy" (Metropolitan Books, 2016).
His latest book in English is a contribution to twentieth-century Jewish history: "Moshe’s Children: The Orphans of the Holocaust and the Birth of Israel," (Indiana University Press, 2022).
In Italian, he recently published a book on “red” terrorism in the 1970s. "Dolore e furore. Una storia delle Brigate rosse" (“Sorrow and Wrath. A History of the Red Brigades”, Einaudi, 2023).
His latest book in Italian deals with a famous Holocaust survivor and writer: "Primo Levi e i suoi compagni. Tra storia e letteratura" (“Primo Levi and His Fellow Prisoners. Between History and Literature”, Donzelli, 2024).
His latest book in English is a contribution to twentieth-century Jewish history: "Moshe’s Children: The Orphans of the Holocaust and the Birth of Israel," (Indiana University Press, 2022).
In Italian, he recently published a book on “red” terrorism in the 1970s. "Dolore e furore. Una storia delle Brigate rosse" (“Sorrow and Wrath. A History of the Red Brigades”, Einaudi, 2023).
His latest book in Italian deals with a famous Holocaust survivor and writer: "Primo Levi e i suoi compagni. Tra storia e letteratura" (“Primo Levi and His Fellow Prisoners. Between History and Literature”, Donzelli, 2024).
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