Papers by Alberto Álvarez-Sotomayor

Sexuality research & social policy/Sexuality research and social policy, Jan 27, 2024
Introduction Previous research has shown that team sports are perceived as spaces conducive to ho... more Introduction Previous research has shown that team sports are perceived as spaces conducive to homonegativism or as havens where female athletes can explore their sexuality. This paper aims to analyze the role of team sports in the discovery, acceptance, and respectful lived experiences of lesbian sexuality among competitive female athletes. Methods A qualitative methodology was used. Five focus groups organized by sport and the age of the athletes were conducted. Forty-five female athletes participated in the study. Data were collected from May 2017 to February 2018. Grounded theory was employed for the analysis. The athletes' narratives suggest that the visibility of non-heterosexual persons, time spent together, emotional closeness, and similar lifestyles are features of team sports which allow lesbian female athletes to explore and establish affective-sexual relationships. These athletes participate in team sports because of their personal interest in the sport and not their sexual orientation. Conclusions Sports teams have a protective and liberating role in female athletes' sexual exploration and the free and respectful experience of same-sex relationships in the Spanish sporting environment. Policy Implications. Although the democratization of sexuality in Spain has been positive for women in sport, further research is needed to determine whether gay men can participate in sport with full social protection.
IGI Global eBooks, 2022
This chapter focuses on a minority childhood education-related phenomenon that is gaining presenc... more This chapter focuses on a minority childhood education-related phenomenon that is gaining presence in Spain: that of non-native Anglophone parents who decide to raise their children in both Spanish and English. The authors analyze these families' perceptions as regards the development of such linguistic raising model both before they started to implement it and during the process. Qualitative information gathered through in-depth interviews is analyzed. The narratives of the studied families (combining aspirations, desires and motivating rewards, on the one hand, and uncertainties, fears and obstacles, on the other) denote a profound sense of adventure in the way they live this educational process. Such sense of adventure must be understood in a context of a certain vacuum for these families as regards referents, guides, or models for them.

Language and Education, Jul 27, 2023
Spanish-English bilingual education programmes have spread widely in Spain in recent years. Altho... more Spanish-English bilingual education programmes have spread widely in Spain in recent years. Although some evaluation research has already been conducted, the effects of this policy in terms of equity have received little attention. We analyse whether the supply of ‘bilingual schools’ is modulated by a set of factors that may affect the equality of opportunities available to students to access them. We study all primary schools in municipalities with more than 50,000 inhabitants in the region of Andalusia (n = 1,119). The odds that schools will offer this programme vary greatly across different catchment areas. They increase in catchment areas with higher incomes, when the school is private or subsidised-private, when it is closer to other schools, and when it is located in municipalities with younger populations and with a better situation in terms of unemployment. These imbalances in school supply produce significant inequalities in the structure of opportunities to attend bilingual education.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Nov 1, 2014

Movimento (ESEFID/UFRGS), Mar 30, 2020
Licence Creative Commom Resumen: Esta investigación tiene como objetivos, por un lado, explorar l... more Licence Creative Commom Resumen: Esta investigación tiene como objetivos, por un lado, explorar las percepciones de las deportistas acerca de cómo son evaluadas por su entorno social con relación a la feminidad y a su orientación sexual por su vinculación con una práctica deportiva de alto rendimiento. Por otro, analizar la visibilidad y aceptación de la homosexualidad en el contexto deportivo tanto por las deportistas como por los agentes sociales que las rodean. La metodología fue de tipo cualitativo. Se llevaron a cabo cinco grupos focales en los que participaron 46 mujeres practicantes de futbol sala, balonmano, voleibol, atletismo y natación. Los resultados muestran que las deportistas presentan un discurso de resistencia frente al estereotipo de marimacho-lesbiana que, comprobamos, continúa vigente en el imaginario colectivo. A pesar de que se perciben avances sociales en este sentido, la homosexualidad sigue estigmatizada y aún persisten formas de rechazo cognitivo-afectivo en parte de la sociedad española. Resumo: Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo, por um lado, explorar as percepções das atletas sobre como são avaliadas pelo seu ambiente social em relação à feminilidade e sua orientação sexual, para vincular-se a uma prática esportiva de alto desempenho e, por outro, analisar a visibilidade e aceitação da homossexualidade no contexto esportivo, tanto pelos atletas como pelos agentes sociais ao seu redor. A metodologia foi qualitativa. Foram feitos cinco grupos focais nos quais participaram 46 mulheres praticando futsal, handebol, vôlei, atletismo e natação. Os resultados mostram que as atletas apresentam um discurso de resistência contra o estereótipo da "Maria-João" o "sapatão" que, verificamos, ainda está em vigor na imaginação coletiva. Embora os avanços sociais sejam percebidos nesse sentido, a homossexualidade permanece estigmatizada e ainda persistem as formas de rejeição cognitivo-afetiva em parte da sociedade espanhola.

