Universidad de Córdoba
This research investigates the ways of implementing dual-language programs and the schools’ internal procedures of evaluating them. Previous studies have examined the effectiveness of bilingual programs (Genovesee et al. 2005; Howard et... more
This multi-layered, learner-focused course is aimed at all university students, also those with disabilities (visually and hearing impaired), as it is compliant with the WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) standards. Its goal is... more
Monografia była recenzowana przez Prof. zw. dr hab. Hannę Komorowską oraz Prof. Marię Czerepaniak-Walczak. Fragmenty recenzji: Prof. zw. dr hab. Hannę Komorowskiej "Książkę na temat zintegrowanego nauczania przedmiotowo-językowego uważam... more
abstract: The aim of this article is to present author's concept of cross-curricular "SOFT CLIL" curricula using narrative thinking, dialogic approach and activation methods in relation to students' everyday life and their implementation... more
Exploring different ways of learning has always been crucial in higher education, and during the pandemic, where we have all been challenged by the necessity of using online tools, it has become indispensable. In this article, we would... more
Pierwsze trzy rozdziały książki ilustrują przeprowadzoną przeze mnie gruntowną analizę literatury przedmiotu, która wnosi nową wiedzę dotyczącą szeroko rozumianego kształcenia językowego, ukazując ją przez pryzmat pojęcia pedagogiki... more
This research investigates the ways of implementing dual-language programs and the schools' internal procedures of evaluating them. Previous studies have examined the effectiveness of bilingual programs (Genovesee et al. 2005; Howard et... more
The objective of this study was to bring bilingual materials design into a research-oriented framework by using an innovative materials design protocol, to make claims about the effectiveness of the protocol itself as well as the quality... more
Learning means understanding the positionality of the producers of knowledge and their power since they are those who reproduce a certain world view. If teacher education programs do not reflect issues faced by underrepresented... more
This article attempts to illustrate the process of incorporating a model of reflexivity into dual-language field research as an alternative method of scientific enquiry. It also contributes to the ongoing discussion regarding how to... more
Działania nauczycieli podejmujących próbę zmiany formy kształcenia na zajęciach z języka obcego-wdrażanie programów kształcenia "Soft CLIL" abstrakt: Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie autorskiej koncepcji międzyprzedmiotowych programów... more
Improving standards of academic tutoring and university students’ engagement and interest in the courses provided by the university have proven to be quite a demanding process during the COVID-19 pandemic. In this article, I would like to... more
Can playing video games enhance creativity in EFL writing? What this research was about and why it is important Teachers often look for ways of providing authentic learning opportunities to foreign language learners. Students usually... more
A review of literature that underpinned the theoretical framework for materials design presented in this study contributed to the development of English language course through the lens of Critical Language Pedagogy (CLP) and the... more
Developing intercultural competence (IC) through foreign language is believed to lead to rejecting prejudices and stereotypes and fostering bilingualism and biculturalism. Despite the growth of publications on technologies and IC, a... more