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Practicing Peace for Climate Justice: Haudenosaunee Knowledge in Global Context March 14, 2019, Cornell University The goal of this symposium was to engage the Haudenosaunee Great Law of Peace as a multifaceted legal and philosophical... more
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      AnthropologyIndigenous StudiesPeace and Conflict StudiesClimate Change
Amid catastrophic wildfires in northern California, Indigenous Karuk people are revitalizing practices of prescribed burning in order to protect lives and lands within their ancestral territory and strengthen sovereignty and community... more
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      American StudiesAnthropologyVisual AnthropologyIndigenous Studies
This chapter centers on an inchoate nomadic movement bound by shared environmental practices, here called wildtending, and speculates about ways Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples in the United States Northwest imagine an array of... more
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      American StudiesAnthropologyIndigenous StudiesClimate Change
This is an upper division undergraduate syllabus that I produced as part of my qualifying exam in environmental anthropology. 2020.
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      AnthropologyOntologyIndigenous StudiesClimate Change
Sometimes we wish we could solve the world’s problems with a *snap* of our fingers, even though we know it’s never that simple: compound problems require compound solutions. Still, accelerating climate crisis and the unwillingness of... more
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      Cultural StudiesVisual AnthropologyClimate ChangeFilm Studies
In 2016, the US-based private military contractor TigerSwan was denied a license to operate in North Dakota. Nonetheless, it coordinated a counterinsurgency (COIN) campaign employing war-on-terror tactics, brutalizing Indigenous and... more
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      Military HistorySocial MovementsAnthropologyIndigenous Studies
Dominant causal explanations of the wildfire threat in California include anthropogenic climate change, fire suppression, industrial logging, and the expansion of residential settlements, which are all products of settler colonial... more
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      Indigenous StudiesClimate ChangeEnvironmental AnthropologyMilitarism