European Political Science, Jul 30, 2020
This paper analyses changes in attitudes towards politics among the students of a Bachelor of Com... more This paper analyses changes in attitudes towards politics among the students of a Bachelor of Communication degree program in Spain after applying an educational innovation project including a formal civic education, an open classroom climate and collaborative learning strategies in politics. The effects of the project on the knowledge and interest towards politics of the participants were measured through a mixed methodology. First, a survey was administered both before and after the project was implemented. Second, focus groups were also conducted in both referred moments. The results show an increase in both understanding and having an interest in politics among students. In the context of low levels of formal instruction on politics during secondary school, such as in the Spanish case, these findings show that political disaffection among youth relates to a serious lack of knowledge about politics.

Revista Internacional de Pensamiento Político, Dec 27, 2022
The academic literature understands, in a consensual way, that political participation must be fo... more The academic literature understands, in a consensual way, that political participation must be found at the center of democracy. But, around the meaning of the concept of political participation itself, there are disagreements. If to the debate on the meaning of participation and the possible implications of this debate we add young people as protagonists, a group considered especially apathetic and disaffected from traditional literature, the arguments become even more diverse. That is why it is necessary to delve into the ideas, beliefs and attitudes of our young people, especially their knowledge and interest in politics. Through the análisis of a pilot study carried out at Loyola University (academic year 2018-2019) we contribute to the knowledge about youth and political participation by focusing on how is the socialization of young people at the university, what they know, what they do not know and what impacts them after bringing politics closer to the classroom.

Migraciones. Publicación del Instituto Universitario de Estudios sobre Migraciones, 2008
The influence that co-ethnic relationships and coethnic networks have on the educational attainme... more The influence that co-ethnic relationships and coethnic networks have on the educational attainment of immigrant students is a topic that has often been researched within the sociology of migrations. During the last years, the concept of social capital has been privileged in the analysis of this topic, highlighting fundamentally the positive effect of such relationships and networks over the educational attainment of immigrant pupils. Nevertheless, the opposite outcome is shown by a second type of literature that focuses on the analysis of a particular form of this kind of relationship: the one that occurs inside the peer groups. Researches included within this second sort of literature usually highlight the negative effects of these co-ethnic relationships on immigrant students. The purpose of this article is to make a dialectic contrast between both tendencies in the literature, which allows us to face the analysis of the association between co-ethnic relationships and the educational attainment of immigrant pupils from a critical perspective. As a result, this paper underlines the ambivalence of the «ethnic factor» that is implicit in this kind of relationships
Ese-estudios Sobre Educacion, 2015
En este artículo se profundiza en la situación académica de los hijos de inmigrantes en España y,... more En este artículo se profundiza en la situación académica de los hijos de inmigrantes en España y, especialmente, en Andalucía. Con datos de PISA, se analizan estadísticamente la distancia con respecto a los estudiantes de origen nativo y el efecto que sobre la misma tienen diversas variables de interés. Los resultados confi rman la sabida desventaja académica general de estos estudiantes, pero destacan un importante matiz menos difundido: los de "segunda generación" y quienes provienen de "parejas mixtas" puntúan al nivel de los nativos. El mayor nivel educativo de sus padres y el más elevado nivel sociocultural de sus hogares contribuyen a ello signifi cativamente. Palabras clave: rendimiento académico; hijos de inmigrantes; PISA; factores de rendimiento académico.
Revista Internacional De Sociologia, Apr 30, 2014

