Universidad de Córdoba
Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades
In this paper, I intend to argue that a conception of philosophy as a way of life needs two elements: persuasion and love. Faced a false conception of philosophy very specialized, professional, and modern that has condemned to oblivion... more
Education 1 seems doomed to be a field plagued with paradoxes and contradictions. On the one hand, the conviction that education is important and school resources must be improved is, fortunately, on the rise. On the other hand,... more
When Arcesilaus entered the Academy circa 281 BC, the philosophers of the Porch and the Garden were immersed in an intense and impetuous dialectical battle. Both sides attempted to prove that they possessed an evident truth, but given... more
My article is not an attempt to return to old positions; it does not seek the lost paradise of feelings and sentiments that comprehend human relationships, but it does hope to scratch below the surface of consumption that shrouds the city... more
- by Ramón Roman
George Santayana (1863-1952) appears emotionally distant and personally uncommitted in many of his writings. In what may have been a related phenomenon, he does not seem to have committed to any school of philosophy, but rather to draw... more
- by Ramón Roman
The discontinuity of matter was originally postulated with an explicit purpose: to demonstrate the reality of movement. However, a deterministic and necessary movement eliminated the possibility of explaining freedom. Epicurus first, and... more
- by Ramón Roman
Resumen: En este artículo se aportan claves y razones sobre un supuesto escepticismo de Diógenes Laercio. Para ello hay que atender al plan general de la obra sobre Las Vidas de los Filósofos Ilustres. Y en este caso, si buscamos una... more
- by Ramón Roman
The end of academic skepticism and conversion to Stoicism the Platonic Academy was leading authors such as Aenesidemus to seek and establish a new line that would replace skeptical better and guarantees the academic skepticism platonic.... more
Philosophical discourse results from a life-choice and an existential option, rather than giving rise to them. In the modern University, philosophy is no longer viewed (as it was by the ancients) as a way of life, unless by that we mean... more
Resumen. Siempre se ha reconocido en Pirrón de Élide el inicio puntual del escepticismo griego. Sabemos ya hoy que esta información, sesgada, proviene más de la necesidad de Enesidemo de refundar el movimiento, que de la realidad... more
The discontinuity of matter was originally postulated with an explicit purpose: to demonstrate the reality of movement. However, a deterministic and necessary movement eliminated the possibility of explaining freedom. Epicurus first, and... more
- by Ramón Roman
Nunca un artículo ha sido pensado, y escrito, con un referente tan claro y evidente para mí como este. Por ello, en este libro Homenaje a su labor, se lo dedico a José Luis Cantón Alonso, espíritu sabio, libre y sosegado, ajeno a las... more
- by Ramón Roman
This paper presents the keys and reasons for Diogenes Laërtius' alleged scepticism, based on an analysis of the general design of his work The Lives and Opinions of Eminent Philosophers. I believe that it would be manifestly erroneous to... more
George Santayana (1863-1952) appears emotionally distant and personally uncommitted in many of his writings. In what may have been a related phenomenon, he does not seem to have committed to any school of philosophy, but rather to draw... more
Resumen. Siempre se ha reconocido en Pirrón de Élide el inicio puntual del escepticismo griego. Sabemos ya hoy que esta información, sesgada, proviene más de la necesidad de Enesidemo de refundar el movimiento, que de la realidad... more
Siempre se ha reconocido en Pirrón de Élide el inicio puntual del escepticismo griego.Sabemos ya hoy que esta información, sesgada, proviene más de la necesidad de Enesidemo derefundar el movimiento, que de la realidad filosófica. En este... more
El escepticismo filosófico es identificado por varios signos o nombres: Aporētikoí (ἀπoρητικoὶ), Ephektikoí (ἐφεκτικoὶ), Pyrrhōneioi (Πυρρώvειoι), Skeptikoí (σκεπτικoὶ) y Zētētikoí (ζητητικoὶ), con significantes todos ellos válidos y una... more
* Este trabajo se inscribe en el marco del Proyecto de Investigación I+D+i FFI2012-32989 sobre el escepticismo financiado por el Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad. Resumen: Con Arcesilao y Carnéades la Academia platónica alcanzó uno... more