European Educational Research Journal, Jan 13, 2023
The general academic disadvantage faced by children of immigrants is already a well-documented re... more The general academic disadvantage faced by children of immigrants is already a well-documented regularity in Spain. However, there is no reliable knowledge on how academic achievement is ethnically stratified and more research is needed to understand the determinants behind these achievement gaps. This study aims to further knowledge of both issues by using the Spanish General Educational Diagnostic Assessment data ( n = 22,267). Students originating from non-European developing countries and two European groups with a lower socioeconomic profile (Romanian and Portuguese) have the largest gap compared to native students, while Western Europeans equal the achievement of natives. Results from multilevel analyses show that social origin and the language spoken at home have a significant impact on the gaps, while the school factors have a limited impact.

RES, 2018
En España las evidencias muestran un inferior rendimiento académico por parte de los hijos de inm... more En España las evidencias muestran un inferior rendimiento académico por parte de los hijos de inmigrantes. Con datos de PISA, este trabajo analiza dicho rendimiento en Canarias, caso obviado por la literatura y única comunidad en la que este alumnado no presenta desventaja académica. Se describe el diferencial académico con respecto a los estudiantes nativos poniéndolo en relación a lo hallado en el resto de España, se analiza dicho diferencial en función del estatus migratorio, y se examina mediante análisis multinivel la incidencia sobre el mismo de factores individuales y contextuales relevantes según la literatura. Se demuestra que la singularidad del caso canario se debe principalmente al peor rendimiento de sus estudiantes nativos con respecto a los de otras regiones. El mayor nivel educativo medio de los padres de estudiantes inmigrantes se halla como el principal factor que impulsa su rendimiento frente al de los nativos en esta región. Palabras clave: Rendimiento académico, inmigrantes, estatus socioeconómico, capital cultural, efectos de las escuelas.

Cultura, Ciencia y Deporte, Dec 1, 2022
Modern sport was conceived by and for men. It has been a forbidden territory for women, who are p... more Modern sport was conceived by and for men. It has been a forbidden territory for women, who are perceived as outsiders, especially those who choose to engage in competitive sport. Despite the social advances that have taken place, women's sport continues to be structurally and symbolically more precarious. This study aims to analyse the barriers women perceive to continue participating in competitive sport. A qualitative methodology framed in grounded theory was used. Forty-five women residing in Spain participated in the study. Five focus groups were formed according to the type of sport: futsal, volleyball, handball, swimming, track and field, and fencing. The participants' discourse points to the existence of multiple barriers due to the fact of being a woman, such as the differentiated perception of changes that occur in adolescence, the conciliation of sport and education, the difficulties in making a living from sport in the long term, and the work-life balance. At the same time, they identify other barriers that may also affect men, such as the sacrifice involved in competition, injuries, and competitive pressure. The results suggest that ensuring women's access to sport does not guarantee equal and barrier-free conditions for their participation.

Sociología del Deporte
El presente artículo recoge los resultados y análisis del proyecto de investigación denominado “E... more El presente artículo recoge los resultados y análisis del proyecto de investigación denominado “Estudio sobre los hábitos deportivos en Andalucía”, realizado entre 2021 y 2022 por parte de la Universidad de Córdoba, en el marco de un contrato contraído a través de su Oficina de Transferencia de Resultados de Investigación (OTRI) con la Fundación Pública Centro de Estudios Andaluces (CENTRA), adscrita a la Consejería de Presidencia, Administración Pública e Interior de la Junta de Andalucía (Exp. 335/21). La encuesta realizada se ha administrado a población andaluza, entre una muestra de 2.400 individuos y la administración de la misma se realizó fue mediante CATI a teléfonos móviles y fijos (50% en ambos casos). El cuestionario ha consultado 59 preguntas sobre información, hábitos, comportamientos, actitudes, opiniones, valoraciones, sobre diversos aspectos del fenómeno deportivo entre la población andaluza. Con este estudio, se intenta contribuir a un mejor conocimiento de la reali...

Revista Internacional de Pensamiento Político, Dec 27, 2022
The academic literature understands, in a consensual way, that political participation must be fo... more The academic literature understands, in a consensual way, that political participation must be found at the center of democracy. But, around the meaning of the concept of political participation itself, there are disagreements. If to the debate on the meaning of participation and the possible implications of this debate we add young people as protagonists, a group considered especially apathetic and disaffected from traditional literature, the arguments become even more diverse. That is why it is necessary to delve into the ideas, beliefs and attitudes of our young people, especially their knowledge and interest in politics. Through the análisis of a pilot study carried out at Loyola University (academic year 2018-2019) we contribute to the knowledge about youth and political participation by focusing on how is the socialization of young people at the university, what they know, what they do not know and what impacts them after bringing politics closer to the classroom.

European Educational Research Journal
The general academic disadvantage faced by children of immigrants is already a well-documented re... more The general academic disadvantage faced by children of immigrants is already a well-documented regularity in Spain. However, there is no reliable knowledge on how academic achievement is ethnically stratified and more research is needed to understand the determinants behind these achievement gaps. This study aims to further knowledge of both issues by using the Spanish General Educational Diagnostic Assessment data ( n = 22,267). Students originating from non-European developing countries and two European groups with a lower socioeconomic profile (Romanian and Portuguese) have the largest gap compared to native students, while Western Europeans equal the achievement of natives. Results from multilevel analyses show that social origin and the language spoken at home have a significant impact on the gaps, while the school factors have a limited impact.

Retos: Nuevas Tendencias en Educación Física, Deportes y Recreación, Nov 29, 2022
Resumen El objetivo de este estudio fue explorar las posibles situaciones de desigualdad percibid... more Resumen El objetivo de este estudio fue explorar las posibles situaciones de desigualdad percibidas por las mujeres deportistas de competición en la provincia de Córdoba (España) a partir de sus propias voces. La investigación, de tipo cualitativo, se diseñó siguiendo la Teoría Fundamentada. Se llevaron a cabo cinco grupos focales en los que participaron 45 mujeres practicantes de fútbol sala, balonmano, voleibol, atletismo, natación y esgrima. Los datos indican situaciones de desigualdad en diferentes ámbitos como la cobertura mediática, en términos de sentirse infrarrepresentadas y silenciadas en los medios de comunicación; el escaso apoyo y reconocimiento de las instituciones deportivas locales frente a las que tienen que demostrar altísimas cotas de rendimiento para ser valoradas; la escasa promoción y organización del deporte colectivo femenino en el contexto universitario, y el trato discriminatorio que perciben por parte de las distintas federaciones en aspectos como el acceso a las becas, el apoyo al deporte base y a los clubes, la continuidad de las selecciones andaluzas, la promoción de la asistencia a sus partidos y la implicación de los dirigentes en el fomento del deporte femenino. Los resultados ofrecen un diagnóstico de las necesidades reales sobre las que deberían construirse las actuaciones para mejorar el sistema deportivo andaluz y alcanzar de esta manera una práctica deportiva igualitaria. Palabras clave: desigualdad, género, deporte de competición, estudio cualitativo, teoría fundamentada.

El estudio de recursos como las Aulas Temporales de Adaptación Lingüística ha supuesto un conside... more El estudio de recursos como las Aulas Temporales de Adaptación Lingüística ha supuesto un considerable volumen de publicaciones. Sin embargo, no encontramos trabajos que hayan indagado ni en los propios procesos de aprendizaje de su profesorado, ni en sus posibles cambios identitarios. Ello contrasta con la existencia de dos tradiciones investigadoras que enfatizan el interés de ambas cuestiones. Tomándolas como referencia, este artículo tiene como objetivo analizar los aprendizajes y cambios identitarios en este profesorado. El análisis de la información producida mediante técnicas etnográficas muestra que, para parte del mismo, las vivencias en torno a la alteridad que experimentan en estos dispositivos conllevan emociones y posicionamientos ante el otro que afectan a su propio proceso identitario, y que les conducen a comprometerse de un modo existencial con su alumnado. Ello influye en prácticas y formas de desarrollo de este recurso.A considerable amount of publications have su...
Papers by Alberto Álvarez-Sotomayor